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Are there people in government who know who killed JFK?

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This is a question I have that it seems a number of people here  seem to allude to being more certain about  than I am. If we consider that the CIA or MIC, the American military establishment carried out the assassination of JFK. Are there people in government now, holding on to files, documentation or personal knowledge of this, that are resisting at all  costs, the release of this information?

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Well, after all this time and all that concealment, there probably aren't people in government that know precisely who killed JFK.  There were probably very few in 1963, and there was only marginally more documentation to conceal then.  There may be proportionally more people in Dallas, or from Dallas (or New Orleans, or Miami) who know some part of the facts.

Perhaps the best one could hope for in government is some secreted operational history based on anecdote and sparse documents, largely meaningless individually.  Did one ever exist?  John Newman has put together as much.

The best we could hope for is a preserved cache of photos or film to confirm some suspicions or raise new ones.

Edited by David Andrews
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I don't know if there are people remaining who have documents or certain knowledge, but I'm pretty sure that there are numerous people in government who know that there was a conspiracy. The very smart, curious ones who have looked at the facts presented by the conspiracy crowd. I mean, the government coverup is just too obvious a thing for a smart open-minded person to miss.

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A related question, aside from the withholding of the documents, is, "What do the guys currently running the 'Mockingbird' op to discredit Oliver Stone know about the JFK assassination?"

Surely, they must know that the Company has been engaged in a 58 year cover up of the JFK assassination plot.

Of course, their knowledge may be limited to the agency-wide executive order (from 1964) to, "Do whatever is necessary to promote public acceptance of the Warren Commission Report," but that seems doubtful.

I'm picturing two guys named Smith in an office somewhere in the bowels of Langley... 🤥

"Smith, Professor Long at LSU has agreed to write a November 22nd article for WaPo promoting the meme that Jim Garrison was a deranged conspiracy theorist who was persecuting homosexuals in New Orleans."

"Excellent, Smith.   Has Rolling Stone accepted the Weiner article for November 22nd?"

"Yes, Smith."

"Good work, Smith.  There are some things the public doesn't need to know."

"Understood, Smith.   They are the sheep.  We're the sheep dogs."


Matrix Agents Quotes. QuotesGram

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My answer would be “NO”. There is no reason for the information to still exist. 
It’s quite probable that when a chief of staff retires, he passes commands down to his successor to the effect of; “my instructions are to leave those files suppressed, as they damage the credibility of our prestigious institution”. Such a statement neither admits guilt or wrongdoing in the JFKA. Only that there is a risk of damaging the reputation of the said department. Which in turn affects recruitment, funding, public faith etc etc. It’s also probable that the military and CIA were doing lots of naughty stuff that is still suppressed, that would also damage their reputations. In all honesty, if you were a senior military staffer, whether then or now, you would rather not know, as it gives you knowledge of a state crime. 

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Evidently, the CIA was already in the practice of falsifying or omitting records on assassinations, pre-1963. 

My guess is the number of witting accomplices in the JFKA was less than a handful, and those not long for this world. 

No one would keep records on the JFKA. Evidently, Angleton even made sure to get records from Winston Scott in Mexico City after his death. So, even records that might merely point rather than reveal have been lost. 

All that said, somebody is putting a lot of effort into concealing records under the JFK Act.  Perhaps there are records yet that may point, if not reveal. 






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Wow, good responses!

I get it Dave, 

I agree Sandy, I'm sure there are people in government with heavy suspicions.

As far as a comprehensive answer, Chris probably most represents my overview. It's not inconceivable to me that no one in government  has known who killed JFK for this entire century or longer, which of course  doesn't preclude living perpetrators , accomplices or people with knowledge, in other locations.

What I find interesting in these responses is that nobody at least yet, has expressed commitment to the idea that any specific person is deeply concerned  and is strongly resisting the release of the information, except maybe in this last sentence from Ben.

Ben: All that said, somebody is putting a lot of effort into concealing records under the JFK Act.  Perhaps there are records yet that may point, if not reveal. 

Yes, but as Chris has alluded to, that can be indicative of nothing, but a general agency stonewalling that can be accomplished with the stroke of a pen.

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14 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

No one would keep records on the JFKA. Evidently, Angleton even made sure to get records from Winston Scott in Mexico City after his death. So, even records that might merely point rather than reveal have been lost. 

J.J.A. didn't just fly down to Mexico City to grab files.  He was there after the murder of Mary Meyer to confiscate her diary.  Also I think I read in Gentry's biog of J. Edgar that Angleton was seen at the rear of Hoover's house after his death in '72, carrying boxes of his 'Private & Confidential' collection into his car.  Bet all this stuff never will see the light of day & I'm sure has already been deep sixed.



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How rewarding is it to know that the American taxpayer, funded people like J.J.A and A.Dulles to over throw their own government thru assassination and gave them a salary, pension and severance pay. The wealth and financial comfort these men and their families enjoyed during the 60's, 70's and even into 2022 should be reclaimed by the American people.

These men did not act in the best interests of their country while employed to do so, they are thiefs in more ways then one. Evidence of their betrayal towards the American people and the countries way of government has been exposed over the last 58 years. Why cant the public put the estates of these men on trial? Reclaim the monies paid to these men and the wealth it created.

You want justice for JFK thru the court system in 2022, start a class action lawsuit against the individual estates and heirs of Angleton and Dulles.....court tv and cnn would love those ratings, some real facts about the assassination and cover up can be presented in a court of law and given legal credibility for all to see. No more conspiracy theory, you will have conspiracy fact.

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7 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Wow, good responses!

I get it Dave, 

I agree Sandy, I'm sure there are people in government with heavy suspicions.

As far as a comprehensive answer, Chris probably most represents my overview. It's not inconceivable to me that no one in government  has known who killed JFK for this entire century or longer, which of course  doesn't preclude living perpetrators , accomplices or people with knowledge, in other locations.

What I find interesting in these responses is that nobody at least yet, has expressed commitment to the idea that any specific person is deeply concerned  and is strongly resisting the release of the information, except maybe in this last sentence from Ben.

Ben: All that said, somebody is putting a lot of effort into concealing records under the JFK Act.  Perhaps there are records yet that may point, if not reveal. 

Yes, but as Chris has alluded to, that can be indicative of nothing, but a general agency stonewalling that can be accomplished with the stroke of a pen.

If I was a betting man, and I had to put a wager on one person that's been in government this century that may have known who was behind it, this guy would be my best guess:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:George-W-Bush.jpeg 
It takes us down a well trodden path that many here disagree on, and brings Poppy into question and his CIA tenure(s). 

If any of you were to make a second guess, who might that be and why? I have another candidate in mind. 

Good thread, Kirk. 

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1 minute ago, Chris Barnard said:

If I was a betting man, and I had to put a wager on one person that's been in government this century that may have known who was behind it, this guy would be my best guess:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:George-W-Bush.jpeg 
It takes us down a well trodden path that many here disagree on, and brings Poppy into question and his CIA tenure(s). 

If any of you were to make a second guess, who might that be and why? I have another candidate in mind. 

Good thread, Kirk. 

Dick Cheney, through past associations with several presidents, including GWB's father.  For a start.

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12 hours ago, David Andrews said:

Dick Cheney, through past associations with several presidents, including GWB's father.  For a start.

What a great guess David.  When I first saw pictures of Cheney and Rumsfeld with Gerald Ford, I thought "Now there's a direct route from JFK's assassination to 9/11!"  The assassination was a perfect template.

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12 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

If any of you were to make a second guess, who might that be and why?  

Richard McGarrah Helms.  He was there and thereabouts in U.S. Gov., during crucial years.  Convicted of lying to Congress & did more or less the same to the Church Committee.  It is interesting that Nixon sent Haldeman to bend Helms' arm on "that Bay of Pigs thing."

Related to above, Jim Koepke in his book 'Chasing Ghosts' relates a phone call that he had with Helms when the latter was retired from intell. work, but was employed by the international consulting firm Safeer Corp.  Koepke said that he told Helms that Haldeman claimed the term 'Bay of Pigs' was a code word for the Kennedy assassination, and that members of the Watergate burglary team, some of whom had CIA connections, were also involved in the Kennedy assassination.  Mr Helms's answer was extraordinary.  Helms sounded tired all of a sudden.  He seemed to sigh and take a breath.  He told me, "Yes, that is correct; that is what happened."  Mr Helms continued speaking, while I sat in stunned silence.  He went on to tell me he remembered the incident at the meeting as clearly as if it were yesterday, and that is "exactly what happened."  Based on my description of both the incident and Mr Haldeman's allegations, it appeared to me that Mr Helms had just confirmed CIA involvement in the Kennedy assassination.

Yeah, interesting.  I reckon Helms could have opened that scab. 

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