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6 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

David - Hunt supposedly was worried that JFK would share our greatest secret with the Soviets. 
Doug - when did you first write about this conversation with Hunt?
It’s tempting to dismiss something because con men and forgeries permeate the landscape. But it’s bad logic. On the other hand it’s hard to relate to Hunt’s statement to Doug with so little real evidence that JFK was about to reveal this secret, or even that he was more than casually interested. I can’t find anything substantial. Visits to NASA, meeting Werhner Von Braun, talking with friends about UFO’s, don’t constitute any kind of proof. 


Jun 29, 2015


Edited by Douglas Caddy
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14 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Allen Dulles was head of Majestic 12.

JFK bypassed Majestic 12 in his dealings with Khrushchev and the Soviet Union and started to conduct foreign policy on his own.

Mr. Caddy, do you have any physical proof of any of this?

Aside from an alleged response from Everette Howard "Eduardo" Hunt Jr. gave you, one of the most infamous genocidal mass-murders of the second half of the twentieth century (let's face it, his actions in Guatemala under the CIA's "Operation PBFORTUNE" and "Operation PBSUCCESS" paved the way for millions of indigenous Maya men, women and children to be slaughtered by US-sponsored death-squads in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador and Honduras), who was also a premier psychological warfare specialist and commando assassin, and most likely the central planner of the murder of the best President the United States ever had, or ever will have (not to mention the murder of hundreds of persons connected to the events surrounding the murder of President Kennedy)?!

I mean, have you no shame? Are you not afraid Mr. Caddy of even the slightest possibility of an afterlife, and the fact that the seeds of disinformation that you are planting here will come crashing down on your immortal essence a billionfold?!

E. Howard Hunt was a monster.

And his boss, Allen Welsh Dulles, well, I do not know if there is a biblical Satan, but Mr. Dulles was a really good facsimile when he slithered on the face of this most perfect Earth, a planet he and his cronies like E. Howard Hunt spent their miserable lives making it a nightmare!

In the name of all, that is good and decent, please stop!


Edited by Robert Montenegro
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6 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Or just ignore the easy question and easy answer.


What other government disclosures were coming out in the Fall of 2017 when Mr. Caddy made his appearance on Dark Journalist?

What did the NY Times put on its front Page on the day after the last of the Government disclosures came out? 

What did the NYT put on the cover that day?

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7 hours ago, Robert Montenegro said:

Mr. Caddy, do you have any physical proof of any of this?

Aside from an alleged response from Everette Howard "Eduardo" Hunt Jr. gave you, one of the most infamous genocidal mass-murders of the second half of the twentieth century (let's face it, his actions in Guatemala under the CIA's "Operation PBFORTUNE" and "Operation PBSUCCESS" paved the way for millions of indigenous Maya men, women and children to be slaughtered by US-sponsored death-squads in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador and Honduras), who was also a premier psychological warfare specialist and commando assassin, and most likely the central planner of the murder of the best President the United States ever had, or ever will have (not to mention the murder of hundreds of persons connected to the events surrounding the murder of President Kennedy)?!

I mean, have you no shame? Are you not afraid Mr. Caddy of even the slightest possibility of an afterlife, and the fact that the seeds of disinformation that you are planting here will come crashing down on your immortal essence a billionfold?!

E. Howard Hunt was a monster.

And his boss, Allen Welsh Dulles, well, I do not know if there is a biblical Satan, but Mr. Dulles was a really good facsimile when he slithered on the face of this most perfect Earth, a planet he and his cronies like E. Howard Hunt spent their miserable lives making a f-u-c-k-ing nightmare!


In the name of all, that is good and decent, please stop!


There is plenty of proof but your vile discourse above shows a bias against learning truth and evidence. It reveals gross ignorance unworthy of someone belonging in the forum. I have been a member of the forum since 2006 and you just recently joined. Your attitude is self-defeating to say the least. We have seen other examples of your obnoxious ilk before in the forum and after awhile they are gently or forcibly ask to leave as members tire of their hysterics and lack of making worthy contributions towards the understanding of history. Take a hint now to save us some time so that we can get on with what the forum was founded for. Feel free to slam door on the way out If you want.

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4 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

bias against learning truth and evidence

I have been researching the UFO phenomenon for twenty years now, and I have yet to see any factual evidence to prove the MJ-12 malarkey, much less factual explanations pointing towards an extraterrestrial presence on this planet (at least not biped beings with surprisingly human features, showing up in metal, nuts and bolts craft, that look suspiciously like attack platforms the Germans had in the closing hours of WWII).

Where are the documents?

All roads towards FACTS lead to a massive disinformation campaign run by a far-right, militrant, element in the covert war-making sector of the United States intelligence community.

As for being a new member on the forum, that is irrelevant, I was a data controller in the United States Army for twelve years. My ability to draw logical, sound conclusions from hundreds of streams of factual data is something I have proven in federal-controlled, combat situations, with real human lives and billions of dollars of taxpayer infrastructure on the line, not just on a civilian-run, online forum.

And if my words and emotions get me kicked off the forum, so be it, slam the door on my rear-end.

And if that was some type of jab at my private relationship with the departed Mr. Hank Albarelli, perhaps the mediators of this forum should consider booting you out.

I joined the forum because I want the FACTS to be expounded on, not conjecture or well known disinformation.

The First Amendment may protect several forms of freedom, including freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to assemble, freedom of religion, and the right to petition the government, however, I do not remember anything in the First Amendment that included the right to spread lies, disinformation, and propaganda.

And FYI, Mr. Caddy, I have been silently following this forum since day one. Even though I was not a member, I have read every bit of information on this forum since it started.

And there have been some real, genuine agent provocateurs on this forum, spreading horse manure and gumming up the works, like an insidious gang of keystone kops.

If you look back at every post I have made, I back it up with either first-hand documents or historically proven facts from reputable first-hand accounts. 

I apologize for my language, but that's the way I have been conditioned by the federal government to respond to a falsehood.

In a combat situation, if you do not have facts, and you act on poor information, you die.

And this is war.

Maybe not a war of guns and gore, but a war nonetheless.

Edited by Robert Montenegro
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It's just possible that instead of debating whether Nixon handed the Commandments of the 2020 alien plague down to Donald Trump while two ET craft hover, bracketing the earth, with an offer we can't refuse, we ought to be synthesizing some of the reports on this DPF page, including Sergey Pereslegin's and Daniel Estulin's:


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I think the following question is relevant and fair in light of your questioning Doug Caddy's presentations and suggesting their not being based on facts to a degree they actually do harm and damage to valid searches for the truth in some of our most important areas of societal concern.

I also ask this question because of your own credibility promoting background resume of being a "data controller" who's primary and highest value job mission is to find, know and deal with only proven facts. And to not do so competently ( or purposely?) meant actual loss of life and increased threat to our country.

Since you have been following this forum since day one and "read every bit of everything since it started" you must have come to at least some opinion regards which members fit into the "conjecture, speculation, disinformation even agent provocateur" JFK truth mucking category and those who you feel are of the truly honest and responsible " proven fact" adhering realm.

I am not asking you to name anymore names in your nefarious category ( which you have already done with Doug Caddy ) but could you perhaps list one or more JFK assassination researchers and general posters here or elsewhere that you feel fit the opposite higher plane worthy status of "proven fact" presenters?

You have mentioned Doug Caddy specifically by name in your critique of unproven fact presenters here. How about sharing by name a specific poster or two or three on the forum here who you feel DOES represent the proven fact value opposite of Doug Caddy and why and how you reached this assessment?

Wouldn't it be fair to Doug Caddy and unnamed others here on the forum who you are strongly criticizing ( and even accusing of spreading disinformation either purposely or incompetently ) if you were transparent in revealing the names of those you "do respect" here to give these accused a chance to understand more thoroughly how you have come up with your assessment standard of "proven fact" truth telling versus the opposite?

I'm also curious what your thoughts on Edward Snowden are?

Not just personal ones.

He was employed as a high secrets intelligence level "technology specialist" and had access to reams of "proven facts" at least on your level I am guessing ... and perhaps even on higher ones?

Whether his releasing much of this secret but proven factual information to the public was traitorous or not, even you must admit that the factual information he shared proved that some actions and agendas promoted and carried out by our government weren't always in our civil rights guaranteeing best interests and in fact violated them to varying degrees.

I mention Snowden mainly to point out that what he released countered what many regular citizens would have labelled as "made up conspiracies and disinformation" that our own government would possibly engage in actions that would harm them in violating their civil rights including privacy.

Accepting this scenario as fact, is it really a stretch to consider our government carrying out other secret agendas and programs that violated constitutional tenets and then hiding them through disinformation campaigns on their end?

The UFO/ET presence story and truth could be one of these. The JFK assassination truth surely is.

The burden of credibility is on our own government as much as it is on individual researchers who promote alternate truth theories to any number of high importance events.

We have too often learned of official public government explanations of major events being disproved later on, often through the dogged work of individual citizen research and reporting.

If Doug Caddy's proclamations are so wrong, why not just let them rise or fall on their own merits?

They do not hurt others as you infer they could imo.




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31 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

It's just possible that instead of debating whether Nixon handed the Commandments of the 2020 alien plague down to Donald Trump while two ET craft hover, bracketing the earth, with an offer we can't refuse, we ought to be synthesizing some of the reports on this DPF page, including Sergey Pereslegin's and Daniel Estulin's:


Yes - a new thread perhaps? No more important subject than what the heck is going on. Even if not JFK related (this thread barely is) it’s the legacy of losing the battle in the 1960’s. We have been slipping further and further into a new world completely dominated by elites. The people on the streets protesting against the police state may only be the beginning of something massive. Apparently the virus scare didn’t prevent people from taking to the streets - yet. A second wave would. My first reaction to the pandemic was ‘how convenient - what happens if another shoe drops, followed by another’. I’ve come to believe the viral threat is real enough, but that doesn’t change my opinion. I don’t even think the release was intentional. It didn’t need to be so anyway. All that was necessary was a PR campaign ready to mobilize in case of an accidental release of a pathogen, an event that was predictable. This is either the mother of all conspiracies, or I’m off my rocker. Do the good people on planet earth have the ability to stop a complete fascist takeover? It’s like the movie V for Vendetta.

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3 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

I'm also curious what your thoughts on Edward Snowden are?

If Doug Caddy's findings are so wrong, why not just let them rise or fall on their own merits?

Well, I am only grilling Mr. Caddy, because all of the MJ-12 stuff is a disinformation campaign. All of the nonsense about President Kennedy being murdered over his knowledge of an "alien presence" has no basis in reality. 

And if you just spend a half an hour looking up the history of lenticular attack platforms built by US based defense contractors online, and compare the configurations to alleged UFO sighting, you can debunk a good third of them right off the bat. 

I do not play with conjecture. I may infer the presence of networking by association, but even that is solid on the grounds of documentation.

I ask only for evidence.

As for Mr. Snowden, for all of his good intentions, he has not stopped the NSA from their nefarious data-collecting activities or their assassination capabilities. If anything, his actions have only given far-right sectors of this current administration more ammunition and political leverage by empowering their base on a psychological level.

Look how Professor Peter Dale Scott's term "..the Deep State..." has been completely raped by certain far-right elements of the current administration.

Even though I do not agree with everything Dave Emory says (we have butt heads in the past, as I do with most people, hah!), this broadcast from 2016 is pretty much how I feel about Edward Snowden: http://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-891-how-might-colonel-l-fletcher-prouty-have-viewed-edward-snowden-the-foxes-arent-guarding-the-henhouse-they-are-the-henhouse-part-2-update-on-the-adventures-of-eddie-the-friendly-spook/


Edited by Robert Montenegro
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42 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Robert - Really interesting link to Dave Emory.

Thank you Mr. Brancato. I know David Emory is a lighting rod for controversy and debate, however, I like his perception, his "eyes," if you will.

I should note, the 2013 meeting between US President Obama and President Xi Jinping of China that Mr. Emory makes reference to in his article, was an extremely interesting event in terms of the way President Xi was transported.

Initial reports stated he flew in at Los Angeles International Airport and was transported thru a diplomatic terminal.

Then it was reported that President Xi actually flew in thru Palm Springs International Airport and a motorcade was even staged with a full security detail.

But I know for a fact the President Xi flew in on a Canadian Air Force Boeing C-17 Globemaster III that landed at the Joint Forces Training Base at Los Alamitos Army Airfield.

I know this because I was in charge of environmental safety, foreign object damage control and fire-suppression for the all 20,000 feet of runway when President Xi's personal security team landed. I swear, they looked like a NFL football team armed to the teeth with riot gear and machine guns.

It was intimidating. 

I was even given a challenge coin from the 40th Infantry Division's, 40th Combat Aviation Brigade, Command Sergeant Major, a one CSM Ron Cabrera, for my team's efforts.

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6 hours ago, Robert Montenegro said:

Well, I am only grilling Mr. Caddy, because all of the MJ-12 stuff is a disinformation campaign. All of the nonsense about President Kennedy being murdered over his knowledge of an "alien presence" has no basis in reality. 

And if you just spend a half an hour looking up the history of lenticular attack platforms built by US based defense contractors online, and compare the configurations to alleged UFO sighting, you can debunk a good third of them right off the bat. 

I do not play with conjecture. I may infer the presence of networking by association, but even that is solid on the grounds of documentation.

I ask only for evidence.

As for Mr. Snowden, for all of his good intentions, he has not stopped the NSA from their nefarious data-collecting activities or their assassination capabilities. If anything, his actions have only given far-right sectors of this current administration more ammunition and political leverage by empowering their base on a psychological level.

Look how Professor Peter Dale Scott's term "..the Deep State..." has been completely raped by certain far-right elements of the current administration.

Even though I do not agree with everything Dave Emory says (we have butt heads in the past, as I do with most people, hah!), this broadcast from 2016 is pretty much how I feel about Edward Snowden: http://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-891-how-might-colonel-l-fletcher-prouty-have-viewed-edward-snowden-the-foxes-arent-guarding-the-henhouse-they-are-the-henhouse-part-2-update-on-the-adventures-of-eddie-the-friendly-spook/


You say "no basis in reality".   Please provide your evidence then to back up this claim.

Edited by Cory Santos
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5 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

This is the Internet. Evidence rules do not apply.

I am sorry Mr. Wheeler, I was looking not to tack nonsense to a viscous, bloodthirsty act of tyranny and treason.

Of course, I am most pleased you have shown your true colors.

You have no need for evidence, fact or rules.

Just vindictive buffoonery.

On 6/8/2020 at 9:14 PM, Cory Santos said:

You say "no basis in reality".   Please provide your evidence then to back up this claim.

I suppose absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Or in this case lack of ignorance.

Or arrogance.

You tend to get very humble after you've had a two-thousand pound vehicle borne improvised explosive device go off next to a school that you helped build with your bare hands and have then gather up the viscera of the children you spent eight months teaching how to read.

Or is it an appreciation for fact.

Or maybe I just have no time for stupidity anymore, having spent most of my adult life under the most stringent set of standards and practices, and living under a form of discipline that you could scarcely fathom in your most cerebral nightmares.

"...Please provide your evidence..."

Evidence that President Kennedy did not have his brains blown out the back of his head over his knowledge of aliens?

I think I am done with these monkeyshines, Mr. Santos...


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5 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

You always go back to demands for evidence like this is a court room.

This is the Internet. Evidence rules do not apply.

Make a salient argument. 


lawyers are not the only ones that rely on evidence.  Scientist do.  Medical doctors do.  Most academics do.

You apparently do not.  

As this is an educational forum, I suppose you can make the rules up as you go along.  

So how about this, in fantasyland, ET shot JFK.  I have no evidence of it but then again I do not require any evidence thereof.

For, in fantasyland, we can live without evidence and make false claims and sell books.

Bravo sir.


I will rely, as most do, on evidence.

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