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Heroes of the Kennedy Assassination Research Effort

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The one individual who spent more time at the National Archives examining and scanning enormous amounts of original documentation, in particular the massive JFK assassination “bulky files” generated by members of the FBI lab, and additionally in my opinion the foremost researcher of the RFK assassination, the late and much missed…

 John Hunt.

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Walt Brown.

Ed Tatro.

Special award recognition to Mort Sahl for his lifetime effort in keeping the crime and loss alive in the public conscious arena.

Greg Burnham's singular informing work with Garry Patrick Hemming is worth mentioning imo.



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Gary Murr, could you find and post a generally thorough past thread that tells us more about John Hunt and his research findings?

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Hello Joe:

I am affixing a couple of links below; the first is a brief obituary posted on the AARC site following John’s untimely death in 2018. The second is a link to some of John’s essay’s as originally posted on the old JFK Lancer site. If you “Google” search John’s name you will undoubtedly find other materials that he produced. He literally scanned gigabytes of FBI materials from the National Archives in conjunction with his research efforts and essay writing. He also traveled to Los Angeles as part of his ongoing efforts in unraveling the RFK assassination. Fellow forum member, Stu Wexler, and John were long-time friends so he might be someone else to whom you might appeal regarding John and his work.








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Amazing how some of the most dedicated document researchers have escaped the list:

Anna Marie Kuhns Walko

Jerry Rose

Gary Shaw

Wallace Milam

Debra Conway

Malcolm Blunt

Rex Bradford

Bill Simpich

Bob Dorff

Stu Wexler

.....I'm afraid a lot of the true historical work (as vs. posting) has been missed...

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As per Gary's post,  John Hunt's work on both the RFK and JFK assassination is amazingly detailed and remains unpublished.  Fortunately Stu has a great deal of it and hopefully the public will see it one of these days....his passing was tragic,  his work on RFK un-excelled in my opinion.

The same is true for Gary's research, which gets nowhere near the attention it deserves.

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8 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

The first time I heard this stated this way was from Michael Hogan.

Long time Forum members know Michael Hogan. Miss him terribly.

No worries, mate.  Cliff Varnell is a stand up,straight forward researcher.  I don't agree with him on certain things, but that is not important when it comes to research.  In certain areas that I have commented on almost everyone disagrees with some of the things I have said.

11 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Judith Baker?

Yes.  Whether you agree with her or not she had the courage to bring her controversial (to some) story to the public.  Someone brought up Gerald Posner.  I can't give that guy any kind of good word.  There is a difference between people like Baker and Posner. 

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2 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

David Talbot, Michael Chesser, Doug Horne.

I don't know Michael Chesser.  Just for my education could you give a brief statement on him.  I will add the other names to my list and post. 

I know this is not much recognition for the good work, hard work, and effort of the people listed, but it is my attempt to say something about these people who have tried to bring us the truth.

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20 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

Amazing how some of the most dedicated document researchers have escaped the list:

Anna Marie Kuhns Walko

Jerry Rose

Gary Shaw

Wallace Milam

Debra Conway

Malcolm Blunt

Rex Bradford

Bill Simpich

Bob Dorff

Stu Wexler

.....I'm afraid a lot of the true historical work (as vs. posting) has been missed...

Right.  That's why I started this list.  I couldn't think of all the good and worthy people that need to be on it.  For instance when I listed Bart Kamp I should have remembered Malcom Blunt.  I don't recognize some of the names of this list, but will post them with others on your recommendation. 

One of the things I wanted to do was put together a list of good researchers that someone new, such as myself, could use to look up and see what they had to say.  I have been doing JFK research for a very few years, 4 years.

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46 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Walt Brown.

Ed Tatro.

Special award recognition to Mort Sahl for his lifetime effort in keeping the crime and loss alive in the public conscious arena.

Greg Burnham's singular informing work with Garry Patrick Hemming is worth mentioning imo.



Thanks for posting this.  I don't know Ed Tatro.  Could you give a brief account of his work.

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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:

Shirley Martin

Maggie Field



I don't know these two ladies.  Could you give a brief account of their work?

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Great thread topic choice J. Butler.

It's enlightening to re-look at the entire body of researchers and appreciate their huge numbers and efforts.

There is so much out there it is mind boggling.

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13 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Vincent Salandria

Peter Dale Scott

E. Martin Schotz


I don't recognize E. Martin Schotz.  Could you give a brief statement on his research.

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