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Towards A Simple, Plausible Yet Explanatory Conspiracy Theory

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16 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

The person who told me that Lyndon Johnson and Walter Jenkins both had a "Q clearance" (nuclear-related matters) was an LBJ aide named James C.C. Williams who worked for LBJ from 1957 until 1961.

Here is his Find-a-Grave James C. C. Williams (1935-2016) - Find a Grave Memorial

James C.C. Williams also told me he was a homosexual and that after Walter Jenkins was arrested for sodomy in fall, 1964, Williams told me he thought HIS PHONE was wiretapped for the next 3 years.

James "Jim" Williams told me that every day after work LBJ would not go home but would go to hang out with his secretary/mistress Mary Margaret Wiley (who later married Jack Valenti).

I interviewed Jim Williams around 2011 (he died in 2016). I was referred to him by his friend Houston Allred who is the son of former 1930's Texas Governor Sam Allred (who was a mentor and supporter of LBJ when he first ran for Congress in Spring, 1937 special election.

Jim Williams told me he did not know why LBJ helped to pass the 1957 Civil Rights Act - whether he cared about the issue or was it pure politics to make him more politically palatable to liberals. Most civil right activists considered that bill to be near worthless garbage.


Thanks for this thread, Ben. I wasn't a member of the forum when you started it so this is my first  chance to respond.
Yes, the murder was unquestionably compartmentalized. Yes, in a murder of this magnitude and consequence there had to be a small group who planned and carried it out.  With a coverup in place before the murder including a patsy to blame.
But your initial conclusion that some "low-level Cuban CIA assets" murdered JFK (and presumably planned the murder), without CIA authorization (or presumed even knowledge) is off the mark.  To begin with, such a group was not capable of the detailed planning the murder required. 
More than that, the murder was about political power in Washington. There were of course passions involved but thinking of it as some kind of revenge killing only leads you astray. It was much more important than that.
The murder changed the results of the '60 election (JFK defeated Johnson for the Dem nomination) and produced a president in Johnson who was much more amenable to the interests of the killers.  A question to ponder: If Kennedy had stuck with his original plan to pick Sen Symington as VP, who became a vocal critic of the Vietnam war, would the murder have happened?
The aftermath tells an even more compelling story. Once it was successfully pulled off, the murder precipitated a swath of political murders the rest of the decade.  By most of the same people.  All were designed to destroy the remnants of left opposition to the killers' plans. You can focus on the Cubans, or mafia as the planners only by ignoring this fact and treating the murder in isolation (as is so often done).
The murder produced endless wars since.  In his peace speech Kennedy said he was against a Pax Americana enforced by American weapons of war.  That's exactly the policy his killers wanted.  He had made clear in public he was a direct threat to them. That policy under different names (the latest being the "rules based order" in which the US makes and enforces the rules) has been in place since he was murdered, verifying the killers' success..  
Can you imagine any president since Kennedy giving his "peace speech"?  In fact we have reached a point where there are no national antiwar politicians in the US to speak of.  The war mongers are now clearly in charge.
The identity of the planners is now even clearer than when Salandria gave his "False Mystery" speech 25 years ago, pointing to the "top echelons" of Kennedy's own government.  Consider his characterization of the calls made by the WH situation Room the afternoon of the murder to the two planes with officials coming back to DC.
Bundy was speaking for the killers and telling those who were in Dallas to forget what they think they saw.  The murder had been "committed by a level of US power that was above and beyond punishment", he said they were told. To me, that means, in part, that the killers themselves were going to investigate the murder and mete out the punishment.
The plot was designed and run by Allen Dulles and Lyndon Johnson and whoever they needed to assist them in various aspects of plan. Like picking Oswald as the patsy, e.g. (Note: Salandria once said he could find no proof of Johnson's involvement and I'm not sure he ever did. Nobody's perfect).
Note to Cliff: turn in your student ID for the Salandria school.  Your naming of those 5 clowns as the planners and 5 others running the coverup means you have flunked the final exam. 
Dulles and Johnson were both Washington powers. Probably the two most powerful at the time, each with tentacles all over town.  They could keep what they were doing secret, but they knew what everyone else was doing--an important source of Washington power.  Dulles knew about Kennedy's back channel discussions with Krushchev and Castro, which became an important reason for the murder, e.g. 
The case for Dulles's involvement is well known and accepted by many. The Dulles brothers ran foreign policy under Eisenhower.  Their views were clear. You were either with the US or the commies. No neutrality.  And if you weren't with us there would be hell to pay. That policy was anathema to Kennedy.  He stood in the way of it as a basic policy, not just their wanting a war in Vietnam.
There may have been some Wall Street financial elites that Dulles needed an OK from, killing a president being so socially disruptive. That would not have been a problem.
As president in charge of investigating the murder, Johnson would have the fate of the killers in his hands.  He was indispensable to the plan working.  There is a sense in which the Dulles gang knew how much Johnson wanted to be president, and expected he would run the coverup to protect them while allowing them the policies they wanted.  But in a murder of this magnitude and consequence you can't go on expectations alone.  You have to be sure.  Besides, Johnson had to be comfortable with the cover up plan he would be running. Johnson's input was necessary to the plan.
Logic, and an examination of Johnson's actions that weekend, dictate that conclusion as I have argued elsewhere.
That Dulles and Johnson devised and ran the plan seems obvious to me.  But perversely this very obviousness seems to have caused many researches to look elsewhere in search of something new.  To go down many rabbit holes that lead nowhere. For 60 years now. 
Maybe your thread will help focus more people on the important questions: who did it and why. 
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In my "opinion," Lyndon Johnson's personal reasons were the #1 reason for the JFK assassination. Although Lee Harvey Oswald was 99.9% sure to be a CIA asset and fake defector to Russian, the CIA probably did not engineer the JFK assassination. I think the hard right crazies in the Air Force in collusion with Gen. Edward Lansdale worked as a team with LBJ to murder JFK. I am 99% sure some anti-Castro Cubans were involved also (Dark Complected Man aka Radio Man being one of them).

Knowing for sure that the Kennedys were out to utterly destroy him, LBJ was not the kind to twiddle his thumbs and hope for the best. LBJ said his daddy said the time to kill the snake is when you have your hoe in your hands and that occurred in Dallas, TX.

LBJ top aide Horace Busby: Lyndon Johnson was acutely aware  by Nov. 4, 1963 that the Kennedys had sent a SWAT team of over **FORTY** national reporters to Texas to utterly destroy him: 

https://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2020/07/lyndon-johnson-was-acutely-aware-by-nov.html  I wonder how LBJ would have reacted?

Burkett van Kirk (GOP Senate Rules Committee counsel) and James Wagenvoord (Life Magazine assistant editor) prove the Kennedys were out to destroy LBJ in November of 1963 http://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2021/08/senate-counsel-burkett-van-kirk-and.html

National Review’s Phil Brennan knew in real time all about the Kennedys’ ongoing plan to destroy LBJ with the media in fall of 1963: https://www.newsmax.com/Pre-2008/Some-Relevant-Facts-About/2003/11/18/id/677423/

Jackie Kennedy tapes: JFK and RFK had plans to stop LBJ from ever being president: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/Jacqueline_Kennedy/jacqueline-kennedy-reveals-jfk-feared-lbj-presidency/story?id=14477930

LBJ’s right arm Bobby Baker predicted on Inauguration Day 1961 (1/20/61) that JFK would die a violent death and not live out his term: https://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2022/05/lbjs-right-arm-bobby-baker-told-don.html

Ethel Kennedy in 2010: “We all thought it was Lyndon Johnson” https://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2023/07/ethel-kennedy-age-82-circa-2010-on-who.html

Edited by Robert Morrow
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If we never know "who exactly" did JFK ( and RFK and MLK ) one thing "I will know" and take to my grave:

It was a conspiracy.

I watched Jack Ruby blast a hole into Lee Harvey Oswald's guts "live" on national news TV the morning of 11,24,1963.

From that second in time to this one...I knew in my soul that there was no way Oswald could have been gunned down right inside the DPD building with 70+ highest security minded in DPD history armed police personnel all around without someone on the inside allowing it to happen. 

That killing was clearly way beyond simple security negligence. The DPD lost the most important ( and most threatened ) criminal suspect in American history ... again right inside their own building?

Ruby's impossible access to do what he did in that scenario is the most obvious proof that Oswald was allowed to be assassinated.  I can read 1,000 JFKA conspiracy theory books ...and all of them combined will never be more convincing than what I witnessed that November 24, Sunday morning. I trusted my gut instincts ( even at 12 years old ) that much then, and still today at 72.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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30 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

If we never know "who exactly" did JFK ( and RFK and MLK ) one thing "I will know" and take to my grave:

It was a conspiracy.

I watched Jack Ruby blast a hole into Lee Harvey Oswald's guts "live" on national news TV the morning of 11,24,1963.

From that second in time to this one...I knew in my soul that there was no way Oswald could have been gunned down right inside the DPD building with 70+ highest security minded in DPD history armed police personnel all around without someone on the inside allowing it to happen. 

That killing was clearly way beyond simple security negligence. The DPD lost the most important ( and most threatened ) criminal suspect in American history ... again right inside their own building?

Ruby's impossible access to do what he did in that scenario is the most obvious proof that Oswald was allowed to be assassinated.  I can read 1,000 JFKA conspiracy theory books ...and all of them combined will never be more convincing than what I witnessed that November 24, Sunday morning. I trusted my gut instincts ( even at 12 years old ) that much and I still do at 72.




That was a powerful moment. And Ruby was a far more complicated character than an affable nightclub operator. 

For me, it was watching Gov. Connally get pushed forward by a blow at Z295 and JFK get struck a Z313. That is less than one second. 

From a lone gunman armed with a single-shot bolt-action rifle? 

And ye...we still can't seem to get to the actual bottom of the case. I have my favored  explanation and the next guy has his. 

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15 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


That was a powerful moment. And Ruby was a far more complicated character than an affable nightclub operator. 

For me, it was watching Gov. Connally get pushed forward by a blow at Z295 and JFK get struck a Z313. That is less than one second. 

From a lone gunman armed with a single-shot bolt-action rifle? 

And ye...we still can't seem to get to the actual bottom of the case. I have my favored explanation and the next guy has his. 

Did you watch Ruby shoot Oswald on live TV like me BC?

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2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Did you watch Ruby shoot Oswald on live TV like me BC?

I no longer remember if it was live, or I saw a newsreel at night. I think the latter. 

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We know that a number ( some to perhaps many) of the Dallas Police department's own personnel expressed serious concern and frustration with their building being open to the crush of a frantic press during Oswald's incarceration and questioning there.

Lt. Jim Leavell, who liked and made himself available to dozens of interviews in the years following JFK's and Oswald's killings, boastingly described once actually kicking a reporter who had got down between his legs to get a picture of Oswald so hard he went flying!

That anecdotal recounting was to emphasize how much of a circus the press crush inside their building had become. Officers having to skip over large TV camera cables, reporters thrusting micro-phones in their faces, pushing themselves up against office windows, cameras flashing ... Leavell and others felt the press crush was a complete circus and ridiculously hindering.

It was also so obviously a huge and non-sensical security risk. Every person allowed into the DPD building during Oswald's time there should have been thoroughly screened before entering. Oswald was the most important ( and threatened ) criminal suspect in not just Dallas police history, but American history.

Yet, laughably, there are clear photos showing yours truly ( Jack Ruby ) sauntering through the DPD halls with a gun bulge showing through his coat pocket area with complete freedom during Oswald's time there. Who let HIM in? A local tacky strip joint owner with Mafia ties? Ruby is also allowed into a conference room when Oswald was presented to the press crowd and later during Dallas D.A. Henry Wade's question and answer presentation?

Seeing that frantically shouting press crush right inside the DPD building seemed so illogical ( even to me as a 12 year old ) as I watched it all take place via constant watching of live feed national TV coverage. 

Oswald's escort guards had to very aggressively push and shove their way through that crush in moving Oswald from room to room.

DPD Chief Jessie Curry many times offered this ridiculous explanation to the press who themselves wondered why Curry was allowing them so much close up access right inside their own building.

Curry said he wanted the American people ( the world? ) to see that they were treating Oswald well physically. That they weren't abusing him in any way.


Speaking for myself...I didn't need to see Oswald paraded and jostled around through that press madhouse to know he wasn't being abused by the DPD. I am certain the huge majority of Americans watching that scene on live TV didn't either. I would expect that for Oswald's own security he would not be exposed as openly as he was. I figured that if Oswald wanted to make any public statements in his defense, he would do so through an attorney or even via a police department public relation spokesperson.

Curry's open frantic press crowd access excuse was ridiculously illogical considering the importance of Oswald's protective security. Oswald was the most important criminal suspect in American history, as well as the most threatened criminal suspect in American history. 100 million average American citizens knew this fact. They ( I ) would understand if Oswald was not brought out like he was to be jostled about through a crushing crowd of manic shouting reporters.

Yet, if that Oswald security risking circus of press crush madness ( with Jack Ruby himself running to and fro amongst it ) wasn't suspiciously and illogically bad enough...it was topped off with the Sunday morning transfer of Oswald that took Curry's Oswald's security plan to a level of absolute craziness.

The public is given a general time frame and location notice of Oswald's transfer. It is done in broad mid-morning daylight. Again, Curry allows another body crushing, yelling and blinding flash and bright TV camera light crowd right inside the tight space basement garage and just feet away from Oswald and his two side guards ( Oswald's front is wide open exposed) and again...our favorite strip joint owner Jack Ruby is right there at the front of the line where with just a lunge he gets within inches from Oswald's body where he plugs a can't miss shot right into Oswald's gut.

Mayhem ensues. Ruby is wrestled to the ground. Oswald is dragged back down the hallway. It takes minutes to get Oswald on a stretcher, the huge armored car moved and an ambulance down the ramp where a major internal injury trauma Oswald is finally lifted lifeless looking into it for the several minute drive to Parkland. 

Curry and Captain Will Fritz were both warned repeatedly by their own fellow staff people to only move Oswald at night and unannounced to the general public. No. we will do this our way was their response to those totally logical and sensible advice offerings.

No deep research needed to realize what Oswald's impossible murder was about.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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The problem with these small-scale JFKA conspiracy theory scenarios is that they fail to account for the evident, higher-level aspects of the assassination and cover up, involving multiple Federal (and local) agencies and the U.S. mainstream media moguls-- e.g., Henry Luce, C.D. Jackson, William S. Paley, et.al.

Technical aspects of the shooting are trees.  The larger black op and 60-year M$M psy op is the forest.

These issues have been raised in previous Education Forum discussions about "small-scale" conspiracy hypotheses.

Some of them are questions that Col. L. Fletcher Prouty raised in his musings about the JFK assassination.

For example,

1)  Who controlled and orchestrated the "Secret Service" agents in Dealey Plaza and at Parkland Hospital-- i.e., the mysterious men who confiscated film, intimidated witnesses, and seized JFK's corpse from the coroner at Parkland?

2)  Who controlled the motorcade route and arranged for Oswald's job at the TSBD?

2)  Who had the authority (and foresight) to destroy evidence-- e.g., scrubbing the limo, getting rid of the Mauser, etc.?

3)  Who had the authority to orchestrate the sham autopsy at Bethesda?  (Certainly not David Atlee Phillips!)

4)  Who had the authority to orchestrate the FBI's aborting of an investigation?

5)   Who had the authority to appoint Allen Dulles and the Warren Commission to cover up the crime?

6)   Who had the authority to orchestrate the 60-year cover up psy op in the U.S. mainstream media?

7)   Who had the authority to orchestrate the systematic murders of numerous key witnesses?


If we look at the forest-- beyond the assassination mechanics in Dealey Plaza-- it's obvious that the JFK assassination conspiracy and multi-decade media cover up involved a coalition of people at the very highest levels of U.S. (and local) governance, in addition to corporate media moguls-- including the White House, (LBJ) the CIA, the U.S. military, (e.g., Bethesda) the FBI, and critical assets in Dallas (Earl Cabell, the DPD, et.al.)

So, I agree with Peter Dale Scott's recently posted commentaries about a broad "coalition" being involved in the assassination conspiracy and cover up.   Prouty believed as much.  Prouty's own hypothesis was that technical aspects of the hit team probably involved the CIA and anti-Castro Cubans who were re-directed from Castro assassination ops to Dealey Plaza-- but that there was evident high-level involvement in the assassination op and multi-decade cover up.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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Posted (edited)
On 3/1/2024 at 3:42 AM, Roger Odisio said:
Thanks for this thread, Ben. I wasn't a member of the forum when you started it so this is my first  chance to respond.
Yes, the murder was unquestionably compartmentalized. Yes, in a murder of this magnitude and consequence there had to be a small group who planned and carried it out.  With a coverup in place before the murder including a patsy to blame.
But your initial conclusion that some "low-level Cuban CIA assets" murdered JFK (and presumably planned the murder), without CIA authorization (or presumed even knowledge) is off the mark.  To begin with, such a group was not capable of the detailed planning the murder required. 
More than that, the murder was about political power in Washington. There were of course passions involved but thinking of it as some kind of revenge killing only leads you astray. It was much more important than that.
The murder changed the results of the '60 election (JFK defeated Johnson for the Dem nomination) and produced a president in Johnson who was much more amenable to the interests of the killers.  A question to ponder: If Kennedy had stuck with his original plan to pick Sen Symington as VP, who became a vocal critic of the Vietnam war, would the murder have happened?
The aftermath tells an even more compelling story. Once it was successfully pulled off, the murder precipitated a swath of political murders the rest of the decade.  By most of the same people.  All were designed to destroy the remnants of left opposition to the killers' plans. You can focus on the Cubans, or mafia as the planners only by ignoring this fact and treating the murder in isolation (as is so often done).
The murder produced endless wars since.  In his peace speech Kennedy said he was against a Pax Americana enforced by American weapons of war.  That's exactly the policy his killers wanted.  He had made clear in public he was a direct threat to them. That policy under different names (the latest being the "rules based order" in which the US makes and enforces the rules) has been in place since he was murdered, verifying the killers' success..  
Can you imagine any president since Kennedy giving his "peace speech"?  In fact we have reached a point where there are no national antiwar politicians in the US to speak of.  The war mongers are now clearly in charge.
The identity of the planners is now even clearer than when Salandria gave his "False Mystery" speech 25 years ago, pointing to the "top echelons" of Kennedy's own government.  Consider his characterization of the calls made by the WH situation Room the afternoon of the murder to the two planes with officials coming back to DC.
Bundy was speaking for the killers and telling those who were in Dallas to forget what they think they saw.  The murder had been "committed by a level of US power that was above and beyond punishment", he said they were told. To me, that means, in part, that the killers themselves were going to investigate the murder and mete out the punishment.
The plot was designed and run by Allen Dulles and Lyndon Johnson and whoever they needed to assist them in various aspects of plan. Like picking Oswald as the patsy, e.g. (Note: Salandria once said he could find no proof of Johnson's involvement and I'm not sure he ever did. Nobody's perfect).
Note to Cliff: turn in your student ID for the Salandria school.  Your naming of those 5 clowns as the planners and 5 others running the coverup means you have flunked the final exam. 
Dulles and Johnson were both Washington powers. Probably the two most powerful at the time, each with tentacles all over town.  They could keep what they were doing secret, but they knew what everyone else was doing--an important source of Washington power.  Dulles knew about Kennedy's back channel discussions with Krushchev and Castro, which became an important reason for the murder, e.g. 
The case for Dulles's involvement is well known and accepted by many. The Dulles brothers ran foreign policy under Eisenhower.  Their views were clear. You were either with the US or the commies. No neutrality.  And if you weren't with us there would be hell to pay. That policy was anathema to Kennedy.  He stood in the way of it as a basic policy, not just their wanting a war in Vietnam.
There may have been some Wall Street financial elites that Dulles needed an OK from, killing a president being so socially disruptive. That would not have been a problem.
As president in charge of investigating the murder, Johnson would have the fate of the killers in his hands.  He was indispensable to the plan working.  There is a sense in which the Dulles gang knew how much Johnson wanted to be president, and expected he would run the coverup to protect them while allowing them the policies they wanted.  But in a murder of this magnitude and consequence you can't go on expectations alone.  You have to be sure.  Besides, Johnson had to be comfortable with the cover up plan he would be running. Johnson's input was necessary to the plan.
Logic, and an examination of Johnson's actions that weekend, dictate that conclusion as I have argued elsewhere.
That Dulles and Johnson devised and ran the plan seems obvious to me.  But perversely this very obviousness seems to have caused many researches to look elsewhere in search of something new.  To go down many rabbit holes that lead nowhere. For 60 years now. 
Maybe your thread will help focus more people on the important questions: who did it and why. 


Thanks for your comments. 

I have always left open the possibility that the Cuban exiles/mercs had been leaked info from higher up, such as a password, or dollar-bill half, that would make LHO trust them. 

If a CIA higher-up was involved, then one could posit that the higher CIA officer was a cat's paw for the powerful vested interests, and so on, that is the Vincent Salandria, Peter Dale Scott narrative. 

BTW, not that it matters, I have viewed globalist US foreign-military-trade policy as largely representing increasing powerful global corporations, ever since WWII, and sometimes before.  The Disney, BlackRock, WalMart, GMs, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft, NBA, NBC-Universal, Morgan Stanley crowd. This goes all the way back to Smedley Butler days. They dominate the Democratic Party, btw. 

I am not sure Vietnam was ever that important to the globalists, so there is a bit of misfit there. Sen Richard Russell himself was mystified how the topic one day was Cuba, and next day it was Vietnam. 

And there is still the possibility, perhaps even likelihood, that the JFKA was just a CIA-Miami Station revenge killing for what happened at the BoP, and that is what has been covered up. 

Interesting topic. 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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On 2/29/2024 at 10:36 AM, Robert Morrow said:

The person who told me that Lyndon Johnson and Walter Jenkins both had a "Q clearance" (nuclear-related matters) was an LBJ aide named James C.C. Williams who worked for LBJ from 1957 until 1961.

Here is his Find-a-Grave James C. C. Williams (1935-2016) - Find a Grave Memorial

James C.C. Williams also told me he was a homosexual and that after Walter Jenkins was arrested for sodomy in fall, 1964, Williams told me he thought HIS PHONE was wiretapped for the next 3 years.

James "Jim" Williams told me that every day after work LBJ would not go home but would go to hang out with his secretary/mistress Mary Margaret Wiley (who later married Jack Valenti).

I interviewed Jim Williams around 2011 (he died in 2016). I was referred to him by his friend Houston Allred who is the son of former 1930's Texas Governor Sam Allred (who was a mentor and supporter of LBJ when he first ran for Congress in Spring, 1937 special election.

Jim Williams told me he did not know why LBJ helped to pass the 1957 Civil Rights Act - whether he cared about the issue or was it pure politics to make him more politically palatable to liberals. Most civil right activists considered that bill to be near worthless garbage.



OK, I read the Covert Action article, and it is very well researched, and written. I give it an "A." 

Some quibbles

1. The Mac Wallace fingerprints in the TSBD are very controversial. You can actually find the print yourself online and look, and try to get a clear copy. I did this years ago and I recall thinking, "Well, I would not vote guilty if I sat on jury on that evidence." Joan Mellon dismisses the print. Evidently, the fingerprint expert is not certified. 

2. LHO cheek nitrate test. It was negative, but he may have fired only one shot, and the building may have been exhaling at the time, meaning LHO received a low dose. LHO may have washed his face at his rooming house or the Texas Theater. In addition, perspiration can erase nitrates, and LHO was running around. Lastly, the test was administered "too late," that is, past the number of hours when such tests are considered viable. 

LHO was also (I suspect) trained in spy work. He may have put saran wrap or paper on his cheek before firing.  

3. I do not believe LHO was Judyth Baker's boyfriend. I suspect she is a fraud. 

My bottom-line problem with the article is we get all the motives, and suspicious events and activities...and no real evidence of the actual perps and methods. 

I could not sit on a jury and convict LBJ on the evidence presented in the article. I would say, "This article is great, and makes LBJ a suspect."

A guy named John Davis wrote a book in 1989, blaming Carlo Marcello for the JFKA, and he assembled a lot of motives and suspicious events. Same result.

There is in EF-JFKA forum a group of people who blame WWII German Nazis for the JFKA, who came to the US under CIA aegis after WWII. Even dismissing a certain "datebook," those guys were certainly dangerous---as were vengeful Cuban exiles, with battlefield experience.

My best guess is the number of people involved in the JFKA was very small, less than the number of fingers on an old woodworker's hand. Some were soon dead. None may be alive today. 

Post-JFKA...a lot of complicity to prevent the truth from coming out. 

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Benjamin Cole - regarding the Covert Action article indicting LBJ for the JFK assassination:

1) I don't think LBJ used Mac Wallace to murder JFK. I think he used Gen. Edward Lansdale who used Operation Mongoose operatives, people out of the CIA's Miami JM Wave station to murder JFK.

2) I think (know) Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA operative and a fake defector to Russia but the man loved and adored JFK and his family (many sources) therefore I do not think he was involved in any plot to murder JFK. I think Oswald was a pre-selected CIA patsy for the JFK assassination, but I think Lansdale and Air Force operatives ran the operation to kill JFK.

[Absolute Proof Lee Harvey Oswald was a *pre-selected patsy* for the JFK assassination: “5 feet 10 inches, 165 pounds” https://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2023/01/5-feet-10-inches-165-pounds-is-absolute.html  Dallas Police Dispatcher was immediately using Marguerite Oswald’s description of Lee given to Dallas FBI in May, 1960]

3) I seriously doubt Oswald washed his face at his boarding home or at the Texas Theater. At his boarding home Oswald rushed in and rushed out. And remember the Dallas police lied when they immediately said Oswald tested positive for nitrates when really he tested negative for nitrates on his face and positive for nitrates on his hand (Oswald handled cardboard boxes that have nitrates on them naturally). 

4) There are many things I do not believe Judyth Vary Baker on, but I have met her many times and she is so psychologically and maniacally attached to Oswald that I *think* this is the result of her having an affair with him. I think Oswald gave her a green glass which she still has. I think Baker worked with Oswald and knew Oswald and is maniacally attached to him. I would not bet my life on anything Judy says but I think she knew Oswald.

There are many reasons that I know Lyndon Johnson murdered JFK. I use the word "know" and not "believe, think, posit, reason" and that is because I know Lyndon Johnson was a malignantly narcissistic criminal psychopath who was acutely aware the Kennedys were out to utterly destroy him in November, 1963 and not merely "drop" Johnson from the 1964 Democratic ticket. 

LBJ's aides Horace Busby, George Reedy, John Connally have told us that in the fall of 1963 Lyndon Johnson was highly agitated over the Kennedys' attempts to destroy him. Burkett van Kirk and Life Magazine's John Wagenvoord have both confirmed that Robert Kennedy was doing everything he could to slit the throat of LBJ.

Lyndon Johnson was not the kind of man to twiddle his thumbs and just hope or pray that the Kennedys high gear efforts to destroy him in November, 1963 would somehow fail. LBJ was the kind of man to do something violent to stop that.

It is not the LBJ - Mac Wallace angle that got rid of JFK; it is the LBJ-Texas power brokers-military-CIA angle that got rid of John Kennedy. The people who actually shot JFK were probably enraged over Cuba policy, but the people at the top of the pyramid of the JFK assassination were LBJ and his Texas power brokers and they had "money and power" reasons. They made a lot of money with LBJ in the White House just as they had been making money on him for decades.

My favorite web link to give out on the JFK assassination is this one which helps to explain motive:

LBJ top aide Horace Busby: Lyndon Johnson was acutely aware  by Nov. 4, 1963 that the Kennedys had sent a SWAT team of over **FORTY** national reporters to Texas to utterly destroy him


I wonder how LBJ would have reacted?

Horace Busby was a man extremely close to LBJ since 1948 and although Busby does not mention the name "Kennedys" in his book, anyone with an IQ over 60 can figure out what he is talking about: the Kennedys were out to gut LBJ in November of 1963 and Johnson was wildly agitated about it.


Longtime LBJ aide and friend Horace Busby describes Lyndon Johnson, on Friday, Nov. 8 in Brussels, Belgian being extremely concerned about the nature of his potential “exit line” from the Kennedy Administration
          As we passed the darkness of an ancient cathedral, he stopped abruptly, pushed his hat far back on his head, and turned toward me.
          “Buzz,” he said, “I’ve had a good run of it. I’ve done a lot more and come a lot farther than anybody who came from where I come ever had any right to expect.” Agent Kivett had approached closely, checking whether some assistance might be needed. The vice president turned and glowered until he moved on out of earshot, then Lyndon Johnson leaned in very close, until his face almost touched mine, and his clenched fists began pumping up and down.
          “If they want me to go, all they have to do is say so and I’ll be gone in five minutes.” His voice fell to a hoarse and confidential whisper. “I don’t care about that, it’s their business. What I do care about, my friend, is one thing.” He stopped and stood erect, turning to look in all directions. The street and the sidewalk were empty except for the two of us and Jerry Kivett, now half a block away. The vice president leaned in close again. Lips set tight, he spoke firmly. “I care about the exit line.”
[Horace Busby, The Thirty-First of March, pp. 134-135]




Edited by Robert Morrow
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8 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The Disney, BlackRock, WalMart, GMs, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft, NBA, NBC-Universal, Morgan Stanley crowd. This goes all the way back to Smedley Butler days. They dominate the Democratic Party, btw. 

 MAGA Ben at it again.

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3 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

 MAGA Ben at it again.

Yeah, Cliff, I wonder if MAGA Ben is even aware that, back in the Smedley Butler days, Butler famously protected America's greatest Democratic progressive President from a right wing Republican coup attempt. That coup attempt was allegedly organized by right wing Republican billionaires, including the DuPonts and Prescott Bush.

For that matter, does MAGA Ben know which party, and POTUS, passed a massive tax cut for corporations and billionaires in December of 2017?

One thing I'll say for Ben is that he does try to keep us up to date on the latest propaganda tropes from the MAGA-verse.  (I hear about Ben's MAGA tropes on a sports forum with a large contingent of Trumpsters.)

For example, Townhall.com and a few other MAGA propaganda sites have been attacking BlackRock this week for their ghastly, woke ESG (Environmental-Social-Governance) initiatives, which have, allegedly reduced corporate profits!

And, right on cue, MAGA Ben updated us on this dastardly Democratic, woke BlackRock nonsense.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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9 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

Benjamin Cole - regarding the Covert Action article indicting LBJ for the JFK assassination:

1) I don't think LBJ used Mac Wallace to murder JFK. I think he used Gen. Edward Lansdale who used Operation Mongoose operatives, people out of the CIA's Miami JM Wave station to murder JFK.

2) I think (know) Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA operative and a fake defector to Russia but the man loved and adored JFK and his family (many sources) therefore I do not think he was involved in any plot to murder JFK. I think Oswald was a pre-selected CIA patsy for the JFK assassination, but I think Lansdale and Air Force operatives ran the operation to kill JFK.

[Absolute Proof Lee Harvey Oswald was a *pre-selected patsy* for the JFK assassination: “5 feet 10 inches, 165 pounds” https://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2023/01/5-feet-10-inches-165-pounds-is-absolute.html  Dallas Police Dispatcher was immediately using Marguerite Oswald’s description of Lee given to Dallas FBI in May, 1960]

3) I seriously doubt Oswald washed his face at his boarding home or at the Texas Theater. At his boarding home Oswald rushed in and rushed out. And remember the Dallas police lied when they immediately said Oswald tested positive for nitrates when really he tested negative for nitrates on his face and positive for nitrates on his hand (Oswald handled cardboard boxes that have nitrates on them naturally). 

4) There are many things I do not believe Judyth Vary Baker on, but I have met her many times and she is so psychologically and maniacally attached to Oswald that I *think* this is the result of her having an affair with him. I think Oswald gave her a green glass which she still has. I think Baker worked with Oswald and knew Oswald and is maniacally attached to him. I would not bet my life on anything Judy says but I think she knew Oswald.

There are many reasons that I know Lyndon Johnson murdered JFK. I use the word "know" and not "believe, think, posit, reason" and that is because I know Lyndon Johnson was a malignantly narcissistic criminal psychopath who was acutely aware the Kennedys were out to utterly destroy him in November, 1963 and not merely "drop" Johnson from the 1964 Democratic ticket. 

LBJ's aides Horace Busby, George Reedy, John Connally have told us that in the fall of 1963 Lyndon Johnson was highly agitated over the Kennedys' attempts to destroy him. Burkett van Kirk and Life Magazine's John Wagenvoord have both confirmed that Robert Kennedy was doing everything he could to slit the throat of LBJ.

Lyndon Johnson was not the kind of man to twiddle his thumbs and just hope or pray that the Kennedys high gear efforts to destroy him in November, 1963 would somehow fail. LBJ was the kind of man to do something violent to stop that.

It is not the LBJ - Mac Wallace angle that got rid of JFK; it is the LBJ-Texas power brokers-military-CIA angle that got rid of John Kennedy. The people who actually shot JFK were probably enraged over Cuba policy, but the people at the top of the pyramid of the JFK assassination were LBJ and his Texas power brokers and they had "money and power" reasons. They made a lot of money with LBJ in the White House just as they had been making money on him for decades.

My favorite web link to give out on the JFK assassination is this one which helps to explain motive:

LBJ top aide Horace Busby: Lyndon Johnson was acutely aware  by Nov. 4, 1963 that the Kennedys had sent a SWAT team of over **FORTY** national reporters to Texas to utterly destroy him https://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2020/07/lyndon-johnson-was-acutely-aware-by-nov.html  I wonder how LBJ would have reacted?

Horace Busby was a man extremely close to LBJ since 1948 and although Busby does not mention the name "Kennedys" in his book, anyone with an IQ over 60 can figure out what he is talking about: the Kennedys were out to gut LBJ in November of 1963 and Johnson was wildly agitated about it.


Longtime LBJ aide and friend Horace Busby describes Lyndon Johnson, on Friday, Nov. 8 in Brussels, Belgian being extremely concerned about the nature of his potential “exit line” from the Kennedy Administration
          As we passed the darkness of an ancient cathedral, he stopped abruptly, pushed his hat far back on his head, and turned toward me.
          “Buzz,” he said, “I’ve had a good run of it. I’ve done a lot more and come a lot farther than anybody who came from where I come ever had any right to expect.” Agent Kivett had approached closely, checking whether some assistance might be needed. The vice president turned and glowered until he moved on out of earshot, then Lyndon Johnson leaned in very close, until his face almost touched mine, and his clenched fists began pumping up and down.
          “If they want me to go, all they have to do is say so and I’ll be gone in five minutes.” His voice fell to a hoarse and confidential whisper. “I don’t care about that, it’s their business. What I do care about, my friend, is one thing.” He stopped and stood erect, turning to look in all directions. The street and the sidewalk were empty except for the two of us and Jerry Kivett, now half a block away. The vice president leaned in close again. Lips set tight, he spoke firmly. “I care about the exit line.”
[Horace Busby, The Thirty-First of March, pp. 134-135]





You may be correct, it was LBJ and the Texas crowd that perped the JFKA, and used Lansdale's mechanics for the job. 

It is hard to prove a negative---that is, I cannot prove your conclusions are wrong. 

As I say, you have assembled a solid story. I congratulate you on your solid understanding of the events of 11/22/63. 

Perhaps the LBJ team piggybacked on a "legitimate" CIA false flag op, already planned for Dallas.

It would be nice if the Biden Administration lifted its blackout on the JFK Records, and we might gain deeper insights into the JFKA. 


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15 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


You may be correct, it was LBJ and the Texas crowd that perped the JFKA, and used Lansdale's mechanics for the job. 

It is hard to prove a negative---that is, I cannot prove your conclusions are wrong. 

As I say, you have assembled a solid story. I congratulate you on your solid understanding of the events of 11/22/63. 

Perhaps the LBJ team piggybacked on a "legitimate" CIA false flag op, already planned for Dallas.

It would be nice if the Biden Administration lifted its blackout on the JFK Records, and we might gain deeper insights into the JFKA. 


Thank you. Remember both Lyndon Johnson and D.H. Byrd (LBJ's oil man and military contractor pal) both had deep, deep connections to the military. Peter Dale Scott, alive today, proved in 1971 that D.H. Byrd (who owned the Texas School Book Depository) and investor "merger king" James Ling (a close LBJ pal) bought huge amounts of LTV stock in the weeks before the JFK assassination. LTV was a prominent defense contractor and it's stock price went from  $19/share in 1963 to as high as $169/share in the year 1967 after it had been loaded up with defense contracts for the Vietnam War.

In my mind, the large stock buys in LTV are smoking gun proof of D.H. Byrd's involvement in the JFK assassination.

I have tried to confirm Peter Dale Scott but I cannot find the Value Line Investment Survey for the year 1964 - that is where Scott got that information. The Univ. of Texas school library only goes back to 1969. The North Texas State Library only goes back to 1966 for copies of the Value Line Investment survey.

I need to find 1964 Value Line Investment Survey - that year was called Volume 20, I think. 



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