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39 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

I saw this headline and wondered who might post it here and how they might view it. At first it seemed like Biden was trying to stay ahead of the narrative. It’s unclear to me how this wave of hidden document discoveries started, but now it looks to me like regime change. Is the House Speaker next in line after Harris? 

Well certainly if you believe Ben's narrative Paul, whose following Tucker's, "deep state will force Biden out " narrative. But Ben probably believed the Fox scuttlebut back after Biden picked Harris for VP that it was an all knowing plot that Biden would die in office to give us another Black President, God Forbid! and this is just the second incarnation of that. 

Guess what? Joe Biden's going to be here unless his health gives way. "Deep state" or no,there's a lot of us including me, who wonder how he'd hold up during the next campaign. I'm sure Ben will continue on this in for the next couple of years. What else is there to do in Thailand? Probably doesn't have to listen to  "American blues! "

"I don't understand why the Biden people are voluntarily giving access to investigators instead of stonewalling and lying and screaming "WITCH HUNT" and calling the investigators Gestapo and bringing frivolous lawsuits against them"

George Conway


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58 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

I saw this headline and wondered who might post it here and how they might view it. At first it seemed like Biden was trying to stay ahead of the narrative. It’s unclear to me how this wave of hidden document discoveries started, but now it looks to me like regime change. Is the House Speaker next in line after Harris? 

Yes, I think your right.  But, I'm not sure about further rules.  Something about a 2/3 or 60% majority?  Senate approval, same requirements?  Idk, too many years since civics classes.

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

Yes, I think your right.  But, I'm not sure about further rules.  Something about a 2/3 or 60% majority?  Senate approval, same requirements?  Idk, too many years since civics classes.

Uh, no Ron Paul, heh heh just kidding! 

We just went through that. It takes a majority to impeach, which the Republicans barely have. and a 2/3 majority in the Senate to convict, which means you'd have to have a defection of 18 Democrats! Unlike Trump,  Biden offered the docs to the authorities. Trump took over 30 times as many,  (ok, a little less now)told no one and is trying to resist subpoenas for secret documents. It is weird thinking that both of them could take secret documents, even accidentally and no one would know about it. What happened to the depth of the "deep state"???? I thought they were all knowing?





Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Yes, I don't want to rain on anyone's parade here, but this document thing isn't going to remove Uncle Joe from office...

People seem to be forgetting that the reason Trump is in trouble regarding documents is that he lied about having them, and then when he was caught lying, he refused to return them.


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7 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Yes, I don't want to rain on anyone's parade here, but this document thing isn't going to remove Uncle Joe from office...

People seem to be forgetting that the reason Trump is in trouble regarding documents is that he lied about having them, and then when he was caught lying, he refused to return them.



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8 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Yes, I don't want to rain on anyone's parade here, but this document thing isn't going to remove Uncle Joe from office...

People seem to be forgetting that the reason Trump is in trouble regarding documents is that he lied about having them, and then when he was caught lying, he refused to return them.


I didn’t mean to imply equivalence. Do you really think my post shows sympathy for Donald Trump? I still have two questions regarding classified documents - what’s in them, and why the special prosecutor? I gather that most of you think there is nothing in this that is intended to hurt Joe Biden. I hope you are right. Perhaps we need a special prosecutor to investigate all members of Congress and search all their homes. 


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2 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Perhaps we need a special prosecutor to investigate all members of Congress and search all their homes. 

A search of all ex-Presidents and Congress-people's homes would no doubt reveal classified  materials.

A mindboggling percentage of gov paper is stamped classified.


2 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Do you really think my post shows sympathy for Donald Trump?

Not at all; I was referring to the Biden-haters on the forum.

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13 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Truly it is.


Paul remember Paul Harvey? 

Well.. there is a "rest of the story" to this story. 



Her BF said that she was shooting and then changed his story https://meaww.com/breonna-taylor-boyfriend-kenneth-walker-lied-she-shot-first-later-confessed-reveal-grand-jury-tapes


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As of this date, I've yet to see or hear anything from Kamala Harris to suggest she's ready for prime time. IMHO, she's the equivalent of a Dan Quayle, chosen to occupy the VP slot to appeal to a certain voter demographic. Yes, they wanted a woman on the ticket. But they wanted one with none of the high level of voter animosity displayed toward Hillary Clinton. When the bright lights shine on Harris, she fails to cast a long shadow. She doesn't appear eloquent, she doesn't appear self-confident.

What were JFK's assets, as a candidate? He was eloquent, he was self-confident without coming across as cocky, he displayed a sense of humor, and he sounded intelligent. That is the essence of charisma. I simply see none of that in our current VP. Harris, to me, seems to be full of self-doubt. Politically, you can have self-doubt, but not in public. On the positive side, Harris doesn't come across as vengeful and dour like a Nixon or a Trump.

But to me, that's not quite enough to function well as a Chief Executive.

And I'm a left-leaning moderate.

And to me, that's why the Biden classified docs haven't greased the skids under Old Joe. Because if Old Joe were to be gone tomorrow, I don't see Harris as being strong enough politically to hold the White House for the Democrats in 2024.

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36 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Not at all; I was referring to the Biden-haters on the forum.

I don’t think anyone on the forum hates biden. He’s so pathetic. 

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In defense of Biden, he and Chuck Shumer were able to maneuver well enough to get the Congress to pass most of his agenda in the last Congress. Most Presidents are judged on that sort of standard. And for the most part, I think he has placed the right people in the right Cabinet offices to implement most of his policies adequately, if not exactly flawlessly.

I think that a major slip-up on his part was waiting over 2 years to address border/immigration issues. The leaders of both parties in Congress SHOULD put on their big-boy and big-girl britches and sit down and hammer out an immigration policy that addresses the issues that the US is dealing with on its borders, primarily but not exclusively on the southern border. The congressional leaders need to be willing to make compromises, because when it comes to immigration, neither party is going to get 100% of what it wants. My dad traded horses, cars, and farm equipment, and his philosophy was, "If you can't get a loaf, go for half a loaf. And if you can't get half a loaf, get a slice."

I think that the combination of the documents and Biden's age will eventually preclude him from grabbing a re-nomination that seemed almost certain a few months ago. If Republicans remain intent on attempting to cut Social Security and Medicare, they will be handing the Democratic nominee a large advantage in 2024. If the Republican-majority House makes this session of Congress exclusively a "revenge" tour, while it'll play well to the MAGA crowd, I believe the rest of the voters are clear-headed enough to see that no one is actually served by following this path.

Bottom line: I don't see Old Joe as a successful nominee in 2024, based upon what I know today.

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30 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:

I think that a major slip-up on his part was waiting over 2 years to address border/immigration issues. The leaders of both parties in Congress SHOULD put on their big-boy and big-girl britches and sit down and hammer out an immigration policy that addresses the issues that the US is dealing with on its borders, primarily but not exclusively on the southern border. The congressional leaders need to be willing to make compromises, because when it comes to immigration, neither party is going to get 100% of what it wants. My dad traded horses, cars, and farm equipment, and his philosophy was, "If you can't get a loaf, go for half a loaf. And if you can't get half a loaf, get a slice."

I think that the combination of the documents and Biden's age will eventually preclude him from grabbing a re-nomination that seemed almost certain a few months ago. If Republicans remain intent on attempting to cut Social Security and Medicare, they will be handing the Democratic nominee a large advantage in 2024. If the Republican-majority House makes this session of Congress exclusively a "revenge" tour, while it'll play well to the MAGA crowd, I believe the rest of the voters are clear-headed enough to see that no one is actually served by following this path.

Bottom line: I don't see Old Joe as a successful nominee in 2024, based upon what I know today.

I tend to think that the border situation that is being allowed by Biden is because he's a globalist puppet and because it's part of the plan to turn Canada, America, Mexico, and Central America into the N. America Union.

Here's a really good video from a year ago that is still reverent about Democrats and this issue.. 


Edited by Matthew Koch
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I agree Mark,

This is another primer on the false equivalency being drawn between Trump and Biden's file "scandal".

This guy, James Comer is now head of the Oversight Committee. He is the one that Larry Schnapf and us are counting on to release the remaining JFKA files.

This is so partisan. That is a factor that will limit it's influence nationally.

Besides, they obviously have their sites on bigger things than that. Let's hope all that can go well, goes well!

Opening statement. "The Republicans are so much better at making a stink out of things" (Such as Biden's files). But that's because they have the megaphone of Fox News!

For example the Fox News breaking "scandal" that Joe Biden wants to take away your gas powered stove, wasn't just a passing news story. It was echoed by all of their high ratings on air talent. I can show a clip of 8 such people , including Carlson and Hannity. CNN for example, tries to look like their just reporting the news and have been rightly criticized during the Trump era for becoming much more slanted. (But sometimes they're criticized as slanted for just revealing "smoking guns'.) It's really nothing like Fox News!


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- Donald Trump -

"“[Ten] dead in California shooting, horrible gun wielding ANTIFA protest against our great police in Atlanta - Nothing will happen to them despite night of rage and destruction,”

“Yet our January 6th protestors, over a Rigged Election, have had their lives ruined despite nobody killed except true Patriot Ashli B. This situation will be fully rectified after 2024 Election. Thank you!”

No, thank you Mr. God Emperor.

You truly are an inspiration to all of us.

Steve Thomas

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