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Did Ruth Paine incriminate Lee Harvey Oswald?

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What happened in Mexico City in the weeks before JFK’s murder? It is clear from government files declassified in recent decades that Oswald’s six-day trip to Mexico was never adequately investigated by the CIA, the FBI and the State Department—and, as a result, by the Warren Commission...


Perhaps some official documentation could be linked that identified this FBI agent to whom Ms Paine provided the suggestive Mexican souvenir items and that these items were entered as evidence to any hearings.

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By coincidence on the topic of Ruthie...I have been reading a paper from 1993 presented to a research conference which contains the following strange sentence.

"According to researcher Gus Russo, FBI and ONI documents reveal that Michael Paine's wife, Ruth, was making inquiries about Lee Harvey Oswald in 1957-six years before the Warren Commission claimed they met."

The research paper is somewhat strange to me, however, the above claim is new and highly controversial AND it's according to Russo.  I just wondered if anyone on the Forum had come across this item.  Having read Russo's 'Live By The Sword' this fantastic claim is not in the text of that book.

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I vaguely recall the claim and my recollection is was based in a purported document which was supposed to be a letter from Ruth to the Navy - however nobody established the providence of the letter or came forth with an actual source for the document (as I remember) and after much dialog the whole thing faded away.


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On 5/2/2022 at 11:24 AM, Denny Zartman said:

But I was told she was a good Christian woman. And she holds hate in her heart?


Only according to Joe Bauer (who has no evidence to support it).

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11 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

I vaguely recall the claim and my recollection is was based in a purported document which was supposed to be a letter from Ruth to the Navy - however nobody established the providence of the letter or came forth with an actual source for the document (as I remember) and after much dialog the whole thing faded away.


Thank you Larry.  Yes, there was no source in the Notes on the paper that I read.  The mention of FBI & ONI docs spurred my inquiry, but I thought it was too far out to be true.

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15 hours ago, Bill Brown said:

Only according to Joe Bauer (who has no evidence to support it).

What kind of rock hard evidence would one need to present to prove Ruth Paine hated Lee Oswald?

An audio recorded or written statement by Ruth Paine where she actually says..."I hated Lee Harvey Oswald." ?

We do have Ruth "under oath" stating to attorney Gerry Spence that "It's true. I didn't like him very much."

She used so many derogatory terms in describing her take on Lee Oswald versus complimentary ones you can't seriously argue that she thought he was anything but a bad guy.

Lee Oswald was a wife beater. ( I'm sure Ruth knew the stories her Russian friends shared about this ) He was often surly. He thought he knew more than others. He was easily offended.

He was a lousy provider who chose to do political shenanigans at a time when he should be working to provide for his wife and baby's.

He ( Lee ) had the audacity to use Ruth's typewriter without her permission...and she stated ( again under oath ) "That offended me greatly."

Ruth also expressed her outrage toward Lee when she read his draft where she noticed he lied in this.

She knew Lee was pressuring Marina to go back to Russia against Marina's wishes.

Ruth was protective toward Marina and her children.

Ruth was "appalled" at Lee being so "detached" in his calls to her home trying to get in touch with Marina after he was arrested.

What more negative expression feelings toward Lee Oswald from Ruth Paine does one need to read and hear to rationally conclude...she detested the guy?

Do anyone have better "evidence" that proves otherwise? 

Please...Ruth hated Lee Oswald as much as she could anyone. She just never stated those exact words publicly.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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6 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

What kind of rock hard evidence would one need to present to prove Ruth Paine hated Lee Oswald?

An audio recorded or written statement by Ruth Paine where she actually says..."I hated Lee Harvey Oswald." ?

We do have Ruth "under oath" stating to attorney Gerry Spence that "It's true. I didn't like him very much."

She used so many derogatory terms in describing her take on Lee Oswald versus complimentary ones you can't seriously argue that she thought he was anything but a bad guy.

Lee Oswald was a wife beater. ( I'm sure Ruth knew the stories her Russian friends shared about this ) He was often surly. He thought he knew more than others. He was easily offended.

He was a lousy provider who chose to do political shenanigans at a time when he should be working to provide for his wife and baby's.

He ( Lee ) had the audacity to use Ruth's typewriter without her permission...and she stated ( again under oath ) "That offended me greatly."

Ruth also expressed her outrage toward Lee when she read his draft where she noticed he lied in this.

She knew Lee was pressuring Marina to go back to Russia against Marina's wishes.

Ruth was protective toward Marina and her children.

Ruth was "appalled" at Lee being so "detached" in his calls to her home trying to get in touch with Marina after he was arrested.

What more negative expression feelings toward Lee Oswald from Ruth Paine does one need to read and hear to rationally conclude...she detested the guy?

Do anyone have better "evidence" that proves otherwise? 

Please...Ruth hated Lee Oswald as much as she could anyone. She just never stated those exact words publicly.


Is any of this supposed to prove my statement (that you have not even one shred of evidence proving that Ruth hated Lee) wrong?


It's only your opinion, nothing more, that Ruth hated Lee.



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Just my two cents but I believe using "hate" isn't the correct way to describe Paines and Oswald's relationship. It might help lessen the discord about LHO and Paine. 


Referee Pitman

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Did Ruth Paine "ever' publicly state that she "hated" someone? Anyone?

The worst most critical things I ever heard her utter in all her public interviews about anyone was what she said about LHO.

Michael Paine also said derogatory things about Lee.

I am sure Ruth felt Oswald did JFK and in so doing bestowed the worst and most harmful possible circumstances upon his young family.

Ruth had a personal emotional stake in Marina and her children.

If there was anyone Ruth detested it was LHO.

How could you think otherwise?


Edited by Joe Bauer
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