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David Talbot on the Mainstream Media Being Essentially a Propaganda Arm for the National Security State

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8 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

As I suggested at the time, the coverage of JFK Revisited by the M$M would be a kind of acid test for the continued existence of Operation Mockingbird in the U.S.

And what did we observe?  NYT largely blacked out coverage of the film, and WaPo published a completely erroneous review/hit piece by What's-Her-Face, Fred Littwin's favorite Professor from Louisiana State University, Alecia P. Long.

William,  Fox News covered it, lols..


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11 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Huh?  Reality check, Chris.  Speaking of illusions...

I've been posting about Operation Mockingbird and its modern permutations for several years here-- including references to the work of the late Udo Ulfkotte on the subject.

In contrast, Ben expressed skepticism about whether Mockingbird was still operational when I raised the subject during the premier of JFK Revisited at Cannes.

As I suggested at the time, the coverage of JFK Revisited by the M$M would be a kind of acid test for the continued existence of Operation Mockingbird in the U.S.

And what did we observe?  NYT largely blacked out coverage of the film, and WaPo published a completely erroneous review/hit piece by What's-Her-Face, Fred Littwin's favorite Professor from Louisiana State University, Alecia P. Long.

That summer, we also witnessed similar Mockingbird censorship of Spike Lee's documentary interviews of the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

So, yes, CIA Operation Mockingbird is alive and well in the U.S. mainstream media.

I would say it’s interesting that you’d take this personally and use it as a platform to critique Ben. What does that say about you? 

If it wasn’t for your Mocking Bird, MK Ultra and 9/11 posts, I would doubt you have any grip on reality or rationality at all. 

Let me just point out another of your inner conflicts and flaws. You see an MSM cover up of the JFKA and 9/11, but, you think they are suddenly honest when it comes to their portrayal of C19 and Ukraine coverage. 

What does your training in psychology from 1983 tell you about the nature of those who lie and deceive perpetually?

Leopards and spots. 


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Its funny about that William.

See, what the MSM hid was that JFK Revisited was well reviewed in Europe.

You cannot rely on the American MSM to inform you of  those things.  Since they only excerpted the negative ones.

I talked about this at length at the CAPA conference.  Our distributor hired a clipping service, and they compiled every review from Scandinavia down to Italy.  

The final tally was about 15- 5 favorable. Which is pretty good for a JFK documentary.

Then, Oliver started doing all of these alternative media reviews both in France and America, plus we got the cover of Paris Match, a large circulation paper magazine.  Another example, Oliver's interview on RT Going Underground got a million views. When he got back from France, his PR guy was setting him up with something like 3 interviews a day.  Plus I did Australia's Channel Nine, and Moscow's Izvestia.   Two of the biggest media outlets in those two countries.  Maybe the biggest respectively.

This synergy was what I think caused the MSM to rethink their strategy. I thought they would simply ignore us, thinking we would just go away and disappear beyond the horizon line.  But that was not happening as we got more and more alternative press like Jacobin, and Ed Curtin who gets carried in abut five alternative media journals.

I think it was that unexpected wave of attention--we were obviously filling a hole that was unsealed for too long--that I think caused the counterattack by Weiner, Long, Boot, Posner and Kircheck.  But the thing is, that really I think did not hurt us that much.  Because when the DVD package came out, that was well reviewed also.  Some of the reviews were just four stars.  And I think that is what made us go to Number One at Amazon for documentaries for the first three weeks.  We were in the Top Ten for 8 weeks.  And the amazing thing is, when we drop out, we then go back in. In the lat three weeks we were number 7, 10 and now number 9. Talk about staying power.

So as Jim Garrison once said about his battles with the press, they knew they were danced with.

PS Thanks for that link Matt.  I actually thought that was pretty fair to me and Oliver.   I could have done without Geraldo though.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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2 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

I would say it’s interesting that you’d take this personally and use it as a platform to critique Ben. What does that say about you? 

If it wasn’t for your Mocking Bird, MK Ultra and 9/11 posts, I would doubt you have any grip on reality or rationality at all. 

Let me just point out another of your inner conflicts and flaws. You see an MSM cover up of the JFKA and 9/11, but, you think they are suddenly honest when it comes to their portrayal of C19 and Ukraine coverage. 

What does your training in psychology from 1983 tell you about the nature of those who lie and deceive perpetually?

Leopards and spots. 


Geez...more of Chris's typically ludicrous ad hominem nonsense, and pseudo-psychological misdiagnoses of forum members.  Does it never cease?

I was responding to Chris's silly, inaccurate comment (above) implying that members of the Education Forum have been in the dark about Operation Mockingbird and its 21st century manifestations-- enlightened only by the heroic posts of Ben and Chris on the subject... 🤥

No, Chris, I don't believe "conspiracy theories" are monolithic, and I do believe that the CIA and U.S. military are selective in their use of the M$M to conceal military and intelligence black ops.

Now, please, spare us the ad hominem misdiagnoses, and let's stay on topic.


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5 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Geez...more of Chris's typically ludicrous ad hominem nonsense, and pseudo-psychological misdiagnoses of forum members.  Does it never cease?

I was responding to Chris's silly, inaccurate comment (above) implying that members of the Education Forum have been in the dark about Operation Mockingbird and its 21st century manifestations-- enlightened only by the heroic posts of Ben and Chris on the subject... 🤥

No, Chris, I don't believe "conspiracy theories" are monolithic, and I do believe that the CIA and U.S. military are selective in their use of the M$M to conceal military and intelligence black ops.

Now, please, spare us the ad hominem misdiagnoses, and let's stay on topic.


Because you were staying on topic, right? 🤣 You never miss an opportunity to pick on Ben.

Do you want me to reel off your most despicable forum ad hominem attacks? 
Hypocrisy is always hand in hand with your commentaries, William. 

So, just for clarity; you think the CIA and military just intervene in MSM occasionally when it suits them? Otherwise MSM is almost entirely honest reporting. Ok 👌🏼 

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2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Its funny about that William.

See, what the MSM hid was that JFK Revisited was well reviewed in Europe.

You cannot rely on the American MSM to inform you of  those things.  Since they only excerpted the negative ones.

I talked about this at length at the CAPA conference.  Our distributor hired a clipping service, and they compiled every review from Scandinavia down to Italy.  

The final tally was about 15- 5 favorable. Which is pretty good for a JFK documentary.

Then, Oliver started doing all of these alternative media reviews both in France and America, plus we got the cover of Paris Match, a large circulation paper magazine.  Another example, Oliver's interview on RT Going Underground got a million views. When he got back from France, his PR guy was setting him up with something like 3 interviews a day.  Plus I did Australia's Channel Nine, and Moscow's Izvestia.   Two of the biggest media outlets in those two countries.  Maybe the biggest respectively.

This synergy was what I think caused the MSM to rethink their strategy. I thought they would simply ignore us, thinking we would just go away and disappear beyond the horizon line.  But that was not happening as we got more and more alternative press like Jacobin, and Ed Curtin who gets carried in abut five alternative media journals.

I think it was that unexpected wave of attention--we were obviously filling a hole that was unsealed for too long--that I think caused the counterattack by Weiner, Long, Boot, Posner and Kircheck.  But the thing is, that really I think did not hurt us that much.  Because when the DVD package came out, that was well reviewed also.  Some of the reviews were just four stars.  And I think that is what made us go to Number One at Amazon for documentaries for the first three weeks.  We were in the Top Ten for 8 weeks.  And the amazing thing is, when we drop out, we then go back in. In the lat three weeks we were number 7, 10 and now number 9. Talk about staying power.

So as Jim Garrison once said about his battles with the press, they knew they were danced with.

PS Thanks for that link Matt.  I actually thought that was pretty fair to me and Oliver.   I could have done without Geraldo though.

        But, Jim, my impression is that the M$M in the U.S. largely blacked out coverage of JFK Revisited, while publishing a few ridiculous hit pieces, like the Alecia P. Long article in WaPo.   To me, it is proof that CIA Operation Mockingbird is alive and well in the 21st century.  They're still trying to suppress the truth about the JFK assassination in the U.S. mainstream media.

       Will we ever see a headline in the NYT or WaPo acknowledging that the CIA was involved in a conspiracy to murder JFK?  I doubt it.

       This has also been obvious in the case of M$M coverage of the 9/11 evidence.  How many Americans know, even in 2022, that the World Trade Center skyscrapers (WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7) were demolished by pre-planted explosives?  How many Americans know that five Mossad agents got caught, and arrested, for filming and celebrating the WTC demolitions on 9/11?  Not many.

       Russ Baker just published a piece about the long-suppressed George W. Bush 9/11 Commission interview.*  But even Baker doesn't dare to broach the subject of possible Bush/Cheney administration complicity in a PNAC/CIA/Mossad/Saudi black op on 9/11.  He approaches the Bush interview as a putative cover up of an intelligence failure.

*  Revealed: What Bush Said About 9/11 Behind Closed Doors - WhoWhatWhy

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

        But, Jim, my impression is that the M$M in the U.S. largely blacked out coverage of JFK Revisited, while publishing a few ridiculous hit pieces, like the Alecia P. Long article in WaPo.   To me, it is proof that CIA Operation Mockingbird is alive and well in the 21st century.  They're still trying to suppress the truth about the JFK assassination in the U.S. mainstream media.

       Will we ever see a headline in the NYT or WaPo acknowledging that the CIA was involved in a conspiracy to murder JFK?  I doubt it.

       This has also been obvious in the case of M$M coverage of the 9/11 evidence.  How many Americans know, even in 2022, that the World Trade Center skyscrapers (WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7) were demolished by pre-planted explosives?  How many Americans know that five Mossad agents got caught, and arrested, for filming and celebrating the WTC demolitions on 9/11?  Not many.

       Russ Baker just published a piece about the long-suppressed George W. Bush 9/11 Commission interview.*  But even Baker doesn't dare to broach the subject of possible Bush/Cheney administration complicity in a PNAC/CIA/Mossad/Saudi black op on 9/11.  He approaches the Bush interview as a putative cover up of an intelligence failure.

*  Revealed: What Bush Said About 9/11 Behind Closed Doors - WhoWhatWhy

Mockingbird was never done away with or died.  It just changed its feathers to that of a Thunderbird.  A shape shifter.

Thunderbird Totem Pole

The Thunderbird of Native Americans – Legends of America

What's the word?


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Yes that is what I was trying to say William.

They just wanted to ignore us. Like we were not there.

See and unlike in 1991, Oliver did not have Warner Brothers behind him with a big ad campaign.

So whatever coverage he got was on his own mainly.  I really admire all the work he did in that regard.

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6 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Happens to the best of us.

Jim Di.

Just watched JFK Revisited again. A $2.99 rental fee but well worth it.

What a great piece you and Oliver Stone put together.

I feel grounded with a fuller overall picture and context knowledge after watching it.

You cover the subject of MSM compliance so well.

I like that the narration was a mix of others. Donald Sutherland, Whoopie Goldberg, Stone himself. Keeps it's fresh.

The film never loses it's interesting energy and urgency.

Listening to you again on KKUP Cupertino CA. as I type this.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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One of the times when I visited the Tippit murder site to do my research,

a bunch of neighborhood kids clustered around me to

ask what I was doing. When I told them, they were seriously

interested and asked me to talk with them about what had happened there.

They knew a little about it but were eager for more. So I spent half an hour going through the evidence and showing

them photographs and answering their intelligent questions. All most gratifying. The kids also told

me that Geraldo Rivera had come through there about a week

earlier. He arrived in a limousine and spent only a few minutes

looking around and didn't talk with any of them. They naturally

resented his attitude and viewed him with scorn.

Edited by Joseph McBride
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55 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Jim Di.

Just watched JFK Revisited again. A $2.99 rental fee but well worth it.

What a great piece you and Oliver Stone put together.

I feel grounded with a fuller overall picture and context knowledge after watching it.

You cover the subject of MSM compliance so well.

I like that the narration was a mix of others. Donald Sutherland, Whoopie Goldberg, Stone himself. Keeps it's fresh.

The film never loses it's interesting energy and urgency.

Listening to you again on KKUP Cupertino CA. as I type this.


Thanks so much for that Joe.   Its was really gratifying working with so many outstanding professionals like Bob RIchardson, Mr three time Oscar winner for best cinematogrpahy.  And I thought the split narration worked out well also.

Has Gary Aguilar been on yet with me and Dave?  If not he will be soon.

Paul Bleau will be on also.  Dave is doing a kind of salute to the film.

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49 minutes ago, Joseph McBride said:

One of the times when I visited the Tippit murder site to do my research,

a bunch of neighborhood kids clustered around me to

ask what I was doing. When I told them, they were seriously

interested and asked me to talk with them about what had happened there.

They knew a little about it but were eager for more. So I spent half an hour going through the evidence and showing

them photographs and answering their intelligent questions. All most gratifying. The kids also told

me that Geraldo Rivera had come through there about a week

earlier. He arrived in a limousine and spent only a few minutes

looking around and didn't talk with any of them. They naturally

resented his attitude and viewed him with scorn.

What a story.  Topped off by Geraldo in his limo.  Whew.

Man did he flip on us or what? 

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10 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Huh?  Reality check, Chris.  Speaking of illusions...

I've been posting about Operation Mockingbird and its modern permutations for several years here-- including references to the work of the late Udo Ulfkotte on the subject.

In contrast, Ben expressed skepticism about whether Mockingbird was still operational when I raised the subject during the premier of JFK Revisited at Cannes.

As I suggested at the time, the coverage of JFK Revisited by the M$M would be a kind of acid test for the continued existence of Operation Mockingbird in the U.S.

And what did we observe?  NYT largely blacked out coverage of the film, and WaPo published a completely erroneous review/hit piece by What's-Her-Face, Fred Littwin's favorite Professor from Louisiana State University, Alecia P. Long.

That summer, we also witnessed similar Mockingbird censorship of Spike Lee's documentary interviews of the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

So, yes, CIA Operation Mockingbird is alive and well in the U.S. mainstream media.

"In contrast, Ben expressed skepticism about whether Mockingbird was still operational when I raised the subject during the premier of JFK Revisited at Cannes."--W

Huh? Is this "Ben" the same as me? 

If I said anything like that, perhaps I ventured that OpMo is no longer needed as M$M is thoroughly clogged with former intel-staters acting as in-house experts at all M$M (and alt-left outlets), and even in the old "liberal" media. 

But on the whole I concur, OpMo is going strong, if by a different name, and a much larger budget, and many more kept journalists. 

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19 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:


I really think Marjoe Greene would make a great "Loana" in a remake of the film 1 MILLION BC.

She already has that heavy brow/ broad nosed/ small narrow-eyed Cro-Magnon/ Neanderthal look. No need for make up.


She looks like she's recovering from being hit in the face with a shovel.

Edited by David Andrews
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