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42 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Seems very much like a flatulist.  Which I thought of a spewer of gaseous, odorous hot air.  But according to the experts there was Roland the Farter.

Flatulist - Wikipedia


    Thanks for sharing...  😂

    I had never heard of the Englishman, Roland-the-Farter, but it seems entirely possible that Chris Barnard might be one of his British descendants.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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7 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:


Chris i don't see you particularly as  a person who thirsts after truth.  Or at least, i don't see you as a person whose very in touch with himself. I  think you see yourself as a person whose reached a pinnacle of logic where you' re supremely beyond emotion (as if that's so admirable)and you quickly characterize and pigeonhole other people's thought processes and often accuse others thoughts as being clouded by emotions. You tried this just last night with Matt.

And yet when your ideas are questioned or brought up to scrutiny, you lash out and become a hothead.


And now what I've seen you've written, just illustrates my point. You answer with a lot of anger and disain and condescension. ,


Chris; I guess that is rather wishful when people like yourself and William in your twilight years have been conned, coerced, scammed, bamboozled and beguiled your whole lives by the political elite and MSM

This is what I've been saying, Like the world and people will never understand you because in your mind, you're so much above them.   I think we can get sidetracked if we bring in a lot of this political stuff, though i agree with some of it. We couldn't just have a different view than you?  It's relevant in that it shows this same alienation to about everybody and society at large. I have some of that.

Chris:I do keep posting it in the hope that the superficially read, the ignorant, or those suffering from mass-psychosis will actually pick up the book and have a read.

But this isn't genuine. if you were really sincere in your stated quest of communication here. You wouldn't be deriding, belittling , and demeaning  the people you supposedly are seeking to improve.

Chris: PS each time you are triggered, you give away another tell which enables me to agitate and target you going forward. You make it so easy for me. I have to come to the conclusion that you have an underdeveloped mind. I mean that respectfully.

Oh yes, so respectful! Does your hostility ever end Chris?  Is this the vitriol of someone whose so above his emotions?

This is really dark, really stiff..  I see your processes as static. i don't think you're energy flows freely at all.

Is there really much here but anger and hostility, Chris?



Do you know what’s really funny about this?

1) Yesterday, you tried to imply that I am N**i and the post was removed by moderators (apparently) for a rule break. 
Here you are today trying to lecture on etiquette. 
2) You are critical of pigeon-holing, and here you are today doing it.
3) I have pointed out many times that your perception is so off kilter, it doesn’t have any legible value, Kirk. If you started to get something right, perhaps that can change. You’ve thrown every kind of mud at me, I could quote 20 different attempts from you, all saying different things and you still don’t have a clue. I come to the conclusion that some are blessed with EQ and others are bereft of it, so they muddle their way through life guessing. 

4) What you confuse for hot headed (somehow) is me actually having some sport. If you had some insight you’d know that. I think somehow if you saw my demeanour that would aggravate you more. 

As I have pointed out before, if you come at me on the attack, and fail at the minimum standards of civility, I’ll always return in spades. You’ve insinuated the most morally reprehensible thing to a person her, lower than any human should go, and you’ll have to go a long way to raise your stock after that. 
You’ll notice I am never unkind to people who are kind or civil to me. I can’t say the same about you. You’ll pick on the weak wherever possible, as it makes you feel better about yourself. What irks you so much about me is that I see right through you, stuff you think you hide so well. That and I seem to figure out things much quicker than you. In fairness, its not a level playing field. 


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I returned to this thread because I was curious to see what had occurred here since my last visit. (I do have a life away from the forum, and away from the internet. That doesn't place me above ANY of the rest of you, it simply makes me different from the ones who post [seemingly] continuously.) 

More hostility and vitriol, for the most part.

No one is changing anyone else's mind. And minds are already made up on all sides.

So what does this thread accomplish, exactly? It would seem to me that it has become a garbage scow drifting toward the center of the ocean, rudderless, with the occupants on each side throwing the offal from their side toward the occupants on the other side, and the stench doesn't improve with age. 

I don't watch, read, or listen to MSNBC. Likewise, I don't watch or listen to FOX News. I generally get my news from Reuters, the Associated Press, and Axios. In the latest survey of which media lean to the left and the right, these three are judged among the most centrist. I don't consider Rachel Maddow to be a purveyor of "the gospel" any more than I do Tucker Carlson. I consider them both to be playing to an audience, with no level of impartiality at all.

I don't like Vladimir Putin. I don't like Donald Trump. And I only voted for Biden as the lesser of two evils...which means I still voted FOR evil, even though I did so as a vote against what I considered greater evil. I'm against gutting the funding of our public schools. But I'm also against the gutting of the curriculum standards of our public schools as well. It is a sin, IMHO, to have school administrators who would lower the standards of our education system in order to "compensate" for a decreasing average level of literacy, rather than expecting an INCREASING average level of literacy by working harder [or trying new teaching techniques] to teach the students who lower the average. In the 1960s, during the JFK administration, the "space race" led to a focus [all too briefly, it seems] on math and science. Today, education experts are once again looking to improve student performance in the STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics] fields. The more things change...

The irony is, with the internet, we have more information at our fingertips than any previous generation in history. But it has come at a cost. We have trouble discerning what information is factual and what is garbage. And because the information IS at our fingertips, we [as the whole of mankind] feel no compulsion to LEARN any of it for ourselves.

And about the Kennedy assassination...I'm beginning to feel that my generation, those of us who witnessed Jack Ruby murder Lee Oswald on a Sunday morning in Dallas, are the final few who actually give a damn about learning the truth of the events of those 48 hours in Dallas. Younger people have their own touchstones in history: the moon landing; the Challenger disaster; the 9/11 WTC attacks; and I'm sure there are others for those even younger. The JFK assassination doesn't register with most of them because it's already "ancient history" to them.

So since no one wants to attempt to persuade others that they have a valid point -- most here are more than content to beat "them" over the head because they didn't side with "us" -- perhaps it's time for me to start ignoring this thread again until I get the next report for moderator intervention. Peace is a valuable commodity to me. I don't need "full spectrum domination" in my life. I don't need validation, nor do I relish confrontation. I wish no power over any man, nor do I desire others to have power over me. There was a time when I fought for what I thought was right. Now I merely fight for the freedom to escape the shouting mob from either side. I'm beginning to feel as Solomon, described as the wisest man who ever lived, did: that all mankind does, in the final analysis, is done in vain.

Though some will call it "woke," I will continue to give to charities that feed the hungry and house the disadvantaged. If that becomes my legacy, it will be enough. I don't believe that "good deeds" accumulate like Green Stamps, that they can eventually be cashed in for a home in some faraway Paradise. Rather, I believe that an act that helps another is the rent we pay in this life, for the help we received from others, some of whom we may never know even existed.

Carry on, ye word warriors. I wish you to eventually discover happiness, and then to dwell therein for the rest of your days.


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29 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

You’ve insinuated the most morally reprehensible thing to a person her, lower than any human should go, and you’ll have to go a long way to raise your stock after that. 



What is it that Kirk insinuated that is so reprehensible?


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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

Ron this aptly describes you and your memetic scholar buddies.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusory_truth_effect

You guys love #FAKENEWS 


Can't you smell that smell coming from Atlanta, that fox faux fake news burning down, tucker included, it is a bit gaseous smelling.  

Appropriately in black and white, a little ghostly at points. As will become ffn in the not distant future.


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2 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:



What is it that Kirk insinuated that is so reprehensible?


I’ll message you privately as it will only rub salt in the wounds of the victim in the scenario. 

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5 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Can't you smell that smell coming from Atlanta, that fox faux fake news burning down, tucker included, it is a bit gaseous smelling.  

Appropriately in black and white, a little ghostly at points. As will become ffn in the not distant future.

Ron, CNN is in Atlanta.. 


Edited by Matthew Koch
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25 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:

I returned to this thread because I was curious to see what had occurred here since my last visit. (I do have a life away from the forum, and away from the internet. That doesn't place me above ANY of the rest of you, it simply makes me different from the ones who post [seemingly] continuously.) 

More hostility and vitriol, for the most part.

No one is changing anyone else's mind. And minds are already made up on all sides.

So what does this thread accomplish, exactly? It would seem to me that it has become a garbage scow drifting toward the center of the ocean, rudderless, with the occupants on each side throwing the offal from their side toward the occupants on the other side, and the stench doesn't improve with age. 

I don't watch, read, or listen to MSNBC. Likewise, I don't watch or listen to FOX News. I generally get my news from Reuters, the Associated Press, and Axios. In the latest survey of which media lean to the left and the right, these three are judged among the most centrist. I don't consider Rachel Maddow to be a purveyor of "the gospel" any more than I do Tucker Carlson. I consider them both to be playing to an audience, with no level of impartiality at all.

I don't like Vladimir Putin. I don't like Donald Trump. And I only voted for Biden as the lesser of two evils...which means I still voted FOR evil, even though I did so as a vote against what I considered greater evil. I'm against gutting the funding of our public schools. But I'm also against the gutting of the curriculum standards of our public schools as well. It is a sin, IMHO, to have school administrators who would lower the standards of our education system in order to "compensate" for a decreasing average level of literacy, rather than expecting an INCREASING average level of literacy by working harder [or trying new teaching techniques] to teach the students who lower the average. In the 1960s, during the JFK administration, the "space race" led to a focus [all too briefly, it seems] on math and science. Today, education experts are once again looking to improve student performance in the STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics] fields. The more things change...

The irony is, with the internet, we have more information at our fingertips than any previous generation in history. But it has come at a cost. We have trouble discerning what information is factual and what is garbage. And because the information IS at our fingertips, we [as the whole of mankind] feel no compulsion to LEARN any of it for ourselves.

And about the Kennedy assassination...I'm beginning to feel that my generation, those of us who witnessed Jack Ruby murder Lee Oswald on a Sunday morning in Dallas, are the final few who actually give a damn about learning the truth of the events of those 48 hours in Dallas. Younger people have their own touchstones in history: the moon landing; the Challenger disaster; the 9/11 WTC attacks; and I'm sure there are others for those even younger. The JFK assassination doesn't register with most of them because it's already "ancient history" to them.

So since no one wants to attempt to persuade others that they have a valid point -- most here are more than content to beat "them" over the head because they didn't side with "us" -- perhaps it's time for me to start ignoring this thread again until I get the next report for moderator intervention. Peace is a valuable commodity to me. I don't need "full spectrum domination" in my life. I don't need validation, nor do I relish confrontation. I wish no power over any man, nor do I desire others to have power over me. There was a time when I fought for what I thought was right. Now I merely fight for the freedom to escape the shouting mob from either side. I'm beginning to feel as Solomon, described as the wisest man who ever lived, did: that all mankind does, in the final analysis, is done in vain.

Though some will call it "woke," I will continue to give to charities that feed the hungry and house the disadvantaged. If that becomes my legacy, it will be enough. I don't believe that "good deeds" accumulate like Green Stamps, that they can eventually be cashed in for a home in some faraway Paradise. Rather, I believe that an act that helps another is the rent we pay in this life, for the help we received from others, some of whom we may never know even existed.

Carry on, ye word warriors. I wish you to eventually discover happiness, and then to dwell therein for the rest of your days.


Well, the thread has been used as a cudgel for leftest politics and now that the main point of the thread has been debunked by Tucker's release, we're seeing denial and other forms of cognitive dissidence, because certain people can't admit they were fooled and have been pushing misinformation by the same media that covers up the JFKA.. 


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38 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:

Though some will call it "woke," I will continue to give to charities that feed the hungry and house the disadvantaged.


Mark- you don't ever have to feel bad about doing the right thing, and acting in good faith. Cheers.



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45 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

because certain people can't admit they were fooled

Well, just like yesterday, we should all get down on our knees and pray, we don't get fooled again.  


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4 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

The silence of our Neiderhuts, Gallways, and Allisons on this is rather revealing. They’re not worried about censorship, hiding evidence from the tax payer or a distortion of the truth, as long as it goes their way. For whatever reason their parents failed miserably when it came to teaching them values like morality and honesty. 

Set aside personalities.

In the U.S., the bulk of the left-wing seemed to have linked arms with the intel state, and now promotes censorship. 

Defense contractors give as much money to Donks and 'Phants. 

The Donks are much more globalist---thus imperialistic---than the populist wing of the 'Phants. 

The left-wing media and the Donks have been largely co-opted---the neo-libs and neo-cons are peas in a pod. 

Liz Cheney and Mitch McConnell are the New Donk heroes. 

Verily, Mr. Buffalo Horns was a dangerous insurrectionist. Be afraid, very afraid, of domestic subversives and foreign enemies. 



Edited by Benjamin Cole
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5 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

@Kirk Gallaway@W. Niederhut Another one of your narrratives has been debunked, have you been right about anything in the last 5yrs? 


The false official covid narrative in which China, the USA and the EU were complicit keeps unravelling.

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10 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

The false official covid narrative in which China, the USA and the EU were complicit keeps unravelling.


I am interested in the views of people I do not know, and I have never even been to Ireland.  

What is your take on the strange, strange media treatment of the Wuhan lab leak? 

In Ireland, was debate shut down on C19 origins? 

Ireland is burgeoning corporate HQ home. Does that color media coverage? 

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36 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


I am interested in the views of people I do not know, and I have never even been to Ireland.  

What is your take on the strange, strange media treatment of the Wuhan lab leak? 

In Ireland, was debate shut down on C19 origins? 

Ireland is burgeoning corporate HQ home. Does that color media coverage? 


Unfortunately, Ireland is very much a vassal state of the US empire as well as, of course, one of the smallest members of the EU. 

The Irish economy is grossly overdependent on investment by multinational corporations, especially pharma and tech ones. 

Accordingly, politics, the media and public discourse largely echo the falsely simplistic manichean worldview of western propaganda. They are bought. 

Thus the "independence" Ireland won 100 years ago after 750 years of subjugation has been frittered away by generations of corrupt politicians elected by an authoritarian majority brainwashed firstly by monocultural Catholicism and latterly by neoliberalism, which has succeeded Catholicism as the state religion.

In summary, Ireland is just as fcuked up, if not more so, as the rest of the western world.

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Article published today on CNN news site.

Officer Fanone is a very good writer imo.

In his article he very coherently captures the important truths about McCarthy, Carlson and the January 6th coup attempt.

Opinion: Tucker Carlson's spin on January 6 is a lie. I was there




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