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If there isn't enough bad news regards the coronavirus already?

By Maggie Fox | CNN

The new coronavirus can persist in men’s semen even after they have begun to recover, a finding that raises the possibility the virus could be sexually transmitted, Chinese researchers said Thursday.

A team at Shangqiu Municipal Hospital tested 38 male patients treated there at the height of the pandemic in China, in January and February.

About 16% of them had evidence of the coronavirus in their semen, the team reported in the journal JAMA Network Open. About a quarter of them were in the acute stage of infection and nearly 9% of them were recovering, the team reported.

“Even if the virus cannot replicate in the male reproductive system, it may persist, possibly resulting from the privileged immunity of testes,” the team added. Privileged immunity means the immune system cannot fully reach the region to attack viral invaders.

It’s not a surprising finding. Many viruses can live in the male reproductive tract. Ebola and Zika virus were both found to spread in semen, sometimes months after a male patient had recovered.

It’s not yet clear if coronavirus can spread this way. Finding evidence of virus does not necessarily mean it’s infectious.

“If it could be proved that SARS-CoV-2 can be transmitted sexually in future studies, sexual transmission might be a critical part of the prevention of transmission,” the team wrote.

“Abstinence or condom use might be considered as preventive means for these patients. In addition, it is worth noting that there is a need for studies monitoring fetal development. Therefore, to avoid contact with the patient’s saliva and blood may not be enough, since the survival of SARS-CoV-2 in a recovering patient’s semen maintains the likelihood to infect others.”
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What's the point in establishing rules to protect all of us if people don't have to follow them?


Dallas County reported a record high number of new cases in a week for last week (1720).  Up to over 200 plus new cases a day for the 8th day in a row.  So Ted Cruz came all he way up from Houston for a haircut.

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13 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

What's the point in establishing rules to protect all of us if people don't have to follow them?


Dallas County reported a record high number of new cases in a week for last week (1720).  Up to over 200 plus new cases a day for the 8th day in a row.  So Ted Cruz came all he way up from Houston for a haircut.


      Have you seen this story?   Hallelujah!

Texas Knows How to Handle Armed Protesters

May 10, 2020

In Odessa, TX, a woman who owns a bar decided to "OPEN" in the face of a prohibition of bars being open in that state. Apparently, her decision inspired a group of gun-toters to show up and support her decision by parading around in their "tactical" gear and carrying their firearms.

Not so fast, boys! Someone called the cops, and the SWAT team showed up. They're armed, too, apparently. They gave the order, and the Proud Boys doing the protesting laid down their arms and put their hands behind their backs to be arrested. They apparently weren't in the mood for a shootout with a SWAT team.


It seems to me that the approach taken by the police in that town is the appropriate one for such armed protesters who are protesting protective measure to limit the spread of COVID-19. The overgrown boys doing the protesting don't really seem to be that committed to their cause.

Just send out the SWAT team and let them disarm the morons and arrest them for whatever laws they're breaking. Some are probably convicted felons who aren't even allowed to possess firearms. Do this in a few cases and publicize it, and maybe the Proud Boys will reconsider their protests. They don't appear to really be brave men with guns. They don't really appear to be much of anything but a rabble in the first place.

That'd be great!
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Bob, the second story is interesting, thanks.

That first comment about the fetal position, please.  Are you going to do a Stephen Miller with us and invoke the name of Rosa Parks for the Proud Boys? 


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Bob, party hearty.  Lots of hugs and handshakes from anyone who will accommodate you.  Forget that 6 foot junk, amongst your friends, others might still take offense so back off for the sake of the rest of us.  


Edited by Ron Bulman
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My infected relative called our family today to report he was feeling better after 5 days.

He said he was feeling sore all over the first day. Feverish and weak the next few days.

His family will still be in quarantine for a time.

We are hoping he fully recovers and doesn't have one of those awful relapses.

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8 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

My infected relative called our family today to report he was feeling better after 5 days.

He said he was feeling sore all over the first day. Feverish and weak the next few days.

His family will still be in quarantine for a time.

We are hoping he fully recovers and doesn't have one of those awful relapses.


May I ask if you know what they did to treat your relatives illness? Was he on a ventilator any drugs to help treat the illness?

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1 hour ago, Ty Carpenter said:


May I ask if you know what they did to treat your relatives illness? Was he on a ventilator any drugs to help treat the illness?

Ty, I have no idea about medicines but he was never hospitalized so he wasn't on any ventilator.

I was not the one that talked to him.

I haven't personally spoken to him in about one years time.

"So far", it looks like he and his wife just weren't hit that hard.

However, with this unpredictable predator one must be cautious in any assumption of complete recovery.

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18 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Ty, I have no idea about medicines but he was never hospitalized so he wasn't on any ventilator.

I was not the one that talked to him.

I haven't personally spoken to him in about one years time.

"So far", it looks like he and his wife just weren't hit that hard.

However, with this unpredictable predator one must be cautious in any assumption of complete recovery.

Well I am glad he appears to be moving in the right direction. Unpredictable is right. I have not personally known anyone that has had the virus and hope it stays that way!

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This world threatening virus could easily spur a wave of conspiracy thought, talk and anxiety beyond any event in our lifetimes if it continues to spread and kill and destabilize entire economies and social orders to almost unbelievable degrees and without a cure for a period of time beyond just months.

In just 4 months alone it has shaken the world in every major medical, political, economic and social way. International trade has been greatly impeded and international travel has nearly come to a stop.

In our own country we are seeing economic stress numbers rivaling those of the great Depression.

We are living in a stressful and depressing social distancing situation beyond anything we have ever imagined except in scary Sci-fi movies or bad dreams.

Here at home and world wide there seems to be a common anxiety bordering on post traumatic stress levels.

I myself am having dreams that are the most bizarre and disturbing I can ever recall.

I am washing my hands more often than someone afflicted with Obsessive-Compulsive disorder!

I am constantly wiping down everything I see including door nobs, table tops, phones, remote controls, lap top keyboards, steering wheels, transmission gear handles, toilet seats and flush handles, pot handles, glasses, grocery store cart handles and just bought grocery containers even my favorite nut cracker and back scratcher!

Heck ... even the containers of our disinfectant wipes! 

It's bordering on manic madness!

Every little pain, itch, twitch, tired feeling, soreness, body warmth, increased heart beat rate, stomach cramp etc. has me worrying " Dear God...do I finally have it ?"

Despite this craziness the one area of thought I refuse to allow my already stressed out and exhausted psyche to wander is the conspiracy realm.

To do so seems like it might be a final line we need not cross for our own mental stability to get through this stressful struggle.

I recently read about the murder of a Chinese born medical researcher living in Pittsburgh, PA ( not sure if he was a naturalized citizen ) who it was reported was making significant strides in the study of a coronavirus vaccine. He was supposedly shot to death by a friend of his who happened to be a fellow science educated professional person  (  in another field ) who also was Chinese born.

This other man was found in his murdered friend's car not far from the murder scene, himself shot dead, reportedly by his own hand.

Now, if one wanted to, this incident alone could be looked upon as so highly intriguing as to trigger a conspiracy theory all by itself.

So many questions because of their fields of study, their shared ethnic heritage, their close friendship status, their histories not showing such extreme personal behavior and on and on.

I am resisting giving this strange but intriguing event any more thought. 

As I am any other Covid-19 origin and purpose conspiracy talk or ideas.

After worrying about this virus right outside my door everyday and night, as well as a President who seems to be mishandling it all with mostly antagonistic, divisive and dangerous science ignoring non-leadership, I just don't have the energy.

However, I would like to add this final whimsical thought that I "have" entertained about this entire humanity threatening crisis mixed with my one allowed conspiracy belief ( besides the JFK, RFK and MLK murder ones) and that is ...

If we do indeed have an ET presence here on Earth and we are in contact with them and their supposed super-advanced technological knowledge is real...couldn't we ask them for "just a little" help in finding a cure for this death virus threatening our entire species?





Edited by Joe Bauer
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4 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

This world threatening virus could easily spur a wave of conspiracy thought, talk and anxiety beyond any event in our lifetimes if it continues to spread and kill and destabilize entire economies and social orders to almost unbelievable degrees and without a cure for a period of time beyond just months.

In just 4 months alone it has shaken the world in every major medical, political, economic and social way. International trade has been greatly impeded and international travel has nearly come to a stop.

In our own country we are seeing economic stress numbers rivaling those of the great Depression.

We are living in a stressful and depressing social distancing situation beyond anything we have ever imagined except in scary Sci-fi movies or bad dreams.

Here at home and world wide there seems to be a common anxiety bordering on post traumatic stress levels.

I myself am having dreams that are the most bizarre and disturbing I can ever recall.

I am washing my hands more often than someone afflicted with Obsessive-Compulsive disorder.

I am constantly wiping down everything I see including door nobs, table tops, phones, remote controls, lap top keyboards, steering wheels, transmission gear handles, toilet seats and flush handles, pot handles, glasses, grocery store cart handles and just bought grocery containers even my favorite nut cracker and back scratcher!

Heck ... even the containers of our disinfectant wipes! 

It's bordering on madness!

Every little pain, itch, twitch, tired feeling, soreness, body warmth, increased heart beat rate, stomach cramp etc. has me worrying " Dear God...do I finally have it ?"

Despite this craziness the one area of thought I refuse to allow my already stressed out and exhausted psyche to wander is the conspiracy realm.

To do so seems like it might be a final line we need not cross for our own mental stability to get through this stressful struggle.

I recently read about the murder of a Chinese born medical researcher living in Pittsburgh, PA ( not sure if he was a naturalized citizen ) who it was reported was making significant strides in the study of a coronavirus vaccine. He was supposedly shot to death by a friend of his who happened to be a fellow science educated professional person  (  in another field ) who also was Chinese born.

This other man was found in his murdered friend's car not far from the murder scene, himself shot dead, reportedly by his own hand.

Now, if one wanted to, this incident alone could be looked upon as so highly intriguing as to trigger a conspiracy theory all by itself.

So many questions because of their fields of study, their shared ethnic heritage, their friend status, their histories not showing such extreme personal behavior and on and on.

I am resisting giving this strange but intriguing event any more thought. 

As I am any other Covid-19 origin and purpose conspiracy talk or ideas.

After worrying about this virus right outside my door everyday as well as a President who seems to be mishandling it all with mostly antagonistic, divisive and dangerous science ignoring non-leadership, I just don't have the energy.

I would like to add this final whimsical thought I "have" entertained about this entire humanity threatening crisis mixed with my one allowed conspiracy belief ( besides the JFK, RFK and MLK murder ones) and that is ...

If we do indeed have an ET presence here on Earth and we are in contact with them and their supposed super-advanced technological knowledge is real...couldn't we ask them for "just a little" help in finding a cure for this death virus threatening our entire species?





ET phone the pharmacy!

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W., have you seen this one from a few miles South of you?  Maybe the county should have sent in the swat team there to shut them down.

The bit in the middle about the barber shop in Michigan is interesting.  Armed militia guarding the door to prevent a possible arrest?


Edited by Ron Bulman
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50 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

W., have you seen this one from a few miles South of you?  Maybe the county should have sent in the swat team there to shut them down.

The bit in the middle about the barber shop in Michigan is interesting.  Armed militia guarding the door to prevent a possible arrest?


The Castle Rock story has been big news around here today, Ron.

That community is located in fairly affluent, conservative Douglas County, which voted 70% for Trump, Romney, McCain, Bush, etc.

The country certainly seems divided on the issue of COVID-19 lock downs along partisan, political lines.

What bothers me the most about the current Trump anti-lock down mentality is its ideological rejection of scientific expertise.

It reminds me of the climate change denialism in right wing political circles.

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Can anyone imagine Kennedy doing this?


BTW, I agree about this becoming political with Florida not reporting its numbers anymore.  DeSantis is saying, so what!  We're opening up and what you don't know won't hurt Trump.

Nice governor Ron.  Did you vote for him? 

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35 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

The Castle Rock story has been big news around here today, Ron.

That community is located in fairly affluent, conservative Douglas County, which voted 70% for Trump, Romney, McCain, Bush, etc.

The country certainly seems divided on the issue of COVID-19 lock downs along partisan, political lines.

What bothers me the most about the current Trump anti-lock down mentality is its ideological rejection of scientific expertise.

It reminds me of the climate change denialism in right wing political circles.

What bothers me, as bad as change is needed on climate denialism is, is the even greater IMMEDIATE need for Scientific Expertise to combat the coronavirus.  It is being suppressed and denied to US by the 1% of capital interests.  Their MSM fails to report prominently, daily, the true statistics and impact of the ongoing spread of the virus.  Which, while scary and ultimately horrible, only makes the problem worse.

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