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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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  • Benjamin Cole


  • Douglas Caddy


  • W. Niederhut


  • Steve Thomas


The easiest way for the corporate state to swindle Ben out of his lifelong benefits as a U.S. citizen is to tell Ben the National Security State  is fighting for Ben to keep his benefits! Game over!

Do you ever suspect you've been diverted? Trump has nothing to do with your true political interests. There are actual issues that involve more than personalities. 

Your political beliefs are based solely on parroting the examples of your idols and being on the other side of their enemies. It's a bit more complicated. Learn the ABC's of you political interests.  From what I've seen most people here have a pretty good idea where their interests lie.

This below is where your interests should lie, If for some reason in life it's not. I'm sorry, but please don't deny us our interests.

r/PoliticalMemes - Don’t let the GOP Oligarchs fool you


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4 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

The easiest way for the corporate state to swindle Ben out of his lifelong benefits as a U.S. citizen is to tell Ben the National Security State  is fighting for Ben to keep his benefits! Game over!

Do you ever suspect you've been diverted? Trump has nothing to do with your true political interests. There are actual issues that involve more than personalities. 

Your political beliefs are based solely on parroting the examples of your idols and being on the other side of their enemies. It's a bit more complicated. Learn the ABC's of you political interests.  From what I've seen most people here have a pretty good idea where their interests lie.

This below is where your interests should lie, If for some reason in life it's not. I'm sorry, but please don't deny us our interests.

r/PoliticalMemes - Don’t let the GOP Oligarchs fool you



Having paid into the worthwhile SS-Medicare system for 50 years, I am well aware of the structure of the fund. 

I am also aware Bush Jr. wanted to invest fund assets in the stock market, and get greedy Wall Street hands on the huge booty of money. 

I support funding the SS system with additional taxes, especially on property. In fact, the fund will be depleted sometime in the future. 

Beyond the scope of this EF, but having the Federal Reserve buy US Treasuries and place them into the SS fund is an interesting idea. 

The SS would be in better shape if $1.4 trillion a year was not siphoned off from taxpayer wallets into DoD, VA, black budget and pro-rated interest on the national debt. 

That money-monkey-on-your-back works out to about $4,000 for every man, woman and child in America.

Imagine---the typical family of four pays $16,000 a year into the Deep State. This year. and every year, relentlessly. 

But the real problem in America is...MAGA! MAGA! MAGA! 

You are barking up a crooked bonsai tree in a corrupt redwood forest. 

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9 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Do any of you ever suspect you have been diverted into hating Trump, and not being concerned about the $1.4 trillion-a-year Deep State? 

It's the same pattern over and over.

You're absolving Trump of any responsibility for his actions, and saying we're just being diverted, or we're somehow being manipulated by the msm, because we don't want a President who absconds with government files and either refuses or hides the fact that he's not giving them all back.

This thread is largely commenting on current news and Trump  in the news as result of his own actions!

As I said before, it's obvious it really always upsets you when Trump is being criticized. That's not a desirable condition, I would say to that, bite the bullet, and get a candidate whose not a perpetual embarrassment to you.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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The FBI has had to issue terror alerts and warnings of violence against its employees.

Then the IRS.

Then ordinary election workers.

Now it's employees of the National Archives.

Librarians for  Christ's sake!

How long are we going to be held hostage by this Mafia gangster?

Steve Thomas


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45 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

The FBI has had to issue terror alerts and warnings of violence against its employees.

Then the IRS.

Then ordinary election workers.

Now it's employees of the National Archives.

Librarians for  Christ's sake!

How long are we going to be held hostage by this Mafia gangster?

Steve Thomas


So true.

Under Trump...we have become a fearful nation.

Really, seriously ... we have.

Fearful of Trump's most blindly loyal followers committing violent acts against anybody their fearless leader tells them is a threat to him and them.

Trump seems to love his power to intimidate his critics with the January 6th Capital Building attack sending a powerful message to us all ... "mess with me baby, and I'll send my boys after ya."

Mafia Godfather speak.

Dear G** ... a nation in the grip of fear?

What a friggin nightmare!




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Ben is right about one thing.

Trump has been living rent free in my head lately.

He does it by incessantly evading consequences for his misconduct.

The only time Trump told the truth all year was when he was pleading the 5th.

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4 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

The only time Trump told the truth all year was when he was pleading the 5th.

Hehe well Put W!

And I loved the "Trump and his cultists demand transparency!" ha ha! They certainly need a lot of tending to!

Ok, to mix it up a little bit. Let me post something that's way off topic but I think some people here might really enjoy it like I do.

THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD: EVERY YEAR           Actually it's human history! Let's not insult the planet!

It took us quite a while to come out of the cave or get past the starting gate. But once we engaged. There was no stopping us!


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2 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

The FBI has had to issue terror alerts and warnings of violence against its employees.

Then the IRS.

Then ordinary election workers.

Now it's employees of the National Archives.

The MAGA Terrorist Movement doing what they've wanted to do since the beginning: terrorize.

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7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Having paid into the worthwhile SS-Medicare system for 50 years, I am well aware of the structure of the fund. 

I am also aware Bush Jr. wanted to invest fund assets in the stock market, and get greedy Wall Street hands on the huge booty of money. 

I support funding the SS system with additional taxes, especially on property. In fact, the fund will be depleted sometime in the future. 

Beyond the scope of this EF, but having the Federal Reserve buy US Treasuries and place them into the SS fund is an interesting idea. 

The SS would be in better shape if $1.4 trillion a year was not siphoned off from taxpayer wallets into DoD, VA, black budget and pro-rated interest on the national debt. 

That money-monkey-on-your-back works out to about $4,000 for every man, woman and child in America.

Imagine---the typical family of four pays $16,000 a year into the Deep State. This year. and every year, relentlessly. 

But the real problem in America is...MAGA! MAGA! MAGA! 

You are barking up a crooked bonsai tree in a corrupt redwood forest. 


You just totally set me off.

The VA?

My son was a normal twentysomething when his Army Reserve unit was sent to Iraq. He came home from Iraq with a serious problem that he started self-medicating with alcohol. THANKS to the VA, he is now nearly a year SOBER. They facilitated his recovery status. The GI Bill education benefits has him current taking college classes, he has a job, he and his girlfriend have reconciled, and he's even a volunteer coach in an adult softball league.

I will NOT agree with you that the VA is something that needs to be abolished. Our leaders send our young abroad to fight wars in the name of our nation. When they come home broken either in body or in mind, we have an OBLIGATION as a nation to do our best to make them whole once again. And the VA is our tool for doing this.

That's not a Republican position. That's not a Democrat position. That's my position as an AMERICAN. 

Any thoughts you have to the contrary are invalid, in MY world.

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