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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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59 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

For the 100th time, Trump is seriously abusing the constitution, and our main stream media is letting him get away with doing so, by their lack ( I believe purposeful ) of appropriate coverage and editorial comment.


I don't watch a lot of channels or read a lot of newspapers or mags, but I can tell you that CNN stays on Trump's case 24/7. (Which is why I can't watch it much anymore for any length of time because I can't stand to look at him or hear him.) I assume CNN falls under your definition of main stream media and has plenty of viewers.



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1 hour ago, Ron Ecker said:

I don't watch a lot of channels or read a lot of newspapers or mags, but I can tell you that CNN stays on Trump's case 24/7. (Which is why I can't watch it much anymore for any length of time because I can't stand to look at him or hear him.) I assume CNN falls under your definition of main stream media and has plenty of viewers.



I hate to say it, but I'm with you Ron.  I used to be a fanatic about keeping up with the news as well as history, politics and as much as I could find on background behind the stories.  I now absolutely want to throw up when I see Trump or any of his shills/cronies. I no longer watch any TV at all if I can help it.  I can literally see our 240+ years of history as the model of government (no matter how ugly at times) come crashing down in less than 4 years under this dolt. I do believe (along with the Christian Right) that he is there for a reason, just not the reason they think.  To quote one of the books I am still reading:  2 Thessalonians 2:11  And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:  Or in this case, many, many lies.  I use this quote only because I cannot in my limited human mind understand the way people (including many in my family) can follow such a completely shallow and observably racist, con artist, xxxx and failure...and these are his good traits.

No, I don't think he is the anti-christ, but I do believe he is along with his co-horts going to be the end of the USA as we know it.  Lincoln and a few others particularly of our founding fathers warned how fragile our freedoms were and the delicate balance which was required to maintain them.  For a while men were vigilant, but now all lessons are forgotten.  Many of those who now walk the halls of government think the high ideals spoken of by their predecessors were just eloquence in search of individual power.  Since even those with the greatest eloquence and adherence to high ideals/ideas were men, they had flaws.  Those flaws are now used to argue that the high ideals were just propaganda and nothing has changed.  Those who now see the end of the "great American experiment" are just Chicken Little screaming "the sky is falling".  In less than 6 months we will know whether the experiment continues or we descend further into a dark nightmare.

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Khizr Khan: 'Trump may damage American democracy permanently'

Khan, whose army captain son died in Iraq, gave a speech at the 2016 Democratic convention that was a moral indictment of Trump. Joe Biden, he says, has the character to be president


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I guess I was way ahead of everyone.

I had my cable TV taken out years ago.  

News is one thing, but a lot of what was on was not news.  It was just editorializing and spinning.  

CNN I agree has it out for Trump and had been on his case for years.  They clubbed him over this Russiagate morass.  And I could not stand Chris Matthews either on MSNBC or his female cohort Rachel Maddow. What drove me over the edge was in 2017, when Trump had promised to release all the JFK documents, and then reneged at the last minute.

Who did the cable nets bring on?  Larry Sabato and Phil Shenon.  That was it for me.  I called Spectrum and disconnected.

Ever since, I surf the web for my news.  

Edited by James DiEugenio
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1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

CNN should send you a prize or something for admitting you watch it. Usually it’s viewers are just people trapped in airports waiting for their plane to start boarding.


The Wurlitzer prize?  CNN does have some informative somewhat objective articles as opposed to say FOX though I don't watch either.  Nor anything with the prez actually in it.


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4 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Steve, I've mentioned before what I see is a failure on the part of our main stream media regards informing our entire nation about the abuses of executive power by Trump in anyway reflective of their true gravity importance.

For the 100th time, Trump is seriously abusing the constitution, and our main stream media is letting him get away with doing so, by their lack ( I believe purposeful ) of appropriate coverage and editorial comment.

Here Trump is ADMITTING he is holding up financial aid to Covid-19 job loss victims for political reasons. To stop anything he perceives to be of benefit to the Democrats in the next election more than he and his own party.

If our largest viewership media venues don't make this blatantly admitted Trump political gain agenda Covid-19 victim hostage situation story OUTRAGED/FRONT PAGE internet and newspaper and even radio and TV news as the dangerous misuse of power that it is...then 80% of our society is kept in a mind numbing ignorance of this presidential power abuse story and it's true importance.

And which has been the case with dozens of other Trump power abuse actions during his anger, tension and anxiety inciting and filled reign.

If Americans are not boldly told by our media the full honest gravity of Trump's actions, like this Covid-19 victim hostage one for pure political gain reasons, in a continuous FRONT PAGE OUTRAGE way, they are simply being kept dumb.

You don’t watch MSNBC?

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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17 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

You don’t watch MSNBC?

Taylor Swift??

Taylor Swift Blasts Trump’s “Calculated Dismantling Of USPS” Amid President’s Efforts To Decommission Services


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It looks like in reality Postal Workers are in essence front line essential hero's.  Busting their asses in the most part on a daily basis, coming up, to get votes through.  Hat's off to those who do.  Even the NYT took notice.



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Somewhat off topic, but...

Since I am a retired USPS employee, I feel I can speak for some if not most.  Most do not wish to be considered essential "heroes", just essential.  They understand their part in the communications chain of this country and take their part seriously.  The super majority of them only hope to do their daily job and not be on the receiving end of harassment from their managers and the public they serve.  Most are very aware of moving the mail, particularly time sensitive materials such as absentee/mail in votes.  Until I retired in 2018, management at all levels implemented specific procedures to ensure that EVERY mail in vote was moved efficiently and even in expedited mail flow just as is done with IRS tax filings on the deadline week/day.  In the case of voting by mail, even mail discovered in the mail stream with NO STAMP was sent to its destination without being marked "postage due" nor having postage charged at delivery.  This was ONLY done for ballots being returned, IRS mail could and would be returned for additional postage because the IRS would not accept receipt of any "postage due" item.  Please give them their due for attempting to do the best they can within the constraints placed upon them by the "downsizing" that has been occurring for at least the last 10 years.  The mid sized office I worked at DECREASED the number of clerk employees by 2/3 over about 5 years.  Part of this was because of automation of mail sorting, part because of drops in mail volume and part because of the Congressional mandate to prefund the employee retirement system.  The fewer employees are still required to fulfill all the duties required in the past - just with 1/3 the number of people to do so.  This is why you get your PO Box mail later and later, why you see crowded lobbies and no one to wait on you and why the mail at a local level is slower and slower.

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Right on Richard! They are essential. Sorry you have to hear guff from smirky little s-i-s like Wheeler. I do appreciate the mail and I am very familiar with postal systems in other countries that aren't near as efficient.

There was a guy here who was a real nice guy. He was really into vouchers. I'm not qualified to weigh in much on that. But he was really down on teachers. Sure there are bad teachers, but its another job that doesn't get the proper respect. At one point he kind of went over the edge and started saying anti Semitic stuff.  And I'm proud people called him on it.

As we say, just sayin'



My friend say no, don't go for that cotton candy.----- D.F.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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