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Exposing the FPCC part 3

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Part 3 of Paul Bleau's series based on the Garrison files is now up at Kennedys and King.

Just to touch on some highlights.  Hard to believe but Paul actually took exemplars of Shaw's handwriting to a certified analyst up there in Canada who obviously did not know about the case.  She said they matched.  Which, if you needed any more convincing, means Shaw was Bertrand.  In other words, more evidence Shaw was committing perjury, like we needed it.

Also take a look at that photo of Shaw moderating the anti-Communist Power Elite conference in New Orleans.  This is the guy who said he was really a Wilson-Roosevelt-Kennedy liberal. 🤮

Paul makes a very good case that Oswald did not write the letters to the FPCC. 

In my opinion the interview with Martin Waldron is worth the article.  Waldron worked for the Ny TImes and he was on the JFK case in late 1966.  Waldron confirms  that the Ny TImes stopped its investigation in early 1967.  A big part of the reason was that they discovered that Garrison was correct about Shaw, Ferrie and the CIA.  Except they had evidence that proved Shaw was involved with the Agency going back to 1947!

As Paul notes, the info corresponds with what happened at TIme Life with Holland McCombs and Billings.  This shows you the utter corruption of the MSM on the JFK case. Knowing he was right, they still went ahead and trashed Garrison.  Pretty disgusting.  


Edited by James DiEugenio
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3 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Part 3 of Paul Bleau's series based on the Garrison files is now up at Kennedys and King.

Just to touch on some highlights.  Hard to believe but Paul actually took exemplars of Shaw's handwriting to a certified analyst up there in Canada who obviously did not know about the case.  She said they matched.  Which, if you needed any more convincing, means Shaw was Bertrand.  In other words, more evidence Shaw was committing perjury, like we needed it.

Also take a look at that photo of Shaw moderating the anti-Communist Power Elite conference in New Orleans.  This is the guy who said he was really a Wilson-Roosevelt-Kennedy liberal. 🤮

Paul makes a very good case that Oswald did not write the letters to the FPCC. 

In my opinion the interview with Martin Waldron is worth the article.  Waldron worked for the Ny TImes and he was on the JFK case in late 1966.  Waldron confirms  that the Ny TImes stopped its investigation in early 1967.  A big part of the reason was that they discovered that Garrison was correct about Shaw, Ferrie and the CIA.  Except they had evidence that proved Shaw was involved with the Agency going back to 1947!

As Paul notes, the info corresponds with what happened at TIme Life with Holland McCombs and Billings.  This shows you the utter corruption of the MSM on the JFK case. Knowing he was right, they still went ahead and trashed Garrison.  Pretty disgusting.  


Shaw was Bertrand, and also a CIA asset for decades. 

In Dec. 6, 1963, LIFE magazine had this to say about the Zapruder film, which they had and which the American public was unable to see. The dominant story at the time was that JFK had suffered a wound to his throat, from the front. But the lone assassin LHO had fired from the TSBD.

So...LIFE had an answer.

Reported LIFE: 

 “…the 8mm film shows the President turning his body far around to the right as he waves to someone in the crowd. His throat is exposed – toward the sniper’s nest, just before he clutches it.”

Of course there is no such sequence in the Z-film. 

Here we are nearly 60 years later, and relations between MSM media and the intel state are rosier than ever....



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The pressure placed on Andrews was very forceful.  And it never let up.  He told three people how dangerous it would be for him to reveal who Bertrand was: Lane, Garrison and then Summers.  But Andrews pointing out Davis shows us he knew Shaw since the evidence indicates Davis was a procurer for Shaw.

The one person who he revealed it to, Weisberg, he swore to secrecy.  And Harold kept his word to Dean.  Never revealing Shaw was Bertrand until after Andrews passed, in an unpublished manuscript.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:


The pressure placed on Andrews was very forceful.  And it never let up.  He told three people how dangerous it would be for him to reveal who Bertrand was: Lane, Garrison and then Summers.  But Andrews pointing out Davis shows us he knew Shaw since the evidence indicates Davis was a procurer for Shaw.

The one person who he revealed it to, Weisberg, he swore to secrecy.  And Harold kept his word to Dean.  Never revealing Shaw was Bertrand until after Andrews passed, in an unpublished manuscript.

Are you suggesting that Gene Davis was introducing homosexuals from his gay bar to Clay Shaw? What is the source of that information?


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This was discovered a very long time ago by the prodigious New Orleans researcher Peter Vea.

He wrote to me about it and its hinted at in Mellen, p. 124.


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17 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

This was discovered a very long time ago by the prodigious New Orleans researcher Peter Vea.

He wrote to me about it and its hinted at in Mellen, p. 124.


Well I cant dispute that. Gene Davis was involved in two gay bars so its logical Clay Shaw could have been in there. 

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It also may link to the whole retinue that arrived with Oswald at Dean Andrews' office.

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Correct Ben.

That is another example of an MSM flagship having to know better and still printing BS about the JFK case.

The Mandel story will live in infamy as far as I am concerned.

So that is three examples of this practice.

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The "Clem Bertrand" library card was a prank card. Fred Litwin has already debunked that nonsense some months ago. 


The card was a post 1966 library card that showed up well after Clay Shaw's false arrest by Garrison. Someone went down to the Latter Memorial Branch Library and filled out a "Clem Bertrand" library card with phony stuff like Shaw's previous ITM business address. Shaw had left the ITM and no longer worked there.

Additionally, Shaw never lived at 3100 Louisiana Parkway. David Ferrie did live on Louisiana Parkway, but different address. 

Mr. Bleau obviously did not bother to research this in depth and needs to retract this false allegation. 

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with the Fair Play for Cuba Committee and other matters:


The day after the assassination, Castro gave a lengthy speech on Cuban television and radio analyzing with remarkable immediacy and acuity how rightwing domestic forces probably were behind the assassination. Castro read from American press reports to show that attempts were already being made to blame the assassination on Cuba and the USSR. On the day of the assassination Cuban exiles and journalists involved with their CIA-connected activities, including the Miami-based Hal Hendrix of the Scripps-Howard News Service, spread stories to other members of the media about Oswald. They circulated claims of actual and fabricated involvements by Oswald with anti-Castro Cubans and his alleged trip to Mexico City in the fall of 1963, during which he was impersonated.


In a striking example of how some of the media were involved as possible accessories in suspicious pre-assassination activities, Life magazine actually helped finance some of the CIA covert operations against Cuba after the Bay of Pigs debacle. Time Inc. and its publisher Henry Luce provided financial backing for raids against Cuba, as had his wife, Clare Boothe Luce, the playwright and rightwing politician. She also helped support the CIA-backed DRE, the radical Cuban exile organization that Oswald attempted to infiltrate in the summer of 1963. Clare Luce also leaked supposedly incriminating information about Oswald to the media immediately after the assassination. She claimed to have received a telephone call on the night of the assassination from one of the Cubans implicating Oswald in a plot to kill Kennedy by the Cuban government. Such propaganda, which was quickly and widely spread in the print and television media, evidently was intended to prompt a U.S. retaliatory attack against Cuba, a situation that evidently caused genuine concern for President Johnson, who did not favor such action.


Among the most provocative CIA operations the Luces helped support was Operation Tilt, the Bayo-Martino-Pawley mission in June 1963. The raid was run by William Pawley, a rightwing businessman, diplomat, Flying Tigers principal, and CIA operative; Cuban exile activist Eduardo Perez (Eddie Bayo); and Martino, along with CIA Miami station chief Theodore Shackley. Their mission ostensibly was undertaken to exfiltrate two Soviet officers from the island who would proclaim that the USSR had not removed its missiles or nuclear warheads after the Missile Crisis as it had agreed to do. The raid was linked to another CIA-mob attempt to kill Castro. A Life staff writer, Richard Billings, went along to help document the mission in a story for the magazine that, in the end, never appeared.


As Scott writes, the failed Bayo-Martino-Pawley raid “could have been planned precisely to blackmail the CIA and Life into an assassination cover-up. On November 22, Life, hearing of the assassination, dispatched Billings to coordinate the hyperactive Life team in Dallas that swiftly bought up the Zapruder film and the rights to Marina’s story. A principal in both preemptive purchases. . . . was Billings’s relative-in-law C. D. Jackson.” Billings later played key roles in various aspects of the coverup apparatus: he helped infiltrate and undermine Jim Garrison’s investigation of the CIA’s role in the assassination, served as editorial director of the ultimately compromised HSCA, and cowrote a Mafia-did-it disinformation book The Plot to Kill the President (1981) with G. Robert Blakey, the HSCA’s chief counsel and staff director.

Although Castro told his people on November 23 that not enough was yet known about the events in Dallas or about Oswald, the accused man was unknown to the Cubans, Castro said, and there were many “strange” and contradictory allegations about his background, such as claims that he had both pro-Castro and anti-Castro sympathies. Castro questioned both Oswald’s ability to return so easily to the U.S. after defecting to the USSR and his heading what the Cuban leader correctly noted was a nonexistent New Orleans chapter of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. As it emerged later, that was part of Oswald’s attempt, under the direction of the CIA and David Atlee Phillips, to help create a “legend” for himself as a faux pro-Castro Communist without realizing why he was being used.


The FPCC itself was an intelligence operation designed by the CIA to entrap American dissidents. The organization was actually founded in 1960 by two CBS reporters who had covered Castro’s rise to power, Robert Taber and Richard Gibson. After Oswald was manipulated by the CIA to appear to be a Castro sympathizer in his guise as a FPCC member, the Agency and its anti-Castro DRE organization used their media contacts on November 22 to use that connection as part of its propaganda operation against him, including radio and television interviews he had given in New Orleans. The claim that Oswald had visited the Cuban consulate and Soviet embassy in Mexico City that fall was also part of that “legend” but orchestrated without his involvement. Oswald probably reported to government agencies on Cuban exile activities in Dallas, including gun-running operations. Ruby had also been involved in gun-running to Cuba, and there was a Cuban exile “safe house” on Harlandale Avenue that Oswald may have visited in the Oak Cliff neighborhood near where he and Ruby lived and Officer Tippit was shot.


“Anyone who is not a half-wit, who has a little common sense,” Castro declared on November 23, would recognize that “the most reactionary forces in the United States” were most likely orchestrating the events in Dallas. Castro accurately raised the possibility that Oswald was a CIA and FBI operative as well as “the danger of some frame-up. . . . Was there perhaps in certain civilian and military ultra-reactionary circles in the United States, a plot against President Kennedy’s life?” Castro asked if Oswald might be “an instrument” of forces trying to use the assassination as a pretext for another invasion of Cuba and possibly a preemptive nuclear war. The Cuban leader thought it especially telling that the assassination occurred in the wake of Kennedy’s agreement not to invade Cuba and his signing of a nuclear test-ban treaty with the Soviet Union in August 1963.

Edited by Joseph McBride
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It’s so telling that Castro, one day after the event, saw more deeply into it than anyone else has since. 
Joseph - I agree that it is likely that Oswald was on an intelligence assignment when he staged his FPCC event and subsequent radio appearance, where his defense of his stated Marxist beliefs sounds as if was spoken by rote, with no emotional underpinning. And if that is the case, certainly it continued in Dallas. That’s why, no matter what ‘evidence’ suggests, I suspect that it was his index cards on Cubans that were found at the Paine residence, not Ruth’s, and I also suspect he was correctly identified at the Alpha 66 safe house.

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BTW, Paul Bleau's series based on the Garrison files, at Kennedys and King and presently featuring Part 3, shows some serious, very serious research. 

Anybody who doubts Bertrand was Shaw...well, I think it is case closed on that one. 

And Shaw was a CIA asset of long-standing. 

Ferrie was seen frequently entering Shaw's offices at ITM by a secy named Aura Lee. Normally, I would take a witness statement with a grain of salt. Witness testimony is inherently iffy. Yet, by all accounts, Ferrie was such an unusual-looking individual that in his case, a witness remembering him carries some weight. Everyone seems to remember Ferrie, due to his appearance. 





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Shaw tried to arrange legal representation for LHO. That obviously shows that he knew Oswald. But it also suggests that he knew Oswald was innocent of the crime. Shaw used the aliases Clem and Clay Bertrand, which he lied about. But would he, using an alias, stick his neck out to get Oswald a lawyer if he, Shaw, was part of the plot? Only if we assume Oswald innocent does this makes sense. Proving that Shaw lied under oath, that he knew Oswald and Ferrie, doesn’t make him guilty of plotting the assassination of JFK. I’m not trying to impugn Garrison. I admire him greatly, and agree that he was thwarted at every turn. What he would have been able to prove, given a chance, was that Oswald was connected to the FPCC operation. I don’t think that the CIA intervened to protect Shaw, but rather to hide their own operations, and their connections to an innocent LHO. 

Edited by Paul Brancato
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We know that Shaw knew who Oswald really was, since he told Phil Dyer about it.


(The idea that Shaw would not say this because of his civil suit is undermined by Alecia Long's book, where she says Shaw never thought his lawyers believed in it or would take it seriously.) 

Since Shaw was part of the ring around Oswald, manipulating him in advance, then he would be interested in getting Oswald a lawyer who the controllers could manipulate or who would take a dive--not knowing just how high up the plot was hatched.  But Andrews got the word from just those people to shut his mouth or face the music, which effectively neutered Shaw's faux pas.

I really do not know how else one can explain the Clinton/Jackson incident or Jessie Core --Shaw's aide de camp-- and the Oswald flyers. As that incident indicates--and Paul elucidates some of it--Shaw and Core were aware of what Banister was doing with Oswald for the anti FPCC crusade in New Orleans.  (See Joe McBride's nice post above on that.)


Edited by James DiEugenio
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