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Moments Leading to Oswald's Deserved Death

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3 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Thanks for the link Gene.  I did find this part interesting regarding the end notes.  From page 409:

It was some time later that two inspectors from the Dallas Police Department asked Grammer about the call.  He described it, adding that he had submitted a report to Chief Curry.  Even though Lieutenant Putnam supported Grammer's version of events, the report of the incident has never surfaced.  The reported warnings - the ones police concede were ignored - did not include knowledge of the secret inside plans for the transfer.  58

The portions of the part on Grammer on pages 408 and 409, and those after on page 410, 57 & 59 are attributed to Hurt's interview of Grammer in May 1984.

This section is attributed to XXIV WC, pp. 429, 434, 436.  So, someone at the WC was aware of these suspicions.  But they were ignored.  Surprising they even acknowledged it.

So, if, sometime later, two DPD inspectors interviewed him about it, obviously they knew about the occurrence.  From the report to Curry or talk among officers about things Grammer had said.  Their report made it to the WC, but Grammer's disappeared.  Interesting.

Another interesting aspect of the book is why Ruby's voice sounded familiar to Grammer.

He was a rookie, had seen Ruby around (down town?, the police station?).  A week before the assassination.  Grammer and another DPD officer eating in a cafe at 2:00 AM.  In walks Ruby, spying the two officers, as he's friendly with cop's he walks over and introduces himself, being gregarious he talks, sits down and pays for their meal.

If someone walked up to your table, started talking, sat down and paid for the meal, would you remember their tone of voice, verbal inflections a week later?

Edited by Ron Bulman
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20 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

And, again, why did not Ruby go to the Western Union office in Oak Cliff if he was in such a rush to wire money to Karen Carlin? Why did he go all the way downtown to the Western Union office that--by an amazing, cosmic "coincidence"--was across the street from the Dallas police HQ building?

Minor point here, but maybe the Oak Cliff office was closed on Sunday.

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12 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

Gene, according to ex-British Intelligence officer, it was one Samuel Bloom (prominent Dallas executive) who, after Oswald's arrest, suggested to the  Dallas police that they move the alleged assassin from the police station to the Dallas County jail in order to give the newsmen a good story and pictures.

When the cops searched Ruby's place in Oak Cliff they found a piece of paper with Bloom's name, address and telephone number on it.

Interesting Pete ... there's an April 2007 EF Thread started by Sid Walker on "Sam Bloom".  He was an interesting guy ... sales/marketing executive, active in Dallas civic affairs, and he also helped orchestrate Judge Joe Brown's Ruby trail.  He was certainly influential, and prominent in the Jewish community.  Not surprising that Ruby would have his name and contact information, given all of Bloom's connections to the Jewish community.  The EF thread contains the following extract from the Michael Collins Piper book, Final Judgement:

Once the accused assassin was in custody, it was—you guessed it—Sam Bloom, who had earlier maneuvered JFK into the kill zone, who pressured Elgin Crull, the city manager, to in turn pressure Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry into making Oswald accessible to the press and to move him publicly from the Dallas police station to the city jail. Thus, the situation was in place for Jack Ruby to move in for the kill. There are several sources, including Dallas FBI agent James Hosty, who stated Bloom and his backers were the forces behind this. When the police searched Ruby's home, they found a slip of paper with Bloom's name, address and telephone number on it.

Not sure that I would put much stock in Piper's work ... I just don't see Mossad or Israel behind the whole affair. In fact, Ruby's later incoherent rants about the persecution of Jewish people seem to be misdirection and have the ring of disinformation.

Ruby's mental condition disintegrated, and he increasingly became subject to delusions. At an appeal hearing in 1965 in Dallas, Ruby gave Elmer Gertz, one of his attorneys, this note. In it, Ruby expressed despair and voiced his belief that government authorities in the courthouse were killing and torturing "our people," a reference to Jews. In a similar fashion, Ruby told his sister that government authorities were engaged in murdering twenty-five million Jews.


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After looking at some Secret Service files they received from Curry, I believe, there are a few interesting items. Maybe everyone has seen these, but I figured I'd put em up just for drill. First is the Daniels affidavit saying Vaughn allowed somebody into the basement:

NJ Daniels Affidavit-01.jpg


NJ Daniels Affidavit-02.jpg

I believe he also stated he didn't see anyone come from Western Union but that's not in here.

The second is Holly's report about a unknown reserve officer telling him Ruby was let into the basement with press credentials. 



admitted ruby-02.jpg



admitted ruby.jpg

I thought these were interesting regarding threats received about the transfer in the early morning hours. Ruby couldn't have been a surprise to them. They also confirm Grammer's account to most of his story although he isn't explicitly referred to. The second report had only a single page. I didn't find any other pages.




Edited by Bob Ness
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22 hours ago, Gene Kelly said:

I just don't see Mossad or Israel behind the whole affair.

Well, I do like to stick to historical facts & to stay clear of unsubstantiated theories.  Yet, in this case I note many suspicious facts linking Mossad & Israel.

For instance, David Ben Gurion really hated John Kennedy.  We know of the pressure JFK was applying to Israel regarding the atomic processing plant at Dimona, which in the early summer of '63 caused Ben Gurion to step down from office.  Israel was also well aware of JFK's support of Nasser & Egypt.  JFK's assassination could easily be seen as most convenient for Israel.

One thing that I consider we can take to the bank in this case is Oswald was impersonated in Mexico City.  The likely puppet master would be CIA, i.e. David Phillips, Winn Scott & pulling the strings Jim Angleton.  Angleton was practically Mossad, sole handler of CIA's 'Israeli desk' since the 50's and their station in Tel Aviv.  He was a traitor to the U.S. regarding the Dimona plant in the Negev desert, which he knew was going critical.  After Angleton's death, the heads of Mossad & Shin Bet paid a final tribute to Angleton in Jerusalem, 'to a beloved member of their covert community!'

As for Jack Ruby, he was as much a Jew as he was allied to the mob & the mob was heavily influenced by Jewish elements.  Didn't Ruby, after shooting Oswald tell his Rabbi Silverman that "I did it for the Jewish people."   The W.C.'s Burt Griffin received testimony from Dallas Detective Eberhardt who witnessed Ruby in City Hall D.P.D. accompanied by Israeli newspaper reporters.  Ruby speaking Yiddish and supposedly acting as translator for the Jewish 'reporters'.  Shame, as per usual these men have never been identified.  As Mr. Rubenstein told the W.C., "I was used for a purpose."  Also Ruby intimated to press interviews at the Dallas County Jail, "Well, the answer is the man in office now."

LBJ as president was also a good friend to Israel. He reversed many of JFK's policies as we know.  Bobby Kennedy's Justice Dept., was working against the American Zionist Council to curtail their undue influence on U.S. foreign policy, the action was dropped after the assassination.  Opposition to Dimona was ignored.  Economic and military aid to Israel rocketed.  No wonder Haaretz news reported 'Lyndon Johnson: Israel Has Had No Better Friend'.  Johnson also aided Israel with intelligence on location of Egyptian forces prior to the 6 Day war & of course the false flag operation with the U.S.S. Liberty.

Sure, we do not have historical evidence as to who was behind the JFK assassination, but I would not rule out Mossad and Israel.  Cui Bono.


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Was there ever a press badge or any other form of press ID found on Jack Ruby when he was wrestled to the floor after shooting Oswald, or when Ruby was searched soon thereafter?

In one of the affidavits posted above, witness M.J. Daniels stated he saw a man who he described in detail that clearly fit the description of Jack Ruby, walking to and then down the exit ramp into the DPD basement. This witness stated exit guarding DPD officer Vaughn looked right at this man entering and then going down the ramp, yet didn't react in any questioning or blocking way.

This witness stated the man he saw entering the ramp was "not" wearing a hat.

Pictures of Ruby in the basement just before he leaped out to shoot Oswald show him wearing his often seen fedora.

Curious about this witness affidavit discrepancy.

We do see Ruby "not" wearing a hat when he was photographed in the DPD Henry Wade news conference Friday night where he shouted out a correction to Henry Wade's first mentioning Oswald being a member of the Free Cuba committee in New Orleans earlier that summer.

If Ruby ever had a fake Press ID badge or sticker...who the heck gave him one?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

Was there ever a press badge or any other form of press ID found on Jack Ruby when he was wrestled to the floor after shooting Oswald, or when Ruby was searched soon thereafter?

In one of the affidavits posted above, witness M.J. Daniels stated he saw a man who he described in detail that clearly fit the description of Jack Ruby, walking to and then down the exit ramp into the DPD basement. This witness stated exit guarding DPD officer Vaughn looked right at this man entering and then going down the ramp, yet didn't react in any questioning or blocking way.

This witness stated the man he saw entering the ramp was "not" wearing a hat.

Pictures of Ruby in the basement just before he leaped out to shoot Oswald show him wearing his often seen fedora.

Curious about this witness affidavit discrepancy.

We do see Ruby "not" wearing a hat when he was photographed in the DPD Henry Wade news conference Friday night where he shouted out a correction to Henry Wade's first mentioning Oswald being a member of the Free Cuba committee in New Orleans earlier that summer.

If Ruby ever had a fake Press ID badge or sticker...who the heck gave him one?

His sister said the same thing but this seems pretty vague. The DPD gave Daniels a lie detector test, but I don't hold much credence in those. He failed on a number of questions. 

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Were the newsmen in the DPD basement required to literally wear their press ID badges on their person?

Or were they simply required to "present" these before being allowed in there?

Bob Ness, kudos for coming up with and posting the affidavits and other notarized documents above.

As I have aways stated, this forum is so elevated by the presentations of documentations that require great research time and effort.

So many here have done this research. Incredible research.

Way beyond anything I could even imagine. 

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Oswald sightings at Ruby's Carousel Club?

Carousel Club Emcee Bill DeMar. This guy was a "memory expert!"

WebOct 12, 2021 · Oct 12, 2021 96 Dislike Share Save HelmerReenberg 28.3K subscribers Dan Rather interview with Bill DeMar who was performing as a mentalist at the Carousel Club 


0:03 / 7:28


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Ruby strip club dancer Karen Carlin ( stage name "Little Lynn" ) has always been the most interesting of Ruby's girls imo.

Just 20 years old when JFK and Oswald were murdered!

She had already been around the country doing whatever it took to survive. Before she came to Dallas she had lived in Calif. She originally came from Tennessee.

I don't have Carlin's childhood bio ( her birth name was Karen Bennett ) but I speculate she was raised in a typical poverty stricken backwoods town in Tennessee.

She left her home at a very young age. Married young.

She was barely making enough to get by in Dallas. Stripping at another downtown club before Jack Ruby saw her at a bus stop and threw one of his business cards out of a Cadillac car he was driving ( feature stripper Jada's car? ) and onto the sidewalk at her and her accompanying fellow strip girl friend's feet.

Karen had already endured working for another notorious nightclub owner at his downtown place called 'The Cellar." A topless waitress/beatnik themed joint made more famous by serving several JFK Secret Service Dallas detail members late into the early morning hours of 11/22/1963.

One assumes the SS agents preferred topless female servers over typical family type restaurant servers like Denny's. They were hungry and thirsty.

Probably didn't order milk and cookies there that late night/early morning though.

Karen's experience at "the Cellar" turned out to be a "life and death" threatening one because she happened to say something to the local police about her boss's corruption, including having Dallas cops on his side payroll.

Her boss made life and death threats toward her and so terrified her with them, she had to move away to other apartments to try to keep her whereabouts secret from him. She also purchased a pistol to carry with her just in case!

Fascinating story. She recounts this scary story in her August 1964 Warren Commission testimony.

Little Lynn also states some bombshell recollections and speculations about Jack Ruby in her WC testimony.

Besides some creepy accounts of Ruby constantly asking her if he ( Ruby) looked like a queer to her, she more that infers that she felt there was some connection between Ruby and Oswald before 11/22/1963.

She wouldn't come out and directly say she saw Oswald with Ruby at his club office. But, she kept inferring she did.

Mr. HUBERT. Do you recall that during the course of the Ruby trial when you were waiting to testify that there was a jail break there and some people got out of the jail, and I think they passed right near by you, I believe?
Mrs. CARLIN. Yes.
Mr. HUBERT. Do you remember what you screamed or said?
Mrs. CARLIN. "Oh, my God, they're after me."
Mr. HUBERT. Yes what made you believe that "they" were after you?
Mrs. CARLIN. Because I was scared I was going to get killed before I ever got court.
Mr. HUBERT. Who do you think was going to kill you?
Mrs. CARLIN. I don't know exactly who or why. I just felt that I was going to get killed.
Mr. HUBERT. Well, who did you mean by "they," when you said "they" were after
Mrs. CARLIN. Well, there was a man that was running after me there was two of them, and I saw some kind of little weapon, it looked like, but I don't remember very much.
Mr. HUBERT. So, when you used the word "they," you meant those people there who were escaping?
Mrs. CARLIN. Yes.
Mr. HUBERT. You didn't have in mind some other group of people who were after you?
Mrs. CARLIN. No---well, it all goes back to where I used to work. I had already been threatened by Pat Kirkwood and I didn't know they were escaping from the jail when I saw them.

Mr. HUBERT. Who is Pat Kirkwood
Mrs. CARLIN. He owns the Cellar and I had already been threatened by him. My life had been threatened by him.
Mr. HUBERT. Why did he do that?
Mrs. CARLIN. Well, it was--he had some publicity people down there--- television and cameras and so on, and we never got along too well because I told the police, the vice squad about him and identified some policemen that were being paid off by him and everything, and of course, he had so many friends he got out of it real easy, but then he hated me for what I had done.
Mr. HUBERT. Was that before the President was shot?
Mrs. CARLIN. Yes, that was before, and so after the President was shot, he found out what was going on and he called me on the telephone, and he says, "I want you down here in about 20 minute," and I said, "Kirkwood, I don't want to have anything to do with you or your plans, just leave me alone."
Mr. HUBERT. That was after Oswald was shot?
Mrs. CARLIN. Yes; after I went to court that first time, the bond hearing, I believe.
Mr. HUBERT. Yes.
Mrs. CARLIN. After I went to court, he says, "I want you down here" and I said, "Well, I'm not coming down." He called me back in about 20 minutes and he said, "Why aren't you down here?" He said, "I'll send a cab up after you."
Mr. HUBERT. Where were you
Mrs. CARLIN. I was at home in bed, I wasn't feeling too good, and my husband was out working. So, right after he called me---I was still on the telephone, and my husband walked in, and he had just finished saying, "If you're not down here, you won't be around too long," and then my husband walked in and let him have the telephone and they talked then.
Mr. HUBERT. What did your husband say?
Mrs. CARLIN. My husband told him I wasn't coming down and if he gave me any trouble he would tell the police about it, and he said, "Well, I'll see her on the way to the club and I'll see that she never makes it inside the door."
We moved from the apartments that we were in that Kirkwood knew we were living in--we moved from there and Kirkwood didn't know anything about it, and he went looking for me over there and asked my landlord about me and where to find me, and then he was supposed to meet me up at the Carousel Club and knock me out so I couldn't get in--he was going to see that I never made it, and he never did show up. He called the colored man that took care of the place. He called him and told him to tell me that he had called, and I don't remember what all he said to the colored man, but he called him.
Mr. HUBERT. Who is he again?
Mrs. CARLIN. Pat Kirkwood.
Mr. HUBERT. He operates the Cellar, you say? That's a nightclub?
Mrs. CARLIN. It's a beatnik club here in town on Main Street.
Mr. HUBERT. Have you heard from him since?
Mrs. CARLIN. I haven't heard from him--no; not since then.
Mr. HUBERT. That would have been last January?
Mrs. CARLIN. Yes.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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More Karen "Little Lynn" Carlin Warren Commission testimony. August 1963.

Subject: Ruby/Oswald connection. Karen Carlin seeing Oswald at the Carousel Club. Her believing Ruby was somehow involved.

IMO Little Lynn says she didn't recall seeing Oswald but then keeps open the possibility she did see him. If she did, she said it would most probably had been at the club or in Ruby's office?

Mr. HUBERT. Did you ever see him?
Mrs. CARLIN. No; as I told you before, I never did see him.

>>>  I saw him somewhere but I wouldn't say <<<

it was either somebody that looked like him or I had seen him somewhere, but I couldn't say where because I don't remember.
Mr. HUBERT. When you say you saw him, you mean you saw a man whom you think resembles the pictures that you have seen of Lee Oswald since?

Mrs. CARLIN. Yes.

Mr. HUBERT. Could it have been at the club?
Mrs. CARLIN. As I said before, it could have been, but I don't know for sure. I won't say for sure. I just know that it was either him or someone that resembled him--I've seen somewhere. It could have been just about anywhere.

Mr. HUBERT. I take it then that you are really uncertain as to whether the man you think was or possibly resembled Oswald was in fact Oswald, you're not sure about that?
Mrs. CARLIN. I don't know Oswald; no.
Mr. HUBERT. You just think that there was a resemblance between the man you recollect and the pictures of Oswald?
Mrs. CARLIN. Yes.

Mr. HUBERT. But you do not remember--you are not positive about it being the same man?
Mrs. CARLIN. No.
Mr. HUBERT. Nor do you remember where you saw him?
Mrs. CARLIN. No--I saw so many different faces. I never paid any attention to them.
Mr. HUBERT. Let's put it this way--would it be most likely if you saw such a man,-would it have been in the club or could it have been some place else?
Mrs. CARLIN. Well, most likely it would have been there at the club or where I went to eat around the club, because that's about the only places I've been--walking from the club to where I eat, the drugstore, and walking back.

Mr. HUBERT. This man that you saw that you think resembles the pictures of Oswald, or maybe did, you would have seen either at the club or at this drugstore near the club?
Mrs. CARLIN. Yes.
Mr. HUBERT. At the drugstore where you had supper?
Mrs. CARLIN. Yes.

Mr. HUBERT. Do you know a Secret Service agent by the name of Roger Warner?
Mrs. CARLIN. I don't remember him. I've talked to so many.

>>> Mr. HUBERT. Well, do you remember telling any Secret Service agent that you had seen Oswald at the Carousel Club? <<<

Mrs. CARLIN. No; I remember telling them the same thing I told you. That's all I've ever said, that it could have been but I'm not going to say for sure.
Mr. HUBERT. In other words, it was not a positive identification?
Mrs. CARLIN. No.
Mr. HUBERT. And if it's so reported, it's simply a misstatement in the report?
Mrs. CARLIN. Yes; I would say so because the only thing I have said is that it could possibly be, but I'm not going to say for sure,

>>> but the man resembled Oswald <<<

Mr. HUBERT. Did you ever tell any Secret Service agent or any Government official at all that you thought that Oswald and Ruby were connected in some way?
Mrs. CARLIN. No; I can never remember that.


>>> she doesn't say "no." <<<

Mr. HUBERT. Do you remember speaking to anyone about that--the possibilities of their being connected?
Mrs. CARLIN. Oh, yes; I spoke to several people at the club--the Secret Service and the FBI--so many of them.
Mr. HUBERT. No; I'm talking about the possibility of a connection between Ruby and Oswald?
Mrs. CARLIN. No; I don't remember ever saying anything like that.

>>> I've said it before but it was only hearsay or what I believed myself. <<<

Mr. HUBERT. What do you believe yourself?
Mrs. CARLIN. Myself?
Mr. HUBERT. Yes.
Mrs. CARLIN. Well, maybe I shouldn't say. I don't think I really should because it's just one person's opinion.

Mr. HUBERT. Well, do you have anything to base it upon?
Mrs. CARLIN. No; it's just my own opinion--nothing that I saw, you know, for myself. It's Just my own opinion by the way people talk and by him, Jack Ruby, himself.
Mr. HUBERT. Well, what was that about Jack Ruby himself that would support a possible connection between him and Oswald?
Mrs. CARLIN. Just the way he was--the things I've read in the newspapers and things about him I saw for myself; people he would talk to; always having people in his office; and things like that.

Mr. HUBERT. That leads you to form that conclusion?
Mrs. CARLIN. Yes; for myself.



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10 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Were the newsmen in the DPD basement required to literally wear their press ID badges on their person?

Or were they simply required to "present" these before being allowed in there?

Bob Ness, kudos for coming up with and posting the affidavits and other notarized documents above.

As I have aways stated, this forum is so elevated by the presentations of documentations that require great research time and effort.

So many here have done this research. Incredible research.

Way beyond anything I could even imagine. 

Thanks Joe. It seems some of the reporters did not have pinned press credentials and some did. I haven't read through all of their statements but I thought this was interesting: (I did not see a page 2)



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45 minutes ago, Bob Ness said:

Thanks Joe. It seems some of the reporters did not have pinned press credentials and some did. I haven't read through all of their statements but I thought this was interesting: (I did not see a page 2)



Very interesting.  Maybe others have but I've not seen it.  We have Kantor's WC testimony about Ruby at Parkland, "mistaken", ignored.  His detailed statement in his book The Ruby Cover-Up several years later.  Now an Affidavit from Dallas County less than two weeks after the assassination about Ruby tugging on his coat tail, calling him by name and shaking his hand.  

Why was Ruby at Parkland 30 minutes or so after the assassination?

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During the Friday night press conference by District Attorney Henry Wade just after 11 pm, Ruby was in the crowd of reporters, standing on a table, with a clear view of Oswald. One observer (Tony Record) said that Ruby insisted on standing on the table, even though he didn’t have a camera. When Wade stated that Oswald was a member of the “Free Cuba Committee," Ruby corrected him and said, “that's 'Fair Play for Cuba Committee,' Henry.”  He was obviously stalking Oswald at this point by impersonating a reporter. As Larry Hancock has previously pointed out, he appears to have been serving as the eyes/ears of the plotters (i.e., the inside man or spy) to see what Oswald was saying, and how the authorities were handling him. The simple fact that Ruby corrected Wade knew about the Fair Play for Cuba Committee clearly demonstrates that he had knowledge of the previous New Orleans charade and the over-arching plot. 


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22 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

Well, I do like to stick to historical facts & to stay clear of unsubstantiated theories.  Yet, in this case I note many suspicious facts linking Mossad & Israel.

For instance, David Ben Gurion really hated John Kennedy.  We know of the pressure JFK was applying to Israel regarding the atomic processing plant at Dimona, which in the early summer of '63 caused Ben Gurion to step down from office.  Israel was also well aware of JFK's support of Nasser & Egypt.  JFK's assassination could easily be seen as most convenient for Israel.

One thing that I consider we can take to the bank in this case is Oswald was impersonated in Mexico City.  The likely puppet master would be CIA, i.e. David Phillips, Winn Scott & pulling the strings Jim Angleton.  Angleton was practically Mossad, sole handler of CIA's 'Israeli desk' since the 50's and their station in Tel Aviv.  He was a traitor to the U.S. regarding the Dimona plant in the Negev desert, which he knew was going critical.  After Angleton's death, the heads of Mossad & Shin Bet paid a final tribute to Angleton in Jerusalem, 'to a beloved member of their covert community!'

As for Jack Ruby, he was as much a Jew as he was allied to the mob & the mob was heavily influenced by Jewish elements.  Didn't Ruby, after shooting Oswald tell his Rabbi Silverman that "I did it for the Jewish people."   The W.C.'s Burt Griffin received testimony from Dallas Detective Eberhardt who witnessed Ruby in City Hall D.P.D. accompanied by Israeli newspaper reporters.  Ruby speaking Yiddish and supposedly acting as translator for the Jewish 'reporters'.  Shame, as per usual these men have never been identified.  As Mr. Rubenstein told the W.C., "I was used for a purpose."  Also Ruby intimated to press interviews at the Dallas County Jail, "Well, the answer is the man in office now."

LBJ as president was also a good friend to Israel. He reversed many of JFK's policies as we know.  Bobby Kennedy's Justice Dept., was working against the American Zionist Council to curtail their undue influence on U.S. foreign policy, the action was dropped after the assassination.  Opposition to Dimona was ignored.  Economic and military aid to Israel rocketed.  No wonder Haaretz news reported 'Lyndon Johnson: Israel Has Had No Better Friend'.  Johnson also aided Israel with intelligence on location of Egyptian forces prior to the 6 Day war & of course the false flag operation with the U.S.S. Liberty.

Sure, we do not have historical evidence as to who was behind the JFK assassination, but I would not rule out Mossad and Israel.  Cui Bono.



It is difficult to ignore history, although an active role by Mossad (through Ruby) is a big circumstantial leap of faith. There is an excellent analysis of all of this by Jim DiEugenio in October 2020 in Kennedys and King, "Nasser, Kennedy, the Middle East, and Israel".  The central issue of contention was Israel's pursuit of highly enriched uranium and weapons grade plutonium, which Kennedy was opposed to. JFK's middle east foreign policy with respect to Egypt, Nassar and the Saudis was certainly a tipping point, straining America's relations with Britain as well.  Here is a cogent excerpt of what Jim D. wrote:

On May 10, 1963, Kennedy sent a letter to Ben Gurion expressing his frustration at the state of affairs. He said Tel Aviv had not responded to a request for regular inspections at the Dimona Plant.  He closed the letter with something no other president, before or since, had done with Israel: he threatened to pull American funding for Israel if no regular inspections were forthcoming. Ben Gurion called for a cabinet meeting and in letters to JFK compared Nasser to Hitler.

On June 15, 1963, Kennedy replied to Ben Gurion, and a supplementary note was sent by Dean Rusk to the American ambassador in Tel Aviv. Kennedy repeated his warning: either there would be full and regular inspections or Ben Gurion would be placing future American aid in limbo. Rusk’s note said that these inspections had to be arranged before the reactor reached criticality. One day after Tel Aviv was in receipt of this letter, David Ben Gurion resigned his post as prime minister. Levi Eshkol now assumed office; two weeks after Ben Gurion’s resignation, Kennedy wrote back on July 4th, stating: "This government’s commitment to and support of Israel could be seriously jeopardized if it should be thought that we were unable to obtain reliable information on a subject as vital to peace as the question of Israel’s effort in the nuclear field". (Letter of July 4, 1963). At the time of Kennedy’s assassination, Bundy was negotiating with Eshkol the terms of biannual inspections of Dimona ... a sticking point was that Eshkol did not want Egypt's Nasser to know about the visits, whereas for Kennedy, this was one of the predicates for the inspections. 

After the assassination, President Johnson slowly but surely reverted back to the Eisenhower/Dulles policy in the Middle East. 


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