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6 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

This all sounds pretty scary Joe.  Modern medical advances are amazing in some cases.  Here's hoping for a speedy and full, better than ever recovery.  Best regards, Ron.

Ron thank you.

I just have to take things one day at a time and hope for the best.

Thank goodness I can still read and post here. Helps get my mind off of these scary events.

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2 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Joe: Because you are a great writer, each of us personally can identify with the traumatic events you just went through. I have coffee four times a week with guys my age, 84, or close to it.  Half our time is talking about current events and half about our health problems. No two of us have the same health problems. But what we discuss about heath pales in contrast to what you have just gone through. Thank goodness the postal mail lady was there and helped you and then summoned emergency personnel. Your life changed immediately when this occurred just as the lives of several million people in Florida just had their lives changed overnight by hurricane IAN. Many of these lost everything and are seniors in every sense of the word. They, as you, must begin life anew. Medicare should shoulder most of the cost of your recovery, which will include rehab in skilled facilities, and from what I have read the State of California has its own medical plan that may supplement Medicare. You have the prayers of all of us that you will bounce back and recover quickly. The forum needs the commonsense and wisdom that you always impart to whatever the topic is.



You sure know how to make a fellow forum member feel better about things and themselves.

My wife is an editor. Worked for McGraw Hill for 25 years. Does part time contract work from home now.

She loves to write and is just now starting her own creative writing with noir short stories.

She knows I am totally uneducated in the field of english and writing. I barely made it through high school.

She doesn't criticize my writing, but when I ask her to edit some things here and there she says they are so bad she doesn't know where to begin.

I am amazed anyone here on the forum thinks I am anything near a good writer.

I will take a little credit for your opinion on my common sense imparting.

I do try to base many of my postings on what I consider to be common sense.


Thanks again.

Joe B.

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On 9/27/2022 at 4:09 PM, Dennis Berube said:

I cannot believe this sesspool of a thread is still active. Since it is, anyone care to comment on biden's recent executive orders regarding CBDC's and biotechnology? 

“to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers,”

Sounds like biden just gave the far-far-far-right wing WEF (started by Kissinger/Schwab, good ole Republicans) an early christmas gift. Get ready for a whole new level of MK-Ultra coming at you and your children. 


To not realize the enemy we face is far beyond orange man or brandon, creates almost completely irrelevant political analysis at this point in time, I guess that is the point of this thread however. 



Poor Dennis,  he had such great hopes to gather in the spoils when 80 % of the human population die as result of taking the spike protein vaccines to protect against the covid hoax. But that  didn't materialize.
What a shame! , it was so elegant too!
And true to norm,  as all grand plans that go awry, he thinks the fact that it didn't materialize is the result of a conspiracy.
But wait!... wasn't the fallacy because he assumed it was all a huge conspiracy in the first place?.
Oh well!
Unfortunately it looks like mankind has put the pandemic largely in the  rear view mirror,
Tough break!
P.S. But wait!, maybe he was trying to discourage us from taking the vaccines because he was trying to get us to get full blown covid?
Well.   it didn't work anyway.
Dennis:Sounds like biden just gave the far-far-far-right wing WEF (started by Kissinger/Schwab, good ole Republicans) an early christmas gift. Get ready for a whole new level of MK-Ultra coming at you and your children!
Just occurred to me, Ben: You might find some good websites to post in from Dennis where your "Biden bombed the Russian pipeline" idea, might get off the ground.
Just a suggestion.
Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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44 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Poor Dennis,  he had such great hopes to gather in the spoils when 80 % of the human population die as result of taking the spike protein vaccines to protect against the covid hoax. But that  didn't materialize.
What a shame! , it was so elegant too!
And true to norm,  as all grand plans that go awry, he thinks the fact that it didn't materialize is the result of a conspiracy.
But wait!... wasn't the fallacy because he assumed it was all a huge conspiracy in the first place?.
Oh well!
Unfortunately it looks like mankind has put the pandemic largely in the  rear view mirror,
Tough break!
P.S. But wait!, maybe he was trying to discourage us from taking the vaccines because he was trying to get us to get full blown covid?
Do you think he's that clever?
Wow, that's a twist!
Dennis:Sounds like biden just gave the far-far-far-right wing WEF (started by Kissinger/Schwab, good ole Republicans) an early christmas gift. Get ready for a whole new level of MK-Ultra coming at you and your children!
Just occurred to me, Ben: You might find some good websites to post in from Dennis where your "Biden bombed the Russian pipeline" idea, might get off the ground.
Just a suggestion.


As Biden himself suggested he would knock out the Nord Stream 2 pipeline...I think the perception that "Biden did it" is rather commonplace. 

It may even be a good idea. 

A point to ponder is if the CIA did the pipeline bombing with or without White House approval. 

This may provide plausible deniability for the White House. They really do not know what happened. 

But these sorts of covert and rogue actions can get out of hand...a broader war triggered by US intel interests? Oh, that could never happen....

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15 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

I was hospitalized for 4 days. Lots of CT tests and had an angiogram and ultra sound exam as well.


Thanks for sharing your story Joe. May your recovery be speedy and beyond expectations.

On a practical note, I suggest you check out rollators, which are a far better choice than walkers in a number of ways. Get one with brakes that lock, so you can sit down on it when needed. I like one with a storage area below the seat. I bought a good, strong one four years ago on Amazon for only $80. Still works great.


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Furious conscripts turn on their commander: Top officer 'is beaten after telling reservists ''you are all cannon fodder, you are facing slaughter'' as video shows punch-up in make-shift barracks


A top Russian officer reportedly had his face 'smashed' during a brawl with furious conscripts after telling them their lives were going to be thrown away on the front lines in Ukraine.

The mobilised recruits turned on the Russian lieutenant-colonel after he bluntly said: 'You are all cannon fodder, you are facing slaughter.'

The high-ranking officer had bones in his face broken in a brawl in which 'every single one of them was drunk', say reports.

"Russian officers - often themselves conscripted - have been advising new recruits to bring their own sleeping bags, tourniquets, medicines and roll mats."

Steve Thomas

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8 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Thanks for sharing your story Joe. May your recovery be speedy and beyond expectations.

On a practical note, I suggest you check out rollators, which are a far better choice than walkers in a number of ways. Get one with brakes that lock, so you can sit down on it when needed. I like one with a storage area below the seat. I bought a good, strong one four years ago on Amazon for only $80. Still works great.


Will do. Thanks for the info Sandy.

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Intercepted talks from soldiers on the Russian front lines in Ukraine. Warning! I can't emphasize enough! Explicit language!

heh heh

Russian soldiers made thousands of calls from the battlefield in Ukraine to relatives at home. Here are their conversations. (Note: They contain explicit language.)


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Hi Ben,

I am a new member here and I wanted to comment on your pipeline who did it thread, but the Mods didn't like it, so I'm picking the topic up here.

The same crowd that was responsible for the creating the Sniper Attack and Coup de Tat in Ukraine in '14, seems to be emerging as prime suspects in the sabotage aka Victoria Newland and President Brandon. Nuland and Biden both made statements similar to Obama's redline speech where a prediction was made, and later happened.

  Take it with a grain of salt until it is confirmed. But people in the "Dark Web" noticed that around the same time of the pipeline sabotage an unmarked plane was flying in the area and refueled in Germany. People suspect that it was Boeing P-8 Poseidon.

-I will add There is a picture of Putin in a mini sub, so he obviously can't be ruled out!

-In before Kirk, Matt, Steve or Doug point out that fact..







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