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I don't hate Biden, I don't hate Trump. 

It is funny how partisan sentiments and media can manipulate voters and perceptions.

LBJ and Nixon started wars that resulted in the deaths of a conservatively estimated six million across SE Asia, among other atrocities too many to enumerate.

Bush jr. engaged the US in not one but two fantastically expensive counter-productive wars, again with immeasurable human carnage. 

But people hyperventilate about Biden or Trump. 

Trump is a unlikeable boor 100% through and through, and Biden is a lifelong plagiarist, self-glorifying fabulist, and establishment grifter. 

But, jeez, next to LBJ, Nixon and Bush jr.....


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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7 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

As of this date, I've yet to see or hear anything from Kamala Harris to suggest she's ready for prime time. IMHO, she's the equivalent of a Dan Quayle, chosen to occupy the VP slot to appeal to a certain voter demographic. 

That deal was made before Super Tuesday. 2020.

When the bright lights shine on Harris, she fails to cast a long shadow. She doesn't appear eloquent, she doesn't appear self-confident.

Well, you never know.

Harry Truman was considered in the same light just as he had to step into the presidency after FDR's death. Ineloquent, pinched little bespectacled face, bad piano playing, Mid-Western Mr. Nobody with a Plain Jane wife and whose claim to fame was running a small unsuccessful haberdashery.

He had to face monumentally tough challenges and decisions ... and he did okay.

If Biden doesn't make it another two years, Momma Kamala may surprise everybody.

I was a Warren candidacy advocate in 2020.

Michael Bloomberg got her and Saunders out by Super Tuesday as well.

Kamala may rise to the task. Her husband is a good and intelligent man and he would be a constant supportive rock for her during a presidential turn imo.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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30 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:



   I thought Senator Kamala Harris was fairly sharp in the 2020 Democratic Primary debates-- a far cry, intellectually, from a Dan Quayle.  

   (Of course, I was more impressed with Elizabeth Warren, Bernie, and Buttigieg.)

   So, I have been surprised and puzzled by Harris's apparent timidity as VP.  It seems like something about the office or, perhaps the media hostility, has undermined her former self confidence.

   VPs have often been the butt of jokes, and she has had the two-fold burden of dealing with racism and misogyny.

   In addition to Truman, other VPs have risen to the occasion in history, including Millard Fillmore, (underrated, IMO) Chester Arthur, and, of course, TR.

   I agree with your notion that Harris might surprise us.

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

   I thought Senator Kamala Harris was fairly sharp in the 2020 Democratic Primary debates-- a far cry, intellectually, from a Dan Quayle.  

Oh, by leaps and bounds.

KH was a product of the political scene of Northern California. She knew that world well.

I think she may have been kind of one state insecure moving into the much more broad power 50 state and international affairs dealing federal political realm world?

DC is a far cry from San FRANCISCO. In a million different ways. Socially, politically, culturally, weather...

What a head trip

Edited by Joe Bauer
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24 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Oh, by leaps and bounds.

KH was a product of the political scene of Northern California. She knew that world well.

I think she may have been kind of one state insecure moving into the much more broad power 50 state and international affairs dealing federal political realm world?

DC is a far cry from San FRANCISCO. In a million different ways. Socially, politically, culturally, weather...

What a head trip

Glad to see your recovering Joe.

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On 1/21/2023 at 9:45 PM, John Cotter said:

Thanks for the mention, Chris. I’ve been largely absent from the forum for the past week or so because I’ve been travelling and I’m now in Portugal.

That’s one of the reasons why, to my shame, I haven’t yet seen The Banshees of Inisherin.

I say to my shame because, believe it or not, the widely praised female co-star of the film, Kerry Condon, is my first cousin’s daughter.

Enjoy the travel. 

Kerry Condon is an excellent actor and plays a pivotal role in the film. 

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12 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

I don’t think anyone on the forum hates biden. He’s so pathetic. 



What has Biden done that makes you think he is pathetic?

Also, which of these previous presidents do you think was a better president than Biden?   Trump, Obama, W. Bush, Clinton, H.W. Bush, Reagan, Carter


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18 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:



What has Biden done that makes you think he is pathetic?

Also, which of these previous presidents do you think was a better president than Biden?   Trump, Obama, W. Bush, Clinton, H.W. Bush, Reagan, Carter


I am not sure I have the appetite to get into this. I thought what I was saying was self-explanatory, Sandy. I don’t know if somehow in the USA the videos of Biden’s gaffs, the obvious cognitive decline are censored but, I have seen plenty. his plagiarism of RFK, Neil Kinnock and others speeches. Him falling up stairs.

As for your question; any answer would be subjective and depending on the parameters that you measure competency or effectiveness. We could surely find data to suggest that all of them were good at something. 


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Chris: As for your question; any answer would be subjective and depending on the parameters that you measure competency or effectiveness. We could surely find data to suggest that all of them were good at something. 
Such a typical Chris non specific BS answer to in fact say he has no answers..Stop BSing us Chris. You're being asked what's Chris's measure of competency and effectiveness. Do you have any you're able to articulate?
Chris:I am not sure I have the appetite to get into this
That's because Chris never has the appetite or the ability to answer any questions involving specificity. Accomplishments? Chris has absolutely no knowledge of any  of those Presidents accomplishments, Sandy. Which would be ok, if he'd say so. But he's really trying to pull a complete George Santos about all of this.
Chris re Biden"Sandy. I don’t know if somehow in the USA the videos of Biden’s gaffs, the obvious cognitive decline are censored.
More BS, they're not censored at all Chris. That's just another deep state fantasy of yours. In fact, I showed you a clip the other day of a liberal comedy show in the U.S. that shows Biden stumbling multiple times walking up to Air Force One.But that doesn't have anything substantive to do with his Presidency.
Ok, you've heard me say ,there's a cognitive decline from his earlier times.It's a concern for me. I wouldn't call jt "pathetic". But how is that effecting his policy? Or do you have any knowledge of policy?
If you want a seat at the grown up table, you're going to know more than JFK and RFK were "really great" before you were  born.
Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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11 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Chris re Biden"Sandy. I don’t know if somehow in the USA the videos of Biden’s gaffs, the obvious cognitive decline are censored.
More BS, they're not censored at all Chris. That's just another deep state fantasy of yours. In fact, I showed you a clip the other day of a liberal talk shoe in the U.S. that shows Biden stumbling on multiple times walking up to Air Force One.But that doesn't have anything substantive to do with his Presidency.
Ok, you've heard me say ,there's a cognitive decline from his earlier times.It's a concern for me. I wouldn't call jt "pathetic". But how is that effecting his policy? Or do you have any knowledge of policy?
If you want a seat at the grown up table, you're going to know more than 2 Presidents were "really great" before you were  born.

I was being flippant, Kirk. Perhaps it was a little subtle for you. We are known for it on this side of the Atlantic. Biden’s gaffs are all over the internet. Which is why I am surprised that Sandy thinks he is a class act (Biden).

I would like to thank you for the usual ad hominem, and conceding that you are concerned by Biden’s mental health. It is fascinating that you think you’re at the grown ups table. You surely must know how juvenile you are at times, Kirk. 🙂  


PS Some of this stuff that interests you, really is a bore, really tedious. You can’t expect everyone else to share your appetite for it. 

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Chris: As for your question; any answer would be subjective and depending on the parameters that you measure competency or effectiveness. We could surely find data to suggest that all of them were good at something. 

Do you see how anybody would view this answer as total jive?

And you're running away and deliberately losing focus from first Sandy and my question.

What you're really trying saying is yes, I haven't a clue what any of these President's accomplishments are, or how any of my superficial perceptions of Biden  have anything to do with Biden's policies or his Presidency..


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2 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Chris: As for your question; any answer would be subjective and depending on the parameters that you measure competency or effectiveness. We could surely find data to suggest that all of them were good at something. 

Do you see how anybody would view this answer as total jive?

And you're running away and deliberately losing focus from first Sandy and my question.

What you're really trying saying is yes, I haven't a clue what any of these President's accomplishments are, or how any of my superficial perceptions of Biden  have anything to do with Biden's policies or his Presidency..


What I am saying is, Kirk, is that I’d probably refuse a game of Top Trumps too. Equally as arbitrary as the conversation you are proposing. 

If I was retired, lonely, and the weather was poor outside, you might find I’d have more appetite. Got it? 🙂 


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