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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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"Russia's war effort stalls as the Red Army can't get replacement weapons or spares for their crippled convoys... because they're all made in Ukraine. Russia has lost an estimated 143 planes, 131 helicopters, 625 tanks in conflict.

Defence sources say Red Army has run out of weapons and can't replenish stockIt was revealed some helicopters, jets and cruise missiles were made by or use vital components from Ukraine.

Russia can't now source items elsewhere due to international sanctions"
"TheDaily Mail can reveal that Ukraine had previously supplied Russia with cruise missiles, helicopter engine parts and fighter jet components. It also produced the fire control systems used by Russian tanks."
"Now, when these systems fail, they cannot be replaced. Russia is unable to source these items or alternatives from other countries due to international sanctions."

Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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Perhaps a little more nuanced than some think....


The war on food - Tom Luongo.

A couple of house cleaning things this morning.  I am recording a 2 hour panel discussion with Whitney Webb on the subject of Putin the WEF xxxxx.  It should be lively, when it comes out I'll make sure you guys get the link.

I'll be joined by Matt Ehret to defend Putin from this stupidity.

Ok, on to the news of the day. We are looking at the real power in Germany talking here. BASF, BMW, Siemens etc.  This situation with Russian gas is sincere and it speaks to what happens when you attempt to control a country from the top down while not fully manufacturing consent from the bottom up.

You wind up in this real conundrum where people vote with their hearts when times aren't bad and then with their anger when times are bad. What Davos is skilled at is timing when to allow the bad times to peak in order to ensure maximum advancement of their agenda, in this case destroying Russian/German relations.

There is nothing complicated about Germany's plight here.  It's simple blackmail.  You must get off Russian gas or Europe will be forced to align with Russia/China/Iran in a subordinate position.  And that is the Rubicon Davos will not cross.

They are willing to work with the dirty Slavs, the backwards Persians and the insectoids Chinese if and only if the enlightened White People run the show.  

If that's not on the table then we'll just manipulate events to get rid of all of these excess humans.  I mean, after all, do we really need all these people anyway?

Dexter and I were talking yesterday and he rightly pointed out that I have been wrong in my assessment of Herr Schwab and Davos.  They aren't eugenicists, they are dysgenicists.  They don't want to cull the unworthy out of the population, they want to get rid of the exceptional in order to lower the human standard while replacing most of them with robots.

The fundamental problem is that it takes smart people to repair all of those automated trucks that'll move the robot-grown food and farmed bugs.

Without companies like BASF and their SME suppliers there is no modern food web or industry.  There is literally the 18th century with smartphones, for a few years, until the batteries gunk up and the screens break.

So, remember this when you're scanning the headlines this morning.  While we are all focused on how we can profit and/or survive this period to stay ahead of the curve and hopefully retain enough wealth to help keep our local communities from collapsing, it's also important to limit how much time you spend on following it, feeding your anxiety rather than your soul.

I am so impressed with this community.  It is truly something worth being proud of and I have very little to be proud of looking back over my life.  

But, I need to stress that it's time to be thinking about the lifestyle choices this life implies.  And to make sure we're taking care of ourselves in the process, myself included.

Russia will force these issues to their political crisis point in order to try and effect a strategic softening of the EU.  It's part of their overall gig here.  They've rightly targeted Germany reminding Davos that they aren't the only game in town and no amount of unfriendly activity will make them supply them gas for free.

So, it's time for the real German society to decide what their future will be, starvation, slavery and societal guilt or a self-respect.

From the moment this coalition was formed I gave it, at best, a 1 to 2 year lifespan.  Scholz et. al. are trying to burn it down in 6 months.  And the only way for that to happen at this point is for the Greens to get so pissed off with his caving to the evil Putin that they pull out of the government.

Schwab will never allow that to happen and you'll see Bearbock, Lindner and Haebeck back down rather than force a real political crisis. 

Last note, this weekend's Hungarian elections are very important.  I have it from a contact on the ground there that the OSCE is well funded and positioned to challenge the 'validity of the election' should Orban win.  They have already started with challenges to spending caps and the rest.  

It is pure nonsense but Soros et. al. know that a re-elected Orban means he can begin vetoing things again and causing real disruption. They have to get Hungary to submit or the entire future of the European Project hangs in the balance.

I expect Orban to win and for the OSCE and the EU to gripe about it for months, tying it up in the courts, if that's possible.  The situation there is simple, a ridiculous anti-Orban coalition of 6 parties who all hate each other vs. Fidesz and one other.  

It should be a walk for Orban.  But, put nothing past these people when the stakes are this high. 



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2 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Geez, I wonder how Ukraine did that with the paltry small arms cache provided by the failed Biden approach to the war.


Could it be that Biden hasn't revealed the hand he's been playing?

Next up? Would love to see Ukraine launching cruise missiles into Russia territory in retaliation for their indiscriminately lobbing bombs to destroy Ukrainian cities. And in an effort to stifle Russian supply lines.

(Disclaimer: I have absolutely no military experience or expertise. But what I said makes sense to me :o)

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52 minutes ago, Paul Bacon said:

I've been thinking that same thing for a while now.

Does Biden's clever hand include Mariupol being turned into rubble? Tens of thousands of civilian deaths? Allowing Putin to dictate terms of war? 

Putin may be caught in a bear trap of his own making. But the world is not a chessboard.

Those maps we see on TV are millions of people. 

Let Poland lead. 



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From the article: 

The contractual agreement that Americans were one people with one sense of purpose, has been smashed to pieces by willful divisiveness: identity politics which sees historic injustice as unforgivable and life choices as creating irreconcilable differences, have blown apart that fragile accord.

The people who abandoned their inherited identities in order to take part in this extraordinary, brave project are now faced with the consequences of rootlessness. Without the resources that go with generations of life in a recognizable place they are lost. Maybe the great American experiment has finally failed.


The American dream is disintegrating before our eyes (dnyuz.com)


Edited by Douglas Caddy
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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Does Biden's clever hand include Mariupol being turned into rubble? Tens of thousands of civilian deaths? Allowing Putin to dictate terms of war?

Let Poland lead.


Right... I'm sure there would be no rubble or civilian deaths if Poland were in charge.


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Cawthorn blames ‘the left and the media’ after intra-GOP furor over sex-and-drugs comments

By Olivia Beavers and Craig Howie 04/01/2022


“Amid a burgeoning congressional controversy, Rep. Madison Cawthorn on Friday blamed Democrats and the media for amplifying his comments that some of his fellow GOP members engage in orgies and use cocaine.

“My comments on a recent podcast appearance calling out corruption have been used by the left and the media to disparage my Republican colleagues and falsely insinuate their involvement in illicit activities,” Cawthorn said in a statement without addressing the substance of his own comments directly.

“The left and the media want to use my words to divide the GOP. … I will not back down to the mob, and I will not let them win.””


Dirty, damn leftist mob. How dare they accurately report what I say!

Steve Thomas

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Good analysis by David Ost at Common Dreams today.

There Is No Left Position That Justifies Putin's Attack on Ukraine


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8 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Geez, I wonder how Ukraine did that with the paltry small arms cache provided by the failed Biden approach to the war.



Ben should know by now that when you say silly things, eventually you will get called out for it.

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3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Does Biden's clever hand include Mariupol being turned into rubble? Tens of thousands of civilian deaths? Allowing Putin to dictate terms of war?

Of course not Ben.  What has happened, as you know, no one predicted. 

This is a "one day at a time" predicament for everyone.  We have no idea what's going on behind the scenes, but I don't believe Biden has dictated a policy from which we will never veer.  This is in flux and a delicate balance.  I'm not the only one who thinks Biden has played a bad hand very well.

3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Putin may be caught in a bear trap of his own making. But the world is not a chessboard.

Those maps we see on TV are millions of people. 

Let Poland lead. 

 I too have felt the anger and dispear at the carnage that has happened.  Now imagine the carnage if this becomes NATO v. Russia.  Those maps we see would become tens of millions. 

The Russian people already think Ukraine, backed by the US, has attacked Russia.  How would they act when they felt attacked by the whole of NATO?

Again, this is a delicate balancing act.

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