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JFK Revisited: Through The Looking Glass

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They are showing the entire four part series in Australia over four weeks.

They already started it on Sunday night.

So that is another 25 million people who will see all this good and new info.

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I think its the latter.

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I want to congratulate Jim and Oliver Stone for their superbly executed documentary, which I have watched twice now. And I want to thank them for making the documentary, as I believe it will prove instrumental in informing generations to come of the U.S. government's most foul murder and coverup. Some future historian may even decide -- upon watching the documentary -- that the JFK assassination needs further investigation and then ends up rewriting history to reflect the truth.

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20 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

From that article its going to be in theaters in England.

Great.  Would love to see it at the cinema.

I’ll definitely be looking to watch it in a cinema here in the UK, but so far have been struggling to find somewhere in London showing it. Is there a available list of where it will be showing in the UK Jim?

Edit: Have found a place now, will be seeing it opening night. 

Edited by Kishan Dandiker
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Thanks Sandy.

Hopefully that will occur.

Let me put it this way, we tried to get as many distinguished people as possible on the show.

I mean when you have a neurologist saying, this cannot be Kennedy's brain, that's pretty good.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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My wife and I finally signed up for Showtime and watched JFK Revisited last night.

I thought it was terrific, but my wife thought it was somewhat difficult to follow.

(She hasn't really studied any of the JFKA research literature.)

There is, obviously, a lot of forensic detail that was compressed into the two hour feature film format.

It's a film that needs to be watched more than once and, naturally, I'm looking forward to studying the extended version.

Stylistically, I noticed that Donald Sutherland's narration was a bit faint and feeble.

I think Oliver Stone should have narrated the entire thing, as he did so well in his Untold History of the United States series.

BTW, speaking of narrative, is Robert Kennedy, Jr. suffering from some form of speech disorder?

I had difficulty understanding some of his comments.


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On 11/14/2021 at 1:55 AM, Anthony Thorne said:

I've started watching it. The opening montage, which runs for around 9 minutes, is a stunning tour-de-force, and incredibly powerful. The detailed discussion of the autopsy is very absorbing.

I found it funny to see a particular book on the shelf behind Dulles though. You have to wonder what he thought of it.





I identified another book on Dulles' bookshelf. It is DER TOD IN TEXAS by the Austrian-American author Hans Habe. It was published in March 1964. (Not January.)Here is a link: https://www.amazon.de/Tod-Texas-Hans-Habe/dp/B0000BIXNY/ref=sr_1_3?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=Der+tod+in+Texas&qid=1637859701&qsid=262-0694173-4588833&sr=8-3&sres=3748146701%2C3964660442%2CB0000BIXNY%2CB0025XJS3U%2CB08MBBDVS2%2CB07VKPPWLF%2CB01EL71X3U%2CB08J4BBCQ4%2CB09JG11DDK%2CB086PTDP1D%2C3958541402%2C3140223145%2C3625180863%2C3473329568%2C3473329665%2CB0085N7UFC

Hans Habe's 17year old  daughter was murderd in 1968, some say by a memebr of the Manson family. Not only is Habes book the very first book about the Kennedy assassination, but there is also a strange angel to Manson. Link.


Edited by Karl Kinaski
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Yes RFK Jr does have a slight speaking disorder.

But boy was he good.  As you will see in the longer version.  He was so good that even Bob Richardson, the cameraman, commented after his final words, "Whew, powerful stuff."

The film was made to be seen twice.  The first time for the utterly excellent execution--photography and editing--and the second time to fully understand what its saying.  The material we get into, especially about John Stringer, Knudsen and Spencer, is really powerful stuff that would not be easy for an ingenue to follow.  So you have to see it twice.

Although people will say I am biased, I really think its one of the best made documentaries I have ever seen.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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More info about RFK Jr. 

"Robert Kennedy Jr has spasmodic dysphonia.  He has talked openly about it.  It’s an involuntary spasm of the laryngeal muscles, and one of the treatments is to inject Botox into these muscles."

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We passed one of the acid tests.  Milicent Cranor, who I think knows as much about the medical and ballistics evidence as anyone, liked it.

BTW, when I was writing the first draft of the script, I started asking her questions about those two areas.

But i did not tell her what for since Oliver wanted it kept secret.

She kind of figured it out anyway.  

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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

Thanks Sandy.

Hopefully that will occur.

Let me put it this way, we tried to get as many distinguished people as possible on the show.

I mean when you have a neurologist saying, this cannot be Kennedy's brain, that's pretty good.

Fresh brains can't turn pure grey after only a couple days of fixing, no matter how much you try? I wonder if there's any more literature on this - how a brain loses it's color.

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Let me explain about that issue and why I decided to make it one of he main pillars of the film.

I was really taken aback by how savagely Bugliosi attacked Doug Horne's essay on the Two Brain Examinations. It was so over the top that it was really kind of despicable.

So when I was working on my long review of Bugliosi I began to investigate this issue. I came up with 12 people who recalled seeing a severely damaged brain which was missing a significant part of its mass. And I listed these in my book, The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today. (p. 161). 

I then coupled that with Stringer's testimony.  But for me the clincher was the brain weight. Which people like Nalli and even Don Thomas were mistaken about. Both Horne and Chesser were familiar with the Dutch study. Which pegs the average at about 1350-75 grams.  So as Gary says in the film, how on earth can Kennedy's brain weigh  more than the average with all that damage we see in the Z film, in photos of the back seat of the car, with Jackie Kennedy crawling out onto the trunk, with Clint Hill's testimony etc. 

But at this point I still dismissed the idea of there being two brain exams.  I am slowly coming around to the possibility that Horne was correct on this also. Horne brings up three points which I think he got from Stringer on this.  First, Finck was insisting there be a neuropathologist at the exam. Second, Stringer recalled photographing serial sections on a light box. Third, Stringer told Horne after his deposition words to the effect: They didn't want Pierre there for the brain exam.  He caused too many problems during the autopsy.

When Horne said this during his interview or right after, it really began to make me wonder.  I am now leaning in the direction that he was correct on this.  And therefore, the comment made in the film about the coloring and fixing of the brain carries even more forensic value to it. They then deep sixed this brain exam. Which is why during their interviews, Wecht and Lee said there was no serial sectioning.

IMO, this issue, CE 399 and Adams, Styles and Garner, are pretty much unanswerable. And that is why I made them pillars on the forensic side.

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The Australian, Australia's oldest and most conservative daily newspaper, published a big story on the film.


The Australian is published by News Corp (ie Rupert Murdoch) but in Oz basically acts as the equivalent of the New York Times or Wall Street Journal. It skews to an older readership, is probably not as conservative as Fox News (our version of that in Australia would be Sky News), and it's available pretty much everywhere and anywhere that newspapers are still sold. They never, ever cover conspiracy discussion in a fair and thoughtful way, so it's a major development that they're printing that story.

The four part series is now streaming on Docplay. The first episode has been released, episodes 2,3 and 4 are being released weekly. DocPlay has a free trial membership so in a week or two people will be able to join up for a trial and watch the series. I'm reading that DocPlay is viewable in Australia, NZ and the UK. Viewers in the USA might be able to join and watch by using a generic email address and signing in with a VPN, and putting their region as the UK or Oz or something.

The information in this show has never really been publicly discussed in Australia before, so I want to say thank you to Jim and to Oliver Stone for getting the series made. 

Docplay page on the series, where people can sign up and watch it.


Australian announcement.


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Is there any way you can post the story in The Australian?

That is behind a wall.

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