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Tucker Carlson about the JFKA

Karl Kinaski

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Here it is and I cannot find anything:


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I think it will be important to see who covers the MFF press conference  tomorrow.

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MSNBC isn't really a news channel. The only news reported on MSNBC, other than political, are major events and occasional updates on them. The rest is all politics -- catered to the left, of course. So they wouldn't report on JFKA document releases even if they were sympathetic to the cause.

But NBC should. (Yet didn't.)


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The problem is that "Truth" is so subjective now, that by Tucker Carlson saying this, it immediately makes 50% of the population believe it to be utter horse manure. 

As accurate as it may have been, it may ultimately set back the "Truth" just by virtue of Tucker's track record with that commodity.

"Tucker said what about the CIA? Oh for heaven's sake... the man is an imbecile!" is a far more likely broad response than the "Wow! So... if Tucker is right about THIS... maybe he's right about EVERYTHING!" that he's probably hoping for.

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4 hours ago, Lori Spencer said:

Of course Rachel did not mention that JFK was a lifetime member of the NRA, a staunch defender of the 2nd Amendment, and a helluva good shot himself, by all accounts. 

"In my own native state of Massachusetts, the battle for American freedom was begun by the thousands of farmers and tradesmen who made up the Minute Men -- citizens who were ready to defend their liberty at a moment's notice. Today we need a nation of minute men; citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. The cause of liberty, the cause of America, cannot succeed with any lesser effort. "



The NRA today isn't anything close to what it was then. It's like comparing Dems today with what they were like in the 50's.

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3 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I think it will be important to see who covers the MFF press conference  tomorrow.

Btw if you do any more interviews with out being introduced clearly as the writer or mentioning Destiny Betrayed you're staying late after PR school. If they don't cough money they have to cough names hahaha! Of course preferably both.

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So when Trump released the records but did not release all of them like he said he would, did Tucker do a segment bashing Trump and/or the CIA? I don't remember - my guess is no, but I don't remember. So when I turned to him just to see what he was saying, I was shocked he was talking about it.

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Partisan politics. Jeez. There is no justification for the silence of the ‘left’, no matter what Tucker Carlson’s motives are. And that silence goes back decades. If our liberal press had done their job we wouldn’t be in this mess. I don’t see any problem appreciating a Republican when they tell the truth, or calling out a Democrat when they lie. I don’t watch news, don’t have cable TV. I got so sick of watching MSNBC, and never watched FOX. So why bother? When Matt chooses to link Carlson to the Kremlin he so perfectly illustrates the point that loyal Democrats have swallowed the partisan Koolaid. Are we, the US, a force for good in the world? Are we better than the Russians and the Chinese? No one questions this paradigm of US Empire, and the domestic voices raised against our Empire are silenced or marginalized. Oh I do wish it had been Rachel Maddow or Chris Hayes or Lawrence O’Donnell who had spoken out. Would have been so much easier that way. But their far better stance on domestic politics cannot make up for their silence on War, which is a racket, or on our lying national security establishment. I’m forced on a daily basis to remember the role that the NYT played in our egregious Iraq invasion, and on their refusal to review The Devil’s Chessboard, which really rankled David Talbot, a truly great journalist. CNN and NBC are no better than FOX. They are two sides of the same coin, designed to divide us.

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1 minute ago, Paul Brancato said:

Partisan politics. Jeez. There is no justification for the silence of the ‘left’, no matter what Tucker Carlson’s motives are. And that silence goes back decades. If our liberal press had done their job we wouldn’t be in this mess. I don’t see any problem appreciating a Republican when they tell the truth, or calling out a Democrat when they lie. I don’t watch news, don’t have cable TV. I got so sick of watching MSNBC, and never watched FOX. So why bother? When Matt chooses to link Carlson to the Kremlin he so perfectly illustrates the point that loyal Democrats have swallowed the partisan Koolaid. Are we, the US, a force for good in the world? Are we better than the Russians and the Chinese? No one questions this paradigm of US Empire, and the domestic voices raised against our Empire are silenced or marginalized. Oh I do wish it had been Rachel Maddow or Chris Hayes or Lawrence O’Donnell who had spoken out. Would have been so much easier that way. But their far better stance on domestic politics cannot make up for their silence on War, which is a racket, or on our lying national security establishment. I’m forced on a daily basis to remember the role that the NYT played in our egregious Iraq invasion, and on their refusal to review The Devil’s Chessboard, which really rankled David Talbot, a truly great journalist. CNN and NBC are no better than FOX. They are two sides of the same coin, designed to divide us.

Neither Carlson nor anyone else should lauded for doing their job. The sad truth is in his case it seldom happens. He's usually peddling hard core ring-wing garbage meant to keep his audience present. The decline in civil discourse and responsible civic engagement is to large degree his personal responsibility. He's joined by others along the political spectrum of course but the fawning over him in this thread for reporting something we and many others have known for decades isn't particularly warranted IMO. I see Morning Joe came out with something pretty heavy too and the same goes for them. Maybe Tucker lit a fire they had to respond to - I'll give him that.

The true credit should go to the MFF and Jeff Morley and several others such as Jim DiEugenio and Oliver Stone who have kept the story as close to front and center in the public eye as possible. They deserve a huge amount of credit.

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