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19 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

So, Ben, basically, you're arguing that O.J. Simpson was innocent of murder, then?  Got it.

As for the aborted Mueller investigation, if you study the details, you will learn that the investigation was stonewalled by Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Donald Trump, and others who either refused to answer key questions, or repeatedly committed perjury (as in Manafort's case.)  As Pat Speer pointed out, (above) Trump also obstructed justice during the investigation by floating pardons for key witnesses, including Putin's long-time employee, Paul Manafort.

If you misinterpreted the aborted/stonewalled Mueller investigation as finding Trump innocent of "collusion" with the Kremlin in 2016, you need to do some remedial reading.  

As for reading studies, I've done it on a weekly basis for decades, and, no.  In quality studies, the abstract and conclusions are summaries of the actual data.

In contrast, you have a cognitive tendency to formulate theories that ignore the data.

Here are the two analyses of the M$M and the 2016 election I referred to above.

The gist of it is that the M$M and social media sabotaged Hillary Clinton in 2016, not Trump.



W.---As I understand it, you have concluded that President Bush and VP Cheney (and many others) were in on the plot, or even fabricated the plot itself,  to down all three of the World Trade Center towers. 

There was a lengthy study of that event, known as the 9.11 commission. 

I gather you have divined the 9/11 commission was a snow job. 

Maybe it was. 

As for OJ Simpson, he was found guilty in a civil trial. So, the court system worked, after a long burp. 

It appears the LA District Attorney case against OJ was badly managed, and ID politics played a role as well. 

That said, I prefer to see a vigorous legal defense of all accused in a court of law, rather than a conviction in the headlines. 


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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Ron B.--

Yes. This is what I am afraid of.

The US leaders have become so enamored of convenient M$M narratives regarding Russian failures that the idea the lunatic Putin may be in for a long slog is overlooked. 

The globalists were content to partition Ukraine to Putin. They signaled as much to Putin, and they offered Zelensky refuge, which likely would have ensured a collapse of the Ukrainian government. 

Yes, the Ukrainians seized the narrative through extraordinary resistance. 

Now, light arms are flowing into Ukraine, which might result in a long slog, entirely inhumane to everybody. 

Poland has called for a more-aggressive posture in Ukraine, up to and including boots on the ground, despite Poland being right there on the frontlines. Poland has guts. 

Biden appears confused, on his back leg, willing to watch Ukraine become Mariupolized. Willing to allow Putin to dictate terms of battle in Ukraine. 

I hope soon the West follows Poland's lead. 





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Biden has led the west, through feeding Zelensky the ammunition he wanted, instead of a ride, as well as sanctions, to maybe Putin withdrawing somewhat.  Without thus far, Chemical., Biological, or Nuclear weapons.  Bravo.

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20 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

What I'm telling you is I tested your AP quote verbatim, and that's not the AP quote. There aren't 2 quotes. Your quote omitted that William Barr said it, and you attributed it as a fact from the AP.

Ben  re: Buffalo Horns said:  And nobody is ever going to find out who gave him $500 so he could take a bus to DC.  How did a penniless, homeless Phoenix gadfly end up in DC?

Yeah and the natural assumption would be that it came from the Trump organizers of the event! But you're alluding that it came from FBI agents or you wouldn't have mentioned it.  This is what I mean by "perpetual conspiracy" BS. You're using innuendo and you have no foundation. Give me more powerful evidence pointing to the FBI, than this picture showing Buffalo Horns talking with Rudy Giuliani. I'm sure you can't.


Well, my favorite participant in the 1/6 scrum, Mr. Buffalo Horns, is still behind bars and will be for a long time. He was in solitary confinement for a long time. I wonder if he is out of his cell more now. 

Which brings about the curious case of Christopher Alberts. 

Alberts was arrested on 1/6 on Capitol grounds and had---

"a black Taurus G2C 9mm (Serial#AAL085515) was recovered from D-1’s (Albert's) right hip. Additionally, a separate magazine was located on D-1’s left hip. Both the gun and the spare magazine were in held in two separate holsters. The handgun had one round in the chamber with a twelve round capacity magazine filled with twelve rounds; the spare magazine also had a twelve round capacity and was filled with twelve rounds. MPD Officers also seized a gas-mask from the defendant’s person as well as the defendant’s backpack." 

"At the time, ALBERTS was also wearing a bullet-proof vest"

Jeez, this sounds like a dangerous dude, no? In contrast, Mr. Buffalo Horns carried a flag pole. 

OK, so Alberts was released on 1/7...and there it stands. He has been indicted. Yes, he was released on 1/6/2021, in case you are wondering. The day after the 1/6 scrum. 

If one reviews the extraordinarily selective prosecution of 1/6 defendants, and the strange position of the US government that it cannot release videos of the scrum due to security reasons....

Seems fishy to me. 

But hey, all rings true at the WaPo....but then the WaPo says you are a conspiracy nut if you think something fishy happened on 11/22. 

Remember, there even in conspiracy theories, there are PC-standards to uphold!


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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This is the AP story. I don't understand what you are talking about. There is no mention of Barr in this story. 

"WASHINGTON (AP) — Special counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence President Donald Trump’s campaign “conspired or coordinated” with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election but reached no conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice. That brought a hearty claim of vindication from Trump but set the stage for new rounds of political and legal fighting."


You can say AP bungled the story, or was "in Trump's camp" or something to that effect. But this is not a quote from Barr. 

I do not understand your position on this. 

As I have said many times, one should be leery of commission or Congressional committee reports, or other investigations or allegations. They can easily read like prosecutions or plaintiff suits---without hearing from the defense. 

Add on some hefty financial or political considerations....


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Well, Ben thanks for posting that link. As it turns out, we were both right. I searched your first 2 AP paragraphs and got the March 24 AP release by the same 3 authors. You quoted from the March 25th edition.These 2 paragraphs are identical except in the earlier March 24,edition, it says  "Attorney General William Barr declared Sunday." attributing the opening 2 sentences as a quote from William Barr.


The only other difference curiously is different titles.

March 24th:Trump didn't coordinate with Russia, report declares--March 25th.: Mueller finds no Trump collusion, leaves obstruction open

The headline difference is easily explained. But on the 25th they curiously retract the William Barr quote and make it their own.???

Hmmm.. Well obviously they're full of sh-t, and shouldn't be quoted in the first place, or even paid attention to for that reason, as well as the many other reasons we've enumerated.


Re: Ukraine


Ben:Ron.--Yes. This is what I am afraid of.

The US leaders have become so enamored of convenient M$M narratives regarding Russian failures that the idea the lunatic Putin may be in for a long slog is overlooked. 

I'm not sure you're getting this Ben. Putin initially wanted to capture Kiev, Zelensky and create a regime change.  Now he's saying that all he ever wanted was the Dumbass region  and he left the rest of the country in shambles just to be sure there wouldn't be any resistance to that goal. Which sounds completely derelict and absurd. But this is definitely a backing down of sorts, and it appears they are standing back from Kiev for now. Not that we should necessarily trust anything he says.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Well, Ben thanks for posting that link. As it turns out, we were both right. I searched your first 2 AP paragraphs and got the March 24 AP release by the same 3 authors. You quoted from the March 25th edition.These 2 paragraphs are identical except in the earlier March 24,edition, it says  "Attorney General William Barr declared Sunday." attributing the opening 2 sentences as a quote from William Barr.


The only other difference curiously is different titles.

March 24th:Trump didn't coordinate with Russia, report declares--March 25th.: Mueller finds no Trump collusion, leaves obstruction open

The headline difference is easily explained. But on the 25th they curiously retract the William Barr quote and make it their own.???

Hmmm.. Well obviously they're full of sh-t, and shouldn't be quoted in the first place, or even paid attention to for that reason, as well as the many other reasons we've enumerated.


Re: Ukraine


Ben:Ron.--Yes. This is what I am afraid of.

The US leaders have become so enamored of convenient M$M narratives regarding Russian failures that the idea the lunatic Putin may be in for a long slog is overlooked. 

I'm not sure you're getting this Ben. Putin initially wanted to capture Kiev, Zelensky and create a regime change.  Now he's saying that all he ever wanted was the Dumbass region  and he left the rest of the country in shambles just to be sure there wouldn't be any resistance to that goal. Which sounds completely derelict and absurd. But this is definitely a backing down of sorts, and it appears they are standing back from Kiev for now. Not that we should necessarily trust anything he says.

I hope Putin is "backing down." 

Remember, he said he would never invade Ukraine. 

With Putin, you believe what you see. I have even heard reports Russia is bringing in troops from other regions of Russia into Ukraine, in other words, replacing battlefield losses. 

The Russians were in Chechnya, on and off, for years and years, and my layman's understanding is that Chechnya is far less important to Russia and Putin than Ukraine. 

Maybe Putin will come to his senses, do the calculus, and see with Western support the Ukrainians may be too much to handle.

But we are getting information that is highly colored. 


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I just got up and I just want to make sure I've got this straight.

The wife of a Supreme Court Justice conspired to overthrow the government of the United States, all the while, invoking the name of Jesus Christ.

Alrighty then.

Steve Thomas

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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:

I just got up and I just want to make sure I've got this straight.

The wife of a Supreme Court Justice conspired to overthrow the government of the United States, all the while, invoking the name of Jesus Christ.

Alrighty then.

Steve Thomas

You left out the part about her wearing buffalo horns. 

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4 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

I just got up and I just want to make sure I've got this straight.

The wife of a Supreme Court Justice conspired to overthrow the government of the United States, all the while, invoking the name of Jesus Christ.

Alrighty then.

Steve Thomas

And her husband is the "only" SCOTUS member to vote against the release of Trump's White House Communication records to the January 6th committee ... which included his wife's 26 frantic ( you've got to do something to override Pence and rescind the election!) messages to Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows?

Uhhh ... talk about bias and placing his wife's interests above the rest of us ... much?

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53 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

And her husband is the "only" SCOTUS member to vote against the release of Trump's White House Communication records to the January 6th committee ... which included his wife's 26 frantic ( you've got to do something to override Pence and rescind the election!) messages to Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows?

Uhhh ... talk about bias and placing his wife's interests above the rest of us ... much?

The most unethical breach of SCOTUS public trust since 2000.

When 5 of the justices overrode the Florida Supreme Court decision to keep counting their states presidential election votes.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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11 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:



This is the AP story. I don't understand what you are talking about. There is no mention of Barr in this story. 

"WASHINGTON (AP) — Special counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence President Donald Trump’s campaign “conspired or coordinated” with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election but reached no conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice. That brought a hearty claim of vindication from Trump but set the stage for new rounds of political and legal fighting."




     You got suckered by the M$M Trumpaganda on this one.  This is, precisely, why you need to read the Mueller Report.

     The truth is that Manafort, (Stone, Trump, et.al.) stonewalled Mueller's investigation of the 2016 Trump campaign's collusion with the Kremlin (Kilimnik, Veselnitskaya, Assange) as I pointed out above.  The investigation was inconclusive.

     Secondly, Mueller found ample evidence that Trump had obstructed justice, but did not indict Trump because the DOJ did not permit him to indict a sitting President.*

*What the Mueller Report Says About Obstruction


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