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Tucker Carlson about the JFKA

Karl Kinaski

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16 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

I'm sure Joe is thrilled with having someone like yourself opine on what constitutes "a gentleman".

I guess it’s your time of the month, too. 🙂 

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Getting back to this new debate regards a well-known yet controversial pundit from an extremely politically biased news commentary organization and his public proclamation of CIA involvement in the JFK assassination ...

Where does it go?

I have thrown out my lifetime mistrust of TC and his company as a reason for downplaying this latest JFK revelation event and questioning it's true agenda intent.

If some other major player or blockbuster documentary evidence doesn't soon come out to bolster TC's shocking JFK assassination proposition claim, this whole episode will just fade out of the news cycle and then what?

Shouldn't we JFK truth seeking purists be angry at the perpetrators of high importance false flag stories like this and who have the national news coverage stage and spotlight weight to widely showcase and promote it?

Is this TC pronouncement event going to turn out to be just another National Enquirer headline story?

If TC's JFK/CIA claim gains real legs and actually becomes a major American historical truth changing revelation, I'll give it and him a lot of credit.

But if it doesn't?

Here we are next to the 60th year anniversary of 11,22,1963.

Are we any closer to knowing exactly who did JFK, RFK, MLK?

Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray, Sirhan Sirhan by themselves?

Or any number of suspect groups and individuals involved with Oswald and those other fellows or not?

After a lifetime or reading, speculation and pondering, I am feeling that probably the  closest answer to the truth is that the over-all "blame" for JFK's murder rests with all those other powerful groups and individuals who hated JFK to murderous minded levels and who actually celebrated his brutal slaughter.

JFK was a totally serious real threat to their gains and interests. His removal, as well as RFK's and MLK's, removed that threat and furthered their gains.

The interests of common/average American citizens received the opposite result.

Perhaps a future time machine technology breakthrough will someday enable us to know exactly who did JFK.

H.G. Wells...Nicola Tesla.

If we can think it...it can be done, yes?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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C'mon, people.

Does anyone around here seriously doubt that Tucker Carlson has a source familiar with the CIA documents supporting his recent shocking commentary?

Does anyone think that he is just making this stuff up?

Some of my fellow liberals around here seem to be blinded by their understandable contempt for Tucker Carlson and Fox News.

As for the source, I still think it may be Mike Pompeo.

Pompeo was, obviously, in the loop in reviewing the CIA documents that Trump opted to suppress in October of 2017 and April of 2018.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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On 12/16/2022 at 4:58 PM, Benjamin Cole said:


Man, what do you want? 

Carlson not only properly covered the JFK Records event, but provided a lot of historical context to the JFKA, and the role of intel state in government. 

I consider Carlson's synopsis alongside Eisenhower's farewell speech in explanatory power. 

You should be asking why no one in corporatist media is even coming close to Carlson's excellent  review. 

If the left-wing has been coopted by the security state...should you not be concerned about that, rather than the right-wing has become more skeptical? 

What we are essentially hearing from modern left-wing media is LHO murdered JFK, no big deal...

And you are critiquing Carlson? 



I think it's a good thing he did it.

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6 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

C'mon, people.

Does anyone around here seriously doubt that Tucker Carlson has a source familiar with the CIA documents supporting his recent shocking commentary?

That he is just making this stuff up?

Some of my fellow liberals around here seem to be blinded by their understandable contempt for Tucker Carlson and Fox News.

As for the source, I still think it may be Mike Pompeo.

Pompeo was, obviously, in the loop in reviewing the CIA documents that Trump opted to suppress in October of 2017 and April of 2018.

It would be ruinous him going on air without a source and making such a sensational claim. His enemies (many) would seize upon it. It’s also perilous to be making such a claim against the CIA, regardless. Its not a great situation to be in. 

I’d expect him to have more than one source. Its the kind of thing that you’d want corroborated, so you don’t get hung out to dry. News networks often want two. 


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7 hours ago, Lori Spencer said:

The sheer length of this thread and levels of partisan bickering displayed herein prove your point. 

Lori for those who know, there is no debate... Fox News dad > MSNBC dad 

I"m home for the holidays and Shane Gillis is right about the remembering one fact. I think my parents remembered two facts from Watters World and Tucker and could basically just remember that both shows said the CIA was involved. My dad said Hanity wears those CIA pins on his lapel I bet he won't report on this, and he didn't which was mildly funny. 


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17 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Research QAnon.

Just like Clockwork MSNBC pushes a QAnon story and the NPCs must obey their masters and project the disinformation like a bot. https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/elon-musk-replacing-trump-qanon-celebrity-du-jour-twitter-rcna61802

Elon Musk’s Twitter is a welcoming home for Trump-disillusioned QAnon

It’s not clear whether Musk believes what he posts or if he just feeds on the attention controversy brings. Either way, it's not good.
Edited by Matthew Koch
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6 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

It would be ruinous him going on air without a source and making such a sensational claim. His enemies (many) would seize upon it. It’s also perilous to be making such a claim against the CIA, regardless. Its not a great situation to be in. 

I’d expect him to have more than one source. Its the kind of thing that you’d want corroborated, so you don’t get hung out to dry. News networks often want two. 


I sure hope Tucker Carlson has done his homework, and was a skeptical of his source or sources as he should be. 

It is not beyond possibility that he is being "set up" so he can be exposed later as having believed a nut. 

Carlson strikes me a high IQ type of guy, so probably he was careful. He has also lived in DC forever, so he knows the long knives routines....


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7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I sure hope Tucker Carlson has done his homework, and was a skeptical of his source or sources as he should be. 

It is not beyond possibility that he is being "set up" so he can be exposed later as having believed a nut. 

Carlson strikes me a high IQ type of guy, so probably he was careful. He has also lived in DC forever, so he knows the long knives routines....


I hope so too. That’s why I think having two sources would be more prudent, or a verifiable document or two. I don’t think Tucker is the guy he was a couple of years ago, or 10 years ago. From being almost religious about his pride in government, he has been calling out corruption a lot. Yes that served a direct purpose of slamming the party in power but, it’s also a trend. There are many that have lost their faith in the establishment through a period that spans Trump and Biden, and the foundations of this start way back, long before these two were even considering being candidates. It’s corruption that has fuelled the trend. More and more are waking to it.  

I have a PDF of Lance De Havren Smith’s “Conspiracy Theory in America”, if anyone wants to read what I think is essential reading on the topic of state crimes against democracy. Tucker references the author in his initial segment breaking the JFK news. Of course, I would recommend people buy it, as the author gets rewarded for the work. Drop me a message if you want me to share a PDF link (anyone). 

The JFK assassination was built on a lie, as was the cover up. Therefore American history since was built on a lie. This now tissue of lies must collapse under its own weight at some stage. The deluge of foreign policy lies are gradually coming out. The JFKA is like a thread on a garment, if pulled and truth is found there, every other significant event which shaped public thinking in the aftermath will come under tremendous scrutiny. The deceptions unravel just like that piece of clothing. It’s needed for America and the world to move forward. If you don’t have truth, you have nothing. 

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7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I sure hope Tucker Carlson has done his homework, and was a skeptical of his source or sources as he should be. 

It is not beyond possibility that he is being "set up" so he can be exposed later as having believed a nut. 

Carlson strikes me a high IQ type of guy, so probably he was careful. He has also lived in DC forever, so he knows the long knives routines....


So you're just starting to consider that Ben?

If anybody  without a following here said that he's seen the remaining  files and there is indeed a smoking gun there and he now "believes" the CIA is behind the death of JFK, and said nothing else, as Carlson has said of his source, we'd laugh at him!
It does sound like novice BS,  doesn't it?

I checked out his show last night, nothing!, " gay dancers in drag affecting kids" .Didn't he get that story from you Ben? heh heh

He doesn't followup  stories all the time. But this is a whopper!

Ok, all speculation, but nothing matters except what he can produce in the future.




Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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On 12/19/2022 at 3:11 AM, Matthew Koch said:

BlueAnon partisans like Cliff who just want to project upon their ideological enemies use QAnon because they are NPC's programed by the M$M just like Yuri said and are working for their Mocking Bird masters.

“BlueAnon”, hilarious. ☺️

IMO you are correct with your assertions and it’s not like QAnon hasn’t been discussed as being a Psy-Op before. It serves a purpose. In the same way that people default to saying you are “Hitler” in an argument if they even slightly disagree with them, it works we a slur. Calling or suggesting someone believes in “QAnon” works in just the same way as the weaponised term; “conspiracy theorist.” It prevents rational debate or conversation and degrades the conversation. If you’re trying to split society and make no peace possible, you work in extremes. 

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9 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


LOL... sorry Matt, but that was just too funny.

I'm almost always on your side, BTW FWIW.


For a moment, I was thinking I might need to take Matt a hot water bottle and a bar of chocolate, too. 🙂 


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