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     Speaking of turning news organizations into propaganda outlets, after reading that OAN called California for Trump, I think OAN should be dubbed the "Orwellian American News" channel.

     "Yesterday we were at war with Micronesia, today we are at war with George Soros and SCYTL," etc


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Computer Election Fraud? It’s the British!

Nov. 20 (EIRNS)—If you’re looking for foreign interference in the U.S. electoral process, forget about Venezuela and George Soros — it’s Britain you’re after.

And it’s not just a matter of election interference. It is high time to end government policies and cultural ideologies that have been shaped by the British.

First, on the election.

Numerous lawsuits continue to wend their way through the courts and additional witnesses are coming forward to share what they’ve seen (or haven’t seen): backdating of ballots, unusually uniform batches of ballots, ballots in which only the presidential choice is filled in, election watchers being denied the opportunity to meaningfully observe the counting of votes, instructions not to check IDs or ballot signatures, etc.

As far as electronic frauds go, Dominion Voting Systems (a company headquartered in Canada, a Realm of the British Commonwealth of Nations, whose head of state is Queen Elizabeth), whose voting systems counted 1.3 million votes in Pennsylvania, backed out of testifying on Friday as agreed at a hearing in Harrisburg, the state’s capital.

How about Smartmatic, the other voting company at the center of numerous allegations of wrongdoing? Its chairman is Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, an honest-to-goodness baron, a Knight Commander of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, and a member of the Privy Council of the United Kingdom. Originally created by Venezuelan engineers, Smartmatic in 2005 purchased Sequoia Voting Systems — a leading provider of U.S. voting technology — from the British company De La Rue. In 2014, a new holding company was created, SGO, with Smartmatic as its main venture. SGO is chaired by Baron Malloch-Brown, and its other directors are two of the original Venezuelan engineers who created Smartmatic and Sir Nigel Knowles, former High Sheriff of London. Quite clearly this can no longer be said to be a “Venezuelan” company, but rather a British one. And claims that Malloch-Brown is controlled by George Soros are preposterous. It is the other way around!

Malloch-Brown has done much to undermine democratic rule: He helped to overthrow Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines in 1986; was part of the team, with Soros, that set up the International Criminal Court (used almost exclusively against African leaders), pushed the British “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) doctrine that overthrew the Westphalian order of national sovereignty, supported the overthrow of Libyan ruler Muammar Qaddafi, and helped create Mikheil Saakashvili’s “rose revolution” in Georgia.

What other British factors require uprooting?

The center of Britain’s present power lies in the City of London, the square mile enclave with the world’s greatest financial flow. Its power is maintained through the financialization of the economy, promoted through such anti-scientific (and anti-American) dogmas as mythical “free trade” and the “invisible hand,” which tend to bring ostensible financial profits while reducing the productive power of the physical economy. British East India Company propagandist Adam Smith is no friend to the world. The attempts to introduce central bank digital currencies are the next step in implementing negative interest rates and bringing about a “regime change” in which the banks can not only set interest rates, but quite directly decide where money will go, overturning the relationship between governments and banks.

Another central factor in preventing economic growth that would upset the trans-Atlantic status quo, is the very British idea of Malthusianism, seen in the present Green movement whose symbolic heads include teenager Greta Thunberg. But it is Mark Carney, former Governor of the Bank of England, who is truly taking the lead in “greening” the economy.

Green is bad? Yes. Deadly. Unlike all other life, we humans change our relationship to nature by discoveries that allow us to increase our productive powers and create new resources. This is the means by which we have increased our population by orders of magnitude beyond that of gorillas. The Green outlook denies this difference, through its axiom that resources are limited and conclusion that it is growth itself which is “destroying” the planet. Rejecting investments that are not Green is denying development to the severely underdeveloped regions of our world, and reducing the economic potential of the so-called developed countries.

And of course the only way that little island has held such power has been by keeping its adversaries (or those who might discover that they should be its adversaries) fighting the wrong enemies. Enter Russiagate and the manifold sins ascribed to China.

Exposing (and declassifying) British electoral interference — which we’ve seen in spades over the past four years’ efforts to undermine, delegitimize, and overturn the results of President Donald Trump’s 2016 electoral victory — brings on the unmasking of the British origins of the truly malign ideologies suffusing our universities, institutions, and culture.

The spirit of the American Revolution — the victory over the British Empire and its outlook — requires that the United States terminate the Special Relationship with its abusive British cousins, and collaborate with such natural allies as Russia and China towards the enormous potentials for scientific and economic development ready to bloom before our eyes

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6 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

     Speaking of turning news organizations into propaganda outlets, after reading that OAN called California for Trump, I think OAN should be dubbed the "Orwellian American News" channel.

     "Yesterday we were at war with Micronesia, today we are at war with George Soros and SCYTL," etc


"Orwellian American News." Perfect.

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Trump administration accused of trying to bully banks into financing Arctic fossil fuel extraction November 21, 2020


“Responding to grassroots pressure and shareholder activism, five of the six largest U.S. banks have decided they want no part of financing fossil fuel drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge—but that isn’t stopping the Trump administration from what critics on Friday called bullying banks into funding oil and gas extraction.

The Wall Street Journal reports the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency on Friday proposed a new rule that would bar financial institutions from refusing to lend to entire categories of lawful businesses. In the name of “fair access,” the proposed rule would force banks to finance not only the fossil fuel industry that is largely responsible for the ever-worsening climate emergency, but also other highly controversial sectors such as for-profit private prisons and firearms manufacturers.

Under the proposal—which came on the heels of complaints by Republican politicians that banks are discriminating against Big Oil—institutional lenders would only be permitted to decline loans if an applicant failed to meet “quantitative, impartial, risk-based standards established by the bank in advance.”

Critics say the measure is meant to compel banks to finance destructive drilling in the pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, which is home to the Gwich’in Indigenous people and hundreds of animal species. On Tuesday, the Trump administration began accepting requests from fossil fuel companies staking claims to where they want to drill for oil and natural gas. This, as Arctic temperatures warm to record high and Arctic sea ice recedes to record low levels.”

Steve Thomas

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5 hours ago, Robert Burrows said:

This is a good example of a real case of Trump Derangement Sydrome. This poor man sounds as insane as a member of Jim Jones's Peoples Temple. Kool-aid anyone?


Wasnt Pelosi and her fellow San Fran Dem travelers supporters of the Reverend Jim Jones? Wasnt Jones the leading vote getter for the Carter/Mondale ticket? And speaking of Jimmy Carter did we ever have a President that presided over more serial killers and satanic cults ? 1. Jim Jones 2. Son of Sam 3. John Wayne Gacy 4. The Atlanta Child Murders . Are there more that I have listed? He was also alleged to have planned to meet with Robert Vesco. The lesson here is "don't throw kool aid as it might hit you and stain your freshly washed white shirt"

Edited by Jim Harwood
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58 minutes ago, Jim Harwood said:

Despite what Pat says as well as others Trump seems extremely popular with the unwashed masses. Here is live footage of Stop the Steal in Atlanta-- the place is packed!


This is surreal.

Pure Trump inspired insanity.

If the following Trump words don't shoutingly expose his deep and all consuming paranoia and delusions of stolen authority...what would?

President Trump called a press briefing Friday to announce the implementation of his rules on drug pricing, which he said could save consumers hundreds or thousands of dollars a year, but got sidetracked with a rant against Big Pharma, which he blamed for sabotaging his reelection campaign because his policies would hurt their business.

In particular, he attacked Pfizer, the largest drug company in the U.S., just two hours after his press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, claimed credit for the development of Pfizer’s new COVID-19 vaccine on behalf of the administration’s Operation Warp Speed program. Trump accused Pfizer of waiting to announce the success of their phase III vaccine trial until the day after the presidential election in order to avoid helping him.

Apparently, in his mind, it didn’t work. Trump proclaimed that he won the election anyway, as he has all along, notwithstanding Joe Biden’s commanding lead in both the popular and Electoral College votes.

“Pfizer and others even decided to not assess the results of their vaccine, in other words, not come out with a vaccine, until just after the election,” Trump said. “That’s because of what I did with favored nations and these other elements. Instead of their original plan to assess the data in October. So they were going to come out in October, but they decided to delay it because of what I’m doing, which is fine with me because frankly this is just a very big thing.”

Trump made that accusation the same day that Pfizer submitted its COVID-19 vaccine to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for emergency use authorization, the first company to do so.

“Big Pharma ran millions of dollars of negative advertisements against me during the campaign, which I won by the way, but, you know, we’ll find that out. Almost 74 million votes,” Trump said, failing to mention that Biden had so far received nearly 80 million votes nationwide. “We had Big Pharma against us. We had the media against us. We had big tech against us. We had a lot of dishonesty against us.”




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3 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

This is surreal.

Pure Trump inspired insanity.

If the following Trump words don't shoutingly expose his deep and all consuming paranoia and delusions of stolen authority...what would?

President Trump called a press briefing Friday to announce the implementation of his rules on drug pricing, which he said could save consumers hundreds or thousands of dollars a year, but got sidetracked with a rant against Big Pharma, which he blamed for sabotaging his reelection campaign because his policies would hurt their business.

In particular, he attacked Pfizer, the largest drug company in the U.S., just two hours after his press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, claimed credit for the development of Pfizer’s new COVID-19 vaccine on behalf of the administration’s Operation Warp Speed program. Trump accused Pfizer of waiting to announce the success of their phase III vaccine trial until the day after the presidential election in order to avoid helping him.

Apparently, in his mind, it didn’t work. Trump proclaimed that he won the election anyway, as he has all along, notwithstanding Joe Biden’s commanding lead in both the popular and Electoral College votes.

“Pfizer and others even decided to not assess the results of their vaccine, in other words, not come out with a vaccine, until just after the election,” Trump said. “That’s because of what I did with favored nations and these other elements. Instead of their original plan to assess the data in October. So they were going to come out in October, but they decided to delay it because of what I’m doing, which is fine with me because frankly this is just a very big thing.”

Trump made that accusation the same day that Pfizer submitted its COVID-19 vaccine to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for emergency use authorization, the first company to do so.

“Big Pharma ran millions of dollars of negative advertisements against me during the campaign, which I won by the way, but, you know, we’ll find that out. Almost 74 million votes,” Trump said, failing to mention that Biden had so far received nearly 80 million votes nationwide. “We had Big Pharma against us. We had the media against us. We had big tech against us. We had a lot of dishonesty against us.”




What's insane sleepy Joe? The crowds turning out in Atlanta, just what did I write that is false. I see huge crowds where ever the President goes. I dont see how any rational person can claim otherwise. And Trump is the best Democrat since JFK. 

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16 minutes ago, Jim Harwood said:

What's insane sleepy Joe? The crowds turning out in Atlanta, just what did I write that is false. I see huge crowds where ever the President goes. I dont see how any rational person can claim otherwise. And Trump is the best Democrat since JFK. 

Hitler and Mussolini also had big crowds.

Trump a Democrat?  That's simply absurd.

Trump is a plutocrat, running a kakistocracy, in the guise of a populist.

His policy decisions have all been predicated on bribery-- optimizing his own interests.

In fact, I sincerely believe that Sheldon Adelson, et.al., could still effectively bribe Trump to bomb Iran, if they were so inclined.

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1 minute ago, W. Niederhut said:

Hitler and Mussolini also had big crowds.

Trump a Democrat?  That's simply absurd.

Trump is a plutocrat, running a kakistocracy, in the guise of a populist.

His policy decisions have all been predicated on bribery-- optimizing his own interests.

In fact, I sincerely believe that Sheldon Adelson, et.al., could still effectively bribe Trump to bomb Iran, if they were so inclined.

As well as JFK, RFK , MLK also drew large crowds. I didnt say Trump was in the Dem party I stated he was the best Democrat since JFK. He cant help it if the party shifted far away from the FDR/JFK tradition. 

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21 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Really Jim?

It takes literally 15 seconds to type Trump Parade "Beverly Hills" into the Youtube search bar.

Trump Parade and General Flag Waiving in Beverly Hills, October 20, 2020.


The oligarchy has made a big mistake this time. They cannot control events and it's mainly because President Trump is willing to fight them. He's not only willing to fight them he openly mocks them and shows disdain for them.  The population sees this fighting spirit coming from the President  and they go "all in" in the war against these elites. 

Edited by Jim Harwood
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I try to never get personal with my forum postings.

However, it's getting harder and harder for me to see the promotion of Trump and his belligerent, paranoid delusional actions and words which are encouraging tens of millions of American's to mistrust, disbelieve and even hate anything or anyone who criticizes him and to act overtly against them as well.

It's nation dividing and vigilante mob inciting in it's most egregious forms.

We saw intimidating, agressively honking, traffic blocking and even Biden vehicle endangering Trump support caravans being carried out by thousands all across the country.  Pure Bully behavior.

We saw Trump supporters planning a kidnapping of Michigan's Governor.

Trump is planning "Stop The Stealing" rallys and you see "STS" protests now all across the country and here today in Atlanta.

Please, we need to stop allowing this Trump false reality vote protest craziness.

And we need to see it for what it is.  it's paranoid delusional !

It's all a spoiled child's tantrum over losing something he doesn't want to give up.

And the spoiled child is so obsessed ( even mentally ill imo) in his fight to get his way, he is willing to get the entire nation to join in his tantrum fight!

The man is mad in this way. You know it. We all know it.

Time to quit being pulled into Trump's madness!

Edited by Joe Bauer
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I live out here.  So I know about that one.

A friend of mine was supposed to go.  That rally was organized by Lorenzo Lamas with a lot of money behind it.

My friend told me that it was worked out weeks in advance and he was supposed to go and was in contact with the organizers.

He realized that it was not going to be anywhere near what he thought it was going to be, and the speakers were duds, so he did not go. It was a one offer.  Just so guys on the other side could say, well what about this one.

It pays to live where you are talking about.

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1 minute ago, James DiEugenio said:

I live out here.  So I know about that one.

A friend of mine was supposed to go.  That rally was organized by Lorenzo Lamas with a lot of money behind it.

My friend told me that it was worked out weeks in advance and he was supposed to go and was in contact with the organizers.

He realized that it was not going to be anywhere near what he thought it was going to be, and the speakers were duds, so he did not go. It was a one offer.  Just so guys on the other side could say, well what about this one.

It pays to live where you are talking about.

Sorry Jim but just reading the name Lorenzo Lamas makes me laugh. He's a real pip.

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46 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

I try to never get personal with my forum postings.

However, it's getting harder and harder for me to see the promotion of Trump and his belligerent, paranoid delusional actions and words which are encouraging tens of millions of American's to mistrust, disbelieve and even hate anything or anyone who criticizes him and to act overtly against them as well.

It's nation dividing and vigilante mob inciting in it's most egregious forms.

We saw intimidating, agressively honking, traffic blocking and even Biden vehicle endangering Trump support caravans being carried out by thousands all across the country.  Pure Bully behavior.

We saw Trump supporters planning a kidnapping of Michigan's Governor.

Trump is planning "Stop The Stealing" rallys and you see "STS" protests now all across the country and here today in Atlanta.

Please, we need to stop allowing this Trump false reality vote protest craziness.

And we need to see it for what it is.  it's paranoid delusional !

It's all a spoiled child's tantrum over losing something he doesn't want to give up.

And the spoiled child is so obsessed ( even mentally ill imo) in his fight to get his way, he is willing to get the entire nation to join in his tantrum fight!

The man is mad in this way. You know it. We all know it.

Time to quit being pulled into Trump's madness!

Joe , let me show you again why you seem sleepy like your name sake Joe Biden. You first claim that POTUS doesnt have a strong following. Here is a video titled Ministers of Truth and the video covers big tech's role in running the coup against Trump. At the 8:52 minute Mark Dianne Feinstein laments the following facts.

1. Stop the Steal was a group that was first formed on Face Book

2. It had over 300,000 members in less than 24 hours (try that one on)

3. Zuckerberg shut down the group proving once again the top down attempt to keep the lid on this election fraud.

And for Robert Wheeler who may question the power of the British Empire to effect US policy there is this news slug. It is typical that the British Empire controls our financial system via Wall Street banks and their off shore money centers. Their best trick is the control of culture. You can see it in the freak out on this site against Donald Trump. You have Kennedy assassination researchers who are completely unable to see the truth in the case of President Trump. 

Updated 2 years ago

Facebook has hired former UK deputy prime minister Nick Clegg to lead its global affairs and communications team, making him the most senior European politician to take up a senior executive role in Silicon Valley. The social media platform is expected to announce a loss of as many as 1 million European users over the summer as a result of the roll-out of GDPR, where users were required to either opt in to having data collected or cease using the site.


Edited by Jim Harwood
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