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Does anyone know what became of Connally's hat?

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I wonder about his Stetson because he was holding it in a way that would make it hard for the magic bullet to exit his wrist from the dorsal side as claimed without hitting his hat on it's way to his thigh.

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Exhuming Governor Connally would tell us if the Dallas surgeon was correct when he said he left up to three grains of lead in Connelly's wrist. They left it there because it may do more damage to have to cut through all the tissue required to get to it. But if there was three grains of lead then the total amount of fragments found  would add up to more than one Magic Bullet. That would be a Smoking Gun that proves a second shooter. So I also have to agree with Terry that they'll never let us exhume him.

Edited by Chris Bristow
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1 hour ago, Chris Bristow said:

Exhuming Governor Connally would tell us if the Dallas surgeon was correct when he said he left up to three grains of lead in Connelly's wrist. They left it there because it may do more damage to have to cut through all the tissue required to get to it. But if there was three grains of lead then the total amount of fragments found  would add up to more than one Magic Bullet. That would be a Smoking Gun that proves a second shooter. So I also have to agree with Terry that they'll never let us exhume him.

We already have The Smoking Guns Proving A Second Shooter — JFK’s shallow back wound/throat entrance wound.




Edited by Cliff Varnell
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1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

We already have The Smoking Guns Proving A Second Shooter — JFK’s shallow back wound/throat entrance wound.




Sigh...  and proof of radio communication in the plaza but Cliff, it is more fun to chase ghosts than facts.

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6 hours ago, Terry Adams said:

Micah, i am afraid that your statement is just wishful thinking,IMO.  The powers that be will never upset the apple cart (ie: warren commission report)

Well, "one day" could also mean "one decade" or "one century".

Edited by Micah Mileto
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1 hour ago, Cory Santos said:

Sigh...  and proof of radio communication in the plaza but Cliff, it is more fun to chase ghosts than facts.

The evidence of a multi-shooter military style ambush in Dealey Plaza is irrefutable.  No need to dig up JFK or JBC, or to dig rabbit holes into the acoustics, or the NAA, or the provenance of CE399 or any of the dozens of other rabbit holes that litter the field.

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  • 3 months later...
30 minutes ago, John Deignan said:

A Tom Dillard photo of supposedly Connally's hat in Jesse Curry's office. I would have thought it would have been worse for wear. 



I don't know who identified this hat as belonging to John Connally, but I don't think it's his.

Here's a picture of Connally. Notice how the sides of his hat curve upwards.

I'm pretty sure the hat shown in your picture belonged to one of the members of Will Fritz's Homicide Bureau.


Steve Thomas

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Connally looks incredibly worried and uncomfortable in the photo above.

And JFK would look ridiculous wearing one of those big Texas style hats.

He had enough sense to never wear crazy hats like this in his pre-campaign visits around the country. Including 6 foot long feathered Indian Chief head dresses, huge Mexican Sombreros, Aviator caps, football or hockey player helmets, baseball caps etc.

I think I've only seen one picture of Kennedy wearing a Sinatra style fedora. He did wear one of those ridiculous Top Hats at his inauguration.

I think Kennedy hated to wear anything that covered his signature full head of Irish brown hair. It was always cited as a lady killer in the virile, more youthful and attractive looks department. Opposite of bald and shiny.

Others emulated the Kennedy hair style look.

Tip O'Neal, John Kerry, Michael Dukakis, John Edwards, Peter Lawford, Dick VanDyke, Peter Gunn, etc. 

Edited by Joe Bauer
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