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Jim Lehrer, another xxxx about the assassination

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There's a lot of the usual blather about what a great journalist the late Jim Lehrer was. They leave out how he wrote one of the most misleading stories in the Dallas news media in the leadup to President Kennedy's visit in 1963. Shortly before Kennedy arrived in town, Lehrer, who was on the Dallas Times-Herald, wrote a prominently featured article about how extensive and meticulous the Secret Service planning was to protect the president on his visit. That of course turned out to be entirely false, and we have learned that the Secret Service helped facilitate the assassination by grossly violating its standard procedures (such as slowing the limousine to 11 mph by making a prohibited sharp turn onto Elm Street and then hitting the brakes to bring it to a stop when shots were fired) and because several agents were actively involved in the conspiracy. But Lehrer didn't acknowledge this subsequently and continued lying that Kennedy was shot by a lone gunman named Lee Harvey Oswald. Lehrer also claimed that the Secret Service made the decision to take the bubbletop off the Kennedy limousine at Love Field; Bill Moyers swore under oath that he made that decision, but maybe Lehrer knew something he wasn't telling us. Lehrer was one of the numerous journalists who received major promotions, in his case to national prominence, because of committing gross lying xxxxups in covering the assassination. That's the way our corrupt journalistic system works. (Thanks to Vince Palamara for the news clip.)


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The Kennedy assassination launched a lot of journalistic careers in the MSM

among those who aided in the coverup (and were accessories in other ways before as well as after the fact).

Edited by Joseph McBride
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I saw one of the officially recognized "presidential historians" on TV yesterday (talking about the impeachment trial, what else). I wondered if there is a single one of these "presidential historians" who questions the official story of the assassination. I certainly don't know of one. And I imagine if any of them do question it, they would never do so publicly, lest they be defrocked, of course, as presidential historians.





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It is really something when you count up all of the name journalists who were in Dallas/Fort Worth that weekend.

And not one of them ever pursued the real story.

Only one I can think of who even gave it a half try was Dudman from St. Louis.

Can anyone think of anyone else?

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Lehrer, Moyers, Rather ...who else? Robert MacNeil?


Just a side thought note on a 11,22,1963 Dallas based journalist who didn't get the career advancement loyalist treatment:

Seth Kantor.

A WC lone gunman Antichrist.

And one of my favorite JFK event truth seeking heroes.

Dallas Times Herald feature writer journalist Seth Kantor ( the Warren Commission antagonist ) was "right there" in the Dallas presidential motorcade when the shots rang out and right there inside Parkland hospital during that high drama scene minutes after JFK was brought there.

Yet, there were no big future journalistic career promotion gains for this lone nut questioning newsman.

Any future notoriety he achieved only came about due to his writing a book about Jack Ruby which claimed there was much more about Ruby that the Warren Commission refused to acknowledge and report.

Until recently, I didn't know the full breath of Seth Kantor's remarkable career as a muckraking corruption fighting investigative journalist besides his JFK/Jack Ruby/Warren Commission reporting. He immersed himself into so many other common man defending causes including the plight of welfare children and so many other similar issues.

I did know of his Marine Corp hot spot combat duty in the WW II Pacific theater.

John Simkin years ago posted some informative threads in the forum on Seth Kantor.

Kantor's common man defending life and career achievements and book "Who Was Jack Ruby" should have inspired at least a high circulation national media article ( New York Times, Washington Post, Playboy? ) with a coincidentally appropriate title "Who Was Seth Kantor" imo.

Born in New York City in 1926, Seth Kantor came of age at the outbreak of World War II and joined the U.S. Marine Corps in 1943. He served in a combat platoon of the Third Marine Division at Iwo Jima and Guam. After the war, Kantor attended Wayne State University while working full time for the Detroit bureau of the Associated Press. He worked at various small newspapers in Colorado from 1948 to 1950 and subsequently wrote for numerous Scripps-Howard papers including the Fort Worth Press and the Dallas Times Herald. He was called before a Senate subcommittee for his reporting on a defense contract, refusing to give up his confidential source.

Leaving Scripps-Howard to work for the Detroit News, Kantor wrote hard-hitting investigative pieces on Richard Nixon’s campaign finances, the neglect of welfare children, and the FEDNET computer system used for gathering secret information on individuals and institutions. During the late 1970s and 1980s he worked for Cox newspapers including the Atlanta Constitution and the Austin American Statesman, covering the Carter administration, the Middle East, the U.S.S.R., the Jim Wright financial scandal, and many other world events.

Kantor was with President John F. Kennedy’s press entourage when the president was assassinated in Dallas, and Kantor spent many years investigating the background of Jack Ruby. He published Who Killed Jack Ruby? in 1978, calling into question the Warren Commission’s report, particularly as it pertained to Ruby’s potential involvement in the assassination plot. He also published a book on Nazi saboteurs living in the United States. Seth Kantor died in 1993 at the age of 67.

Add the name of newsman Icarus "Ike" Pappas who became fairly well known on the national level after Dallas. 

Dallas, Texas, November 24, 1963[edit]

That morning, Pappas was among the throng of reporters present at the Dallas City Jail for presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald's transfer to the County Jail. Working for WNEW-AM in New York at the time, Pappas began his report as Oswald came into view:

Now the prisoner, wearing a black sweater, he's changed from his T-shirt, is being moved out toward an armored car. Being led out by Captain Fritz." (car horn sounds) "There's the prisoner." (Pappas holds his microphone out towards Oswald) "Do you have anything to say in your defense...

As Pappas asked Oswald the question, Jack Ruby stepped out of the crowd of reporters with a pistol, moved in front of Oswald and fired one shot into Oswald's abdomen.

There's a shot! Oswald has been shot! Oswald has been shot! A shot 



Edited by Joe Bauer
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3 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Lehrer, Moyers, Rather ...who else? Robert MacNeil?


As I recall, MacNeil claimed to have spoken with Oswald after the shooting. He asked a guy where he could find a telephone, the guy told him, and MacNeil later recognized him on TV.

We'll never know what Oswald would have said if MacNeil had asked him, "Do you know who shot the President?"


Edited by Ron Ecker
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Talk about disillusionment!

Jim Lehrer, Bill Moyers, and Dan Rather have always been three of my favorite television "journalists."

And, yet, they all colluded in the BIG LIE about JFK's murder-- for 56 years!


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I always felt that CBS's Roger Mudd got the shaft when they chose Rather instead as Uncle Walter's evening news successor. But I guess Rather "earned" it.

Roger was laid back, Dan always seemed uptight to me. (But who wouldn't be after getting attacked on a New York City street by a man shouting, "Kenneth, what is the frequency?")








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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

Talk about disillusionment!

Jim Lehrer, Bill Moyers, and Dan Rather have always been three of my favorite television "journalists."

And, yet, they all colluded in the BIG LIE about JFK's murder-- for 56 years!


When Dan Rather dies, the MSM will of course laud him like all the others, and leave out the fake news he helped perpetrate (how JFK moved violently forward in the limo from the head shot, how he was busted over George Bush's Vietnam era National Guard military record, etc.).  If you sing the government's tune, you'll get a great career and protected by the whole gang.


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5 hours ago, Rick McTague said:

When Dan Rather dies, the MSM will of course laud him like all the others, and leave out the fake news he helped perpetrate (how JFK moved violently forward in the limo from the head shot, how he was busted over George Bush's Vietnam era National Guard military record, etc.).  If you sing the government's tune, you'll get a great career and protected by the whole gang.


Out of serious interest in Dan Rather: How was his departure from CBS over the GWB Air National Guard scandal fake news?  How do you see Rather as protected in his lackluster post-CBS career?

I have no axe to grind, I'm just interested in views on Rather's career.

Edited by David Andrews
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Ironically, after lying his way to the top, Rather lost his job over a story that was actually true, although he was sandbagged

by (apparently) Karl Rove with falsified documents, in a Machiavellian move to shut down

the National Guard story during the campaign. Rather and his producer were snookered

but should have been more careful in checking their documents and sources.

Edited by Joseph McBride
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I remember seeing Rather as a guest on the Letterman show right after 9/11. He broke down and cried twice (or pretended to) about the attacks. He did it the second twice while reciting lyrics of "America the Beautiful." It was weird. I mean, 9/11 was an immense tragedy, but I don't recall seeing anyone except victims' family members and Dan Rather break down and cry days later. I guess he's an emotional guy. But I wonder if he may suffer from a guilty conscience about another American tragedy back around 1963.


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If you ever read my article, "How CBS aided the JFK cover up",  based on pilfered documents out of CBS, you will see how a major news organization  abased itself to John McCloy and then lied about his true role in the 1967 four night celebration of the WR.

I could not have written that essay--which is the most comprehensive and detailed expose of how a network literally fabricated its support for the Commission--without the documents pilfered out of CBS by the late Roger Feinman.

Roger told me that when CBS repeated the BS exercise in 1975, Cronkite declined to go along with it.  So Rather became the lead talking head in that one.

But to show just how hypocritical it is, in 1992, when Rather hosted another program, specifically designed to attack the film JFK,  he had Belin on with Tanenbaum. When the camera stopped on their segment, Rather told Bob: "We really blew it on the JFK case."

Edited by James DiEugenio
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I'll never forget when Rather was a guest on one of the talk shows (I forget which one) and was asked about Juanita Broaddrick, who had accused Bill Clinton of raping her. Rather said, "Who is Juanita Broaddrick?"

Either newsman Rather wanted us to believe that he didn't know, or else he was saying that it's okay for Bill Clinton to rape you if you're a nobody.






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