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The ORIGINAL Wiegman and Darnell Films are AVAILABLE

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I've just learned that a certain researcher -who does not have access to this forum, would love to collaborate with Jim DiEugenio in order to obtain the original Wiegman and Darnell films from NBC Film Archives. He was told by NBC which requirements need to be met for this, but unfortunately this researcher did not meet those requirements. But the good news is that, according to this researcher, Stone's current production with Jim DiEugenio does meet those requirements. Lastly, according to him, Jim could obtain those films in a few weeks if he is willing to follow his instructions. I hope Jim does accept this exciting offer! Jim may PM me for details. 

Edited by Denis Morissette
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I hope that you receive positive responses to this request.

If the original films are of full length and can be scanned at high resolution it may provide clarity to at least one of the major theories regarding the movements of L.H.O at the time of the filming.

However, I do have reservations as why the researcher you mention does not have access to this forum and does not meet the criteria of the archive? 

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Denis, Stephen and the Mods:

I would appreciate it if this was taken down.

Its one more shameless effort by Doyle to try and attack me over this PM dispute.  Since he is banned from almost every platform, this is what he does to unaware people like Denis.

As I PM'd Denis, Doyle sent a letter to Oliver about this point.  Oliver read the letter and gave it to the producer Rob Wilson.  Rob then wrote Doyle about the issue.  He informed him that he was wrong in his assumptions about how easy it would be to get the originals from NBC, since he had dealt with them previously about this practice.  

Doyle is aware of this, plus the fact that I had nothing to do with that reply.  But he goes ahead and takes advantage of people like Denis and then keeps his name out of it to hide the facts of what he is doing.  He recently told another poster here that I agreed with him about his wild Stanton theory.  Again, not true.

Doyle has been doing this for months on end. As most of us  recall he did it with Jm Hargrove also.  So, to all, consider this a warning about this guy in the future. 

Don't post for him.  There is a reason he has been banned from more than one site.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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That basement dweller Brian Doyle is too incompetent for words actually.

MacRae has banned him twice this month and also deleted two posts that were going on and on with his usual drivel. And low and behold he was also banned from JFK The Continuing Inquiry FB group. Not even Cinque has been banned THAT much.

Cinque who begged Doyle not to talk to him anymore....just imagine that for a mo....LMAO

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I hope if more research is done and the public and research community are aware, even convinced, of the possibility that these two film documents are the essential evidence in the case capable of disproving the official version of JFK assassination, some progressive politicians in the Congress may exert enough pressure to pass both film to the NARA and the digital copies of the films to the public.  

It would be useful if one Darnell still (or t its part) showing the unknown man standing at the western wall of Depository doorway would appear in the new film with the question if that unknown man could be Lee Oswald. There are all chances that many people out there would start asking this question as well. Including this particular aspect of the case into the new movie would be fully in line with "Lee Oswald did not do it" scenario. If NBC would not grant approval, a frame from a freely available version could be used, of course after checking the copyright issue. 

Late edit: I would be more than happy to provide a few more pieces of data regarding that unknown man including the body height estimate which would certainly strengthen this particular case compared to if only Darnell still but no supporting data would be shown. 



Edited by Andrej Stancak
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Does anyone have a copy of the photo, possibly at a TV station, showing a pile of exposed films after the assassination that were due to be thrown away or burned?

Can't find a copy by searching on the internet.

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4 minutes ago, Bart Kamp said:

Meanwhile the basement dweller is busy refuting, denying and whatnot at that other place since he has been allowed back out of his cell.




LOL. How did you get this video Bart?

I'd like to hear the original audio in order to understand why he goes nuts at the end. My guess is that he is faking an impending car crash.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Brian Doyle is wrong.

Whatever his excuse for being such is irrelevant.

I was under production.

I did license the film from NBC.

But the, I quote, "the powers that be will not allow access to the original..."

This was in response to my paying a third party of NBC'S choice to scan the original in 4k or 8k (double scan) at my expense.

Then NBC would have their original, plus a free 4k scan that would be better than the eventual deteriorating celluloid.

And no...

All I was allowed from the gate keepers was a copy from the master copy.

That master copy was likely made for the anniversary show on nbc.

It could be on 3/4 Umatic - VHS tape ie composite video formats, although that info is not offered up front or when I asked. (really there is no difference in quality compared to the original film though) so you might get a whopping 280 lines of resolution but in a super high quality format of Pro Res HQ.

Garbage in a fancy box is still trash.

NBC is not making copies from the original to licensee, they already have a copy the licensing department at Universal Clips uses for that.

The vault is closed for business... how odd. I would have paid much more for a 4k scanned copy than the multigenerational unknown quality "copies"... seems they dont want better revenues at all but low quality versions of the truth. 

Please listen to the experts and leave Brian's comments to the appropriate bin.


Ed Ledoux 

CEO, Maui Film.

Edited by Ed LeDoux
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