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Thankyou, Tucker Carlson!!

Matthew Koch

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On 2/21/2023 at 2:09 PM, Matthew Koch said:

As I mentioned earlier if Racheal Maddows featured JFKA or Freeing the files in a positive light I would commend her..

But the reality is this is your Rachel Maddows:  


That's really funny, I never thought about that before! lol 

Back when Bush invaded Iraq I used to listen to Rachel Maddow on the radio, she taught me in my early twenties to read the back of the newspaper for the important stories that are printed in small articles. .but one Obama became President she changed like the rest of the anti war left and turned into pro establishment shills. When she put out that JFK video I wrote her off completely, and I'm glad I did considering the Russian Collusion Hoax she was one of the main people pushing that and recently she slammed people for putting on an Anti War rally because Democrats now support the National Security State and their forever wars and if you don't your a Putin Apologists..



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My perspective of TC and Fox " we don't believe our own" News is that they have been an American society damaging force to unprecedented degrees. And for decades.

Way, way beyond anything close to "kind of."

They have always been much more a propaganda organization than a "news" one.

And we so clearly know what part of our society their propagandizing has been funded to promote.

Ever since they went on air, they have had one agenda.

To divide, anger, incite, scare, demean, demonize, distract, disinform ... one side politically against the other ( divide and conquer as the old saying goes ) to promote and enhance their specific political control group aims.

As many here have mentioned, we are hugely divided as a nation. Not just politically and ideologically but economically in unprecedented stressing ways.

Viet Nam times divided us greatly as well. But in many ways not as much as today and not as much in basic income and cost of living disparity which may be the most negatively impacting of all.

Our young people are so stressed economically. They aren't marrying. They are not having babies. They are not buying their first homes. 4 year college degrees are no longer a ticket to good pay, benefits and opportunity jobs. Millions are saddled with student loans they struggle to pay off.

More than any time in my 70 years I have never seen so many of our young people ( tens of millions ) feeling so down, anxious and negatively unexpecting about their future. 

They are confused and far too many have lost their faith and trust in our institutions for allowing things to get as bad as they are.

Fox News and their chief propagandist personalities have been feeding these worries and stresses and fears into our collective societal consciousness for decades now. In a self-serving weaponized way of "blaming them all on their adversaries."

The non-elites. The common good liberal commie left. 

They have been incredibly successful in fulfilling their original mandate of divide and conquer in this way.

Fox " they don't believe their own" News and their anger, blame and fear working up barkers are the most cynical collective conscious influence on our society in media form ever.

And I believe the January 6th coup attempt was perhaps the greatest internal threat attack on our federal government since the Civil War.

A crime of unprecedent importance. To a degree that it's participants should have received much longer prison sentences than they have.

With Fox News's constant downplaying of this major crime I see this as just another of their attacks upon and efforts to weaken our Constitutional Democracy foundation and the majority of our citizenry it was created to protect.

And...Donald Trump's purposeful withholding security help during this extremely violent traumatizing attack upon our Capital building packed with our entire Congress cowering in life and death fear ( for 3+ hours!) was one of the most outrageously egregious ( criminal ) acts a U.S. President has ever committed.

Keeping our entire Congress in serious life and death fear harm's way like that is of the "highest crime" category to an outrageous degree.

I believe Trump should receive a stiff prison sentence for that U.S. democracy attack purposeful non-response criminal act.

IMO anyways.

Fox "they don't believe their own" News poster boy Tucker Carlson downplays and defends all that unprecedented democracy threatening and injuring criminal action, including Trump's purposeful refusal to stop it.

On top of his 20 years of nation dividing, elitist control promoting C###,

This little sideshow JFKA truth shtick TC has come up with means nothing to me in my overall assessment of him as a long term nation divider for the purpose of enhancing his 1%er mentors power, wealth and control agenda.

So...yes...I can't stand the guy.

And I seriously believe he is gaming those who are giving him hero status over this JFKA truth revealing crusade he is promoting.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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1 hour ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

it was Rachel Maddow's support of the WC conclusions that led me to ask Baldwin to explain how this could happen. 

It's really very simple. She worked with Chris Matthews and Tom Brokaw. Very few people in the media or elsewhere have actually studied this case. It's too confusing. So they defer to people they trust. 

When one looks at the history of this case, one finds that the media swallowed the WR whole in 64, but then started doubting the single-nut conclusion due largely to the efforts of Lane, Epstein and Weisberg. Then Garrison got involved. The media responded to his involvement by jerking back the other way. Part of this was due to pressure from the likes of McCone and the Justice Dept. But part of this was due to the media's reaction to Garrison. They viewed him as an attention-seeking blowhard. 

Since that time, the JFK research community has struggled with its identity. If the public face of the community is Jim Fetzer, Alex Jones, and Tucker Carlson, we're in trouble. Oliver Stone is a slightly different story. His efforts did lead to the ARRB, after all. 

But what this case needs is a high-profile champion who isn't tainted by claims of fake moon landings, claims of false flag school shootings, attempted coups, and buddying up to dictators. Or, in the case of Baldwin, someone who accidentally killed a co-worker.

It needs Kevin Costner. Or Harrison Ford. But what it really needs is Rachel Maddow. Or Chris Hayes. I believe Chris Hayes is a JFK buff, and has not committed to the single-assassin solution. Perhaps the MFF can contact him to see if he would agree to meet with folks like Jeff Morley, Rex Bradford, and yourself, Larry, to see if there is anything that can be done to get more balanced coverage on news regarding the assassination. if you can get Chris Hayes I can guarantee that Maddow and others will follow. 


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3 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

It's really very simple. She worked with Chris Matthews and Tom Brokaw. Very few people in the media or elsewhere have actually studied this case. It's too confusing. So they defer to people they trust. 

When one looks at the history of this case, one finds that the media swallowed the WR whole in 64, but then started doubting the single-nut conclusion due largely to the efforts of Lane, Epstein and Weisberg. Then Garrison got involved. The media responded to his involvement by jerking back the other way. Part of this was due to pressure from the likes of McCone and the Justice Dept. But part of this was due to the media's reaction to Garrison. They viewed him as an attention-seeking blowhard. 

Since that time, the JFK research community has struggled with its identity. If the public face of the community is Jim Fetzer, Alex Jones, and Tucker Carlson, we're in trouble. Oliver Stone is a slightly different story. His efforts did lead to the ARRB, after all. 

But what this case needs is a high-profile champion who isn't tainted by claims of fake moon landings, claims of false flag school shootings, attempted coups, and buddying up to dictators. Or, in the case of Baldwin, someone who accidentally killed a co-worker.

It needs Kevin Costner. Or Harrison Ford. But what it really needs is Rachel Maddow. Or Chris Hayes. I believe Chris Hayes is a JFK buff, and has not committed to the single-assassin solution. Perhaps the MFF can contact him to see if he would agree to meet with folks like Jeff Morley, Rex Bradford, and yourself, Larry, to see if there is anything that can be done to get more balanced coverage on news regarding the assassination. if you can get Chris Hayes I can guarantee that Maddow and others will follow. 


Pat do you think her being a Rhodes Scholar Globalist has anything to do with it?

Here's more from Rachel: 


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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

How would you explain her behavior in regard to JFK and Russian Collusion hoax? 

She was following the facts as she knew them. She could be wrong. She could be biased. But it's a mistake to assume Maddow is part of some widespread conspiracy to conceal the truth about anything. She takes delight in illuminating dark corners of our history.

She never set out be famous. She's basically a history nerd who got lucky.

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Pat- she spoke with strong conviction and is too smart to not know there are many questions for numerous reasons about the WC conclusions. Either she believes the official report or is-as Baldwin suggested- simply reciting the official NBC position.  

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4 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

it was Rachel Maddow's support of the WC conclusions that led me to ask Baldwin to explain how this could happen. 

I think this is worth commenting on as well.
Larry I get the distinct impression you're neither political nor media savvy. Which might be an asset!
I don't have any stats on this but I do think generally the older,  more educated and affluent you are, the more likely you do go with the official version of the JFKA , or at least have priorities (career or otherwise)that you don't see a point in looking into it further.
This has nothing to do directly with their having a will to preserving the current "power structure". But is as result of environmental factors, where they were brought up, early influences,  where they were educated, their career path.
To those who would see it that way. I would tell them, this is not another conspiracy against you. The most powerful people in our power structure didn't get there by espousing  JFKA conspiracy views and they don't see any point in starting now.
Hopefully we have evolved from a sort of a top down Di Eugenio regime a few years back where literally everybody (like Chomsky and others) who didn't publicly come on against the WR was a scumball. Even though that included 99% of the politicians. And you need politicians! Tell me how you're going to positively influence them with that attitude? However, I do think that attitude is on the way out.
I would say such a viewpoint of dividing the entire world into 2 camps has a definite appeal to the zeal of the newly converted, and is very "bubbleicious" to a general conspiracy buff because it reinforces their notion that "I'm so smart and everyone around me is a fool."
But in the real world. That attitude blows, and won't get us anywhere.
Ok,  I've now  acceded to the will of others and have made a cameo appearance on this ka pos thread.   
Are you satisfied?
heh heh    It's a joke!
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41 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Ok,  I've now  acceded to the will of others and have made a cameo appearance on this ka pos thread.   
Are you satisfied?
heh heh    It's a joke!

Kirk, I was unfamiliar with the term Ka Pos so I keyword searched it and this came up, is that what you meant? 


What is a 'Kapo'? - The worst insult a Jew can give another Jew

Daniel Sugarman sets out how the term originates from the most painful episode of Jewish history

Like any other religious or ethnic group, there are insults specific to the Jewish communty, some of greater or lesser intensity. But “kapo” belongs to a special category of awfulness.

The term is viewed with disgust by many Jews, most of whom would never choose to use it.

Using the most painful episode of Jewish history, it accuses Jews today of actively betraying their fellow Jews by working for their oppressors.

"Kapos" were created by the SS, the National Socialist troops responsible for murdering most Jews killed in the Holocaust.

The SS tormented those it chose to keep alive in its camps for slave labour.

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Kirk- I think I'm fairly politically savvy having worked on several national presidential political campaigns and doing lots of lobbying in New York. Regarding the media, as a former journalist, i ask lots of questions and am a quick learner.  Also, i've frequently appeared on radio, broadcast TV and cable so I have first hand experience with how these shows are produced.  

I would agree with you that most established media types are not going to risk their careers or suffer ridicule by adopting a view that is not consistent with the official version of the assassination. That being said, there are some brave individuals who talk truth to power.

Maddow promoted herself as such but when it came to JFK assassination, she strongly defended the official position and referred to it to dismiss other scandals. In my view, she does not get a Mulligan. It is one thing to privately harbor views but quite another to publicly support the WC as Matthews and Maddow. MSNBC viewers should hold her accountable. 

We KNOW from the Walter Sheridan incident that NBC has withheld assassination records from the JFK Collection and we know from Baldwin that the network policy is to publicly support the official conclusion. Moreover, when a researcher wants to use NBC footage of the assassination, the network charges them 15 cents a second- and that is the educational fee!!! (In contrast, CBS handed over the bulk of its assassination-related materials to NARA) 

Maddow's and Matthews' broadcast comments reflect the cancer that pervades NBC when it comes to the assassination. The network should be called out at every opportunity for persisting in spreading this disinformation about the assassination. 

and at some point, adults have to take responsibility for their views and not blame them on childhood experiences or parental influence.      

Edited by Lawrence Schnapf
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1 hour ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

Kirk- I think I'm fairly politically savvy having worked on several national presidential political campaigns and doing lots of lobbying in New York. Regarding the media, as a former journalist, i ask lots of questions and am a quick learner.  Also, i've frequently appeared on radio, broadcast TV and cable so I have first hand experience with how these shows are produced.  

I would agree with you that most established media types are not going to risk their careers or suffer ridicule by adopting a view that is not consistent with the official version of the assassination. That being said, there are some brave individuals who talk truth to power.

Maddow promoted herself as such but when it came to JFK assassination, she strongly defended the official position and referred to it to dismiss other scandals. In my view, she does not get a Mulligan. It is one thing to privately harbor views but quite another to publicly support the WC as Matthews and Maddow. MSNBC viewers should hold her accountable. 

We KNOW from the Walter Sheridan incident that NBC has withheld assassination records from the JFK Collection and we know from Baldwin that the network policy is to publicly support the official conclusion. Moreover, when a researcher wants to use NBC footage of the assassination, the network charges them 15 cents a second- and that is the educational fee!!! (In contrast, CBS handed over the bulk of its assassination-related materials to NARA) 

Maddow's and Matthews' broadcast comments reflect the cancer that pervades NBC when it comes to the assassination. The network should be called out at every opportunity for persisting in spreading this disinformation about the assassination. 

and at some point, adults have to take responsibility for their views and not blame them on childhood experiences or parental influence.      

I think you underestimate how foolish CTs appear to the mainstream media. We are the tinfoil hat wearers, the moon-landing deniers, the Sandy hook deniers. Even though a good 70% of the public has its doubts about the JFKA, those in the media have deluded themselves that they know better. I know you know Jeff Morley. I first met him roughly fifteen years ago. At that time, when you talked to him, it was clear he suspected a conspiracy, and was in fact a conspiracy theorist. But he totally denied it and went to great lengths to separate himself from the likes of Fetzer. This was understandable. 

The point is that mainstream opinion rarely if ever changes when challenged from the fringe. If you want to have influence you need to strike from the middle. Tucker Carlson is far from the middle. 

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