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45 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Here is another way to look at it:

If the military was out testing their extremely advanced and secret flying tech (which they indeed have, and do test, because they have to test it to see if it works), and you happened to be in the area and saw that tech in the sky, what would you say you saw?

I'd say I wasn't sure what I just saw, except that it was probably something physically real. Not a projected holographic image.

Would you really think that what my brother witnessed over the base in Morocco he was on guard duty patrolling as an Air Policeman in 1960 was one of our own experiments?

He never ever recollected any other similar experience in his 4 year stint in the military. He wasn't looking for such things and never mentioned any others during and/or after his service and the last 60 years.

When Bill Clinton, G.W. Bush and Barrack Obama are all on national T.V. show video record ( you've seen them on late night talk shows like Jimmy Kimmel ) saying they know secrets they can never talk about or reveal ... what is the first subject of secrets we all think they are talking about?

And even "they" have information held back from them.

I wonder if the ultimate full knowledge secret holders limited the sharing of these secrets even more with Trump, who many believe might not be mentally balanced enough to keep these secrets secret and/or might use them for political and personal wealth gain?


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On 3/18/2021 at 7:24 PM, Joe Bauer said:

I'd say I wasn't sure what I just saw, except that it was probably something physically real. Not a projected holographic image.

Would you really think that what my brother witnessed over the base in Morocco he was on guard duty patrolling as an Air Policeman in 1960 was one of our own experiments?

He never ever recollected any other similar experience in his 4 year stint in the military. He wasn't looking for such things and never mentioned any others during and/or after his service and the last 60 years.

When Bill Clinton, G.W. Bush and Barrack Obama are all on national T.V. show video record ( you've seen them on late night talk shows like Jimmy Kimmel ) saying they know secrets they can never talk about or reveal ... what is the first subject of secrets we all think they are talking about?

And even "they" have information held back from them.

I wonder if the ultimate full knowledge secret holders limited the sharing of these secrets even more with Trump, who many believe might not be mentally balanced enough to keep these secrets secret and/or might use them for political and personal wealth gain?


Speaking of a projected holistic image, one night I came home and found this circle of lights that seemed to be hovering over a neighboring street. I stared at it, and viewed it from different perspectives, thoroughly puzzled. Turned out it was teepee lights from Mystic Lake Casino to the south.  This photo doesn't do them justice, as what I saw looked like the lights of a big mother ship...


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Pam, I just brought up the house filling light story to my wife.

She was open to talking about it which surprised me.

I was also surprised at how much she remembered of the event.

It was 23 years ago!

She remembered most of the details I listed in my orginal post.

She acknowledged that the light was so bright, it woke her from her sleep.

She agreed that it was a steady light. 

She remembered the power going out as soon as the light blinked off.

We pondered that aspect of the light story.

She remarked that our power here on the heavy forested Monterey Peninsula has gone out many times, but we both agreed this was always during heavy wind and rain storms in the Winter. Never on a calm, warm, no wind and still August night.

Our circuit breakers didn't switch off. Hence our power automatically blinking back on 5 to 10 minutes later.

We didn't have street lights in Pebble at that time.

There were no emergency vehicles parked at our location. Everything was perfectly still and quiet during this incident.

No traffic came by our house at all. Night time you hardly ever saw a car on the street we lived on, especially after midnight.

My wife asked what my brother told me about high voltage lines arcing. How they wouldn't project a steady and non-wavering super bright beam of light directly at or on our home for 3 or more minutes.

She remembered me calling the 24 hour Pebble Beach security gate and asking them if they saw anything like we did and how they said no. They were down the road maybe 6/10s of a mile away. No homes between us and this security building, just woods.

She remembered our son coming down the stairs the next morning with a good amount of dried blood on his face and the front of his t-shirt and much blood on his pillow too.

She agreed that when we checked on our son in his bed right after the light blinked off along with our house electric power, we didn't see any blood on his pillow at that time.

And that his nose bleed happened in between the event and him awakening the next morning. And that we couldn't remember him ever having a bloody nose before this one.

Is this all just a quirky odd story with a rational "down to Earth" answer as to what created a light that permeated our entire 2,200 square foot two story home and was so bright you had to shield your eyes to look at it?

Who knows?

However, the reason I will always remember the event story and why I like to re-tell it is because of the reality of these incredibly unusual and never before seen or experienced dynamics:

The light was so bright it was hard to keep your eyes open. It was blindingly bright.

It wasn't a high voltage line arching. It was steady for 3 or more minutes.

No vehicles capable of producing such a light were present anywhere outside.

Our power kicked off as soon as the light did. Then blinked back on 5 to 10 minutes later for no explainable reason.

My wife to this day acknowledges not just the light event, but how the light was so bright it awakened her. As well as our son's bloody nose, T-shirt and pillow.

Her testimony validates my take and memory of the event.

She is someone who never even talks about things like UFOs, the JFK assassination or any other unsolved mysteries like these.

She is highly intelligent, well educated, HONEST, humble, modest, hardworking, moral, politically concerned ( liberal ), great mom and wife. Always reading, watching as many films as she can, listening to oldies but goodies music, doing part time editing, being there for our children even though they are older.

Her acknowledgment of the light story and agreement that it was so blinding light extraordinary even she felt some anxiety over it means everything in terms of my own sense of validation of the event being a true reality.



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28 minutes ago, Ty Carpenter said:

There is tech that actually flies, and then there is tech designed to spoof and give the appearance that something is in flight. IMO what he is speaking of is the latter.  In our atmosphere at least, the laws of physics still apply.

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8 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Whatever it was that my son and I saw hovered and then moved incredibly fast.  There was no sound...

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I think it is getting more and more difficult to dismiss the UFOs operated by ETs story as a hoax.

Too many reputable people world wide have reported eyewitness accounts of not just visual sightings ( including officially documented radar data ) but also incredible movements in air such as split second dead stops, hovering, taking off at incredible speeds from these dead stops to thousands of miles per hour in just seconds. And no sound even when these objects are as close as mere hundreds of feet away?

A thought I have often considered is how these ET's apparently don't interact with humans in any humanitarian/concern for our well being way.

Total cold emotional disconnect detachment. Almost robotic?

When natural disasters or wars take place they obviously can see these, but they just let thousands or even millions of humans die by these without any concerned assisting intervention.

Nuclear power plant melt downs?  Deadly, torturous viruses killing millions? Droughts, famines, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis. And again, wars and mass torture of other humans by humans ( the holocaust?) 

It has been reported that sometimes the only message these ET's express to human contactees or abductees is how we are hurting the planet. Like it's the health of the physical planet they are concerned about...and not humans themselves.

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19 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

It seems a rather odd coincidence to me that what is called "alien" aircraft seems to have evolved at a rate that parallels the rate of aircraft evolution here on earth...

ETs have upped their game since this one:




That is a valid criticism, but who is to say how long it takes these vehicles to arrive here? Meaning we could be seeing their 20 year old (or older) technology by the time it arrives here. Just a thought.

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Perhaps we just see many more types, shapes, sizes and numbers of UFO's because of the huge increase in camera and video access technology and use?

Kenneth Arnold's 1947 Washington State sighting UFO 's were crescent shape.

More Star Wars exotic looking than the mundane 1950 McMinnville, Oregon garbage can lid looking one.

And similar to at least two reported crashed UFO's later on?

And perhaps as we have advanced incredibly since WW II in our own air flight technology, there has been greater ET interest in our advancement, especially our beyond Earth's atmosphere vehicles?

We have had reports of UFO's as large as 2 aircraft carriers ( Japanese airline cargo flight sighting over Alaska in 1986 ). Entire cargo was Beaujolaise wine!

A small polished obsidian pyramid shaped landing one at RAF Woodbridge in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, England in 1980.

Massive, silent V shaped UFO fly overs in Phoenix, Arizona in 1997 and Texas and other areas since.

We have more orange colored Chinese Lantern type UFOs reported now.

Still, for much of the last 75 years and even now, it seems the general saucer type UFO is the most commonly reported shape of choice.

I noticed that for a few years, some up close UFO sighting reports were accompanied with descriptions of "Nordic Blond" occupants.

I felt that this was really good news about a usually dark and scary phenomena.

I thought if I was ever abducted, maybe a Pamela Anderson look alike alien might greet me upon my ship materialization?  






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1 hour ago, Douglas Caddy said:

I probably know less about the UFO literature than anyone on this forum, but I confess that it gives me pause to read these comments from a current member of our Senate Intelligence Committee.

I recently watched the highly-regarded 1951 sci-fi movie, The Day the Earth Stood Still, for the first time ever, which dealt with this very theme of extra-terrestrial surveillance of our nascent nuclear weapons facilities.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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