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Did Donald Trump Betray The JFKA Truth Movement?

W. Niederhut

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On 9/21/2020 at 9:52 PM, Cliff Varnell said:

How is it a betrayal? In order to “betray” a cause one must be committed to it in the first place.

Donald Trump has only been committed to one cause in his entire life, and it sure as hell ain’t the JFKA.


     I, certainly, agree with your point about Trump's narcissism, but I would also point out that many people in 2016 viewed Trump as a party establishment outsider who might, conceivably, take on the "Deep State."  So, in that sense, Trump's decision in October of 2017 to block the long-awaited release of the JFKA documents could be construed as a "betrayal" to those interested in exposing the machinations of the Deep State.  (I voted for Hillary, but I did agree with Trump's 2016 criticism of our misguided Neocon military interventions in Libya and Syria.)

    See, for example, https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/02/17/trump_you_will_find_out_who_really_knocked_down_the_world_trade_center_secret_papers_may_blame_saudis.html

   Incidentally, if you do a Google search nowadays on Trump and 9/11 Truth, you will find a veritable mountain of the pervasive M$M disinformation ridiculing the 9/11 Truth research community and kooky conspiracy theories.  It's downright Stalin-esque.


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Wheeler said:    If the bulk of the JFK Research Community is going to avoid any evidence in the classified JFK files that points to a multi-generational effort by the Powers that Be to consolidate their power up to the present, then their is no point in releasing the files,

Well there you have it, Wheeler thinks we're unworthy, and in his mind directed Trump to not release the files!    Damn!


Bare in mind, William. Trump peddles many flavors of kool aid.

If Trump  does know something about Larry Silverstein, the Port Authority, and what happened to the WTC on 9/11 , like you speculate, he probably lost interest and has long since forgotten.

heh heh

William, you and I are in solid agreement about the current political climate. But I consider your Trump 911 speculation another "omnipotent Trump" theory, just like Wheeler's. I'm not sure why so many people are so eager to give power away to Trump that he nether merits or deserves. JMO
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19 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     I, certainly, agree with your point about Trump's narcissism, but I would also point out that many people in 2016 viewed Trump as a party establishment outsider who might, conceivably, take on the "Deep State."  So, in that sense, Trump's decision in October of 2017 to block the long-awaited release of the JFKA documents could be construed as a "betrayal" to those interested in exposing the machinations of the Deep State.

Point taken, although it should be obvious that “the Deep State” installed Trump with constant media attention on the bogus Hillary e-mail non-scandal.

19 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

 (I voted for Hillary, but I did agree with Trump's 2016 criticism of our misguided Neocon military interventions in Libya and Syria.)

Trump supported the NATO operation in Libya!


I wouldn’t call Obama’s policy in Syria “neo-con” given his tepid support of the Syrian rebels, his refusal to follow a CIA-backed plan to overthrow Assad, and most famously the negotiated removal of 93% of Assad’s chemical weapons supplies.

Trump supported both the Iraq and Libya operations and lied about it throughout the 2016 campaign, only occasionally corrected by any of the cable news shows.

19 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    See, for example, https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/02/17/trump_you_will_find_out_who_really_knocked_down_the_world_trade_center_secret_papers_may_blame_saudis.html

   Incidentally, if you do a Google search nowadays on Trump and 9/11 Truth, you will find a veritable mountain of the pervasive M$M disinformation ridiculing the 9/11 Truth research community and kooky conspiracy theories.  It's downright Stalin-esque.



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8 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Wheeler said:    If the bulk of the JFK Research Community is going to avoid any evidence in the classified JFK files that points to a multi-generational effort by the Powers that Be to consolidate their power up to the present, then their is no point in releasing the files,

Well there you have it, Wheeler thinks we're unworthy, and in his mind directed Trump to not release the files!    Damn!


Bare in mind, William. Trump peddles many flavors of kool aid.

If Trump  does know something about Larry Silverstein, the Port Authority, and what happened to the WTC on 9/11 , like you speculate, he probably lost interest and has long since forgotten.

heh heh

William, you and I are in solid agreement about the current political climate. But I consider your Trump 911 speculation another "omnipotent Trump" theory, just like Wheeler's. I'm not sure why so many people are so eager to give power away to Trump that he nether merits or deserves. JMO


    I've never had any illusions about Donald Trump's characterologic grandiosity but, as a long-time real estate developer in Manhattan, Trump was almost certainly aware of the details of Larry Silverstein's acquisition of the Port Authority lease of the WTC Twin Towers in July of 2001. 

    Trump was also, evidently, quite familiar with the structural details of WTC1 and WTC2, as illustrated by his comments (You Tube video below--beginning at the 5:30 mark) on 9/11, in which he quite correctly surmised that the massive steel exo-skeletons and cores of the Twin Towers could only have been demolished by "bombs."

    Thirdly, Trump said publicly in February of 2016 that, "When I'm President the American people are going to find out who really destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11."



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On 9/22/2020 at 6:45 AM, Robert Wheeler said:

If George H.W. Bush name appears in those files, than that is a lot of leverage Trump has on George W. Bush.

Why would Trump need leverage over George W. Bush?

Among some of the reasons, that we have gone over ad nauseum,

  • to keep his family and himself safe (ie. a dead man's switch.)
  • information about criminal networks; stopping trafficking seems to be the priority;
    • Epstein/Maxwell
    • NXVIM
    • Back Pages and MS 13 networks that used.

For whatever reason, and I would think this board would see some common themes better than they have, but George H.W. Bush seems to show up on the periphery of human trafficking rings pretty often. (the Franklin Scandal for one; also Martinsville, the DC Madam/William Casey stories, etc., the Finders Cult.)

I know President Trump is not supposed to get any credit for anything, but if you believe parts of the CIA;

  • Ran cocaine in the 1980s (and likely earlier), then they were probably;
  • running heroin out of Afghanistan in the 00's (if not currently);

and, if parts of the CIA is willing to ship massive amounts of heroin from Indochina in the 60s/70s, cocaine in the 80s/90s from South America and heroin again from Central Asia in the 00s/10s, then there are probably not a lot of moral qualms from that crowd about running a human trafficking "franchise". 

At this point, there is hardly anything conspiratorial about the idea that parts of the CIA ("CIA" in this case a catch-all term for bad actors in the military, the gov't and NGOs) have been involved in human trafficking. The subject is very touchy, and it can get lumped with "pizza-gate", "Podesta email", speculation.

The Pizzagate and Podesta emails notwithstanding, Epstein/Maxwell, NXVIM, European Adoption Center in Ohio, multiple recent "ring" round-ups, point pretty clearly to Intelligence agency involvement over multiple decades.

The Bush family seems to have a lot of information about running drugs and people (and weapons, for another time) so the idea that Trump would use the JFK files for his own family's safety and to attack the Deep State at its main sources of illicit funding (drugs, humans, weapons) is hardly a novel idea (except amongst this crowd.)

Very simply, 

Trump: "Give me the child trafficking rings and I won't release the picture of your Dad posing with Ruby, Zaprueder, deMorenshieldt at a party the night before the assassination."

W. Bush: "O.K., don't show the picture to Jeb or Laura until after the funeral."




H.W.'s actions around the Kennedy assassination/Watergate are bizarre and incriminating. Can't imagine as CIA director/VP/President, he did not make sure no documents existed.

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On 9/22/2020 at 9:38 PM, W. Niederhut said:


    Your take on this may well be correct.  At the very least, it gives the lie to the false narrative that Trump is an "outsider" who would take on the Deep State, etc.

     I was somewhat hopeful in early 2016 that Trump might actually be a 9/11 Truther, and I still believe that he knows a lot more about his Manhattan colleague  Larry Silverstein, the Port Authority, and what happened to the WTC on 9/11 than he has let on since early 2016.  He has been dead silent.

     As for the JFK assassination, the country has waited for almost 57 years now-- and for over 27 years since the passage of the JFK Records Act -- to finally learn the truth about the conspiracy to murder of JFK.

     Trump sabotaged the Congressionally-mandated release of the JFKA records in 2017 and 2018.  That's a big deal.  Yet, he has received almost no significant criticism for that crucial decision in our mainstream media, or even on this JFK forum.  I think that's the main reason I started this thread.

    I don't know how or why Trump "got rolled by the Deep State" on this one, but it happened, and it should be acknowledged and discussed.

W, I think you may be right about him trying hijack your thread.  8 of 27 posts, over a quarter.  It seems you've got his attention.  Good reason, the subject is a big deal.

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13 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

W, I think you may be right about him trying hijack your thread.  8 of 27 posts, over a quarter.  It seems you've got his attention.  Good reason, the subject is a big deal.

Godwin's Law posits that all social media threads will, eventually, result in a post about Hitler and the Nazis.

Wheeler's Law posits that all social media threads will, eventually, result in a post about Robert Mueller's family owning a property on Gibson Island. 🤥

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The thing is, Trump can be sued over the actual breaking of the law.  Due to the fact that he has not supplied an explanation for the documents still being withheld or redacted.

IMO, its not all on Trump.  The CIA just has a kind of aversion to obeying any laws that tell it to open up all its files.  And since they have been allowed to get away with it for decades, they continue to do it.

Its their way of wearing out the opposition.  And since its worked in the past, it persists.  And once the CIA paves the way, the FBI goes along.

But Malcolm Blunt told me that there is also a lot of NSA stuff that has disappeared.  He knows they were there since they were referred to in documents.

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2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Now you're coming around W. Niederhut.

It's a fascinating place for only having 50 families after WWII and still only 150 today. 

Most of the World's worst ideas of the past 100 years seem to come from there.

I'm an expert on Gibson Island, ask me anything.

Alternatively, stay in your lane and stick to diagnosing the President's mental health from your lap top.


     IMO, any competent mental health professional can readily diagnose Trump's severe narcissistic (and sociopathic) personality disorder. It's painfully obvious. 

     What has baffled me for the past four years is the inability of Trump Cult members to make the diagnosis.

     There's an old saying in medicine-- "You see what you look for, and you look for what you know."

      People in the Trump Cult don't seem to know what a narcissistic personality disorder is.

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2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Can you diagnose Biden for us then?


     This thread is not about Joe Biden.

      It's about Trump blocking the full release of the JFKA records in 2017 and 2018.

      If you want to start a thread about Joe Biden, go for it.

      If you have anything to say about Trump and the JFK Records Act, let us know.

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On 9/24/2020 at 2:53 PM, Robert Wheeler said:

I'm sure he did make every effort humanly possible, but there are millions of documents and only so much that can be done without arousing at least some suspicions. Even these days you need some pretty decent processing resources to scan and read typed and smudged scans and PDFs from that era. The technology of the 1990s probably had to be very state of the art to process and read old 1960s files, if it could do it at all.

I can imagine a Bush being able to pull 99% of 1000 documents that might have his name on them, but the 10 or so that might slip through could still be revealing or add to the overall context of what is already known.

I sure as hell hope so. I just think he’s up to his dead ears in it.

Edited by Andrew Prutsok
Nap phone spelling
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20 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

The thing is, Trump can be sued over the actual breaking of the law.  Due to the fact that he has not supplied an explanation for the documents still being withheld or redacted.

IMO, its not all on Trump.  The CIA just has a kind of aversion to obeying any laws that tell it to open up all its files.  And since they have been allowed to get away with it for decades, they continue to do it.

Its their way of wearing out the opposition.  And since its worked in the past, it persists.  And once the CIA paves the way, the FBI goes along.

But Malcolm Blunt told me that there is also a lot of NSA stuff that has disappeared.  He knows they were there since they were referred to in documents.

As I recall, NSA and ONI both flagrantly disregarded the ARRB and will not turn over a damn thing. Bill Simpich talked about this on an episode of BOR and I believe Doug Horne has spoken about it. 

There is a good list of things here:


More than just disregarding ARRB, there is the story of Lt. Commander Terri Pike, whose career was destroyed because she merely served as an effective and cooperative contact for the ARRB and tried to work with them.

For being competent and having integrity, she was destroyed by the Navy. They accused her of travel fraud, and even foisted upon her a mental health review and classified her as crazy. What did she do? Her job. She identified records and began the process of reviewing them, as was the duty given to her:


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On 9/26/2020 at 4:34 PM, Robert Wheeler said:

I did W. Niederhut. Two expansive and original comments. 

You are ignoring them because your three ring binder does not have a response.

1963 to 2001. Even you are on board with that.

The leap to 2016 is what has you flustered.

Enjoy the month of October. A new surprise everyday. Maybe even some 1963 and 2001 surprises.

Ferenc Nagy legally changed his name to Frank. 

Remember that. It will be relevant to 1963, 2001 and 2020.

Trump definitely knows what went down in 1963 and 2001, he keeps his own private security, doesn't trust the SS.

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  • 2 years later...

       Interesting old Education Forum thread about the antecedents of the current GOP efforts to secure the release of the suppressed JFK Records.

        From what I have read on the forum, it sounds like Tucker Carlson's recent, surprising calls for the release of the JFK records were largely a result of Larry Schnapf's outreach to Fox News producers.

        Was there any outreach to Fox in 2017, when Trump blocked the release of the JFK Records?

       Meanwhile, an arch-conservative Republican Congressman from Scottsdale, Arizona, David Schweikert, has, apparently, introduced a bill calling for the release the JFK Records.  Schweikert is, reportedly, a close associate of such GOP Sedition Caucus luminaries as Andy Biggs and Paul Gosar.

       It's worth pointing out that David Schweikert was a member of Congress in 2017 and 2018, when the JFK Records were due to be released and Trump famously said, "No."  Was Schweikert concerned at the time?

       Why is an arch-conservative GOP apparatchik like Schweikert calling for the release of the records only now-- at a time when Tucker Carlson is urging his "patriotic" fans to "hold on to (their) AR-15s?"

        This recent, surprising Fox/GOP interest in the JFK Records seems to be part of a more general right wing propaganda effort to undermine public confidence in government and the rule of law, by Trumpsters who have little in common with the progressive, liberal ideals of John F. Kennedy.

       Of course, we JFK fans shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, but I am skeptical of Republican motives.

       Meanwhile, is there any news about Tucker Carlson's alleged JFK Records source?

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Since a certain someone is selectively exhuming media accounts of non-compliance with the JFK Assassination Records Act, it's refreshing to re-encounter this thread, as the failure to follow the law is a cross-party problem. Concord in our alliance will be stronger if we can in a balanced way focus on current politicians doing our will, or acting against us.

We who want transparency like to remind folks that the Records act passed unanimously. Implying that there was a great sense in Congress at that time to bring all hidden records into the light, no matter the consequences. I cannot produce a cite, but I remember reading somewhere something to the effect that, if you had taken a poll of members of Congress at that time, you would have found that they all voted the way they did because they believed there was nothing significant being hidden. Can anyone point me to a detailed political history or explication of the passage of the Records Act?

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