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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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15 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

I just read the piece. 

Ominously thought provoking.


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America will never go back to anything resembling our typical culture and way of life as it was in the 1950's, 60's and 70's.

The huge increase ethnic demographic numbers have changed too much and along with this increase is a change in language , culture, values etc.

We are too diverse now. 

Ethnically, politically, socially, technologically, economically, gender, you name it.

We don't know who we are anymore imo. And where we should go.





Edited by Joe Bauer
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Ben wrote, "The fact that 'Phant coverage of Biden is abysmal and a mirror of Donk coverage of Trump..."  ???

Wrong.  Total false equivalence.  The pernicious anti-Biden propaganda on Fox, Newsmax, OAN, et.al., does not "mirror the Donk coverage of Trump."  Unlike the right wing propaganda, M$M coverage of Trump's crimes and swindles has mostly been reality-based.  Big difference.

In reality, there has been a major shift in the nature and quality of right wing media coverage of Democratic politicians during the past quarter century, following Reagan's abrogation of the Fairness Act and the rise of Fox News and right wing hate radio in the U.S. in the 1990s-- Rush Limbaugh, et.al.  

In Obama's case, the incessant Fox invective was about Obama being "divisive," black, Kenyan, an alleged Muslim, a Marxist, etc.  Fox News even edited Obama's Ferguson Speech to omit Obama's explicit condemnation of the violence and looting in Ferguson, Missouri!  It was part of a deliberate, multi-year Fox News propaganda campaign to smear Obama and sabotage his progressive Democratic agenda.   Trump's political career as the Birther-in-Chief was a direct consequence of the anti-Obama propaganda in the right wing media.

After 2012, the Fox smear campaign shifted primarily to Hillary Clinton, the presumptive 2016 Democratic nominee.  Fox News was the main promoter of the anti-Hillary Benghazi non-scandal-- in sync with the RNC and GOP Congress.  They also ran with Roger Stone's "Clinton Cash" propaganda campaign and, of course, with Email-gate and Giuliani's Weiner Laptop October Surprise.

The Fox smear campaign against Democrats shifted to Biden in 2020.  The Fox propaganda narrative (including the use of deceptively edited videos) has been that Biden is demented-- in contrast to his impressive debate performances against Trump, his acceptance speech at the Democratic Convention, his Inaugural Address, etc.   Fox has also pushed Giuliani's Hunter Biden Laptop October Surprise scam for the past 22 months. 

The truth is that there is no meaningful equivalence between the concerted smearing of Democratic politicians by the right wing media during the past quarter century and the accurate, often belated, media coverage of Trump's well-documented lies and apparent crimes.  Reporting on the Bush/Cheney administration's peccadilloes was also belated, and reality-based.

Most of us are old enough to remember when U.S. political news coverage in the U.S. was fundamentally different-- reasonably fair-and-balanced across the political spectrum.

Reagan never should have abrogated the Fairness Act.

And Rupert Murdoch never should have been permitted to establish his toxic propaganda empire in the United States.



Edited by W. Niederhut
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      Speaking of Marjorie Taylor Greene, she appeared on a balcony with Trump and Tucker Carlson at the failed Saudi-funded LIV golf tournament yesterday, while the tiny crowd chanted, "Let's Go Brandon!"

      This is the pathetic essence of Trump-ism in 2022.

Trump, Tucker Carlson Marjorie Taylor-Greene Viral Photo (mediaite.com)

August 1, 2022


Edited by W. Niederhut
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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Indeed. The people that think Biden must somehow be a criminal since Trump is such a corrupt criminal, really need to turn off Fox "News".

The Bidens: Inside the First Family’s Fifty-Year Rise to Power Hardcover – September 21, 2021

by Ben Schreckinger  (Author)
Ben Schreckinger is an American journalist and writer. He is a national political correspondent for Politico Magazine, author, and "long-form writer."
So, the Politico version of the Bidens, and it ain't pretty. Grifting through two generations. 
More, of course has come out lately. China entities, linked to the PLA, gave the Biden family $5 million---reported the WaPo. As they say, if it walks like grifting and talks like grifting....
None of this exonerates Trump, who also strikes me as a grifter, through Trump should be regarded as innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, as should the Bidens.
Whatever your partisan sentiments, it sure looks like there should be a special prosecutor appointed to the Hunter Biden case, as Turley advises. 
I do not see how civil Justice Department lawyers can be expected to investigate the President and his family, and then bring charges if warranted. 
Matt---Do you oppose appointing a special prosector to investigate and possibly charge the Biden family? 
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OK, I asked the Justice Department who were PERSON-1 , -2 -3 in the superseding indictment against the Proud Boys, and if they were cooperating witnesses, or informants, or un-indicted co-conspirators. 


Dear Mr. Cole, thank you for reaching out to DOJ with your questions.  Please note that the Department declined to comment. 

Best regards, 


Luis R. Rossello

Communications Advisor for National Security/Spokesperson

U.S. Department of Justice


Learn more about the Justice Department’s national security work by following @DOJNatSec

So, that is where it stands.

Mostly likely, PERSON-1, -2, -3 were embedded informants, which is how other embedded informants were described in other federal cases, such as ones against drug dealers. 

However, the federal government can choose to be opaque, even when prosecuting citizens, so I am not sure. 

Does raise interesting questions---if so informed of Proud Boy plans...why no interdiction? 


There is a heroic lack of interest in the M$M regarding the identity of PERSON-1, -2, -3, and who and what they were. 

Funny, when I read the indictment, that leaps out at me---unidentified people participating in the Proud Boys planning? But whose true identities are obviously known to the federal government, by context? 

Stay tuned, best theater in town. 

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