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The Curious Case of George Estabrooks

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7 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Wow.  They talk about a lot more than that.  The Master, at the range, radio man at the range, the notebooks written by morse code.  Dr. Brown's persecution, from airline bag searches to IRS audits for years.  This is well worth the hour.  I'd like to listen to it again and take notes.  Thanks for the link.  Listen and learn.

P.S.  The comment about Sirhan tentatively recognizing a photo of Jolyon West is interesting. 

Cheers, Ron. You're absolutely right. I am snowed under with work this week but, if you do have time to watch again and make notes, please post them up. I found the video both chilling and very persuasive. There is only one explanation for the military making his life hell, and the IRS persistently auditing him. 
On another note; I wonder if there was a radio in Hinkley Jr's effects or if he had an extended stay in hospital at any stage leading up to the Reagan attempted assassination. Or any other high profile ones. Do the assassins all follow the same pattern, like they are possessed by some evil? In America there was that era of cults, I wonder to what extent they were a testing ground for such psychological tools. There was a CIA station slap bang in the middle of Laurel Canyon. I may be going off at a tangent here but, the thing may be much bigger than we think, or interconnected.  

I might download a copy of the video, I think it's one that will vanish the way Youtube is increasingly censoring things. 

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22 hours ago, Bill Fite said:

This is mind-boggling to me.

You're not alone Bill.  The vast majority of Joe Public have no idea of the tangled web of links in these cases.

Linking the RFK case back to the JFKA....Mickey Cohen was also a friend to Jack Ruby's defence attorney Melvin Belli, as well as having links to Ruby himself.

Edited by Pete Mellor
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On 2/9/2022 at 2:02 AM, Chris Barnard said:

Dr Daniel P Brown talks about the tests he conducted on Sirhan Sirhan. He also mentions Sirhan taking a self-hypnosis course with the Rosicrucians and his unusual stay on hospital. The DR also mentions Estabrooks, specifically. It's a very interesting watch. Seems compelling. 

Bump.  If you missed this, worth your time.  I wonder if Governor Newsome or VP Harris have seen it.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Bump.  If you missed this, worth your time.  I wonder if Governor Newsome or VP Harris have seen it.

24 minutes in..  Light slap slap om the arm, a known hypnosis technique, then a sharp pinch from the busty woman in the polka dot dress.  Range Mode.

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On 2/9/2022 at 3:02 PM, Chris Barnard said:

Dr Daniel P Brown talks about the tests he conducted on Sirhan Sirhan. He also mentions Sirhan taking a self-hypnosis course with the Rosicrucians and his unusual stay on hospital. The DR also mentions Estabrooks, specifically. It's a very interesting watch. Seems compelling. 

This is spooky. Dr. Brown mentions the successful use of Manchurian candidates in assassinations, but limited details. 

I began to lose a little confidence in him when he talked about persecution by the IRS, or that his bags would be searched every time he got off an airplane. But who knows?

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

This is spooky. Dr. Brown mentions the successful use of Manchurian candidates in assassinations, but limited details. 

I began to lose a little confidence in him when he talked about persecution by the IRS, or that his bags would be searched every time he got off an airplane. But who knows?

Chilling isn't it? Is Dr Brown referring to assassinations abroad? We might want to revisit some other assassinations when the killer was shot at the scene or denied doing it. 

Were there any points where Dr Brown's body language give you the impression he was lying? Credentials look solid (not that it should be a determining factor). He has a heck of an intense gaze on him. I remember someone else who spoke up about the military regarding a suspicious death and then he had military choppers flying over his house periodically. The luggage and IRS thing wouldn't surprise me. 

Have you watched this one at @Paul Brancato @Steven Kossor @Dennis Berube  It's a heck of an interview. 

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11 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

Chilling isn't it? Is Dr Brown referring to assassinations abroad? We might want to revisit some other assassinations when the killer was shot at the scene or denied doing it. 

Were there any points where Dr Brown's body language give you the impression he was lying? Credentials look solid (not that it should be a determining factor). He has a heck of an intense gaze on him. I remember someone else who spoke up about the military regarding a suspicious death and then he had military choppers flying over his house periodically. The luggage and IRS thing wouldn't surprise me. 

Have you watched this one at @Paul Brancato @Steven Kossor @Dennis Berube  It's a heck of an interview. 

Dr. Brown has an intent presence, to be sure. Steady (very, very steady) blue eyes, obviously highly intelligent. I get an uneasy feeling he is using his knowledge of psychology to enhance his powers of persuasion.  Which, of course, does not make what he says less or more true.  

Brown somewhere in the video talks about a buddy who obtained documents that disclosed the CIA had used Manchurian candidates to assassinate certain foreign officials.  I will watch again and post here.  I watched the first time just to watch and absorb, and not take notes, etc. 

I have always been dubious about Manchurian candidates, but also thought if ever there was one, it was Sirhan. This video moved the dial, for sure. 

Thanks for posting. 




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12 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

Chilling isn't it? Is Dr Brown referring to assassinations abroad? We might want to revisit some other assassinations when the killer was shot at the scene or denied doing it. 

Were there any points where Dr Brown's body language give you the impression he was lying? Credentials look solid (not that it should be a determining factor). He has a heck of an intense gaze on him. I remember someone else who spoke up about the military regarding a suspicious death and then he had military choppers flying over his house periodically. The luggage and IRS thing wouldn't surprise me. 

Have you watched this one at @Paul Brancato @Steven Kossor @Dennis Berube  It's a heck of an interview. 

Watched it again last night in part and finished tonight.  No, I don't think he's lying.  His stare at the camera is piercing at times (the contacts?).  The first time I watched it I wondered at times if he might be hypnotized himself, self or otherwise, or possibly on medication.  He seemed so level but at times, I don't know, a little distracted, thinking?

Look at me, analyzing a Harvard Clinical Psychiatrist of 38 years per his website dated 2018/19.  He's into meditation and has taught with Buddhist llamas for 48 years.  Guttmacher award American Psychiatric Association and American Academy of Psychiatry and Law for outstanding contribution to forensic psychiatry, 1999.  8 books, 2 on hypnosis/therapy.  Elsewhere, hypnotized 6000 people.

I think there's a good chance Radio Man might have been Dr. William Joseph Bryan.  More on that later.  Out of four random pictures and one of Dr. Jolyon West Sirhan said he looked familiar.  Not a positive ID.  But familiar.  Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry (-with no degree-) 1969 - 1989, was he already there, available in 1968 or even 67?

I took two pages of notes (5x7 pad), more from them later.

1 hour in.  Attorney Laurie Dusek.  People thought he was a Muslim.  He is not.  He's a devout Christian (quoting scripture).  After 9/11 he spent six years in solitary confinement.        

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4 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Dr. Brown has an intent presence, to be sure. Steady (very, very steady) blue eyes, obviously highly intelligent. I get an uneasy feeling he is using his knowledge of psychology to enhance his powers of persuasion.  Which, of course, does not make what he says less or more true.  

I am just watching again. I video transcriber might be useful for popping he dialogue here. I feel the same as you, he is very controlled, still and looks through the interviewer. 
The uneasy feeling is healthy. It may be best to take down the dialogue and just read it. The trouble is, once you develop more potent techniques of persuasion, coercion or manipulation, you can't go back to who you were before. You'll always use the tools that get the job done most efficiently and effectively. In his case its verbal communication, he is using all faculties available to him to deliver messages, I'd imagine this is 10x more powerful when in person. 

4 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Brown somewhere in the video talks about a buddy who obtained documents that disclosed the CIA had used Manchurian candidates to assassinate certain foreign officials.  I will watch again and post here.  I watched the first time just to watch and absorb, and not take notes, etc. 

It might make a great K&K article if some of you or someone else fancied writing one. @James DiEugenio Have you watched this Dr Brown in this video?

I think this should reach a wider audience, it's very interesting. 

4 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I have always been dubious about Manchurian candidates, but also thought if ever there was one, it was Sirhan. This video moved the dial, for sure. 

Thanks for posting. 

We should probably delve in to any assassinations that there is less than explanatory case made as per the motivations of the alleged perpetrator. Or any that have multiple points of common ground with the RFKA. 

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3 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Watched it again last night in part and finished tonight.  No, I don't think he's lying.  His stare at the camera is piercing at times (the contacts?).  The first time I watched it I wondered at times if he might be hypnotized himself, self or otherwise, or possibly on medication.  He seemed so level but at times, I don't know, a little distracted, thinking?

There is nothing that makes me think he is lying, he seems very considered. There is one part at the end where he almost breaks into emotion, it's near the end when he says:

"We had something precious in the country and we pissed it away. I think it's worth fighting for and I want it back." (regarding democracy).


3 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Look at me, analyzing a Harvard Clinical Psychiatrist of 38 years per his website dated 2018/19.  He's into meditation and has taught with Buddhist llamas for 48 years.  Guttmacher award American Psychiatric Association and American Academy of Psychiatry and Law for outstanding contribution to forensic psychiatry, 1999.  8 books, 2 on hypnosis/therapy.  Elsewhere, hypnotized 6000 people.

He seems 100% credible. I think it's healthy discourse for us to question people, regardless of the letters after their names, as we've seen some of the most qualified people stray in terms of honesty and integrity. If we swap sides and want to accuse this Dr of misleading us, we must them find a motive, and a way that he gains. That's not immediately apparent to me. Him being a smart guy, he surely would know that being involved in this case could lead him in to public scrutiny and some very unpleasant experiences. I think; well done him, for shedding light on a case that we know there isn't justice. 

3 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

think there's a good chance Radio Man might have been Dr. William Joseph Bryan.  More on that later.  Out of four random pictures and one of Dr. Jolyon West Sirhan said he looked familiar.  Not a positive ID.  But familiar.  Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry (-with no degree-) 1969 - 1989, was he already there, available in 1968 or even 67?



Found dead in a Vegas hotel room, supposed heart attack. 

Did he actually serve as a technical advisor for the film: "The Manchurian Candidate?" 

Just an off the cuff thought; was he ever likely to be called to testify at the HSCA? Dies in 1977, HSCA concludes in 1978. Probably a stretch. 


Melvin Belli was a pallbearer at Bryan's funeral. Henry Rothblatt was also a pallbearer, wasn't he representing the Watergate burglars? Small world eh?! 

A Henry Rothblatt also makes page 13 of this document regarding the RFKA. I haven't had time to figure out the context while eating breakfast. 

3 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

1 hour in.  Attorney Laurie Dusek.  People thought he was a Muslim.  He is not.  He's a devout Christian (quoting scripture).  After 9/11 he spent six years in solitary confinement.        

You would break anyone's mind with 6 years in solitary. I can see they'd have dressed it up as that it was for his own safety. It's quite the most inhumane and psychologically damaging thing. 

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One of the most fascinating things in Dr. Brown and Ms. Dusek's video to me was the morse code part and his automatic writing.  Sirhan didn't/doesn't know morse code.  When Dr. Brown put a writing pad down in front of Sirhan and a pen in his hand then started talking about nature, while he played a tape of morse code in the background, Sirhan ignored him and started writing down what was being tapped out in morse code.

This brought them to the guy they came to call Radio Man.  If I remember this right based on notes, when Sirhan got out of a two week stay at a Hospital in Corona he was treated with eye drops, this happened on return trips for follow ups.  But, he went across the street to a diner where a guy with horn rimmed glasses that had a shortwave radio on talked to him about politics.  Sirhan bought a shortwave radio from a neighbor.  He listened to one especially strong (local) signal broadcasting morse code, which again he did not know.

Dr. Brown says Sirhan's writings in his journals are "automatic writing", something done before by others under hypnosis.  He also seems to think Sirhan could have written them while listening to morse code while listening to short wave radio.

Not much to go on here but Dr. William J Bryan wore horn rimmed glasses.  Corona is a suburb now of LA where he lived and worked.  He bragged about inventing a machine with which he could hypnotize up to 8 people in 8 different locations.  Nothing conclusive in this day and time but food for thought.

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Mark Chapman admits and accepts he killed John Lennon, in that way he differs to Sirhan. Was he a mind control assassin? What was his background? Did the fatal shots come from his gun? 

I notice Dr Bernard L. Diamond (who Hypnotised Sirhan) was involved in evaluating both Sirhan and Chapman. Was Diamond a fixer? 

This interview also threw up something interesting:


"The U.S. Senate Church Committee had also published in their report how well over 400 members of the media lived dual lives in their work for the CIA. These included virtually all the owners of top media companies. Watergate muckraker Carl Bernstein published a seminal Rolling Stone article about this titled "The CIA and the Media."


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35 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:


Mark Chapman admits and accepts he killed John Lennon, in that way he differs to Sirhan. Was he a mind control assassin? What was his background? Did the fatal shots come from his gun? 

I notice Dr Bernard L. Diamond (who Hypnotised Sirhan) was involved in evaluating both Sirhan and Chapman. Was Diamond a fixer? 

This interview also threw up something interesting:


"The U.S. Senate Church Committee had also published in their report how well over 400 members of the media lived dual lives in their work for the CIA. These included virtually all the owners of top media companies. Watergate muckraker Carl Bernstein published a seminal Rolling Stone article about this titled "The CIA and the Media."


Diamond hypnotized Sirhan in custody after the assassination. For the defense, but, he believed him guilty and led him.  Bryan and/or West seem suspicious regarding who might have hypnotized Sirhan prior to the assassination.  But somebody did.

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Here is a letter I sent to Alan Scheflin. But it bounced back--address no longer good. 


Alan Scheflin:


Greetings and apologies in advance for this brusque, self-introduction. 

Perhaps you are familiar with this documentary available on Youtube, featuring Daniel Brown. 


Anyways, around the 47-minute mark Brown mentions you by name, and says you were able to secure documents, under the Freedom on Information Act, and you came across of several cases in which the US government used mind-controlled subjects to assassinate foreign officials.

So, the natural question is, do you have those documents? If so, do you have them in PDF or other form so that you could send me a copy?

So, that’s it, and again apologies for this brusque inquiry. 

Best regards,

Benjamin Cole 

PS I am just a retired guy, dabble in JFK, RFK research and writing. 

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