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Stop the Presses: RFK Jr on Tucker Carlson

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I always enjoy the film Beetlejuice. Tucker Carlson is Beetlejuice; the uncontrollable, yet powerful ally, you aren't sure you want to deploy. His influence over 30% of Americans is unrivalled. It is unpalatable to me, but the connection between the JFK conspiracy and the morass of wacko conspiracies, may actually work in favour of truth!


I think in the last few days the narrative has shifted. Assuming the Mockingbird is still singing, then it is now willing to accept a deeper agencies involvement with Oswald, and the guilt for failing to stop his actions. I don't buy that narrative, but there isn't any push back against it, is there?

Edited by Eddy Bainbridge
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All good points Eddie. But that didn't start with just Tucker. All the MSM has now decided it's concerned about open government with these files being put off again.. It's true there isn't any pushback to the deeper agency involvement with Oswald now. Carlson's playing the heavy card and saying the CIA's behind the JFKA.

We can't do anything anyway about Carlson but let him play out his hand. if he's just playing the usual Carlson game  and doesn't follow up or really have  anything, it can reflect bad on us. But apart from Carlson, there's definitely a sea change and a willingness from the MSM to look a bit deeper. There could be a tipping point, where they see it could also give better ratings. The situation in general, is looking up!

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7 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

"The most courageous newscast in 60 years. The CIA’s murder of my uncle was a successful coup d'état from which our democracy has never recovered. "

Whew, is something happening or what?  😧

Okay, RFK Jr was not on Carlson's cable TV show saying this.  It's just a tweet on Twitter. 

The most courageous newscast in 60 years. The CIA’s murder of my uncle was a successful coup d'état from which our democracy has never recovered.
Edited by Joseph Backes
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I think everyone knows that, and I never said he was on the show.

The importance is that RFK Jr., who is by far the most courageous member of that family on this issue, recognized that this was a milestone in broadcast history.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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10 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

This is an important question, simply because of the sheer amount of people who despise Tucker Carlson and think he is blatantly rooting against the United States and its democratic republic. I guarantee I'm not the only person that feels that way about him.

This is not the point.

The point is that someone actually said what the majority of the critical community thinks really happened that day.  And he has an audience of about 3.4 million people. What is the size of our audience on the EF?  Can we really afford to be insufferable snobs at this late date and put up our noses and say Carlson works for Fox.  To me it does not matter who he works for.  What matters is if what he said gets out there, and if it has an impact. At this late date, I don't think it is wise to say, well MSNBC is more politically correct.  When, in fact, MSNBC is not going nearly as far as Carlson did. Please, Caputo and Beshcloss?  Beschloss has had something like 30 years to say something strong and he has not.  He was actually attacking Oliver Stone for saying LBJ reversed Kennedy's policy in Vietnam--which LBJ did and the documents prove that.

So maybe you guys want to be simon pure and wait for Chomsky? 

Edited by James DiEugenio
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9 hours ago, Joseph Backes said:

Okay, RFK Jr was not on Carlson's cable TV show saying this.  It's just a tweet on Twitter. 

2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I think everyone knows that, and I never said he was on the show.

No, but the title you (DiEugenio) gave to this thread most certainly will lead people to think that RFK Jr. was, indeed, on Carlson's TV program, that's for sure. That is certainly what I thought when I first read these words:

Stop the Presses: RFK Jr on Tucker Carlson


Edited by David Von Pein
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7 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

No, but the title you (DiEugenio) gave to this thread most certainly will lead people to think that RFK Jr. was, indeed, on Carlson's TV program, that's for sure. That is certainly what I thought when I first read these words:

Stop the Presses: RFK Jr on Tucker Carlson


David, RFK Jr is a fairly regular guest on Tucker Carlson Tonight and even did a Tucker Carlson special about mens health a couple of months ago.




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Matt, did Carlson ever say the CIA killed JFK on those prior appearances?

Did Carlson ever refer to secret documents in those prior appearances?

Did Carlson ever follow up doing that by having someone like Larry Schnapf on the show?

DId Carlson ever say on a follow up that no one called to correct him?

In the segment you posted, RFK Jr does not even come out and accuse the CIA  like Tucker did later. And certainly Tucker did not.

Repeat: last week was  a milestone.

Milestones don't always mean things will change after, but they are ineradicable.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Matt Allison/Chris Barnard- put aside your partisan lenses.  I can assure you that Tucker is a true believer on the assassination. I had many conversations with the producer before I agreed to appear. He is an ally on this issue so consider the old aphorism "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

Only Nixon could go to China. Tucker is best positioned to go after the coverup. he has the ear of the incoming chair of the oversight committee. 

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I am having backchannels with Tucker's producer about ways to protect the unnamed source and possibly get him to testify at an oversight hearing if one is held.

James Comer is the key going forward. not only to hear testimony about how the executive branch is violating the law but we can also make suggestions to amend the lawso that the oswald tax records can be released, the marcello tapes unsealed and the Manchester recorded interviews of RFK and Jackie are finally made available to the american people. 

Hold your noise and suspend your suspicions about Carlson. he is the most important ally we have to convince the incoming House to expose the coverup and the complicity of NBC, NYT and WaPo.

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Perhaps it can be communicated to the Dems that they are only hurting themselves if they allow the GOP to outflank them on this issue.

Currently the Dems are (rightfully so) counting on the GOP's tenure in the majority being a total sh*t show; but if they allow the GOP to claim credit for getting the truth out to the American people about the JFKA, that would be a disaster for the Dems politically. Ergo, they should get on board with full disclosure, pronto.

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