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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

So, Jeff Carter did not answer any of my key questions (1-3) above about his paper.

Jeff did post a link to this survey paper by author Kiril Kalinin.  Much appreciated.

In reviewing Kalinin's survey, I noticed that he did find a stronger correlation between Dugin's theses and beliefs among Russian military and government "elites" than among business "elites," as I suspected.

Of course, the key question regarding Dugin's opus and Russian foreign policy is what Putin believes about Dugin's work.  Putin is an autocrat.  He calls the shots.

When Russian "elites" disagree with Putin, they get thrown out of windows.

Interestingly, Kiril Kalinin also specifically mentions the prestige and importance of Dugin's work in Russian military and government circles-- including Kalinin's own Volgograd Academy of Public Administration.*

So, Jeff Carter's attempt to downplay the significance of Dugin's work in Putin's Russian Federation looks like more of Jeff's usual misleading pettifoggery.

* "One of the most prominent proponents of this ideology is Aleksandr Dugin, whose textbook, Foundations of Geopolitics, celebrated the 20th anniversary of its publication in 2017. Dugin’s Eurasianist ideas penetrated the halls of power in Moscow with ease, and quickly found fecund soil fertilized by geopolitical ressentiment (resentment). By forging close personal ties with pillars of the presidential administration and parliament, the secret services, and the Russian military (Dunlop 2004), Dugin made his book available as a practical guide for rebuilding the Russian empire. Even in my years as a student at the Volgograd Academy of Public Administration, Dugin’s text was used as an international relations primer. The combination of historical grievances, a confrontational geopolitical climate, and rising political demands for coherent ideologies may have made Russian elites susceptible to his radical ideas."

-- Kiril Kalinin


Well, unfortunately, Jeff Carter continues to ignore my key questions and my deconstruction of Kalinin's survey results, while overgeneralizing from Kalinin's limited "data."

How many Russian "elites" surveyed by Kalinin would provide honest answers to survey questions about invading and annexing Ukraine, for example?

More importantly, what do Putin and his inner circle believe about Dugin's theses?

Those are the guys formulating and enforcing Russia's foreign policies.

The "elites" serve Putin, or they get defenestrated.

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14 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Well, unfortunately, Jeff Carter continues to ignore my key questions and my deconstruction of Kalinin's survey results, while overgeneralizing from Kalinin's limited "data."

How many Russian "elites" surveyed by Kalinin would provide honest answers to survey questions about invading and annexing Ukraine, for example?

More importantly, what do Putin and his inner circle believe about Dugin's theses?

Those are the guys formulating and enforcing Russia's foreign policies.

The "elites" serve Putin, or they get defenestrated.


Can you provide any reliable evidence of Dugin having any official role in the Russian state apparatus or any such role vis-a-vis Vladimir Putin?

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28 minutes ago, John Cotter said:


Can you provide any reliable evidence of Dugin having any official role in the Russian state apparatus or any such role vis-a-vis Vladimir Putin?


    There's a wide array of published material on the subject of Dugin and Putin's totalitarian police state.

     I'm pleased to see that you are finally acquiring some intellectual curiosity about Putin-ism and Russian Federation concepts of "full spectrum dominance" in Europe.

     It's one small step for the Education Forum, but a giant leap for you, Ben, and Paul Rigby. 🤓

Russian intellectual Aleksandr Dugin is also commonly known as 'Putin's brain' : NPR




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Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for Secession!

She has no business being a member of Congress.

'National divorce': Marjorie Taylor Greene wants to 'separate red states from blue states'


"In a Twitter post Monday, the right-ring member of Congress said, "We need a national divorce. We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government."

Steve Thomas

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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


    There's a wide array of published material on the subject of Dugin and Putin's totalitarian police state.

     I'm pleased to see that you are finally acquiring some intellectual curiosity about Putin-ism and Russian Federation concepts of "full spectrum dominance" in Europe.

     It's one small step for the Education Forum, but a giant leap for you, Ben, and Paul Rigby. 🤓

Russian intellectual Aleksandr Dugin is also commonly known as 'Putin's brain' : NPR





So you can't provide any reliable evidence that Aleksandr Dugin has any official role vis-a-vis Vladimir Putin or the Russian government. And yet you and your fellow anti-Russian jingoists keep claiming that Putin's thoughts and intentions and Russian foreign policy are based on Dugin's ideas.

What utter twaddle. It's no wonder western "democracy" and US global hegemony are probably doomed. Stupidity never pays in the long run.

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2 hours ago, John Cotter said:


So you can't provide any reliable evidence that Aleksandr Dugin has any official role vis-a-vis Vladimir Putin or the Russian government. And yet you and your fellow anti-Russian jingoists keep claiming that Putin's thoughts and intentions and Russian foreign policy are based on Dugin's ideas.

What utter twaddle. It's no wonder western "democracy" and US global hegemony are probably doomed. Stupidity never pays in the long run.


    Have you had your vision checked lately?  Your myopia is starting to remind me of Benjamin Cole's.

    Here's another article for you, among the wide array of references on the subject of "Putin's brain."

    You're more than a decade behind in understanding the literature on the subject, but with corrected, full-spectrum vision, you might still catch up... 🤓

Putin's Brain: Alexander Dugin and the Philosophy Behind Putin's Invasion of Crimea (foreignaffairs.com)

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Great Moments in U.S. Presidential History


JFK in Berlin/1963-- "Ich bin ein Berliner!"

Errors and omissions: How a wrong translation became the great Berlin  bake-off | The Independent | The Independent


Biden in Kyiv/2023-- "Slava Ukraini!"

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Trump in Helsinki/2018-- "My name is Reek"

Trump meets Putin in Helsinki | Reuters.com

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House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has given Fox News' Tucker Carlson exclusive access to 41,000 hours of Capitol surveillance footage from the Jan. 6 riot, McCarthy sources tell me.

  • Carlson TV producers were on Capitol Hill last week to begin digging through the trove, which includes multiple camera angles from all over Capitol grounds. Excerpts will begin airing in the coming weeks.




Disclosure is always good. There is never any reason to suppress evidence or government documents unless there is a clear and present danger to national security.

I criticize the fact that Carlson received "exclusive" access.

Anybody anywhere should be able to see this footage. Put it up online. 

I hope Wikileaks gets the footage and makes public. 


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On 2/18/2023 at 9:19 PM, Kirk Gallaway said:

Carlson told Hannity: “Please get her fired. Seriously… What the xxxx? I’m actually shocked. It needs to stop immediately, like tonight. It’s measurably hurting the company The stock price is down. Not a joke.”

Tucker Carlson called a Trump "a demonic force."


So now that Carlson's been exposed as a l-ar.  MacCarthy rewards him and places 41,000 hours of government film solely in his possession?

And Matt Taibbi is still hoarding the cherry picked twitter files. And deliberately didn't get specific about any of Trump's attempted intrusions on Twitter, including Chrissy Tiegen's tweets.


Please explain to me, and

, how giving 40,000 hours of sensitive surveillance footage solely to one tv commentator is consistent with “transparency.”

Transparency for thee but not for me.




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