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DHS Told Pentagon ‘No Major Incidents of Illegal Activity’ as Rioters Stormed Capitol

From The Daily Beast

Kana Ruhalter

Breaking News Intern

Updated Sep. 28, 2021 4:37PM ET / Published Sep. 28, 2021 3:24PM ET 

While a Trump-supporting mob stormed the Capitol, pushing through barricades set up outside the building, the Department of Homeland Security sent an email to the Pentagon, reporting “no major incidents of illegal activity at this time,” Politico reports. The Pentagon’s long delay in deploying the National Guard in response to the violence has been widely criticized, but the email, which was sent about 30 minutes after rioters began to breach the barricades, sheds light on the poor communication on Jan. 6.


The National Guard again? The Pentagon?  Maybe call NATO too.

The Capitol Police had a force of 2,300. The DC Metropolitan Police had 3,500 officers. There many other federal agencies with police in DC, including the Park Police.  The phones worked. 

There were 600 people who occupied the Capitol building, and only one carried a firearm, which he did not use. Some had bear spray. The scrum had to pass into the Capitol through narrow seemingly defensible entry points. 

The Capitol-Metro police had batons, shields, helmets, firearms (shot to kill once), communications gear, tasers, tear gas and numbers. 

But they were waiting for National Guard? The Pentagon? NATO? 

There were federal informants in the scrum on Jan. 6. Many lulu's in the scrum texted in real time they were "let into" the Capitol. 

This story does not ring right. 



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Not quite 56 years on this aspect since it started under Nixon.  But important to the subject in that JFK's elimination was important for the atmosphere under which the current situation has risen.  We and our children are screwed for years.

The Lie About the Supreme Court Everyone Pretends to Believe (msn.com)

Conquerors of the Courts - The Washington Post

Edited by Ron Bulman
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26 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Not quite 56 years on this aspect since it started under Nixon.  But important to the subject in that JFK's elimination was important for the atmosphere under which the current situation has risen.  We and our children are screwed for years.

The Lie About the Supreme Court Everyone Pretends to Believe (msn.com)

Conquerors of the Courts - The Washington Post

It is even worse than the MSN/Atlantic article says.

For the purposes of this forum:

At Judge Kavanaugh's Senate confirmation hearings, the Donks were obsessed that the juvenile Kavanaugh might have groped a girl at a high-school beer party attended by other juveniles. In other words, the whole Dr. Ford episode.

Not a word was uttered about Kavanaugh helping to cover up the JFKA.

From Jeff Morley: 

ON A MONDAY AFTERNOON, on July 9, the D.C. Court of Appeals handed down a 2-1 decision against me and in favor of the CIA in a long-running Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. At 4:20 p.m., Judges Brett Kavanaugh and Gregory Katsas, a Trump appointee, filed a 14-page opinion with the clerk of the court in Washington. They ruled that the CIA had acted “reasonably” in responding to my request for certain ancient files related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. Appended to their decision was a 17-page dissent from their colleague Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson who strongly objected to their decision.


But the Donks thought Kavanaugh's alleged---and only alleged---high-school antics of 35 years ago were much more important than his current deep-sixing of Morley's FOIA request. 

You can't make this stuff up. 


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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

It is even worse than the MSN/Atlantic article says.

For the purposes of this forum:

At Judge Kavanaugh's Senate confirmation hearings, the Donks were obsessed that the juvenile Kavanaugh might have groped a girl at a high-school beer party attended by other juveniles. In other words, the whole Dr. Ford episode.

Not a word was uttered about Kavanaugh helping to cover up the JFKA.

From Jeff Morley: 

ON A MONDAY AFTERNOON, on July 9, the D.C. Court of Appeals handed down a 2-1 decision against me and in favor of the CIA in a long-running Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. At 4:20 p.m., Judges Brett Kavanaugh and Gregory Katsas, a Trump appointee, filed a 14-page opinion with the clerk of the court in Washington. They ruled that the CIA had acted “reasonably” in responding to my request for certain ancient files related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. Appended to their decision was a 17-page dissent from their colleague Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson who strongly objected to their decision.


But the Donks thought Kavanaugh's alleged---and only alleged---high-school antics of 35 years ago were much more important than his current deep-sixing of Morley's FOIA request. 

You can't make this stuff up. 


Oh Ben! So you were actually profoundly disappointed that Kavanaugh wasn't chastised at his SC appointment hearing for his dragging his feet on the release the JFKA files?

This is what I mean by parachuting out into the America political experience from Thailand! You probably need to sit down to hear this Ben, But  actually the release of the JFKA files is not in the top 40 in priority of either the 2 major parties.  There's not one person in the an American Congress that would divert a second of his questioning time to ask Kavanaugh about it.



Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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30 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Oh Ben! So you were actually profoundly disappointed that Kavanaugh wasn't chastised at his SC appointment hearing for his dragging his feet on the release the JFKA files?

This is what I mean by parachuting out into the America political experience from Thailand! You probably need to sit down to hear this Ben, But  actually the release of the JFKA files is not in the top 40 in priority of either the 2 major parties.  There's not one person in the an American Congress that would divert a second of his questioning time to ask Kavanaugh about it.



But at the local telegraph office, all us US expats we were quite steamed when we received the news. 

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On 9/27/2021 at 8:37 AM, Kirk Gallaway said:

I guess some mythology among  Trumpers about Trump being the ideal antidote for the government "Deep State" are going to have to be revised! Trump's SS Mike Pompeo discussed kidnapping Julian Assange with the CIA!.



I know this also must have been quite a shock for you Ben. Your anti "deep state" hero actually discussing with the deep state CIA the possibility of kidnapping Julian Assange!! It's interesting how Glen Greenwald, who I know you like,  is a big supporter of Julian Assange's struggle, but has been so quiet on twitter about this. But maybe I can give you some badly needed context as  the situation involving Glen is a bit soap operaish now.

I noticed  Greenwald's  tweets read more and more like a tabloid these days. He  jumped into the twitter fray a couple weeks ago about of all things, the Nikki  Minaj covid statement concerning her cousin's friend whose testacles swelled up. This is what he said about the "Democrat" response.

Democratic Party YouTubers trying to dictate to

what she can and can't say, who she is and isn't permitted to cite, what partisan box she must stay in.

But the truth is, There wasn't  an official response by the Democratic Party. I'm not sure what Glen  is implying. Maybe he just assumes that Nikki Minaj is a Democrat because she's black and  he's putting down the Democrats for turning against their own?? Anyway, you'd think this would be beyond a serious investigative journalist.

What's really needed is context. It's really Glen talking about Glen. Glen, like Assange has experienced some isolation among his peer journalists for aiding Trump over Hillary in the 2016 election. This was motivated by Glen's intense dislike of Hillary Clinton, who Glen sees as such a warmonger when she was Secretary of State for her actions in Libya.  Which, although she does deserve blame,  is honestly sort of a myth in that any Republican would have done the same thing or worse, particularly in those days where there was  this false illusion that the west adapted of "Arab Spring" that all the Middle East countries that were affected were just playing out their natural aspirations toward being free and instituting democracies in their countries.

Whose to say that the CIA wouldn't have assassinate Assange? Whose to say the CIA wouldn't have assassinate Greenwald? Among Glen's major avowed values is First Amendment rights. Glen never realized at the time in 2016 that if Trump had the power, and Glen crossed Trump, Trump wouldn't hesitate to squash him, either through again pulling the levers of government or maybe some of his goons might take it upon themselves to get rid of Glen to which all Trump would say later would be nothing more than " it was unfortunate".
Because wiser minds in his profession saw Trump had tyrannical tendencies to First Amendment rights before he was elected. Naturally they weren't thrilled with Greenwald. So Greenwald's been hissy fitting about it ever since. In theory most all the press uphold both  Assange and Greenwald's First Amendment rights. But they're not going to go to great lengths, because in their perceptions, Assange and Greenwald brought it on themselves.

And now we see Trump and Pompeo  actually considered kidnapping Assange, which only reinforces  Greenwald's past bad judgments. It's not completely right, but sometimes a bad judgment can follow someone the rest of their lives. I hope not. I'd sooner see him get into politics more than silly vendettas.

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41 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I know this also must have been quite a shock for you Ben. Your anti "deep state" hero actually discussing with the deep state CIA the possibility of kidnapping Julian Assange!! It's interesting how Glen Greenwald, who I know you like,  is a big supporter of Julian Assange's struggle, but has been so quiet on twitter about this. But maybe I can give you some badly needed context as  the situation involving Glen is a bit soap operaish now.

I noticed  Greenwald's  tweets read more and more like a tabloid these days. He  jumped into the twitter fray a couple weeks ago about of all things, the Nikki  Minaj covid statement concerning her cousin's friend whose testacles swelled up. This is what he said about the "Democrat" response.

Democratic Party YouTubers trying to dictate to

what she can and can't say, who she is and isn't permitted to cite, what partisan box she must stay in.

But the truth is, There wasn't  an official response by the Democratic Party. I'm not sure what Glen  is implying. Maybe he just assumes that Nikki Minaj is a Democrat because she's black and  he's putting down the Democrats for turning against their own?? Anyway, you'd think this would be beyond a serious investigative journalist.

What's really needed is context. It's really Glen talking about Glen. Glen, like Assange has experienced some isolation among his peer journalists for aiding Trump over Hillary in the 2016 election. This was motivated by Glen's intense dislike of Hillary Clinton, who Glen sees as such a warmonger when she was Secretary of State for her actions in Libya.  Which, although she does deserve blame,  is honestly sort of a myth in that any Republican would have done the same thing or worse, particularly in those days where there was  this false illusion that the west adapted of "Arab Spring" that all the Middle East countries that were affected were just playing out their natural aspirations toward being free and instituting democracies in their countries.

Whose to say that the CIA wouldn't have assassinate Assange? Whose to say the CIA wouldn't have assassinate Greenwald? Among Glen's major avowed values is First Amendment rights. Glen never realized at the time in 2016 that if Trump had the power, and Glen crossed Trump, Trump wouldn't hesitate to squash him, either through again pulling the levers of government or maybe some of his goons might take it upon themselves to get rid of Glen to which all Trump would say later would be nothing more than " it was unfortunate".
Because wiser minds in his profession saw Trump had tyrannical tendencies to First Amendment rights before he was elected. Naturally they weren't thrilled with Greenwald. So Greenwald's been hissy fitting about it ever since. In theory most all the press uphold both  Assange and Greenwald's First Amendment rights. But they're not going to go to great lengths, because in their perceptions, Assange and Greenwald brought it on themselves.

And now we see Trump and Pompeo  actually considered kidnapping Assange, which only reinforces  Greenwald's past bad judgments. It's not completely right, but sometimes a bad judgment can follow someone the rest of their lives. I hope not. I'd sooner see him get into politics more than silly vendettas.

But here at the local telegraph office, which doubles as an informal salo(o)n, we held Greenwald in high regard. I guess we are abashed now! 

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54 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

But at the local telegraph office, all us US expats we were quite steamed when we received the news. 

Yeah, You know that Kavanaugh hearing thing you mentioned?  Back in the U.S. That was about 3 years ago!

Sorry you missed it.


heh heh heh

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54 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Yeah, You know that Kavanaugh hearing thing you mentioned?  Back in the U.S. That was about 3 years ago!

Sorry you missed it.


heh heh heh

Three years ago for you, but hot off the wire for us. First the burros have to deliver to newspapers to Rangoon, and then they telegraph the headlines down to Ayutthaya, the old capital. 

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13 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

DHS Told Pentagon ‘No Major Incidents of Illegal Activity’ as Rioters Stormed Capitol

From The Daily Beast

Kana Ruhalter

Breaking News Intern

Updated Sep. 28, 2021 4:37PM ET / Published Sep. 28, 2021 3:24PM ET 

While a Trump-supporting mob stormed the Capitol, pushing through barricades set up outside the building, the Department of Homeland Security sent an email to the Pentagon, reporting “no major incidents of illegal activity at this time,” Politico reports. The Pentagon’s long delay in deploying the National Guard in response to the violence has been widely criticized, but the email, which was sent about 30 minutes after rioters began to breach the barricades, sheds light on the poor communication on Jan. 6.


The National Guard again? The Pentagon?  Maybe call NATO too.

The Capitol Police had a force of 2,300. The DC Metropolitan Police had 3,500 officers. There many other federal agencies with police in DC, including the Park Police.  The phones worked. 

There were 600 people who occupied the Capitol building, and only one carried a firearm, which he did not use. Some had bear spray. The scrum had to pass into the Capitol through narrow seemingly defensible entry points. 

The Capitol-Metro police had batons, shields, helmets, firearms (shot to kill once), communications gear, tasers, tear gas and numbers. 

But they were waiting for National Guard? The Pentagon? NATO? 

There were federal informants in the scrum on Jan. 6. Many lulu's in the scrum texted in real time they were "let into" the Capitol. 

This story does not ring right. 



Geez, Ben... talk about an alleged failure of intelligence.  The DHS saw no evidence of illegal activity?

I didn't watch news coverage of the January 6th attack live because I was skiing that day, but I was probably one of the few people on the planet who didn't know that illegal activity was occurring at the Capitol.

One person who, obviously, knew about the attack on Congress was Donald Trump.

According to Bob Woodward's new book, Trump ignored requests for intervention* on January 6th while gleefully watching the attacks on television.

No wonder Trump is now suing to block Congress from seeing his January 6th phone records... 🤥

* Trump ignored pleas to intervene during Capitol riot and kept watching the violence unfold on TV instead




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4 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Geez, Ben... talk about an alleged failure of intelligence.  The DHS saw no evidence of illegal activity?

I didn't watch news coverage of the January 6th attack live because I was skiing that day, but I was probably one of the few people on the planet who didn't know that illegal activity was occurring at the Capitol.

One person who, obviously, knew about the attack on Congress was Donald Trump.

According to Bob Woodward's new book, Trump ignored requests for intervention* on January 6th while gleefully watching the attacks on television.

No wonder Trump is now suing to block Congress from seeing his January 6th phone records... 🤥

* Trump ignored pleas to intervene during Capitol riot and kept watching the violence unfold on TV instead




That's right W!  Some of us were setting our sights on the big fish, while Ben was going after the corner drug pusher.

You know, the guy with the buffalo horns?

heh heh heh heh!

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Doctor says 'selfie wrist' injuries are on the rise

by Rusty Blazenhoff 1:03 pm Fri Dec 28, 2018


"I'm feeling sad for humanity. "Selfie wrist" is a thing.

According to CBSNewYork, San Francisco doctor Levi Harrison is seeing a rise in an injury caused by "hyper-flexing your wrist inwards to capture the perfect selfie angle."

"Selfie wrist" can reportedly cause numbness and a tingling sensation that people feel in their fingers and wrists."
Carpal tunnel syndrome sufferers of the world unite!
Look at me! Look at me!
Steve Thomas
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8 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Geez, Ben... talk about an alleged failure of intelligence.  The DHS saw no evidence of illegal activity?

I didn't watch news coverage of the January 6th attack live because I was skiing that day, but I was probably one of the few people on the planet who didn't know that illegal activity was occurring at the Capitol.

One person who, obviously, knew about the attack on Congress was Donald Trump.

According to Bob Woodward's new book, Trump ignored requests for intervention* on January 6th while gleefully watching the attacks on television.

No wonder Trump is now suing to block Congress from seeing his January 6th phone records... 🤥

* Trump ignored pleas to intervene during Capitol riot and kept watching the violence unfold on TV instead





I won't pretend to "know what really happened on Jan. 6."

The narrative some favor, that Trump & Co. organized a strike force to hit the Capitol in hopes of overturning the US national election results and then seizing the reins of the federal government, strikes me as far-fetched, and a media confection.

The above is the narrative that will be pursued by the Jan. 6 committee in the House---but for political reasons.  Whether the narrative is true or not matters little----much like the Brian Sicknick narrative.  Truth is not on the agenda. 

It remains a mystery how 600 lulu's could overwhelm the 6,000 police officers available to the Capitol Police and the DC Metropolitan Police Departments. The Capitol Police report to the legislative branch, not to Trump, and the Metro police to DC officials.  If party politics matter, both departments report to Democrats. 

And then for people to cry out loud they wanted the Pentagon to send National Guard troops! This is ridiculous on the face of it. How many hours or days does it take to call up the Guard? Drama! Drama! Danger! 

In truth, the arrests inside the Capitol were made rather easily, by local police, within a few hours. People did not violently resist arrest inside the Capitol. Once inside, the occupiers did not barricade the doors etc., and they were unarmed. 

Choose a narrative, but for me, the popular narratives do not hold water. 


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7 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Doctor says 'selfie wrist' injuries are on the rise

by Rusty Blazenhoff 1:03 pm Fri Dec 28, 2018


"I'm feeling sad for humanity. "Selfie wrist" is a thing.

According to CBSNewYork, San Francisco doctor Levi Harrison is seeing a rise in an injury caused by "hyper-flexing your wrist inwards to capture the perfect selfie angle."

"Selfie wrist" can reportedly cause numbness and a tingling sensation that people feel in their fingers and wrists."
Carpal tunnel syndrome sufferers of the world unite!
Look at me! Look at me!
Steve Thomas

I knew a guy years ago who had selfie wrist.  Well before cell phones with cameras.  Always wondered how he got it.

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