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There has been discussion in this topic about how long the U.S. has been in Afghanistan. I believe that it was Joseph McBride who posted this article recently on Facebook. It is so important that I saved i among my "favorites."


U.S. Identifies Vast Mineral Riches in Afghanistan






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Letter from four House Committee Chairs to GSA Administrator, Emily Murphy requesting that she appear and brief them by November 23, 2020 on why she is holding up the transition ascertainment.

"We have been extremely patient, but we can wait no longer. As GSA Administrator, it is your responsibility to follow the law and assure the safety and well-being of the United States and its people—not to submit to political pressure to violate the law and risk the consequences."

https://oversight.house.gov/sites/democrats.oversight.house.gov/files/2020-11-19.CBM Lowey GEC Quigley re Biden-Harris Transition Team Access FINAL.pdf

Steve Thomas

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To be clear, I would agree that you can't reject everything pushed by the LaRouche people just because it's been pushed by the LaRouche people. One of the first books to dig into the background of the Bush family--and to expose Prescott's ties to the...National Socialists of 1930's Germany--was a LaRouche-backed book. 

There was also a book about the history of America that I came across...that had a whole chapter on the secession of the Confederate states...that did a great job of busting one of Red America's myths--that the secession of the slave states prior to the war between the states reflected the will of the citizens of these states. In fact, as I recall, the citizens of some of these states voted to stay within the union, only to be ignored by the rich, slave-owning members of their state legislatures. Now, to me, this was interesting news...

Unfortunately, the book went on to claim this was all part of a plot by the Masons...who were largely of Scottish ancestry...who were somehow puppets of the British crown, or some such thing. 

I lost interest at that point. I am an old dad, whose father was an old dad, whose father was an old dad, whose father was an old dad. As a result, the war between the states is not ancient history to me, as my great grandfather's elder brothers fought in the war. And that's not even to mention that my step-dad was a proud southerner who called the war "the War of Northern Aggression." In any event, the people who fought that war were not fighting on behalf of the British Empire, and would probably kill you if you said as much to their face.   

As stated in my previous post, moreover, I've spent some time with a number of LaRouche's followers, and their behavior was that of members of a cult. Keep in mind that I'm from Southern California, and that I live within walking distance of Spahn Ranch, and that I have had multiple conversations over the years with followers of, let's see, Synanon, Hare Krishna, EST, Scientology, a little-known cult figure named Tony Alamo, LaRouche, and, now Trump. And, rest assured, Trumpism is a cult, and Trump is a cult leader. There were a number of "parades" in my neighborhood over the last month, in which Trump's supporters raced up and down the streets waving their flags and honking their horns. I would approximate that the largest of these "parades" involved 200 cars, with approximately 500 flags flying out the windows or from the truck beds. Well, by quick count, I'd say 350 of these were flags with the word "Trump" in giant letters, and that the rest were American flags, Don't Tread on Me flags, Make America Great Again flags, or Marine Corps flags. In other words, there were no flags saying "Vote Republican" or "Vote Trump-Pence in 2020". As far as these people were concerned Pence was not even on the ticket, and Trump was the leader of the Trump party. It was TRUMP in giant letters. Trump, the leader of their cult. 

Edited by Pat Speer
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3 hours ago, Kathy Beckett said:

You are free to leave anytime you want. 

Well, Ms. Beckett, I see from your "interests" that you like "...all things Disney..."

Guess that means you like Walt Disney's anti-Semitism too, eh?

Or Walt Disney's firing of Tommy Kirk for being a homosexual?

Or Walt Disney's multiple racist depictions of ethnic minorities in cinema?

Or Walt Disney's N A Z I sympathies and far-right political leanings?

Here is a great picture of Walt Disney with Schutzstaffel-Sturmbannführer Wernher von Braun (showing off some technology he perfected using slave-labor and human guinea pigs...)


I am sorry factual history is a detriment to your materiality.

And yes, I will exercise my right to leave anytime I want, by doing so right now!

I can now see what Mr. Simpich warned me about when I informed him my intention to join this forum.

This forum is a "...free-for-all, far removed from all empirical reality..."

I can also see why the movement to expose the facts surrounding the murder of President Kennedy has achieved so little.

It's community is a superstructure infested by armchair historians, mawkish idealists and far-right agitators.

Well, if this is my last post, I have just one more thing to say, in the words of my generation:

Bite me!


Edited by Robert Montenegro
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1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Keep hope alive Andrew.

Did you notice that William Weld was Trump's only primary challenger this time around? I think he was always considered a potential Republican Presidential candidate in his younger days, so this time around his "challenge" was more of a Joke.

I won't say you specifically, but it's funny how your side is willing to cozy up to the swampiest wing of the Republican Party because of your Trump Derangement Syndrome. All of a sudden the Republicans like Bush, Romney, McCain, Paul Ryan and Weld are your friends.

Your side should take a lap for calling them out correctly as stooges for the Military Industrial Complex, if not their outright leaders. Instead, you are all more hell-bent on bringing them back, maybe not as Republicans, but as Democrats, who effectively have the same agenda, like Clinton and Biden.

The Sanders and Gabbards of the party, meanwhile get the shaft.

Sanders guy here. Good points, all. Little of the Democratic Party's mostly ineffectual response to Trumpism has been its embrace of Neocons, apart perhaps from the party's inability to/resistance to finding new leaders and distancing itself from rightwing, militaristic Clintonism and Clintonistas, but none of it is surprising. If there's one constant about the Democratic Party, it's that it will seek out and find ways to disappoint its left wing on every issue.

Be all that as it may, It's a lesser of two evils thing. While the Democrats and Neocons are plenty evil, history has shown that nothing good ever comes from nationalism and cults of personality. They always devolve into ignorance, lawlessness, violence and mass death, which we are already abundantly witnessing merely four years down this road. 

No Gabbard for me, either. And it has nothing to do with her claims to want peace and bring all the troops home. There's just something wrong about her -- maybe her humorlessness? or her pal'ing around with Dana Rohrabacher, hobnobbing with brutal dictators around the world? Plus, four years of a cult is enough. We don't need another cultist in power.



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I would say that LaRouche definitely had his uses in American political discourse.  In my twenties, reading LaRouchite literature for JFKA theory hipped me to political structures I hadn't heard of or thought enough about: Trilateral Commission, CFR, World Bank, IMF, Federal Reserve; and the influence of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.  The trick was to veer away intellectually when the LLR worldview and rhetoric calcified into unified theory.  But my tangential association with the LLR world steered me toward other reading that I might have taken years to access otherwise.

Edited by David Andrews
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32 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

To be clear, I would agree that you can't reject everything pushed by the LaRouche people just because it's been pushed by the LaRouche people. One of the first books to dig into the background of the Bush family--and to expose Prescott's ties to the...National Socialists of 1930's Germany--was a LaRouche-backed book. 

There was also a book about the history of America that I came across...that had a whole chapter on the secession of the Confederate states...that did a great job of busting one of Red America's myths--that the secession of the slave states prior to the war between the states reflected the will of the citizens of these states. In fact, as I recall, the citizens of some of these states voted to stay within the union, only to be ignored by the rich, slave-owning members of their state legislatures. Now, to me, this was interesting news...

Unfortunately, the book went on to claim this was all part of a plot by the Masons...who were largely of Scottish ancestry...who were somehow puppets of the British crown, or some such thing. 

I lost interest at that point. I am an old dad, whose father was an old dad, whose father was an old dad, whose father was an old dad. As a result, the war between the states is not ancient history to me, as my great grandfather's elder brothers fought in the war. And that's not even to mention that my step-dad was a proud southerner who called the war "the War of Northern Aggression." In any event, the people who fought that war were not fighting on behalf of the British Empire, and would probably kill you if you said as much to their face.   

As stated in my previous post, moreover, I've spent some time with a number of LaRouche's followers, and their behavior was that of members of a cult. Keep in mind that I'm from Southern California, and that I live within walking distance of Spahn Ranch, and that I have had multiple conversations over the years with followers of, let's see, Synanon, Hare Krishna, EST, Scientology, a little-known cult figure named Tony Alamo, LaRouche, and, now Trump. And, rest assured, Trumpism is a cult, and Trump is a cult leader. There were a number of "parades" in my neighborhood over the last month, in which Trump's supporters raced up and down the streets waving their flags and honking their horns. I would approximate that the largest of these "parades" involved 200 cars, with approximately 500 flags flying out the windows or from the truck beds. Well, by quick count, I'd say 350 of these were flags with the word "Trump" in giant letters, and that the rest were American flags, Don't Tread on Me flags, Make America Great Again flags, or Marine Corps flags. In other words, there were no flags saying "Vote Republican" or "Vote Trump-Pence in 2020". As far as these people were concerned Pence was not even on the ticket, and Trump was the leader of the Trump party. It was TRUMP in giant letters. Trump, the leader of their cult. 

Enlightening as well as entertaining. 

Yes, the rich slave owners of the South were the responsible party creators with all their wealth, power and control. Poor folk in those states (even though a majority) as always had no say in the matter.

And as always again, It was simple obsessive greed in protecting and increasing their wealth, power and control that motivated these organizers of the secession movement.

The same simple MO of the killers of JFK for sure.

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29 minutes ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

Be all that as it may, It's a lesser of two evils thing. While the Democrats and Neocons are plenty evil, history has shown that nothing good ever comes from nationalism and cults of personality. They always devolve into ignorance, lawlessness, violence and mass death, which we are already abundantly witnessing merely four years down this road. 





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7 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Some members couldn't help using the word as a substitute for a substantive argument, so it has been banned for even legitimate use.

Me: "I don't think house pets should be given the right to vote."

Cliff: "That makes you a ----."

You get the idea.

There’s no need for that kind of rhetoric now.

We need only one word to describe Trump & his Dead Enders:


Edited by Cliff Varnell
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14 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

The SEALS are now under the direct control of the Sec Def, rather than the Navy and/or Alphabet Agency. Just what JFK was trying to do.

So, no.


Why do you keep saying this?

Wyman Howard is the commander. I guess this is probably stupid of me because you never post evidence for any of your other paranoid delusions, but do you have anything to back this up? 

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3 hours ago, Robert Montenegro said:

Well, Ms. Beckett, I see from your "interests" that you like "...all things Disney..."

Guess that means you like Walt Disney's anti-Semitism too, eh?

Or Walt Disney's firing of Tommy Kirk for being a homosexual?

Or Walt Disney's multiple racist depictions of ethnic minorities in cinema?

Or Walt Disney's N A Z I sympathies and far-right political leanings?

Here is a great picture of Walt Disney with Schutzstaffel-Sturmbannführer Wernher von Braun (showing off some technology he perfected using slave-labor and human guinea pigs...)


I am sorry factual history is a detriment to your materiality.

And yes, I will exercise my right to leave anytime I want, by doing so right now!

I can now see what Mr. Simpich warned me about when I informed him my intention to join this forum.

This forum is a "...free-for-all, far removed from all empirical reality..."

I can also see why the movement to expose the facts surrounding the murder of President Kennedy has achieved so little.

It's community is a superstructure infested by armchair historians, mawkish idealists and far-right agitators.

Well, if this is my last post, I have just one more thing to say, in the words of my generation:

Bite me!


Although your postings are considered somewhat sharp edged and confrontational to some, I often find your different perspective and sometimes broader historical info takes interesting and informative.

And your posting input isn't nearly as antagonizing, confrontational and inciting as R.Wheeler's imo.

I'm just a single member but I hope you change your mind regards leaving the forum.

As Joe Biden would say "COME ON MAN!" 

Don't let a "one word" forum rule upset you.

Heck, just use the word "fascist" as so many already do here without forum rule violation repercussions.

If that doesn't work how about "Walt Disneyish?"

Edited by Joe Bauer
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27 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Heck, just use the word "fascist" as so many already do here without forum rule violation repercussions.


Now you've done it. Adios "fascist," hello "xxxxxxx."



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When asked by The Associated Press if the Army had engaged in an operation to recover servers in Germany, an Army spokesperson responded Saturday, “Those allegations are false.”

Scytl also refuted the claim. As the false conspiracy spread online, the company released a statement Friday titled, “Fact Checking Regarding US Elections: Debunking Fake News.”

In the statement Scytl said: “We do not have servers or offices in Frankfurt” and “The US army has not seized anything from Scytl in Barcelona, Frankfurt or anywhere else.” It also says Scytl does not “tabulate, tally or count votes in the US.”

Jonathan Brill, the president and general manager for Scytl’s U.S. division, told the AP the company had a temporary connection to Frankfurt last year. “Backup servers in Frankfurt were used for a specific project for the European Parliament in 2019,” Brill said. “These back-up servers were closed in September 2019.”

Brill said when it comes to the U.S. elections, “Scytl products sold to US customers are fully housed in the US, utilizing Amazon Web Services and have never been housed in Germany.”


In response to that rumor, Scytl noted that they had no servers or offices in Frankfurt, nor had anything of theirs been seized from them by the U.S. military:

  • The technologies implemented by Scytl in the US are both hosted and managed within the US, by a local subsidiary, SOE Software, based in Tampa, Florida.
  • We do not tabulate, tally or count votes in the US
  • We do not provide voting machines in the US
  • We did not provide online voting to US jurisdictions for the US elections.
  • We do not have servers or offices in Frankfurt
  • The US army has not seized anything from Scytl in Barcelona, Frankfurt or anywhere else
  • We are not owned by George Soros and have never been connected to him
  • We are not tied to Smartmatic, SGO, Dominion or Indra
  • We have no ties with Russia either

Steve Thomas


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