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Thankyou, Tucker Carlson!!

Matthew Koch

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Tonight Tucker Carlson had Representative David Schweikert on to highlight his new bill to release the JFK files. Tucker drops James Jesus Angleton's name in asking if everyone is dead why is the Government is still holding back the files.


Edited by Matthew Koch
Added video because old clip was taken down
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Like many others, I have reservations about 'Phant wackos. 

But I have noticed something in decades of following city halls, state capitals and now DC. It is the gadflys, the marginalized, the outcasts---those with little stake in the status quo---most willing to flip over the rocks. 

OK, many here detest 'Phant populists. Fine.

But what have the Donks and establishment 'Phants done for 60 years regarding the JFKA, and more recently, regarding the JFK records? 

Three things: Nothing, nothing and nothing. 

If David Schweikert opens the JFK records then I salute Schweikert. That's my story and I am sticking with it. 





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8 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Tonight Tucker Carlson had Representative David Schweikert on to highlight his new bill to release the JFK files. Tucker drops James Jesus Angleton's name in asking if everyone is dead why is the Government is still holding back the files. Clip is at the very end of the episode 2/20/23 (This clip probably won't be up long) 


Skip the blue-baiting monologue and go to the 29 minute mark....

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Skip the blue-baiting monologue and go to the 29 minute mark....

What part is the blue baiting; E.Palestine? 500 Million Aid to Ukraine? Tulsi Gabbard? Censorship of Roald Dahl books? Don Lemon saying Old Women are not in their prime (which I agree) Environmental disasters elsewhere in America.. are they industrial sabotage? Seems to me that Donks are what Phants aren't, which is why alot of them are now cheerleading the war in Ukraine, aren't saying anything on Ohio and trying to throw shade toward Tucker on the JFKA about his source saying the CIA was involved (which is something they also happen to believe) 

I really liked when Tucker asked Representative Schweikert to come back on if the Bill gets a vote to discuss who voted against it. I bet it's the Neo Con/Neo Lib wings of both parties. I know our unbiased fellow researchers feel that Tucker doesn't have a source and is just grifting the right.. But I don't think this bill get introduced with out Tucker's first segment causing waves and second without Tucker having Larry on this show the next night. This has gotten our movement some momentum that unfortunately our politically biased fellow researchers seem hell-bent on ruining because; Tucker Carlson so rich he has 4 names and isn't latino, he also used to wear bow ties and defends democratic elected dictator Donald Trump (Sarcasm added) 

This is why I said thank you, because there is a chance his research staff looks here. Mentioning James Jesus Angleton was pretty cool, what would be awesome is if they mention Angleton's buddy Bill Harvey his executive action program QJ/WIN and ZR/RIFLE in his next monologue about the JFKA files that would be epic!! Especially in light of the left's support of a certain country that has a certain Azov battalion that draws inspiration from Stephen Bandera and Otto Skorzeny, who is also fighting in a similar 'Operation GLADIO' (in Alex Jones Voice) fashion against the same people (Russia) 


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15 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

What part is the blue baiting; E.Palestine? 500 Million Aid to Ukraine? Tulsi Gabbard? Censorship of Roald Dahl books? Don Lemon saying Old Women are not in their prime (which I agree) Environmental disasters elsewhere in America.. are they industrial sabotage? Seems to me that Donks are what Phants aren't, which is why alot of them are now cheerleading the war in Ukraine, aren't saying anything on Ohio and trying to throw shade toward Tucker on the JFKA about his source saying the CIA was involved (which is something they also happen to believe) 

I really liked when Tucker asked Representative Schweikert to come back on if the Bill gets a vote to discuss who voted against it. I bet it's the Neo Con/Neo Lib wings of both parties. I know our unbiased fellow researchers feel that Tucker doesn't have a source and is just grifting the right.. But I don't think this bill get introduced with out Tucker's first segment causing waves and second without Tucker having Larry on this show the next night. This has gotten our movement some momentum that unfortunately our politically biased fellow researchers seem hell-bent on ruining because; Tucker Carlson so rich he has 4 names and isn't latino, he also used to wear bow ties and defends democratic elected dictator Donald Trump (Sarcasm added) 

This is why I said thank you, because there is a chance his research staff looks here. Mentioning James Jesus Angleton was pretty cool, what would be awesome is if they mention Angleton's buddy Bill Harvey his executive action program QJ/WIN and ZR/RIFLE in his next monologue about the JFKA files that would be epic!! Especially in light of the left's support of a certain country that has a certain Azov battalion that draws inspiration from Stephen Bandera and Otto Skorzeny, who is also fighting in a similar 'Operation GLADIO' (in Alex Jones Voice) fashion against the same people (Russia) 


I will say this:

Where is Rachel Maddow, or Don Lemon or anybody from M$M on the JFK Records, except for Tucker Carlson?

And why does it take a 'Phant, Schweikert, to say he wants the JFK Records opened up?  When the Donks controlled the House there was not a chance in hell such hearings would even be held. 

Wanting the JFK Records open should not be a blue or red thing. But here we are. 


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OMG. The messager colors the message. Consider the source, as they say. 

Tucker Carlson has just been exposed as the most craven POS imaginable. His unabashed lying for ratings could very well cost his network a billion dollars. 

And so he jumps on the JFK conspiracy train as a distraction. Trust me. I am the truth-teller. Never mind the weasel behind the curtain. 

While I would like to think more responsible types will follow up on whatever leads he provides, the reality I suspect is that he is tainting JFK research for the immediate future as a hobby for XXXXX and the tinfoil hat crowd.

I mean, what's next? Is Fox gonna bring on Alex Jones and James Fetzer as faces of the "research community"? 

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My common sense tells me there are no files that could reveal anything that could bring down the agency.

That any such files would have long ago been destroyed.

This is all a charade.

One that TC is using to ingratiate himself with certain parts of our critical thinking citizenry who have always represented a powerful and influential voice against the elitist doctrinaire ideology his mentors pay him a fortune to represent and promote, along with demonizing the little person representing left.

It's unsettling to me to see any of our JFK, MLK, RFK truth seeking community giving this guy almost Gary Cooper-High Noon hero status adulation praise...and for what?

Teasing that he really is one of us and also wants the awful truth to be known so that America can be free of such evil, democracy undermining and threatening force control?

Championing the warning tenets JFK stated in his April 27, 1961 address to the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961.

"The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment."

Sorry. IMO Tucker Carlson is not and never will be a champion for the little guy in this affair. 

Even he knows this righteous crusade for the JFK event truth is a wild goose chase charade. 

You're all being played.

It's incredibly cynical I know...but cynicism has been TC and Fox "News?" stock and trade MO since their inception.

They own the term.

IMO anyways.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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57 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

OMG. The messager colors the message. Consider the source, as they say. 

Tucker Carlson has just been exposed as the most craven POS imaginable. His unabashed lying for ratings could very well cost his network a billion dollars. 

And so he jumps on the JFK conspiracy train as a distraction. Trust me. I am the truth-teller. Never mind the weasel behind the curtain. 

While I would like to think more responsible types will follow up on whatever leads he provides, the reality I suspect is that he is tainting JFK research for the immediate future as a hobby for XXXXX and the tinfoil hat crowd.

I mean, what's next? Is Fox gonna bring on Alex Jones and James Fetzer as faces of the "research community"? 

Thanks for the chuckle Pat by confirming what I said about the Donks; that you guys aren't allies and only look to counter conservatives. Forexample your comment calling Tucker Carlson a POS without even citing information. I assume you did with this like you always do.. and didn't fully read past the headlines, Kirk was doing that earlier in the 58 yr thread and only quoting like two words of Tucker, funny how you guys can't help yourselves!!

Meanwhile Tucker highlights someone trying to free the files and what does Pat Speer do? Accuse Tucker of being a POS who is lying for ratings 👍 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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13 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Thanks for the chuckle Pat by confirming what I said about the Donks, and that you guys aren't allies and only look to counter conservatives. Forexample your comment calling Tucker Carlson a POS without even citing information. I assume you did with this like you always do.. and didn't fully read past the headlines, Kirk was doing that earlier in the 58 yr thread and only quoting like two words of Tucker, funny how you guys can't help yourselves!!

Meanwhile Tucker highlights someone trying to free the files and what does Pat Speer do? Accuse Tucker of being a POS who is lying for ratings 👍 

You really need to come to grips with the fact Tucker has hung himself with his demands people at Fox get fired for saying things that might upset their viewers, or cut into his ratings and pocketbook. He and his buddies knew the Donald had lost the election, but helped spread fibs about it and Dominion's role in it so they could hold onto their place of power within the angry old white guy community. He has no credibility. 

I am guessing you are on the youngin' side, and are a newbie to this. But if you did your homework you'd realize that credibility in this case is paramount, and that the research community has been damaged and the truth has been delayed due to the high profile of certain individuals who choose to tie the JFKA in with all sorts of other stuff, including moon landings they believe were faked, attacks on the country they believe were faked, attacks on school children they believe were faked, and now a totally non-existent assault on democracy by the Dems, that was a lie spread as part of an attempted coup. 

Those of us in the trenches have witnessed the damage this has done. The evidence strongly indicates that JFK was shot by more than one shooter, and that the government has covered it up. Period. That's reality. All the stuff about evil cabals running the world and the U.S. being the great evil is just James Bond stuff--the product of over-eager imaginations by those trying to shorten history to a two-hour movie. 

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24 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Thanks for the chuckle Pat by confirming what I said about the Donks, and that you guys aren't allies and only look to counter conservatives. Forexample your comment calling Tucker Carlson a POS without even citing information. I assume you did with this like you always do.. and didn't fully read past the headlines, Kirk was doing that earlier in the 58 yr thread and only quoting like two words of Tucker, funny how you guys can't help yourselves!!

Meanwhile Tucker highlights someone trying to free the files and what does Pat Speer do? Accuse Tucker of being a POS who is lying for ratings 👍 

It’s a psychological weakness, Matt K, they perceive an enemy, hear something not to their taste that challenges their world view and reduce themselves to the most primitive state of thinking in the emotional part of the brain. The result is to fight/lash out, instead of just thinking a little and listening to the part they might find relevant or useful. These types of people can we walked into anything by a government using techniques that draw upon their emotions. 

I for one am glad that Tucker is still pushing this topic and giving it airtime. I’d like to see him have more guests on challenging the status quo. I would like to see CNN and other networks also pushing this. I won’t hold my breath. 

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59 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

It’s a psychological weakness, Matt K, they perceive an enemy, hear something not to their taste that challenges their world view and reduce themselves to the most primitive state of thinking in the emotional part of the brain. The result is to fight/lash out, instead of just thinking a little and listening to the part they might find relevant or useful. These types of people can we walked into anything by a government using techniques that draw upon their emotions. 

I for one am glad that Tucker is still pushing this topic and giving it airtime. I’d like to see him have more guests on challenging the status quo. I would like to see CNN and other networks also pushing this. I won’t hold my breath. 

OMG. If you're talking about me, I must inform you that you have no clue as to what you're talking about. I mean I can't "we walked" into anything by the guv'ment. I've been fighting against the government's position on the JFK case for decades now, and have marched against the invasion of Iraq after 9/11, and on behalf of Black Lives Matter, etc. 

I have been a skeptic of the government since 73, when I watched the Watergate hearings on my summer vacation. I have had a strong nose for right-wing bs ever since, and bs in general. I was in the record business, where I received roughly 30 gold records from appreciative record labels, for my efforts in cutting through the bs, and promoting acts who actually stood a chance of selling. I have been investigating the JFK case since 2003, and have made many an enemy due to my refusal to play along with the status quo, on both sides of the fence. 

I have been watching Tucker Carlson off and on for decades now, and he is one of the least credible "journalists" on the air. My problem is not that he is bringing up the JFK case, it is that he is using it--the hard work of men like Harold Weisberg, Mark lane, Jim Garrison, Jeff Morley, Jim DiEugenio, etc--to push a narrative serving the interests of the likes of Rupert Murdoch and Donald Trump--the exact opposite of what JFK represented.

It would be like Goebbels using the death of Anne Frank to push his own craven agenda. It's repulsive. 

Now, if Tucker starts using his soapbox to go after the gun lobby, big tobacco, big Pharma, tax-dodging billionaires and corporations, and egads! the Donald, he might yet use his position for good.

But right now he's just muddying the waters in preparation for another attempted coup. 


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2 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

He and his buddies knew the Donald had lost the election, but helped spread fibs about it and Dominion's role in it so they could hold onto their place of power within the angry old white guy community. He has no credibility. 

I thought the same until I saw this video:


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14 minutes ago, Gerry Down said:

I thought the same until I saw this video:


Wow. That's a waste of my time. The man is a blowhard, pure and simple. He is conflating the facts that Carlson had expressed doubts about Sydney Powell's gibberish and that non-Repubs had long doubted the accuracy of voting machines to pretend Fox News' questioning of the election was well-intentioned. That's a con. I, myself, had questioned, whether Trump had actually won in 2016. His long-time business model was to program machines to work in his favor. And there it was, in 2016, he "won" a race that he actually lost by millions of votes, when a few thousand here and there helped push him over the line through a loophole created for slave-owners. But did Tucker Carlson care? Did he worry about the sanctity of that election? Of course not. 

This video is a smoke-screen to hide that the smoking gun has been found in the released emails and messages. Carlson was fine and dandy with moving on from the election until it became clear his ratings would suffer. He and his buddies then cooked up a bunch of crap to keep the gullible mesmerized. Sad. 

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23 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

OMG. If you're talking about me, I must inform you that you have no clue as to what you're talking about. I mean I can't "we walked" into anything by the guv'ment. I've been fighting against the government's position on the JFK case for decades now, and have marched against the invasion of Iraq after 9/11, and on behalf of Black Lives Matter, etc. 

I have been a skeptic of the government since 73, when I watched the Watergate hearings on my summer vacation. I have had a strong nose for right-wing bs ever since, and bs in general. I was in the record business, where I received roughly 30 gold records from appreciative record labels, for my efforts in cutting through the bs, and promoting acts who actually stood a chance of selling. I have been investigating the JFK case since 2003, and have made many an enemy due to my refusal to play along with the status quo, on both sides of the fence. 

I have been watching Tucker Carlson off and on for decades now, and he is one of the least credible "journalists" on the air. My problem is not that he is bringing up the JFK case, it is that he is using it--the hard work of men like Harold Weisberg, Mark lane, Jim Garrison, Jeff Morley, Jim DiEugenio, etc--to push a narrative serving the interests of the likes of Rupert Murdoch and Donald Trump--the exact opposite of what JFK represented.

It would be like Goebbels using the death of Anne Frank to push his own craven agenda. It's repulsive. 

Now, if Tucker starts using his soapbox to go after the gun lobby, big tobacco, big Pharma, tax-dodging billionaires and corporations, and egads! the Donald, he might yet use his position for good.

But right now he's just muddying the waters in preparation for another attempted coup. 


Well said, Pat.  I see that I'm not the only lib around here who has been absurdly mischaracterized by our myopic, international man-of-mystery, Chris Barnard.

Chris's modus operandi is to accuse Americans who disagree with him of being "paranoid, emotional" dupes.

Ironically, Chris's main American fans on the forum are the paranoid, emotional Trumplicon dupes.  

Edited by W. Niederhut
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