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James McCord in Dallas?

Ron Ecker

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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

IMO, Not quite the same vibe Ron. Mc Cord eyes more incisive, fierce, not as passive. Mc Cord looks more like some  cop. Both men are very dimply, hall man has more dimples on his right. Difficult finding earlier Mc Cord pictures. His only pictures with glasses are when testifying.


The 1972 Watergate burglary: How a piece of tape and an astute night  watchman foiled the political crime of the century - ABC Newsimage.jpeg.0f3b564ee2ed88ef0b97391e11bc9037.jpeg

Hmm... you know these are both Mc Cord, right Ron?  i didn't want to take the effort of cropping Ron's hall man. to put alongside it.

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

On the other hand, Robertson was known as an operations guy. Would he really stand out where he could be recognized? No fake beard, large dark glasses? 

Agreed. You'd think he wouldn't parade around. Tends to be a small world too. A guy like that could be recognized by someone with all the Government people hanging around Dallas that day. That's the problem with all the look-a-likes like Bush and Lansdale. Would they really be hanging around? Any number of SS agents and advance people and so on could potentially be acquainted or able to recognize them. If I were behind something like that and not pulling a trigger I sure wouldn't be nearby. In fact I'd be vacationing in Ontario hahaha.

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Of course, It's like  George Bush Sr. whose planning his first run  for Congress the next year and actually has a hand in the JFKA, and decides he's going to Dallas afterward and shoot the sh-t about it with a bunch of yahoos on the street? The more powerful and sinister you make Bush, the less likely that is to be.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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On 12/16/2021 at 11:46 PM, Bob Ness said:

Agreed. You'd think he wouldn't parade around. Tends to be a small world too. A guy like that could be recognized by someone with all the Government people hanging around Dallas that day. That's the problem with all the look-a-likes like Bush and Lansdale. Would they really be hanging around? Any number of SS agents and advance people and so on could potentially be acquainted or able to recognize them. If I were behind something like that and not pulling a trigger I sure wouldn't be nearby. In fact I'd be vacationing in Ontario hahaha.

I think some way overestimate the broad interagency connections and sophistication of the SS and every other presidential security agency at that time in the way B. Ness describes above.

SS people able to recognize Lansdale, Rip Robertson, Wild Bill Harvey maybe even Phillips and Hunt or so many other different military/agency characters or even Joseph Milteer, Johnny Roselli and someone like McCord? Men who possibly / potentially could have been in Dallas or near Dealey Plaza that day?

My guess is ... not at all.

Heck, allegedly, little ole Lee Harvey Oswald defeated the SS and every other security agency in taking out their main security charge. Oswald reportedly is literally standing next to his open window with a rifle in his hands more than once according to sidewalk bystanders like Carolyn Walthers, Arnold Rowland, etc. and for several minutes before JFK's arrival? The SS ( and Dallas police ) miss all this and knew nothing about Oswald?

Again, it sounds like the SS wasn't near as sophisticated back in 1963 as many assume they should have been. 

These other nefarious covert spy agency people would not worry about being recognized in their physical presence imo. Except with the CIA? They weren't well known by other agencies at all. That is part of their cloak and dagger cover protocols right? Under the radar, invisibility, false/code names and resumes, disguises?

And to add another fun character into the super incriminating Oswald rifle display circus stunt photo mix, isn't that a young intrepid news hound journalist Seth Kantor bent down on the far right side of the photo?

Same thin face, eyes and his signature mustache. Hair is darker of course but looking quite Marine cut short as Kantor always had and with a widows peak hair line as Kantor also had?

If it is Kantor, the man hustled and got around the JFK event reporting scene ( at Parkland shooting the breeze with Jack Ruby one hour after JFK was shot ) almost as much a Superman/Clark Kent Hugh Ainsworth who supposedly was everywhere at once in that arena.  

And giving the McCord presence in that photo claim some more thought, It would not be too illogical to consider McCord looking as young in 1963 as the man in the photo.

Those grainy, swarthy, deeper facial aging creases and balding Watergate mug shots of McCord we always see of him were taken 11 years later. A man's face can change a lot from younger middle age to older middle age in that period of time.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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McCord told  a colleague that  he was in Dallas that day.

And he told an author about it.

But that does not look like him to me.

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5 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

I think some way overestimate the broad interagency connections and sophistication of the SS and every other presidential security agency at that time in the way B. Ness describes above.

SS people able to recognize Lansdale, Rip Robertson, Wild Bill Harvey maybe even Phillips and Hunt or so many other different military/agency characters or even Joseph Milteer, Johnny Roselli and someone like McCord? Men who possibly / potentially could have been in Dallas or near Dealey Plaza that day?



Yeah I'm not trying to suggest they are sophisticated or anything like that. I was in Puerto Rico in 2000 or so and me and my driver were delayed on the freeway because a lady got hit trying to run across the road during heavy traffic. I went to the location where a movie was being filmed and said to the teamsters "what the hell do you have to do to get a ticket here? Kill somebody?" We laughed (not about the lady but the crazy driving). The driving there was nuts. Twelve years later at a little league baseball game thousands of miles away, I was talking to this guy about the movie (he said he lived in PR for a time) and he said his office was used for one of the locations on that film. He told me a story about hitting a lady on the freeway - the exact same one! Turns out the cops just told him to leave because it was her fault and the trouble it would cause was not worth it. Something like that. Small world or what?

I'm sure you have had the same kind of coincidences in your life. The chances of somebody in that crowd recognizing a fairly high profile person (maybe not Robertson) from former military service or construction projects (Bush) or diplomatic posts or whatever in an event like that would cause me to be extremely careful. Maybe not, but who knows?

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8 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

Yeah I'm not trying to suggest they are sophisticated or anything like that. I was in Puerto Rico in 2000 or so and me and my driver were delayed on the freeway because a lady got hit trying to run across the road during heavy traffic. I went to the location where a movie was being filmed and said to the teamsters "what the hell do you have to do to get a ticket here? Kill somebody?" We laughed (not about the lady but the crazy driving). The driving there was nuts. Twelve years later at a little league baseball game thousands of miles away, I was talking to this guy about the movie (he said he lived in PR for a time) and he said his office was used for one of the locations on that film. He told me a story about hitting a lady on the freeway - the exact same one! Turns out the cops just told him to leave because it was her fault and the trouble it would cause was not worth it. Something like that. Small world or what?

I'm sure you have had the same kind of coincidences in your life. The chances of somebody in that crowd recognizing a fairly high profile person (maybe not Robertson) from former military service or construction projects (Bush) or diplomatic posts or whatever in an event like that would cause me to be extremely careful. Maybe not, but who knows?

Maybe they were there operationally, maybe they couldn't resist being there to witness an operation they were involved in.  Maybe they were not there at all. IDK. 

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Anyone else here feel the Rip Robertson look-a-like man photographed standing on the corner of Main and Houston just as JFK is driving past is more probably the real Robertson than not?

Can anyone here find any dissimilarities of the two facial photos worthy of debate?

Every part of the Main And Houston street man's face matches the real Robertson's face so closely it seems illogical to try to argue differently imo.

They say everyone has a doppleganger. Robertson's just happened to be standing at the corner of the JFK death trap kill zone just as his murder takes place?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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On 12/15/2021 at 4:09 PM, Ron Ecker said:

Is that McCord on the far left? (The guy staring at him from the far right seems to think so.)



The following published and identified photo of Seth Kantor during the weekend of 11,22,1963 proves the crouching man to the right of Will Fritz in the initial thread photo is Seth Kantor imo.image.jpeg.4a31aa9509822d540558453d1bb97c66.jpeg



Edited by Joe Bauer
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23 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

McCord told  a colleague that  he was in Dallas that day.

And he told an author about it.


Did he say what he was doing there? (Benchwarming with E. Howard Hunt?)



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One mention of McCord's presence in Dallas is in Shane O'Sullivan's 2018 book on Watergate: "In his interview with James Rosen,Alfred Baldwin claimed McCord told him he was in Dallas on November 22,1963."  Baldwin was a former FBI agent that McCord had used to monitor the listening devices planted in the Watergate offices. Rosen wrote a 2008 book on John Mitchell and Watergate.

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I knew James McCord from my representation of the seven Watergate defendants. I visited with him for an hour in the District of Columbia jail after his arrest on June 17, 1972 and at his request soon visited thereafter with his wife at their home. I was a witness at the first Watergate trial in January 1973 that found him and Gordon Liddy guilty. As I wrote previously in the forum on anther thread dealing with McCord, a few minutes before that trial started he came up to me and thanked me for my legal representation. 

The man in the photo is not James McCord. 

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On 12/20/2021 at 9:54 AM, Douglas Caddy said:

I knew James McCord from my representation of the seven Watergate defendants. I visited with him for an hour in the District of Columbia jail after his arrest on June 17, 1972 and at his request soon visited thereafter with his wife at their home. I was a witness at the first Watergate trial in January 1973 that found him and Gordon Liddy guilty. As I wrote previously in the forum on anther thread dealing with McCord, a few minutes before that trial started he came up to me and thanked me for my legal representation. 

The man in the photo is not James McCord. 

Doug, any thoughts about McCord possibly being in Dallas on 11,22,1963?

Also, do you believe your friend E. Howard Hunt was also in Dallas that day?

And, do you believe Hunt was telling the truth in his recorded end of life confessional comments that he was "a benchwarmer" in what he called "The Big Event" of JFK's assassination?

If Hunt's mind blowing comments in the recording are not true in your opinion, why would he make up such a fantastic tale? One with many specific details including the architectural hierarchy of LBJ, Cord Meyer and active participant list of Frank Sturgis, etc. ?

And, if Hunt's end of life JFK explanation confessional is totally bogus, doesn't it's creation and recording expose him as a totally lying, untrustworthy and fraudulent character?

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