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Is the forum going to do some type of award honoring ceremony of Joseph McBride and his thread here when it reaches 1,000 pages of response postings?

I hope so!

And it would be coincidentally great if this phenomenal thread response achievement number could be reached on November 22nd.

I for sure will be posting a "HIP HIP HOORAY!" cheer message to our distinguished famous Wisconsin personally meeting JFK rally / top J.D. Tippit research authority / best selling film book writer forum icon J McB!





Edited by Joe Bauer
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3 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Donald will burn everything down if he feels like he is going down

The GOP blew it (surprise, surprise). They could have gotten rid of Trump after 1/6. Had they taken the temporary hit, they could have gone into these mid-terms without him and his cult and then at worst, ended up with the same result they ultimately wound up with anyway. But nope. 

Now they'll roll into 2024 with the same motley crew and get trounced yet again. LOL 

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2 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

Incorrect, again. You just didn’t understand what I was trying to say in relation to you ad hominem. 

You don’t understand the insults you make?

2 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

You are entitled to your ‘opinion’, Cliff. Unfortunately, it just never is any more than that. 🙂 

Come back in five years when you’re more mature.

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4 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Donald will burn everything down' if Republicans turn their backs on him: Mary Trump

by Tom Boggioni November 13, 2022



"Donald becomes his most dangerous when he fears loss of relevance when he fears that he is no longer the center of attention," she replied. "When he fears that he is no longer than one in control."

"We don't know just what kind of information he has on other people in his party," Trump, a psychologist, elaborated. "What we do know is he would be willing to use it. I believe we talked about this before the 2020 election. Donald will burn everything down if he feels like he is going down -- we cannot discount that, we ignore him at our peril."

Jan 6th anyone?

Steve Thomas


Donald Trump can't stand being called a 'loser' and now has 'nowhere to go': biographer

by Tom Boggioni November 13, 2022

"According to Donald Trump biographer Tim O'Brien, the failure of the former president's handpicked candidates to win on Tuesday in the midterm election has stuck a label on Trump as a "loser" which he will find intolerable.

Appearing on MSNBC's "The Sunday Show" the Bloomberg editor also warned viewers to expect Trump to "burn things down" rather than go away quietly.

Speaking with host Jonathan Capehart, O'Brien explained, "Donald Trump is not in this for the party, he is not in this for the good of the nation, not in this to make the Republican Party stronger, or to help average Americans. Donald Trump has always been in this for Donald Trump."

"I think, what is at the front of his mind right now is he has had to deal with being labeled a loser, nationally, in the media, within party politics, within the chattering class," he continued. "And this is somebody who wants 'I won' on his gravestone. So he is not going to sit around, happily being called a loser without trying to go to every length he can to address that.""

These are people who know Trump best.

"we ignore him at our peril."

Steve Thomas

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6 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

You don’t understand the insults you make?

Come back in five years when you’re more mature.

You didn't understand the point. That's nothing new. Inane, would be a good word to describe you, Cliff. 

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

The GOP blew it (surprise, surprise). They could have gotten rid of Trump after 1/6. Had they taken the temporary hit, they could have gone into these mid-terms without him and his cult and then at worst, ended up with the same result they ultimately wound up with anyway. But nope. 

Now they'll roll into 2024 with the same motley crew and get trounced yet again. LOL 

Better yet, McConnell and the GOP Senate could have removed Trump from office after his Ukraine-gate impeachment, instead of refusing to review the damning evidence with Hizzoner John Roberts.

And they all knew Mango Mussolini was guilty!  Even Ted Cruz admitted it to his fellow GOP Kochsters.

But they thought Trump was their Orange Ticket to retaining power.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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15 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Better yet, McConnell and the GOP Senate could have removed Trump from office after his Ukraine-gate impeachment, instead of refusing to review the damning evidence with Hizzoner John Roberts.

And they all knew Mango Mussolini was guilty!  Even Ted Cruz admitted it to his fellow GOP Kochsters.

But they thought Trump was their Orange Ticket to retaining power.

Wow, William this is pretty disgusting that you are siding with the CIA on this& one is a even lower low. We know who the whistle blower was and we have seen the declassified conversation because Trump declassified it. Logic continuity seems to be something you and the other TDS NPC sycophants have a rather problem with. 

We know what Hunter is Guilty of. What high crime and misdemeanor was Mango Mussolini guilty of? 

Thankfully Rand Paul isn't gutless like the Neo Libs and Neo Cons 



Edited by Matthew Koch
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12 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Wow, William this is pretty disgusting that you are siding with the CIA on this& one is a even lower low. We know who the whistle blower was and we have seen the declassified conversation because Trump declassified it. Logic continuity seems to be something you and the other TDS NPC sycophants have a rather problem with. 

We know what Hunter is Guilty of. What high crime and misdemeanor was Mango Mussolini guilty of? 

Thankfully Rand Paul isn't gutless like the Neo Libs and Neo Cons 



the only think that matters is this: the GQP never tires of WINNING ...  ROTFLMFAO and, keep those posts to the grindstone... Putin's commies on this side of the pond should think of their political vunerability... is 'elected' housecleaning about to start?

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1 minute ago, David G. Healy said:

the only think that matters is this: the GQP never tires of WINNING ...  ROTFLMFAO and, keep those posts to the grindstone... Putin's commies on this side of the pond should think of their political vunerability... is 'elected' housecleaning about to start?

Are you Drunk? 

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4 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Of course Ben, you went off on your globalist rap and didn't even deal with point I was making.

This guy misses being spoon fed the same old political rhetoric about crime and some of the hypocrisy about family values?

Given your response, i probably should have abbreviated my response and said.

Your friend sounds really lame!


heh heh heh  

a joke!

I am shocked---shocked!---to be informed there is political hypocrisy. 

In both parties? 

I thought it was only the GOP that was hypocritical--oh, wait, or was it the other way around? 

I will sadly inform my friend that there is political hypocrisy going on. 


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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

Wow, William this is pretty disgusting that you are siding with the CIA on this& one is a even lower low. We know who the whistle blower was and we have seen the declassified conversation because Trump declassified it. Logic continuity seems to be something you and the other TDS NPC sycophants have a rather problem with. 

We know what Hunter is Guilty of. What high crime and misdemeanor was Mango Mussolini guilty of? 

Thankfully Rand Paul isn't gutless like the Neo Libs and Neo Cons



      Surely, you jest.  Did you not watch the Congressional impeachment hearing testimony of Trump's own staff in the Ukraine-gate case-- Ambassador Sondland and NSC Russia expert, Dr. Fiona Hill?

     Trump directly violated U.S. State Department policy in Ukraine by threatening to withhold U.S. military aid to Ukraine if President Zelensky declined to make up a false story about Joe Biden allegedly being under "investigation" in Ukraine!

     It was a blatant case of Trump trying to extort a sleazy, personal political favor from a foreign President in exchange for U.S. military support in Ukraine's border war with Russia!  Zelensky declined Trump's request for "a little favor."

    This is the problem with living in the Faux/Daily Caller MAGA bubble, as you and Ben do.

    You guys are literally clueless about historical events.

    It's the same problem that we have all observed here with you and Ben refusing to watch the Congressional J6 hearings.  You were both unaware of the damning facts, while endlessly promoting "alternate facts" from Fox-- "patriot purge," Ray Epps, etc.

   As for Rand Paul, he's a compromised Russian asset.  Putin has him by the short hairs.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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