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Exposing the FPCC part 3

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15 hours ago, Paul Cummings said:

Maybe the Nash Rambler driver or perhaps it's the same person?



That happens to figure into it.  Nice guess.

And more nice work Dave.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Would the muscular Cuban also be a person seen with Leon Oswald in New Orleans (e.g., by Perry Russo), and one of the individuals who visited Silvia Odio with Leon in late September? 

I am guessing one of the ex-patriots associated with JMWAVE Station (and the AMOT's) ... either Carlos Quiroga, Celso Hernandez or perhaps Miguel Aguado Cruz?

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Yes Gene, at Jones Printing Company, Weisberg thought that it was Thornley.

As per the many observations of this guy, I think that Paul is going to come up with over twenty of them.


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Whatever nitpicking is done against Paul Bleau's research, the fact is he uncovered enormous amounts of info, which broadly supports Garrison's perceptions of what LHO was doing in N.O. at the time. 

Sadly, this is work US intel agencies should have been doing nearly 60 years ago, in an earnest effort to unravel the truth about the JFKA. 

I will say it again: The JFKA research community---essentially, just a "bunch of guys" with scant resources---has uncovered far more truths about the JFKA than the entire multi-trillion dollar US media complex and the 17 US intel agencies put together. 

How is that possible? 




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On 9/21/2022 at 2:25 PM, James DiEugenio said:

And make no mistake, the FBI appreciated Core's notation.

Because, after the assassination, FBI agent Harry Maynor sent a message to headquarters: "Several Fair Play for Cuba pamphlets contained address 544 Camp Street."

That message was scratched out.  But the writing was still legible. And recall this is an internal communication.  (John Newman, Oswald and the CIA, p. 310)



Just to clarify, the scratched-out handwritten notation was on a teletype draft, which was prepared usually by either a field agent or an agent assigned to the office in communication with a field agent, edited, then submitted to the SAC for signature/approval before the revised teletype would be plugged into the telex machine and sent. 

The scratched-out notation thus most likely reflects that the preparing agent wrote in the bit about 544 Camp St., then the SAC scratched it out so that it wouldn’t be transmitted to HQ. SAC New Orleans was Harry Maynor, so he probably did the scratching-out but may not have prepared the actual teletype, which if true is actually even worse, IMO. I haven’t seen the sheet in a while though so I could be forgetting something. 

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On 9/21/2022 at 9:21 AM, Steve Roe said:

only the Corliss Lamont pamphlets had the 544 Camp Street stamped, not the leaflets.

I can't get at my books right now, but I seem to remember the first paperback version of Summers' book Conspiracy, circa 1990, having a picture of one of the flyers with the 544 Camp address.

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Nice clarification Tom, and I agree that is even worse.


Matt, as you can see from the nice work by Dave Boylan above, that is correct, and the claim about the Lamont flyer is not accurate..


Edited by James DiEugenio
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I agree. What Paul has done with these Garrison files is remarkable.  I am surprised more people have not talked about the amazing revelation by Martin Waldron--though you have.  The NY Times had information certifying that Garrison was correct about Shaw, Ferrie and the CIA. 

And they then cancelled the inquiry!

Whew.  How bad is bad?

Edited by James DiEugenio
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4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


I agree. What Paul has done with these Garrison files is remarkable.  I am surprised more people have not talked about the amazing revelation by Martin Waldron--though you have.  The NY Times had information certifying that Garrison was correct about Shaw, Ferrie and the CIA. 

And they then cancelled the inquiry!

Whew.  How bad is bad?


Written by Martin Waldron. This was written more than 50 years ago. 

Police Chief Curry more or less said the case against LHO was weak, that the ID of LHO in the TSBD 6th floor window was very weak (that is, the worthless Brennan).

Curry is an interesting character, and I suspect not involved in the JFKA. As I recall, Curry said he heard shots 11/22 from the Grassy Knoll, railroad yards area.  

The New York Times knows no shame. 





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Paul's synopsis of the insights from the Garrison files is excellent.  It provides more depth and perspective to the plot and plotters.  Paul makes it clear that Garrison was up against strong forces, and he was so maliciously slandered by the press, that no one would bother to look at what was in his files. No wonder that Harry Connick tried to burn all of the records. There can be no question that Clem and Clay Bertrand were Clay Shaw aliases.  But Garrison wasn't just on the trail of the plotters, he had much more that remains to be uncovered by closer examination of the extant files.  There's quite a lot of food for thought here:

  1. Oswald was assigned at least one Cuban escort (the forthcoming name will likely be very telling)
  2. David Ferrie admitted his part in the plot to a roommate, and was a source of young males for Shaw
  3. Clay Shaw was a paid CIA asset, circumstantially linked to Allen Dulles, and a 3rd Oswald babysitter (along with Ruth Paine and George DeMorenschildt)
  4. Comparing the original ITM board directors with INCA members and operatives
  5. ARRB evidence that CIA and FBI had counter-intelligence campaigns against FPCC; but Oswald was the only member of the New Orleans contingent, and he stamped Banister’s Camp St. address on his leaflets. Plus, Banister helped Oswald settle into his Camp Street locale.
  6. Jesse Core - who notified WDSU TV about Oswald’s leafleting event outside the ITM - also noted the flyer which had Banister’s office listed on it, suggesting that both he and Shaw knew this was a problem for the FBI. 
  7. Oswald's provocateur activity in New Orleans, one of the major anti-communist blocs in North America 
  8. Shaw, Ferrie, Banister and Oswald’s multiple connections to a network of anti-Castro Cuban exiles, right-wing extremists and intelligence actors was not coincidental
  9. Another person of interest: Emilio Rodriguez, a CIA asset based in Mexico City (and a stay-behind agent in Cuba) who worked for the Berlitz School at the ITM. His brother Arnesto would later run the school and attempt to teach Oswald Spanish. Daid Morales exfiltrated Rodriguez and Tony Sforza from Cuba in June 1961. 
  10. Integrating some well-known "handlers": FPCC and DRE were monitored by David Phillips (CIA) as well as Warren DeBrueys (FBI) and George Joannides (CIA). The CRC was under Howard Hunt’s watchful eye.
  11. Another potential patsy to the list of other candidates - Richard Case Nagell, Oswald, Policarpo Lopez, Vaughn Marlowe, Harry Dean, John Glenn, Santiago Garriga - all 'coincidently' linked to the FPCC
  12. Jerry and Jim Buchanan ... part of the large number of Oswald frame-up artists 
  13. The people who frequented 544 Camp Street and Carlos Quiroga (who lied and knew a lot more than he let on)
  14. The author(s) of the fake letter to the Russian Embassy designed to link Oswald with Russia in the assassination


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2 hours ago, Gene Kelly said:


  1. Another person of interest: Emilio Rodriguez, a CIA asset based in Mexico City (and a stay-behind agent in Cuba) who worked for the Berlitz School at the ITM. His brother Arnesto would later run the school and attempt to teach Oswald Spanish. Daid Morales exfiltrated Rodriguez and Tony Sforza from Cuba in June 1961. 
  2. Integrating some well-known "handlers": FPCC and DRE were monitored by David Phillips (CIA) as well as Warren DeBrueys (FBI) and George Joannides (CIA). The CRC was under Howard Hunt’s watchful eye.

Two interesting connections - Arnesto Rodriguez and Tony Sforza. Didn't realize they knew each other. And DeBrueys to the FPCC which would explain why he was with LHO.

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Another Thornley coincidence....  and of course there was no personnel to be found who had worked in the office of the "The Hotel, Motel, and Restaurant Employees Union"  (Thornley was a member from October 30, 1962, through April 1963 ).   Discordianism I suppose.... :blink:



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