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David Atlee Phillips: Oswald never went to Mexico!

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6 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

As stated, I wonder how LHO got to MC, possibly even by small plane. 

I started out to simply disprove what LOPEZ wrote... that the WCR correctly established the journey... it did the opposite.

If he was there by some other means, I still have mounds of conflicting evidence that puts this much closer to Sandy's Fake Conspiracy that an actual human being down there impersonating Oswald and leaving virtually no trace of himself... if going down there to establish Oswald was there was the point.

The calls themselves are extremely suspect...  The info on Tarasoff I discovered after I finished but turned out being very important in the scheme of things. (pun intended 🙂

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On 1/7/2023 at 6:23 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

Lance P--

Yes, this is what I have suspected. Everything about Nagell is dubious. 

Nagell was injured, and badly, in service of his country.  He deserves hats-off respect. But his track record regarding the JFKA is very iffy. 

However, I still think CIA-connected elements were responsible for the JFKA, and LHO was impersonated at the Cuban Embassy. 



Edited by Lance Payette
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Thanks for the deep insight Lance...

One can only imagine how lost we would be without your input


Edited by David Josephs
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On 1/8/2023 at 6:39 AM, David Josephs said:

Thanks for the deep insight Lance...

One can only imagine how lost we would be without your input


Oh, Arizona... now I get it. :clapping

Well congratulations David, your Nagell claim has been debunked. The document was found in the Malcolm Blunt archives. 

Edited by Steve Roe
Requested by Sandy Larson, who feels this was insulting and a violation of forum rules.
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As to the reality of Harvey and Lee...


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How about posting what you think with your supporting evidence?

Like the rest of us...  thx :up


Edited by David Josephs
rules violation
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39 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

Why is it whenever the "contrary for contrary sake" crowd attacks something they automatically give ownership of general theories and ideas to a single person?

Maybe when you’re done calling people names you could actually address the fact that the Nagell document in question is worthless as evidence for deception/government chicanery involving Oswald in Mexico City?

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29 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

"My" Nagell claim?  Wow, when did I attain ownership..  

Why is it whenever the "contrary for contrary sake" crowd attacks something they automatically give ownership of general theories and ideas to a single person?

The tiny handful of posters who have self appointed themselves guardians of the truth as they imagine it will attack without having the first clue what they are doing...  Sun Tzu would be very displeased ....

The rest of us just see how sad a pathetic your little life must be that this is all you can offer, ad nauseum, without the sense to back away with even the smallest bit of grace.

A huge number of documents I've used over the years and a great many recently come from Malcolm.  You want to comment on the relationship of two other researchers who put your poor grasp of the events and evidence to shame?

Sad you don't know the first thing about civility and must resort to ad hominem to feel that rush of self-importance people like you thrive upon...  "LOOK AT ME" you might as well scream Roe while proudly showing off your emperor's new clothes... 

What a sad and pathetic little life you must lead that this is all you have to do with yourself...

Maybe if you weren't such an A$$ you wouldn't be such a joke here... 

As to the reality of Harvey and Lee...


Well, shouldn't everyone here see the entire 4-page Nagell document or not? 

You said, "Maybe send this to (Dick) Russell to close the loop". No, send the entire document in full context to Dick Russell. It clearly states Nagell was mentally unstable. There's nothing conspiratorial about it. 

Harvey and Lee Reality? Are you kidding me? 

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Do you want further proof Oswald was in Mexico? 

 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=96924#relPageId=4&search="bus_ticket stub"

How about this Mexico City map found in Oswald's possessions? (5:00 minute mark)


Time to get back into reality, Oswald went to Mexico City. 

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29 minutes ago, Steve Roe said:

Do you want further proof Oswald was in Mexico? 

 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=96924#relPageId=4&search="bus_ticket stub"

How about this Mexico City map found in Oswald's possessions? (5:00 minute mark)


Time to get back into reality, Oswald went to Mexico City. 

It's not reliable proof that Oswald was in Mexico. Surely a suitcase purportedly belonging to the Oswald's would have been found and searched long before this mysterious discovery?

Marina does not recall when she acquired them or from whom. Following her husband's murder I wonder how many people she actually met that gave her a suitcase? 











Edited by Mart Hall
poor screenshot
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25 minutes ago, Mart Hall said:

It's not reliable proof that Oswald was in Mexico. Surely a suitcase purportedly belonging to the Oswald's would have been found and searched long before this mysterious discovery?

Marina does not recall when she acquired them or from whom. Following her husband's murder I wonder how many people she actually met that gave her a suitcase? 











Mart...  That suitcase was amazingly found in August 1964 and had a lot to do with Leibeler...

The bus ticket supposedly found in said suitcase was found to have never been used - back in April 1964





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Not aware of the background of Del Norte ticket 13688?  
What a surprise - right?


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5 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Why is the review for Oct. 2nd? The bus ticket stub is for September 30.

Purchased Sept 30...  the travel FROM MC up supposedly begins early on the morning of the 2nd with a very strange taxi scene described by the manager on duty from the hotel...

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27 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

Mart...  That suitcase was amazingly found in August 1964 and had a lot to do with Leibeler...

The bus ticket supposedly found in said suitcase was found to have never been used - back in April 1964





Thanks David, anyone with an open mind could surely only reach one reasonable conclusion as regards to this suitcase and it's contents. 

I'm only part way through reading your work that is published on Kennedys & King but I'd also like to thank you for sharing that work. 

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