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Tipping Point serialization now in progress on the Mary Ferrell Foundation site

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Ron if you read section Five again I think you will find all of that mentioned and Ruby role described as actually a working asset in Dallas - then evolving to being ordered to first monitor and then kill Oswald, giving him no choice and threatening him with his family.

Pretty sure I cover all that in considerable detail - connecting him to Roselli, and linking them all the way back to Jack's trips to Havana (financed out of Vegas) and ultimately to Roselli himself.


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Mr. H what a fascinating, fascinating read. I knew exactly what I was getting into reading this and I've read it 3x so far. Taking notes and will post more questions in due time. the more I learn about Carlos "Batea" Hernandez, the more I am intrigued. I'm even more curious about Felix Rodriguez. Do we know or have any info regarding whereabouts of either men on 11/22/63? Whatever happened to Hernandez in later years after that tragic day? Thank you very much for your amazing work and research. 

Edited by B. A. Copeland
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Thanks B.A., very much appreciated!   Actually we know a good bit about Felix R; I covered his later activities across Vietnam and Latin America in Shadow Warfare.  His autobiography is quite interesting though, while it goes into great detail in many areas the year 1963 is largely passed over with no comment at all.

We know a bit about Carlos Hernandez during 1964/65 but he fades out of the picture at that point - David Boylan may have been able to trace him further in some detail but unlike others of the AMWORLD recruits I don't think we have been able to specifically track him on to the Congo, later to SE Asia, or to Nicaragua in the Contra era in later years.

I would say one of the new names you should focus in on in Tipping Point is the potential role of  Emileo Rodriquez in regard to the CIA and Lee Oswald...he may have had a seminal role in making Oswald visible to the conspiracy, he may have had a seminal role, simply by doing his day job.

As an update, the index for the book version of Tipping Point has just been completed and we are closing in on publication.



Edited by Larry Hancock
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On 11/2/2020 at 1:29 AM, Larry Hancock said:

This is simply a notice that Rex Bradford has finished an immense amount of work and Tipping Point is now beginning on the MFF site.  I will post a notice in the book section of the forum as well and answer question and engage in discussions there rather in this main section.  I will also be blogging on it and am happy to chat there or via email at larryjoe@westok.net

As I said earlier, Tipping Point represents my personal analysis and observations on the conspiracy.  I know there will be disagreement and that is to be expected.  For those who want to engage with it, and hopefully profit form the research and information it presents - great.  It's not intended to sway anyone else from their preferred scenarios or views. 

We will put up a new section every one to two weeks, finishing it up online in December for a totally free read - with the book to follow for those who would want it all together in print.  I hope that will allow readers to really dig into the references and cited documents, several of which are hot linked either in the body or in the end notes.  In that regard, kudos to David Boylan and Bill Simpich who were involved with a great deal of the brand new documents research which went into Tipping Point.

If you wish to pursue it, this link will get you there:



Congratulations on an earnest and intelligent effort.

We can kibbitz, even disagree---but we should all recognize excellent work when done. 

And if we disagree, let us posit other plausible scenarios for public discussion...and save for those divinely inspired, any one of us could be off target. 

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Thanks Benjamin, and I'm always ready for discussion.  In fact the print version of Tipping Point has a number of additions, expansions and reworded commentary that was generated by discussion on this forum of the serialized version that has been on the Mary Ferrell Foundation web site for the last three months.

The book will include an introduction and forward from Rex Bradford and Bill Simpich, with some interesting commentary and remarks  from Bill on a point that caught his particular interest. 

Hopefully the index will make the book much more useful for in depth study and we can get into more detailed dialogs on some of the aspects that don't routinely get discussed here.  The book does get pretty specific in terms of people, sources, timelines and specifically on the compartmentalized activities in Dallas. As usual I'm open to discussing that either in this forum (which is the only one I routinely visit these days), by messaging or by email.



We are in the process of putting it up on Amazon now and both print and EBook versions should be available this month if things go relatively smoothly.


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Hey B.A.,

In late 1963, Hernandez became one of Rafael "Quintero's commandos" in Costa Rica/Nicaragua along with a few others that where at Lake Pontchartrain, LA. Hernandez and 8 others were exfiltrated "black" (Dec 9, 1963) and later needed their I-512s to get back in the US.  Luis Sierra would later lead the commando group. In 1965 when the AMWORLD project was winding down, JMAVE Paramilitary officer Tom Clines approached Quintero and inquired whether any of these commandos had an interest in further work. The team would travel to other countries as needed. It appears that Hernandez (and Sierra and possibly Ramon Orozco) accepted. Hernandez would later travel to Panama, Spain, Guatemala...

Hernandez was one of the original MRR (Artime's guys) that were trained by Rip Robertson and Carl Jenkins to be a member of the cadre. The cadre was originally trained to become teachers to other Anti-Castro Cubans. He was trained so well that in 1962 he was teaching DRE members on infiltration and paramilitary matters. 

In July 1964 he travelled to Miami after he contracted an illness (real or cover). He was considered so valuable that Henry Hecksher and later Desmond Fitzgerald got involved in getting him back to Nicaragua.

In 1965 he was working with Luis Posada and Luis Sierra in an attempt to overthrow the government of Guatemala.

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Tipping Point is now available for order in the print version on Amazon.


It contains some new commentary and elaboration based on feedback on the serialized version as well as some new information, including discussion of one new and possibly significant CIA officer who has never really been on the radar before this (thanks to the ongoing work of David Boylan). It also contains an index which should prove very useful to serious readers  - the indexing does include a number of crypts as well).


Rex is working on getting the Kindle version up (but working with Amazon on Kindle can be challenging) as well as further information on the book and some early reviews by some familiar names in the JFK community. 

If you have read it and liked it, earlier reader reviews are always appreciated.

(we said we were shooting for book availability in the first quarter and we made it


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Great work, as usual.  It has the ring of "real" (i.e. not speculative, not sensational, not premised on a belief of some unprovable aspect or rebuttable presumption).    I always feel better informed when I read your work.


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That's much appreciated Gene and I can promise that its as real in a historical sense as I can make it.  Real people, real backstories and in particular, the dangerous reality of extremely committed individuals whose anger had been fueled again and again - until it reached the boiling point in the fall of 1963. 

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On 3/31/2021 at 5:25 PM, Larry Hancock said:

Tipping Point is now available for order in the print version on Amazon.



Amazon U.S., but it's still not arrived on Amazon U.K.

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Not really sure how long that twill take Pete, of course it actually just went live on Amazon U.S. two days ago and we are still wrestling with getting the Kindle version up.  I've never timed it but I seem to recall in the past its taken a month or two for my books to make it to Amazon U.K.

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Hi Hugo, I hope you receive your copy and find it a good read.  Unfortunately we are having some problems with Amazon fulfillment and communicating with them is always challenging. I've yet to receive my own print copy even though I ordered one immediately - the good news is that its available for a read on the Mary Ferrell Foundation and we have uploaded the print manuscript files to Amazon (Kindle should go in this weekend). In my past experience publishing via Amazon can go smoothly - or not.  This time it seems to be the latter. 

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I'm very glad  to hear that Joe, strangely we did not get a pre-release copy for review so I have not seen it yet - however my regular purchased copy is supposed to be here on Monday according to the shipping tracker.

If you want to chat while reading it just message me or drop me an email...

  -- Larry



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