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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Paul said: Two parts of our body politic are at odds with each other. I think these differences are being purposefully magnified, because a divided nation cannot come together and enact any meaningful change that might threaten status quo power structures and attendant financial interests. The mechanisms for this magnification are numerous, some hidden some not. 
Beneath all the noise there is a long standing battle of ideas, one progressive, one regressive. Human rights vs property rights, nationalism vs egalitarianism, many other dualities. This goes back thousands of years.
Purposely magnified by who Paul? You've just said yourself these "Two parts of our body politic are at odds with each other" really represent basic human value arguments that have been going on for thousands of years.  The deep state that I'm picking up from you, doesn't benefit from advancing this polarity. It wants to perpetuate the status quo, which is order. This is not orderly. The deep state does not benefit from the current strife in the U.S.
Let me give you a real example about the real myths your concept of the Deep State is in fact perpetuating. A good example is an everyday guy, like Ben, or others who are very susceptible to all the  culture warrior issues. The railing about identity politics, the Mexicans at the border, fear of foreigners, maybe blacks. These are issues that  those in power cynically use to divide the oppressed and turn them against each other.
Historically the  elites can benefit greatly and are more secure in autocratic regimes. But you're right to assert that the U.S, is hardly fertile ground for a monolithic ideological Chinese takeover. That's some off the wall premonition of the crazy right.
Multi national corporate interests  could go either way, autocratic or democratic. But similarly to the U.S. not being fertile ground for a Chinese ideological makeover.For the multi national corporate interests,  the point of least resistance  is to uphold supposedly democratic regimes giving people an illusion of control while buying the government and  controlling their governments behind the scenes. Pretty kush job. This has worked all of our lives. They would say" If it isn't broke, why fix it?  But most don't even ask the question!
If a Trump transition to autocracy could be done seamlessly,  a lot more might be in favor of it. But to them, anything's pretty much the same that can keep the order, short of, say Bernie Sanders.
Paul: Is divided government better for them than an autocratic nationalist ruler?
I'm not sure what you mean when you use the term" divided government". I assume you're not talking about legislative gridlock because  that's a no brainer. The power structure wants a legislatively divided government, or no change because again they want the status quo which again, has worked very well for them.
Ben:Today there is endless whining about "tight labor markets." 
Endless whining? Yeah, endless whining for the top 1%! Tight labor markets drive up wages. Whose side are you on?
"Please don't dominate rap Jack, if you've got nothing new to say."   J.G.
In this case I'm sure it will be a U.S. cultural reference never heard before.
Focus Ben, I'm not at all addressing that . Is there any topic you won't segue  away from to tell us your outrage about foreign trade for now the 142nd time?
heh heh


Since globalization Detroitified America, I think it is worth discussing. And ways to reverse course. 

BTW,  "Trade Wars are Class Wars" by Michael Pettis is necessary reading....

Or, we can have discussion #12,147 on how awful Mr Big Bad Orange is. And he was awful. 

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When we talk about repetition. How many times have you recommended that book? Since you're stating a goal to discuss this.. Nobody here will probably read that because you're repetitive sloganeering demonstrates, at least to me,  you have no real in depth knowledge of trade. Besides with the advent of Trump, people were already aware of that Mao repetition technique you employ so you're probably destined to have your pleas permanently  fall on deaf ears.

But hey, it's worth a shot! Let's see your best shot! Take out your own non Tucker Carlson, non identity politics, non border angst thread and show us what you got on trade. You can quote from your book, since it was obviously such a game changer for you.

. Yep ,I didn't think so....

Ben:Or, we can have discussion #12,147 on how awful Mr Big Bad Orange is.

As for Trump, i didn't mention anything about him, but there are revelation coming out. He's very much in the news. And although Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, and Aaron Mate won't touch it. it looks like you're going to be hearing a lot about it and repeatedly enlightened about your previous misconceptions and the utter cluelessness, you at least had , when you first came here about Trump and 1/6 (and Brian Epps?), so what I can I say. Ben?  The immediate future doesn't look bright!

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13 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

When we talk about repetition. How many times have you recommended that book? Since you're stating a goal to discuss this.. Nobody here will probably read that because you're repetitive sloganeering demonstrates, at least to me,  you have no real in depth knowledge of trade. Besides with the advent of Trump, people were already aware of that Mao repetition technique you employ so you're probably destined to have your pleas permanently  fall on deaf ears.

But hey, it's worth a shot! Let's see your best shot! Take out your own non Tucker Carlson, non identity politics, non border angst thread and show us what you got on trade. You can quote from your book, since it was obviously such a game changer for you.

. Yep ,I didn't think so....

Ben:Or, we can have discussion #12,147 on how awful Mr Big Bad Orange is.

As for Trump, i didn't mention anything about him, but there are revelation coming out. He's very much in the news. And although Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, and Aaron Mate won't touch it. it looks like you're going to be hearing a lot about it and repeatedly enlightened about your previous misconceptions and the utter cluelessness, you at least had , when you first came here about Trump and 1/6 (and Brian Epps?), so what I can I say. Ben?  The immediate future doesn't look bright!

Ray Epps...still a mysterious figure. 

And the only man to wear a big red MAGA hat and not be vilified in the M$M. 

And try reading Pettis' book.

You do not have to bark up bonsai trees. 

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"Republicans flip U.S. House seat in South Texas, historically a Democratic stronghold"

A special election, I guess. 

The Dons better impeach Trump again soon.

After November, I predict Biden will get impeached. 

Impeach-a-rama, here we come! 


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I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.

-Gen. Smedley Butler 

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23 minutes ago, Robert Burrows said:

I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.

-Gen. Smedley Butler 

Great to "see" you Robert Burrows. 

Smedley Butler's observations...never grow old. 

The US maintains a global guard service for multi-nationals, at taxpayer expense, more so today than ever before. 

I sure would like to see someone hire a Bain or McKinsey or someone and pose the question: If the purpose of the US military was to prevent a military invasion of US soil only...what is the minimum force and cost necessary? 



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6 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

"Republicans flip U.S. House seat in South Texas, historically a Democratic stronghold"

A special election, I guess. 

The Dons better impeach Trump again soon.

After November, I predict Biden will get impeached. 

Impeach-a-rama, here we come! 



What are you smoking lately, Ben?  Thai stick?

You need to watch the January 6th Congressional hearings and get back in touch with reality.

In the real news today, we have retired Federal judge Luttig condemning Trump's seditious conspiracy, Ginni Thomas frantically trying to overturn a U.S. election, and Rep. Loudermilk (R-Georgia) leading pre-January 6th recon tours of the Capitol.

Talk about your Deep State "patriot purge!"  🤥

It's, obviously, Biden's fault...

Edited by W. Niederhut
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Today's lead news story and for days and weeks to come.

Today's January 6th insurrection hearing today:

Highly esteemed conservative former federal judge J. Michael Luttig calls Trump and his allies...



Now THAT is one powerful statement. By a powerfully respected legal scholar.

A sound bite that will probably frame the entire hearing process and be repeated 10,000 times both now and in the future.

That statement by that judge will devastate the Trump defense forces.

I think Judge Luttig's "Clear And Present Danger" charge against Trump will have the same powerful effect in bringing him down as one stated to Joseph McCarthy by the council for the Army Joseph Welch... At long last Senator "Have you left no sense of decency...?"

Two identical demagogues who set our country back through compulsive and highly divisive fear and hate mongering.

Seriously, I do.

Donald J. Trump.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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11 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

What are you smoking lately, Ben?  Thai stick?

You need to watch the January 6th Congressional hearings and get back in touch with reality.

In the real news today, we have retired Federal judge Luttig condemning Trump's seditious conspiracy, Ginni Thomas frantically trying to overturn a U.S. election, and Rep. Loudermilk (R-Georgia) leading pre-January 6th recon tours of the Capitol.

Talk about your Deep State "patriot purge!"  🤥

It's, obviously, Biden's fault...

I admire your non sequitur, ad hominem style of "conversation." 

The 'Phants win a long-time Donk seat in the House, in a Hispanic district...in the midst of the Jan. 6 hearings...and so I must be smoking Thai sticks. 

The outlook is for the 'Phants to score big in the national 2022 elections.

No biggie for me---these two parties are largely purple. 

You can vote for the neo-cons or the neo-liberals.

HRC v. Liz Cheney?

The partisans out there might be euphoria or manic dejection come this November. 

No matter---you are welcome to come to Thailand and eat weed-brownies (the papers say the Thai government legalized pot in food, but not for smoking. This is Thailand). Or have Thai beer. 

Try to enjoy yourself. 



Edited by Benjamin Cole
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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I admire your non sequitur, ad hominem style of "conversation." 

It wasn't a non sequitur, Ben.  It was a direct response to your latest "news" update from the MAGA-verse.

Meanwhile, have you watched any of the historic Congressional hearings during the past week?

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26 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

It wasn't a non sequitur, Ben.  It was a direct response to your latest "news" update from the MAGA-verse.

Meanwhile, have you watched any of the historic Congressional hearings during the past week?

A Donk losing in a Donk Hispanic district may strike you as news from the MAGA-verse. You have a deeply partisan idea of what is news. 

I live in Thailand. I am able to watch 1/6 "highlights" on Youtube. 

Mr. Big Bad Orange was a bad man. I think that message comes through. I accept that message. 

Some of Trump's policies, on open borders for trade and immigration, are vital. His character and personality are not defensible. 

Now...how will this help the Donks come November? Trump is not running. 

I expect the Impeach-a-rama wars to continue after 2022. Biden on deck. 

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3 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

A Donk losing in a Donk Hispanic district may strike you as news from the MAGA-verse. You have a deeply partisan idea of what is news. 

I live in Thailand. I am able to watch 1/6 "highlights" on Youtube. 


So, did you watch the historic Congressional hearings on YouTube?

You need to finally learn the facts about the Trump/Eastman plot to overturn the 2020 election, and the seditious conspiracy, (involving the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers) to invade the Capitol on January 6th.

Today, we learned more of the shocking details about the Trump/Eastman pressure campaign (including bona fide homicide risks) against Mike Pence, and Mike Pence's harrowing 4 1/2 hours in hiding under the Capitol after refusing to get into the Secret Service limo.

It's truly historic, unprecedented stuff.


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More news from "MAGA-verse." 


I never thought Politico as a MAGA-verse mouthpiece, but maybe things have changed. 

Mayra Flores looks interesting. Photogenic, articulate. 

For the next seven months, a slice of South Texas will be represented in Washington by Mayra Flores, a Mexican-born Republican woman from the Rio Grande Valley — a longtime Democratic region where Flores’ special election win on Tuesday marked several firsts.

Flores sailed to victory in Texas’ 34th District, where former Democratic Rep. Filemon Vela resigned from his seat in March to work for a lobbying firm. In one of the most Latino districts in the country, and one where Democrats have routinely won by comfortable margins for years, Flores garnered 51 percent of the vote, winning the special election without a runoff. The district lines are shifting for the next election in November 2022, but she will hold this seat until January.

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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No offense, but my experience here is that people with more and greater conspiracy theories DON'T have more fun!

I just watched the Warriors take the best defensive team in the league, the Celtics and pester them to the point they could barely dribble!

I used to be able jawbone some sports with Cliff here, and he was also good at calling out nonsense, and there's never been more.


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