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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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4 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- don't know. I'm afraid China does many things I don't understand. You'll have to ask them.

OK, China did whatever it did. Maybe nothing, maybe a lab leak. Maybe a test of a bioweapons project. Who knows? 

But here and now: 

What about your cats and dogs? Local pig farms? Wild deer populations? 

The reason I ask this is that in Hong Kong 2,000 pet hamsters were exterminated as a possible vector for C19. 

That is interesting that the CDC says pigs can get C19. As you may know, feral pig populations are exploding across North America. And, of course, hog farms have become enormous, perfect breeding grounds for C19 mutations. 

If animal populations can become reservoirs for C19 mutations...then what?


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Ben- not sure. I know here in the upper Midwest Covid has been found in the majority of deer running around; there's probably a few directly across from my house here.

I'm not an infectious disease expert, so I don't know about whatever common ways there are for viruses to jump from animals to humans. I've heard those disgusting wet markets in China are prone to such disastrous scenarios, but again, best to check with an expert.

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7 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- not sure. I know here in the upper Midwest Covid has been found in the majority of deer running around; there's probably a few directly across from my house here.

I'm not an infectious disease expert, so I don't know about whatever common ways there are for viruses to jump from animals to humans. I've heard those disgusting wet markets in China are prone to such disastrous scenarios, but again, best to check with an expert.

Matt A.--

That's my point. In the US the state-approved "experts" do not want to talk about animal-to-human transmission, or unvaccinated illegal immigrants. 

Those are "black hole" topics. 

Really, in the US every topic is so polluted with money and politics that "science" never rules. 




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This is unbelievable.






"A group of former DoD and IC analysts collected, analyzed, and organized into a work product substantial evidence suggesting foreign involvement in both the violent “Color Revolution” the US. is presently undergoing and specifically the 2020 Election fraud and their involvement in altering the vote counts in the 2020 Election. Expert DOD legal opinion of this work product is that it provides sufficient predicate to form search inquiries against NSA unprocessed raw signals data under the existing authorities of NSPM.-13. Those targeted inquiries will likely identify hard evidence of foreign involvement in DOD data which will support all other efforts to reverse the fraud. If evidence of foreign interference is found the team would generate a classified DOD legal finding to support next steps to defend the Constitution in a manner superior to current civiian-only judicial remedies ( which should still be pursued in parallel)."


Color Revolution:

Worldwide media use the term colour revolution to describe various protest movements and accompanying attempted or successful change of governments that took place in several countries of the former Soviet Union, the former Yugoslavia and People's Republic of China during the early 21st century. Wikipedia

Explaining the Color Revolutions

by Poh Phaik Thien Jul 31 2009


However various political upheavals that have that happened following allegations of electoral fraud in national elections since 2000 seem to indicate democratic breakthroughs.”


1. The U.S. is currently undergoing a “Color Revolution".

2. There is that National Security Presidential Memorandum (NSPM-13) again.

3. Intercepting raw NSA data is against the law unless under a court order.

4. Is this memo proposing military tribunals?


Steve Thomas


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12 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Matt A.--

That's my point. In the US the state-approved "experts" do not want to talk about animal-to-human transmission, or unvaccinated illegal immigrants. 

Those are "black hole" topics. 

Really, in the US every topic is so polluted with money and politics that "science" never rules. 





     The Hong Kong hamster story seems to be your new obsession, now that the Fox/"Patriot Purge" narrative has been debunked.  You have posted redundant, un-sourced comments this week about the COVID threat posed by animals and illegal immigrants.  

      It's a variation on the old "Yellow Horde" paranoia-- the notion that our society is being threatened by nefarious outsiders-- and also a kind of Trumplican projection of guilt onto the Biden administration, an implication that Biden is not doing enough to protect us from COVID! 🤥

     "State-approved experts don't want to talk about animal-to-human transmission or un-vaccinated illegal immigrants?"

      Huh?  Are you hearing this goofy narrative on Fox News?

      Obama's FDA Director, Peg Hamburg, was a classmate of mine at Harvard Medical School.  Highly intelligent, conscientious, and ethical.  I met her father, Dr. David Hamburg, back in the day.  He was the director of the Institute of Medicine.

      Dr. Anthony Fauci is a similarly ethical, conscientious physician, as are the docs at the NIH and CDC. 

     Yet, Fauci has become a Fox/Trumplican scapegoat in the eyes of the same MAGA screwballs who have consistently undermined basic U.S. public health measures during the pandemic-- testing, social distancing, vaccination, and the use of effective masks.

      If any recent POTUS has appointed unethical corporate profiteers to the FDA and other Federal health institutions, it has been Donald Trump.  Bush and Cheney were similarly inclined.

      In contrast, Obama and Biden have appointed reputable, conscientious physicians, and have based their health policy decisions on the advice of America's top docs.  As an example, Biden has pushed hard for legislation to reduce pharmaceutical costs-- efforts that have been sabotaged by Republicans (along with Manchin and Sinema.)

     And let's not forget that Trump abolished Obama's White House pandemic-response team in 2018, and pulled our public health monitors out of China before the COVID-19 pandemic commenced.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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4 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     The Hong Kong hamster story seems to be your new obsession, now that the Fox/"Patriot Purge" narrative has been debunked.  You have posted redundant, un-sourced comments this week about the COVID threat posed by animals and illegal immigrants.  

      It's a variation on the old "Yellow Horde" paranoia-- the notion that our society is being threatened by nefarious outsiders-- and also a kind of Trumplican projection of guilt onto the Biden administration, an implication that Biden is not doing enough to protect us from COVID! 🤥

     "State-approved experts don't want to talk about animal-to-human transmission or un-vaccinated illegal immigrants?"

      Huh?  Are you hearing this goofy narrative on Fox News?

      Obama's FDA Director, Peg Hamburg, was a classmate of mine at Harvard Medical School.  Highly intelligent, conscientious, and ethical.  I met her father, Dr. David Hamburg, back in the day.  He was the director of the Institute of Medicine.

      Dr. Anthony Fauci is a similarly ethical, conscientious physician, as are the docs at the NIH and CDC. 

     Yet, Fauci has become a Fox/Trumplican scapegoat in the eyes of the same MAGA screwballs who have consistently undermined basic U.S. public health measures during the pandemic-- testing, social distancing, vaccination, and the use of effective masks.

      If any recent POTUS has appointed unethical corporate profiteers to the FDA and other Federal health institutions, it has been Donald Trump.  Bush and Cheney were similarly inclined.

      In contrast, Obama and Biden have appointed reputable, conscientious physicians, and have based their health policy decisions on the advice of America's top docs.  As an example, Biden has pushed hard for legislation to reduce pharmaceutical costs-- efforts that have been sabotaged by Republicans (along with Manchin and Sinema.)

     And let's not forget that Trump abolished Obama's White House pandemic-response team in 2018, and pulled our public health monitors out of China before the COVID-19 pandemic commenced.


What is the motive behind the screwballs in Congress and the media? Isn’t it their own supporters who are dying in greater numbers? 
You mentioned previously that vaccination rates explain the poor results the US is having against Covid, aided and abetted by the right wing media and members of Congress spreading false info. Fair enough. But how does vaccination rates explain the disparate results in countries, so many of whom have poor vaccination rates but much better death rates per million? India and South Africa come to mind. China of course has a zero tolerance policy, and so did New Zealand. That’s about lockdowns. The only country with higher deaths per million is Brazil. I can’t speak to the general level of health in Brazil but wouldn’t be shocked if their high rates are centered in their poor population. The US has more unhealthy people with bad diets and lifestyle than any of the European or British isle countries. I’ve visited most of them over the years multiple times. Obesity is a particularly American problem, and it’s causative as you know. So is diabetes. Life span in Red States was already almost three years less than in the northeast or western states before Covid. 

what is missing from the figures we get on which to base our assumptions is the lack of detail on exactly who is dying. Is Covid just one factor, or the factor? I know you are a medical professional, and a smart guy - and a musician. You have my respect. That’s why I’ve been engaging with you. I’m not a loony conspiracy monger, MAGA QAnon etc kinda guy. I’m very rational, and like most here pretty distrustful of mainstream media, not to mention the kooks. But it’s looking more and more to me like the doctors behind the Great Barrington Declaration, regardless of their funders, were onto something, and that countries, including this one, are moving in their direction. Yet we had no, zero, public debate on their well considered opinions on herd immunity. Does that seem fair and balanced to you? 

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Tennessee Republicans hold a book burning to destroy Harry Potter, Twilight, and other "demonic" titles

By Mark Frauenfelder 7:28 am Fri Feb 4, 2022


“The simple banning of Maus from schools apparently wasn't enough for Tennessee Republicans. The time has come to burn books that displease them.

Global Vision Bible Church pastor Greg Locke, who praises his god and Trump in equal measure, held a book burning this week to rid the earth of books he doesn't like. His Trump-loving congregation tossed copies of Harry Potter and Twilight books into the fire, along with other items they were frightened of, including Ouija boards and tarot cards. Here's the video of Locke's sermon and the book burning, which starts around an hour into the video.”



Steve Thomas


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59 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     The Hong Kong hamster story seems to be your new obsession, now that the Fox/"Patriot Purge" narrative has been debunked.  You have posted redundant, un-sourced comments this week about the COVID threat posed by animals and illegal immigrants.  

      It's a variation on the old "Yellow Horde" paranoia-- the notion that our society is being threatened by nefarious outsiders-- and also a kind of Trumplican projection of guilt onto the Biden administration, an implication that Biden is not doing enough to protect us from COVID! 🤥

     "State-approved experts don't want to talk about animal-to-human transmission or un-vaccinated illegal immigrants?"

      Huh?  Are you hearing this goofy narrative on Fox News?

      Obama's FDA Director, Peg Hamburg, was a classmate of mine at Harvard Medical School.  Highly intelligent, conscientious, and ethical.  I met her father, Dr. David Hamburg, back in the day.  He was the director of the Institute of Medicine.

      Dr. Anthony Fauci is a similarly ethical, conscientious physician, as are the docs at the NIH and CDC. 

     Yet, Fauci has become a Fox/Trumplican scapegoat in the eyes of the same MAGA screwballs who have consistently undermined basic U.S. public health measures during the pandemic-- testing, social distancing, vaccination, and the use of effective masks.

      If any recent POTUS has appointed unethical corporate profiteers to the FDA and other Federal health institutions, it has been Donald Trump.  Bush and Cheney were similarly inclined.

      In contrast, Obama and Biden have appointed reputable, conscientious physicians, and have based their health policy decisions on the advice of America's top docs.  As an example, Biden has pushed hard for legislation to reduce pharmaceutical costs-- efforts that have been sabotaged by Republicans (along with Manchin and Sinema.)

     And let's not forget that Trump abolished Obama's White House pandemic-response team in 2018, and pulled our public health monitors out of China before the COVID-19 pandemic commenced.


A Ben obsession no doubt W.! Like 7 straight posts , 2 which are virtually identical. ( I thought I skipped the page) You've been noted as breaking the story Ben, and we'll keep you apprised of any developments in the domestic feral population, or among American pets. But it's humans who are passing it on to their pets.

Paul I've heard lots of information about who are suffering the greatest effects from covid. They are people in general poor health, the obese , the people with poor diets,  who tend to be poor, and people with preexisting conditions.

i think there's a building consensus that we have to learn to live with the virus.It's not to say that the early lock downs were a mistake. There was just so little the experts knew and they  erred on the side of caution, as many major cities in the U.S. and abroad were being overrun with patients.

There were execution problems,problems with testing and policy problems, some of which are brought on by politics.. I don't think anybody here discounted the idea that it could have broken out from a lab. The right wing gets outraged when it finds out that there's any cooperation between governments and political foes, among  people of the world who sincerely foresaw that more pandemics were going to happen and wanted to prevent it. And then they start stoking up the false rumor machines.

We know countries are experimenting with biological warfare and there are gain of functions experiments going on. Just like the nuclear weapons,and cyber security,  it would be great if the peoples of the world could get together and try to agree to curb it. People can disagree with policy decisions. I'm not saying you're saying anything unreasonable.  But to assume these bureaucrats are all just evil is just more BS.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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36 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

What is the motive behind the screwballs in Congress and the media? Isn’t it their own supporters who are dying in greater numbers? 
You mentioned previously that vaccination rates explain the poor results the US is having against Covid, aided and abetted by the right wing media and members of Congress spreading false info. Fair enough. But how does vaccination rates explain the disparate results in countries, so many of whom have poor vaccination rates but much better death rates per million? India and South Africa come to mind. China of course has a zero tolerance policy, and so did New Zealand. That’s about lockdowns. The only country with higher deaths per million is Brazil. I can’t speak to the general level of health in Brazil but wouldn’t be shocked if their high rates are centered in their poor population. The US has more unhealthy people with bad diets and lifestyle than any of the European or British isle countries. I’ve visited most of them over the years multiple times. Obesity is a particularly American problem, and it’s causative as you know. So is diabetes. Life span in Red States was already almost three years less than in the northeast or western states before Covid. 

what is missing from the figures we get on which to base our assumptions is the lack of detail on exactly who is dying. Is Covid just one factor, or the factor? I know you are a medical professional, and a smart guy - and a musician. You have my respect. That’s why I’ve been engaging with you. I’m not a loony conspiracy monger, MAGA QAnon etc kinda guy. I’m very rational, and like most here pretty distrustful of mainstream media, not to mention the kooks. But it’s looking more and more to me like the doctors behind the Great Barrington Declaration, regardless of their funders, were onto something, and that countries, including this one, are moving in their direction. Yet we had no, zero, public debate on their well considered opinions on herd immunity. Does that seem fair and balanced to you? 


   There is ample documentation that U.S. COVID deaths in 2021 mainly occurred in the un-vaccinated, and at a higher rate in Trump-voting counties.

     I agree that vaccination rates, alone, don't account for the disparities, as in the case of Vietnam!  

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As Adopted by the Resolutions Committee

WHEREAS , Representatives Cheney and Kinzinger are participating in a Democrat -led
persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse , and they are both
utilizing their past professed political affiliation to mask Democrat abuse of prosecutorial power
for partisan purposes, therefore, be it
RESOLVED , That the Republican National Committee hereby formally censures Representatives
Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois and shall immediately cease any and all
support of them as members of the Republican Party for their behavior which has been
destructive to the institution of the U.S. House of Representatives , the Republican Party and our
republic, and is inconsistent with the position of the Conference .

And, there you have it.

Steve Thomas

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As far the difference between unvaccinated countries with low rates, there are always going to be some disparities. Most of it is because some countries have low tourist and business travel, they're just not as connected, such as the continent of Africa. Isolated countries with strict policies, such as Australia and New Zealand have done very well,as well as all SE Asia.. Latin America is doing poorly. But the lowest Latin American death rates are either dirt poor,Nicaragua,  Guatemala, El Salvador, Haiti or countries that are politically isolated, Cuba and Venezuela.and you can include Iraq, Syria.  In Europe, Denmark is the most vaccinated in Europe and has the lowest covid death rates. So there's a lot of data to support vaccination.

A lot has been made about the fact that Florida and California have similar death rates, but California adopted more draconian measures. But I went to Florida in April/ May not knowing what to expect. Things were easing everywhere because the delta variant hadn't come. And in reality despite all of De Santis's ( next GOP nominee?) rhetoric, they were almost the same. You had to walk into restaurants with a mask that you took off once you were seated. Ok, it doesn't make sense, but it was just like California, except for maybe parts of the Bay Area and San Francisco which was about as Draconian as any city in the U.S. and their covid death rates were in some many times less than some other major American cities.

In Florida literally every hotel lobby I checked into were manned largely by young people, who were all wearing masks, without exception! It was a little looser around the edges in Florida. But despite all of De Santis's political posturing ,and his massive blunders before in the name of tourism, the everyday reality was largely the same. I can't comment on the policy after Delta or Omicron.


Exactly Steve, If you're a Republican, you're cancelled cultured unless you're starting to think the 1/6 Capitol break in was a good thing.

I see now Pence is finally saying  Trump was wrong, and Pence had no right to overturn the election. It's amazing how Pence can go to right wing media outlets and not be asked any critical questions about his accounts of 1/06.


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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"President Trump is wrong," Pence said. "I had no right to overturn the election." "The presidency belongs to the American people and the American people alone," he said. "And frankly, there is no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president. Under the Constitution, I had no right to change the outcome of our election."

Steve Thomas

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On 2/4/2022 at 3:31 PM, Steve Thomas said:



"President Trump is wrong," Pence said. "I had no right to overturn the election." "The presidency belongs to the American people and the American people alone," he said. "And frankly, there is no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president. Under the Constitution, I had no right to change the outcome of our election."

Steve Thomas

Breaking News:


People are already getting out the popcorn waiting for DJT's response.

Edited by Steve Thomas
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Well, kudos to Pence for finally declaring that the Orange Emperor has no clothes.

Will he be denounced by the Party next?

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