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Thankyou, Tucker Carlson!!

Matthew Koch

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4 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

Pat- she spoke with strong conviction and is too smart to not know there are many questions for numerous reasons about the WC conclusions. Either she believes the official report or is-as Baldwin suggested- simply reciting the official NBC position.  

Anybody who has suffered through CNN and MSNBC knows they have flotillas of intel officials, past and present, informing viewers of the right way to view things. 

JFKA researcher Dick Russell--- 

Part 1: CIA’s Extraordinary Role Influencing Liberal Media Outlets Daily Kos, The Daily Beast, Rolling Stone

Part 1 of a two-part series takes a deep dive into the history of the CIA’s central role in orchestrating news and editorial coverage in America’s most influential liberal national media outlets — and its continued hold today.

--Richard Russell


But set aside Rachel Maddow. Has even one---just one!---member of DC-based establishment or liberal media taken President Biden to task for proposing that JFK records be put in the vault in perpetuity? 

The JFKA story has been radioactive for decades, and the JFK Records even more so. 

Deep state narratives are not challenged, but rather amplified in liberal media today. 

I take no joy in saying this. I am just saying what is. 


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53 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Anybody who has suffered through CNN and MSNBC knows they have flotillas of intel officials, past and present, informing viewers of the right way to view things. 

JFKA researcher Dick Russell--- 

Part 1: CIA’s Extraordinary Role Influencing Liberal Media Outlets Daily Kos, The Daily Beast, Rolling Stone

Part 1 of a two-part series takes a deep dive into the history of the CIA’s central role in orchestrating news and editorial coverage in America’s most influential liberal national media outlets — and its continued hold today.

--Richard Russell


But set aside Rachel Maddow. Has even one---just one!---member of DC-based establishment or liberal media taken President Biden to task for proposing that JFK records be put in the vault in perpetuity? 

The JFKA story has been radioactive for decades, and the JFK Records even more so. 

Deep state narratives are not challenged, but rather amplified in liberal media today. 

I take no joy in saying this. I am just saying what is. 


Jeff Morley got some coverage on MSNBC back in November, if I recall. You're right, in that they don't take the case too seriously. But they do cover it occasionally, and not always with an iron hand. 

As stated, I suspect Chris Hayes would be open on this issue. Has anyone approached him? 

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7 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

As stated, I suspect Chris Hayes would be open on this issue. Has anyone approached him? 


Chris Hayes has a very long career ahead of him. I doubt he would jeopardize that by getting honest over JFKA. Especially when it is so easy to rationalize honesty away by saying the truth could result in the tearing down of the CIA. Leaving the U.S. vulnerable to secret attacks from our enemies.


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16 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

The point is that mainstream opinion rarely if ever changes when challenged from the fringe. If you want to have influence you need to strike from the middle. Tucker Carlson is far from the middle. 

Fox "they don't believe their own " News's game has always been to present themselves as the voice of the "real" America.

The hardworking, decent moral values, God and patriotic America and American military "right or wrong" loving, law and order respecting, wealthiest 1% ruling class know best, anglo-sovereignty protecting America versus ...

The socialist welfare sucking, police hating, criminal and commie liberal queer coddling, illegal immigrant wave allowing, unchristian, Anglo-values and unpatriotic America and American military hating coward Democratic party/liberal America.

Since their inception decades ago, their 24/7 propagandists ( and those of right wing radio ) have successfully created, promoted, fed and deeply imbued in the minds of their followers, this stark societal division perception to the ultimate "black and white" degree.

You are either one of us...or you are one of "them."

"Them" being Democrats, liberals, working class vs. wealthiest elite, racial, gender and broad, common good social justice rights and even green planet advocating and less than strict Christian principle following Americans.

Whom they have successfully demonized into scary boogie man status in the minds of their followers.

This manipulated and even dangerous anger and fear driven society dividing Fox News agenda reality is reflected in the reaction of Americans to such extreme division promoting rhetoric by people in our highest federal legislative bodies.

People like Marjorie Taylor Green. Who are openly suggesting we divorce from each other by state and basically advocating a "civil war" mentality among her followers... Fox News followers.

MTG also "praises" the January 6th, 2021 Capital building attackers as patriots! And DJT as a "hero" for his backing and encouraging of them...and his 3 1/2 hour hold off of providing aid to the Capital police or calling off his attack dog mob.

Half of our society are ardent Fox News believers.

They don't see the Marjorie Taylor Greens as an extreme "out there" violence advocating fringe.

Fox News has them seeing MTG in a patriotic light.

When Fox News reports their own conspiracies ( no matter how whacky ) their followers jump right on in endorsing them. 

Hillary Clinton runs a child kidnapping sex operation out of a Washington DC pizza parlor. Dominion corporation rigged their voting machines to help cheat Donald Trump out of the presidency.

Antifa was the actual planners of the Jan 6th, 2021 Capital building attack, etc.

Fox News and TC are playing with the JFKA conspiracy story.

Teasing they have some bombshell revelation info and are actually righteous seekers of the truth in that affair.

Trump threw out a JFKA conspiracy story himself during his 2016 presidential election primary run where he posited the possibility that his primary rival Raphael Cruz Jr's father Raphael Cruz Sr. can be seen helping Lee Harvey Oswald hand out Pro/Cuba fliers in downtown New Orleans the summer of 1963.

Even though the majority of Americans have said they do not accept the Warren Commission report regards the JFKA as the truth or at least the full truth and have done so for 60 years...the MSM and their hugely paid star journalists will never abandon the minority take and view accepting the Warren Report without question.

The climb to the top of the multi-million dollar riches MSM television broadcast world is a dog-eat-dog super competitive one.

Once there, who in their right mind would give it all up by publicly siding in any way with the little person majority belief in a JFKA conspiracy?





Edited by Joe Bauer
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Joe- you're wasting our time with these long political polemics. The reality is that Tucker is the only host continuing to discuss JFK assassination records issues in prime time. You have made it clear you dont trust him or his network. I dont have time to read your backward looking posts that add nothing to this discussion which is a forward-looking strategic and  tactical discussion.

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18 minutes ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

Joe- you're wasting our time with these long political polemics. The reality is that Tucker is the only host continuing to discuss JFK assassination records issues in prime time. You have made it clear you dont trust him or his network. I dont have time to read your backward looking posts that add nothing to this discussion which is a forward-looking strategic and  tactical discussion.

I think what Joe and I have been getting at is going over everyone's heads. While it's possible Tucker's rabble-rousing will result in a response in the House of Reps, this isn't necessarily a good thing. There is no real interest in truth or justice with these people. Sorry, but it's true. Even before the Hastert rule, the Repubs had been ruling for the base only, and had considered it a sin to help the country as a whole if the majority of those to benefit aren't their most powerful supporters.  As a result, there is little chance of any forward movement on matters like JFK unless it can be spun to their advantage. If the still-redacted docs, for example, reflect badly on Dulles, or Nixon or right-wing operatives in Florida, etc, they will never see the light of day. If they reflect badly on Johnson or Kennedy himself, however, then maybe they will come out. It seems obvious to me that this whole reversal by the GOP stems from Roger Stone, a dirty tricks master who sought to weaponize the JFKA against the Dems. I see Tucker's recent behavior as an extension of this activity.

I mean, really, Tucker didn't care one bit when Trump backed off on the release of the records. He is only doing it now because he thinks it can hurt Biden, and help Repubs, and that this will eventually lead to fewer immigrants, and lower taxes on billionaires, etc. 

Some records may be released. But we can feel certain those that are will be used against Democrats...only...and that any damaging docs regarding right-wing operatives in Texas and Florida will remain buried.

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29 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

I think what Joe and I have been getting at is going over everyone's heads. While it's possible Tucker's rabble-rousing will result in a response in the House of Reps, this isn't necessarily a good thing. There is no real interest in truth or justice with these people. Sorry, but it's true. Even before the Hastert rule, the Repubs had been ruling for the base only, and had considered it a sin to help the country as a whole if the majority of those to benefit aren't their most powerful supporters.  As a result, there is little chance of any forward movement on matters like JFK unless it can be spun to their advantage. If the still-redacted docs, for example, reflect badly on Dulles, or Nixon or right-wing operatives in Florida, etc, they will never see the light of day. If they reflect badly on Johnson or Kennedy himself, however, then maybe they will come out. It seems obvious to me that this whole reversal by the GOP stems from Roger Stone, a dirty tricks master who sought to weaponize the JFKA against the Dems. I see Tucker's recent behavior as an extension of this activity.

I mean, really, Tucker didn't care one bit when Trump backed off on the release of the records. He is only doing it now because he thinks it can hurt Biden, and help Repubs, and that this will eventually lead to fewer immigrants, and lower taxes on billionaires, etc. 

Some records may be released. But we can feel certain those that are will be used against Democrats...only...and that any damaging docs regarding right-wing operatives in Texas and Florida will remain buried.

Here's what he said: 


Pat, you're a smart guy, can you think of any thing that happened between then and now that would have changed Tucker's opinions of Intelligence agencies and how they operate? 

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3 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

Joe- you're wasting our time with these long political polemics. The reality is that Tucker is the only host continuing to discuss JFK assassination records issues in prime time. You have made it clear you dont trust him or his network. I dont have time to read your backward looking posts that add nothing to this discussion which is a forward-looking strategic and  tactical discussion.

The more you and others keep elevating TC to hero status the more inspired I am to respond with what I consider reality check counter points about him and his propaganda network.

I don't see my essays on Fox News as political polemics.

I consider Fox News and their lead propagandist a clear and present danger to our entire society.

I counter your framing of this JFKA/CIA discussion as a "forward-looking strategic and tactical discussion" with my own take that it is instead a Fox News and TC false story ploy that I feel is a waste of our forum's time.

It's all a cynical tease...with nothing more coming out to give it credibility.

The JFKA truth mission and the massive work effort researchers have put into this effort deserves better than TC hero worshipping threads like this one...imo.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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I dont believe anyone is elevating Tucker to "hero" status. we are simply grateful he is bringing criticism to the official position on the JFK assassination to 3.4 viewers, and very disappointed that other network hosts are picking up the mantle.

I am the only person on this thread who is having frequent conversations with his production staff. I am telling you that his production staff is passionate about the JFK assassination.   

Regardless of how you feel about Fox, it has been the only network to consistently question the WC. On the 50th anniversary, only Fox had an in-depth program questioning the official conclusion with John Orr playing a critical role.  On the JFK assassination, Fox is an ally. You cannot dispute this. 

Instead of wasting our time on this thread, why dont you re-direct your energy to your favored hosts on other networks and ask them to start airing programming. 

I am working on the opposition brief to the government's motion to dismiss the MFF complaint. I dont have time to waste on Joe's anti-Fox polemics. Until another network or host steps up, this is the only show in town. 


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43 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

I think what Joe and I have been getting at is going over everyone's heads. While it's possible Tucker's rabble-rousing will result in a response in the House of Reps, this isn't necessarily a good thing. There is no real interest in truth or justice with these people. Sorry, but it's true. Even before the Hastert rule, the Repubs had been ruling for the base only, and had considered it a sin to help the country as a whole if the majority of those to benefit aren't their most powerful supporters.  As a result, there is little chance of any forward movement on matters like JFK unless it can be spun to their advantage. If the still-redacted docs, for example, reflect badly on Dulles, or Nixon or right-wing operatives in Florida, etc, they will never see the light of day. If they reflect badly on Johnson or Kennedy himself, however, then maybe they will come out. It seems obvious to me that this whole reversal by the GOP stems from Roger Stone, a dirty tricks master who sought to weaponize the JFKA against the Dems. I see Tucker's recent behavior as an extension of this activity.

I mean, really, Tucker didn't care one bit when Trump backed off on the release of the records. He is only doing it now because he thinks it can hurt Biden, and help Repubs, and that this will eventually lead to fewer immigrants, and lower taxes on billionaires, etc. 

Some records may be released. But we can feel certain those that are will be used against Democrats...only...and that any damaging docs regarding right-wing operatives in Texas and Florida will remain buried.

Pat, have you ever considered that the reason the JFKA isn't as popular on the right, is because it's usually used a cudgel by people who have politics to the left of JFK to blame conservatives and the right's politics for why the Assassination happened (see Rachel Maddows video). Interestingly people on the left seem to not be able to tell the difference between Republicanism and Authoritarian Fascism and don't seem to understand the fact that Republicans have family members who literally fought the Axis and that being called the N word creates animosity and more division. But these are the same types that think that because "Anti Fascist" is in the name; Antifa but can't understand that that logic also applies to the National Socialism as well. IMO that is part of the reason the assassination research isn't more popular.. and your comments show that you have that same bias. This is par for the course with Lefty thinking, basically it can be summed up as; "everything I like is good and righteous and everything I don't like is "Fascism" and if you don't agree you must be one fo them, mob mentality. 

I don't think the CIA or the institutions like the FBI are Republican run like they were in the 60's. 


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30 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Pat, have you ever considered that the reason the JFKA isn't as popular on the right, is because it's usually used a cudgel by people who have politics to the left of JFK to blame conservatives and the right's politics for why the Assassination happened (see Rachel Maddows video). Interestingly people on the left seem to not be able to tell the difference between Republicanism and Authoritarian Fascism and don't seem to understand the fact that Republicans have family members who literally fought the Axis and that being called the N word creates animosity and more division. But these are the same types that think that because "Anti Fascist" is in the name; Antifa but can't understand that that logic also applies to the National Socialism as well. IMO that is part of the reason the assassination research isn't more popular.. and your comments show that you have that same bias. This is par for the course with Lefty thinking, basically it can be summed up as; "everything I like is good and righteous and everything I don't like is "Fascism" and if you don't agree you must be one fo them, mob mentality. 

I don't think the CIA or the institutions like the FBI are Republican run like they were in the 60's. 


What? You really need to stop putting me in some lefty box. I am not a Democrat. I have never been a Democrat. 

When one studies the history of the case, one realizes that many if not most of the earliest conspiracy theorists were right-wingers convinced it was Cuba, Russia, or Johnson. Books from this angle were published even before the Warren Report was published. 

With the rise of figures like Lane and Weisberg, however, the CT community came to be dominated by leftists. But it was not 100%. Some mistrust Mary Ferrell because she remained a Republican throughout her life. When one looks back, moreover, one finds that Republican members of the Church Committee and HSCA weren't exactly in cover-up mode.

The real shift began, IMO, under Reagan. The Reagan Administration refused to follow-up on the HSCA's report, other than to stall and stall and then finally claim the dictabelt was nonsense and that therefore there was no need to look any further. This, in turn, led to Stone's film. The right-wing backlash against the JFK research community is in large part a backlash against Stone, who many view as anti-American. I foresee a similar backlash against the community should Tucker Carlson be elevated as the new face of the research community.

I would like to thank you for posting those videos, btw, as they only prove my point. Carlson's choice of expert? Posner! Who hasn't researched the case in 30 years. He was brought on, moreover, to assure Tucker's audience that the release of more files will probably embarrass the intelligence agencies--who they view as anti-Trump--and not expose an actual plot to kill Kennedy (which could quite possibly involve right-wingers from Florida and elsewhere). 



Edited by Pat Speer
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41 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

What? You really need to stop putting me in some lefty box. I am not a Democrat. I have never been a Democrat. 

When one studies the history of the case, one realizes that many if not most of the earliest conspiracy theorists were right-wingers convinced it was Cuba, Russia, or Johnson. Books from this angle were published even before the Warren Report was published. 

With the rise of figures like Lane and Weisberg, however, the CT community came to be dominated by leftists. But it was not 100%. Some mistrust Mary Ferrell because she remained a Republican throughout her life. When one looks back, moreover, one finds that Republican members of the Church Committee and HSCA weren't exactly in cover-up mode.

The real shift began, IMO, under Reagan. The Reagan Administration refused to follow-up on the HSCA's report, other than to stall and stall and then finally claim the dictabelt was nonsense and that therefore there was no need to look any further. This, in turn, led to Stone's film. The right-wing backlash against the JFK research community is in large part a backlash against Stone, who many view as anti-American. I foresee a similar backlash against the community should Tucker Carlson be elevated as the new face of the research community.

I would like to thank you for posting those videos, btw, as they only prove my point. Carlson's choice of expert? Posner! Who hasn't researched the case in 30 years. He was brought on, moreover, to assure Tucker's audience that the release of more files will probably embarrass the intelligence agencies--who they view as anti-Trump--and not expose an actual plot to kill Kennedy (which could quite possibly involve right-wingers from Florida and elsewhere). 

Pat other than a Texan Looks at Lyndon, what right wing books are you talking about? The earliest books were written by communists (Thomas Bucannan and Joachim Joesten) Raymond Marcus was a republican but his book is just about CE399. I'm pretty sure people in the community don't trust Mary Ferrell do to her child being married to a DeMorenschidt and that she is part of the former intelligence workers that David Atlee Phillips set up with Claire Booth Luce. 

Pat don't you believe that the dictabelt is nonsense? 

The backlash against Stone started with Herald Weisberg, members? I've come to see some (mostly from people like Weisberg not the media) of these attacks of Stone as somewhat justified because they were afraid he was going to do what he did with the Doors movie and put things in that didn't happen. I now think had that campaign not happened JFK would not have been as good a movie as it was, and I think it caused Stone and others to up their game so to speak. But I'm glad you brought that up because the Tucker attacks are pretty similar afraid of what he might do or unrelated things that happened in the past. 

No need to thank me Pat, lol, do you think I would post the videos if I had not watched them? I'm guessing you didn't based on what you said. Tucker, I think, had Posner on to ask if there's nothing to hide why are they still holding them back. Can you explain the last point of: "He was brought on, moreover, to assure Tucker's audience that the release of more files will probably embarrass the intelligence agencies--who they view as anti-Trump" I can't follow the logic of why Trump would hold back the files to not embarrass the people who are anti him? I was pretty mad at Trump at the time it wasn't until shortly after this time that I started to like Trump for standing up to the Woke Mob. I kinda now understand why a Presidents don't want to release the files of their watch. Why would anyone who wants to accomplish things in their administration want to alienate the intelligence services and dampen the prestige of the USA(I'm not saying it's right, just I understand) Notice how you have to put the case in general terms of "Right Wingers" so as to include the whole spectrum right through guilt by association.. this is another reason why I see you as a partisan lefty (also your BLM and other Cliche lefty causes you virtue signaled earlier) which is why people like you seem to want to do the mental gymnastics that LBJ wasn't on the left because the parties switched and all the people who originally started the KKK aka democrats were actually republicans the whole time. Which is rather funny because the same thing at happened to populist Trump happened to populist Kennedy in that the 'Establishment' of both parties worked together to undermine them. 

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6 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

I think what Joe and I have been getting at is going over everyone's heads. While it's possible Tucker's rabble-rousing will result in a response in the House of Reps, this isn't necessarily a good thing. There is no real interest in truth or justice with these people. Sorry, but it's true. Even before the Hastert rule, the Repubs had been ruling for the base only, and had considered it a sin to help the country as a whole if the majority of those to benefit aren't their most powerful supporters.  As a result, there is little chance of any forward movement on matters like JFK unless it can be spun to their advantage. If the still-redacted docs, for example, reflect badly on Dulles, or Nixon or right-wing operatives in Florida, etc, they will never see the light of day. If they reflect badly on Johnson or Kennedy himself, however, then maybe they will come out. It seems obvious to me that this whole reversal by the GOP stems from Roger Stone, a dirty tricks master who sought to weaponize the JFKA against the Dems. I see Tucker's recent behavior as an extension of this activity.

I mean, really, Tucker didn't care one bit when Trump backed off on the release of the records. He is only doing it now because he thinks it can hurt Biden, and help Repubs, and that this will eventually lead to fewer immigrants, and lower taxes on billionaires, etc. 

Some records may be released. But we can feel certain those that are will be used against Democrats...only...and that any damaging docs regarding right-wing operatives in Texas and Florida will remain buried.

"I think what Joe and I have been getting at is going over everyone's heads."--PS

Oh come, Pat.

Maybe I am not an analytical genius, but I am reasonably well-informed and circumspect. 

Sadly, I place little deep faith in either party presently. 

The un-aligned populist wing of the GOP may be independent and "outsider" enough to upset the apple cart and spill the JFKA records. A slender reed, but what else have we got? 

"If the still-redacted docs, for example, reflect badly on Dulles, or Nixon or right-wing operatives in Florida, etc, they will never see the light of day."--PS

This seems a stretch. The populist wing of the GOP does not have much reverence for Nixon or Dulles, in part as they are not historians. 

The way Carlson laid into the establishment 'Phant Pompeo (Carlson all but said Pompeo knows the CIA was involved in the JFKA), does not suggest party solidarity. 

The populists explicitly refute the dominant globalist wings of both parties, in trade, immigration and military interventions. In large part, I agree with these sentiments of the populists (which decades ago, might have found favor on the American left). 

Give your fellow readers some credit. 

To be honest, I know next to nothing about Rep. Schweikert. Do you have a view of him? 



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8 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

"I think what Joe and I have been getting at is going over everyone's heads."--PS

Oh come, Pat.

Maybe I am not an analytical genius, but I am reasonably well-informed and circumspect. 

Sadly, I place little deep faith in either party presently. 

The un-aligned populist wing of the GOP may be independent and "outsider" enough to upset the apple cart and spill the JFKA records. A slender reed, but what else have we got? 

"If the still-redacted docs, for example, reflect badly on Dulles, or Nixon or right-wing operatives in Florida, etc, they will never see the light of day."--PS

This seems a stretch. The populist wing of the GOP does not have much reverence for Nixon or Dulles, in part as they are not historians. 

The way Carlson laid into the establishment 'Phant Pompeo (Carlson all but said Pompeo knows the CIA was involved in the JFKA), does not suggest party solidarity. 

The populists explicitly refute the dominant globalist wings of both parties, in trade, immigration and military interventions. In large part, I agree with these sentiments of the populists (which decades ago, might have found favor on the American left). 

Give your fellow readers some credit. 

To be honest, I know next to nothing about Rep. Schweikert. Do you have a view of him? 



I don't know a lot about him, but my understanding is he is a Catholic, pro-gun rights, anti-abortion rights, anti-entitlements Republican. Once upon a time, as recently as the 80's, this would have put him on the fringe. These days it marks him as a mainstream Republican. 

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