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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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Trump's typical playground bully reaction to a virtual debate format decision:

"if it isn't all my way, I won't play."

Good for the debate commission and Biden himself.

Then take a hike pal!

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Trump's campaign is crumbling just like his Casino businesses in Atlantic City back in the 1990s.

Through massive mismanagement and over borrowing at too high of interest rates.

Trump "borrowed" support for his presidency from a high risk base with overhyped promises and overhyped political assets. He couldn't deliver on his end, just like he couldn't deliver on his loans for the Casino's.

And just like his Casino debacle failures, there will be huge losses to those who invested big time in his failed presidency venture.

All those who have served Trump with blind sychophantic loyalty or enabled him throughout his one term disaster will be forever tainted by his colossal failure just like Nixon's entire team of 25 closest staff, aides and appointees were after Watergate.  

  • "People underestimated Donald Trump’s ability to pillage the company," Sebastian Pignatello, an investor who at one time owned $500,000 worth of stock in Trump's casino companies, according to The New York Times. "He drove these companies into bankruptcy by his mismanagement, the debt and his pillaging."

Trump's neice Mary Trump ( author of her Trump expose book "Too Much And Never Enough ") is being proven 100% accurate in her critical assessment of her uncle.

Some Dems including Pelosi herself didn't want to go through with the Impeachment proceedings of Trump.

However, in hindsight, even though the Republican Senate protected Trump and let him off the conviction hook in the end, the impeachment move hurt Trump more than many believe.

As shut down as the Trump impeachment effort was, it still tainted him. It corroded his image. It greatly exposed his recklessly aggressive and totally self-interest motivated abuse of power behavior. 

The impeachment proceedings ( even as far as they went ) were just one part of the erosion of Trump's weakly built false facade image of leadership competency. 

Combined with 100 other presidential leadership failures that false facade has finally been completely crumbled just as Trump's Casino businesses were back in the 1990's ... imo.

We all know now what Trump truly is;

The ultimate "Flim-Flam Man." 




Edited by Joe Bauer
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8 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

A real nightmare scenario: The eight closest battleground states might send competing sets of electors to Congress

CONTESTING THE VOTE: THE ROLE OF CONGRESS; What the House and Senate Could Do, or Not Do, in Picking the President

By David E. Rosenbaum November 30, 2000


Rosenbaum was writing about the election in 2000.


“Under a 1934 law, electors meet in their states to cast their votes for president on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December -- Dec. 18 this year. At least six days before that -- Dec. 12 this year -- each governor must certify who his or her state's electors are and send a ''certificate of ascertainment'' to Washington. The states, under the law, are supposed to have resolved all disputes over their electors by Dec. 12, and the choices made then are ''deemed conclusive.''


“But what if Mr. Gore prevails in court in Florida, a recount shows him with more votes in the state than Mr. Bush and the court orders state officials to submit a slate of electors pledged to Mr. Gore? What if the state legislature thumbs its nose at the court and insists on Republican electors? And what if the court proceedings take so long that the Dec. 12 deadline is missed and the Gore electors are not chosen until later?”


In 2020, the first Monday after the second Wednesday is December 15th.


If the Electoral College has not decided by December 14th, the matter is given to Congress who meet to count the electors on early January. The winner is chosen by a majority in the House and a majority in the Senate. If Congress can’t decide, it’s referred to the Supreme Court. The Court may refuse to hear the case and send it back down to the Legislative Branch.


The First Day of a New Congress: A Guide to Proceedings on the Senate Floor Congressional Research


The Constitution mandates that Congress convene at noon on January 3, unless the preceding Congress by law designated a different day. P.L. 113-201set January 6, 2015, as the convening date of the 114thCongress. The 115thCongress convenedon January 3, 2017.Congressional leaders announced the 116thCongress would convene January 3, 2019.

Other first-day activities may occur as a consequence of specific circumstances, such as providing for a joint session with the House to count electoral votes after a presidential election”

Steve Thomas






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Called Everyone in Jeffrey Epstein’s Little Black Book

What I learned about rich people, conspiracy, “genius,” Ghislaine, stand-up comedy, and evil from 2,000 phone calls.

Leland NallyOctober 9, 2020


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2 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Called Everyone in Jeffrey Epstein’s Little Black Book

What I learned about rich people, conspiracy, “genius,” Ghislaine, stand-up comedy, and evil from 2,000 phone calls.

Leland NallyOctober 9, 2020


Just read the article. Fascinating.

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21 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Remember the 60's song "Do the Crusher" by the Novas? That voice always reminded me of "Dick the Bruiser". In a lot of Clint Eastwood's recent characters in "Grand Torino""The Mule" Million Dollar Baby", Clint's speaking style reminds me of "Dick the Bruiser."


Ahem, "Punk Rock":


Edited by David Andrews
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You guys want to hear the predictions from the Satan Zodiac Killer Astrologer?      heh
The Democrats will score a "blue wave" sweep. Trump will resist but the results will eventually be too lopsided to really make a case and that will leave Trump with the prospect of lawsuits and jail time, and he won't go peacefully, but he really has no choice. The old guard, deep state, status quo, or just normalcy (Satan?) or whatever you want to call it will reinstate, with great resolve.
If Trump stirs up trouble, and wants to take everyone down with him. The hard core Trump cultists, neo nazis, white supremacists , will all be surveiled and swooped down upon, or handily  quashed  should they raise their ugly heads, whether it's in the next few months or in 'mop up" operations through the next couple of years.
 Those who have threatened violence, (to whatever extent that may apply to Q anon who may not be able to pass it off as some "hobby") will be scrupulously watched and possibly apprehended. Plots will be uncovered such as the people now being rounded up in Michigan. Dime store propagandists, who are very active online, who may nervously  talk tough now, faced with being aboard a sinking ship, but are basically harmless, may feel simply "on the "wrong side of history." But it may not be pretty either. If things got bad enough, they may be just caught up in the big  fish net as well. They hopefully should after some time and  cost be exonerated in court, but those won't be the best years of their lives.
Life's a b-tch, ain't' it?
Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Other "reported" celebrity Trump supporters:



Edited by Joe Bauer
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