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RFK Jr discusses his candidacy, and talks about Operation Northwoods

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Yes and you missed Bobby's reply:

Is it a sign of my campaign’s strength that the Elite of DC’s establishment media simultaneously and shamelessly published an orchestrated and baseless lie to smear me, even before I announce my presidential campaign? CBS News’s Bob Costa, The Washington Post, The Daily Beast, Vanity Fair, and Salon are circulating fake news that the American people have come to expect and despise. Steve Bannon has nothing to do with my presidential campaign. I have never discussed a presidential run with Mr. Bannon. Journalism should be about “investigate and report” not “invent and report.”


As per Jonathan, here is Bobby o n Trump in his speech: "A lot of people say President Trump gets blamed for a lot of things that he didn't do. And he gets blamed for some things that he did do. But the worst thing that he did to this country, to our civil rights, to our economy, to the middle class in this country is lockdowns," Kennedy said.

Uh, kind of negative I think.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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21 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Is it a sign of my campaign’s strength that the Elite of DC’s establishment media simultaneously and shamelessly published an orchestrated and baseless lie to smear me, even before I announce my presidential campaign? CBS News’s Bob Costa, The Washington Post, The Daily Beast, Vanity Fair, and Salon are circulating fake news that the American people have come to expect and despise. Steve Bannon has nothing to do with my presidential campaign. I have never discussed a presidential run with Mr. Bannon. Journalism should be about “investigate and report” not “invent and report.”

wow, I did indeed miss that. Mea culpa.

Ok, well it seems there's quite a dispute there. I will grab the popcorn and remain a spectator for a while.

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Looking several times today on the msn home page for anything about RFKJ's announcement.  I finally found this.  Not as vindicative as some of the other articles I found digging deeper.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. becomes latest Democrat challenging Biden in 2024 for White House (msn.com)

This younger perspective from the digging is interesting as well.


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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

I know you are troubled by the anti-vaccine movement. Have you spent any time on RFK’s website? 

Paul, how do you find his website?  I googled Kennedy 2024 like the signs said, articles.  Then I looked for Robert F Kennedy Jr Presidential Campaign website.  Same thing.  It's not like it's popping up at the mention of his name, as one might think it would.  Not a good sign?

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2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Yes and you missed Bobby's reply:

Is it a sign of my campaign’s strength that the Elite of DC’s establishment media simultaneously and shamelessly published an orchestrated and baseless lie to smear me, even before I announce my presidential campaign? CBS News’s Bob Costa, The Washington Post, The Daily Beast, Vanity Fair, and Salon are circulating fake news that the American people have come to expect and despise. Steve Bannon has nothing to do with my presidential campaign. I have never discussed a presidential run with Mr. Bannon. Journalism should be about “investigate and report” not “invent and report.”


As per Jonathan, here is Bobby o n Trump in his speech: "A lot of people say President Trump gets blamed for a lot of things that he didn't do. And he gets blamed for some things that he did do. But the worst thing that he did to this country, to our civil rights, to our economy, to the middle class in this country is lockdowns," Kennedy said.

Uh, kind of negative I think.


Man, oh man, oh man. 

If you are James DiEugenio, you recognize to pre-emptive M$M-liberal strike when you see one. They did this to both Oliver Stone's movies. 

A Niagara of feculent invective, greeting RFK Jr. at every turn. 

We get it, RFK Jr. has different views on vaccines. Some may disagree with RFK Jr. on  vaccines, and the Russia stuff. I do. 

That is reason to target RFK Jr. with bilious lies? 

I hope the EF-JFKA community, at least, keeps an open mind. 

You are not red or blue. You are white, as in getting snowed. 




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Bobby's web site is Children's Defense fund.

I agree with Bobby.  To do stuff like this, they must really fear his candidacy.

Many people who are involved with this case concluded that once they did away with JFK, the Establishment felt snookered and they were never going to let something like that happen again.  But the point is: How many people can you assassinate and then blame an illiterate guy with a diary?  I mean, there are many writers--like me--who do not keep a diary.

So once they decided that these things would not work anymore, they decided to use Mockingbird to do their dirty work. 

I think we saw that with Perot.  And I think we are seeing it in this case.

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BTW, whatever politics you have on Russia, how can anyone deny those classified documents that were leaked? 

Those are devastating.  And to buy the story that a National Guard guy had them?

The documents are the Pentagon Papers of Ukraine.   


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2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Bobby's web site is Children's Defense fund.

I agree with Bobby.  To do stuff like this, they must really fear his candidacy.

Many people who are involved with this case concluded that once they did away with JFK, the Establishment felt snookered and they were never going to let something like that happen again.  But the point is: How many people can you assassinate and then blame an illiterate guy with a diary?  I mean, there are many writers--like me--who do not keep a diary.

So once they decided that these things would not work anymore, they decided to use Mockingbird to do their dirty work. 

I think we saw that with Perot.  And I think we are seeing it in this case.

I have been thinking about this, that the "Deep State" cannot just assassinate every President or candidate they do not like. They got away with that twice (JFK, RFK), which was twice too many, and the sense was there is no going back to that well again. 

So...now we see regime change ops done through the media and weaponized prosecutorial and legislative bodies. 

I rather suspect Nixon, Carter and Trump left office under national security state guidance. 

(This does not make Nixon and Trump nice guys, or good presidents. It just means the intel state was determined to pull levers on the ejector seat, with media and rival party assistance). 

So now we have a President who does a snuff job on the JFK Records Act.

If US media is not Mockingbirded up to the hilt, how to explain zero---and I mean all but  zero---media coverage of a completely indefensible deep-sixing of the JFK Records? 




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12 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


As per Jonathan, here is Bobby o n Trump in his speech: "A lot of people say President Trump gets blamed for a lot of things that he didn't do. And he gets blamed for some things that he did do. But the worst thing that he did to this country, to our civil rights, to our economy, to the middle class in this country is lockdowns," Kennedy said.



     I agree with your point about the M$M unfairly smearing RFK, Jr. out of the gate, but this RFK, Jr. quote (above) about Trump's handling of the COVID pandemic is utterly absurd.

    Trump repeatedly bungled the management of the COVID pandemic, from its inception, and his egregious errors and false statements resulted in hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths in the US.

     He fostered a culture of denial, hostility, and resistance to basic public health measures, while promoting unscientific claims about quack cures-- bleach, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, etc.

    Compare Trump's disastrous COVID track record with the astonishingly effective public health response to the pandemic in Vietnam.

     There is a reason why Trump's cult members in the U.S. died at significantly higher rates than Biden voters during the COVID pandemic.  Actually, two reasons-- Donald Trump and Fox "News."

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1 minute ago, W. Niederhut said:


     I agree with your point about the M$M unfairly smearing RFK, Jr. out of the gate, but this RFK, Jr. quote (above) about Trump's handling of the COVID pandemic is utterly absurd.

    Trump repeatedly bungled the management of the COVID pandemic, from its inception, and his egregious errors and false statements resulted in hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths in the US.

     He fostered a culture of denial, hostility, and resistance to basic public health measures, while promoting unscientific claims about quack cures-- bleach, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, etc.

    Compare Trump's disastrous COVID track record with the astonishingly effective public health response to the pandemic in Vietnam.

     There is a reason why Trump's cult members in the U.S. died at significantly higher rates than Biden voters during the COVID pandemic.  Actually, two reasons-- Donald Trump and Fox "News."


All the President’s Lies About the Coronavirus

An unfinished compendium of Trump’s overwhelming dishonesty during a national emergency

All of Trump’s Lies About the Coronavirus - The Atlantic

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15 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

As per Jonathan, here is Bobby o n Trump in his speech: "A lot of people say President Trump gets blamed for a lot of things that he didn't do. And he gets blamed for some things that he did do. But the worst thing that he did to this country, to our civil rights, to our economy, to the middle class in this country is lockdowns," Kennedy said.

Uh, Trump did not order a single lockdown. Each state's governor decided whether or not to order a lockdown in his/her state and what the provisions of the lockdown would be. After many blue states ordered draconian lockdowns, Trump quickly began urging that the lockdowns be lifted. 

Keep in mind that the CDC has no power to order a state to do a lockdown. That power is reserved exclusively to the governor of the state. Some red states imposed only mild lockdowns or practically no lockdowns, yet their numbers were not appreciably worse than states with harsh lockdowns. 

The provisions of the lockdowns varied considerably among the 50 states. Thankfully, we here in Virginia had a centrist Democratic governor in 2020-2021, and his lockdown provisions were less drastic than those in many other blue states, such as Michigan and California. 

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This is not the place to review or discuss the reaction to CV 19 by Trump.

But I will say that--and you must know this--America's results on this were among the very worst of any country of any size. You named Vietnam.  But you could have named about 20 others.  This is an issue that RFK Jr has harped on.  And its why no major broadcast or print media--NY TImes, W Post, NBC, ABC, CBS--wants to have him on.  Why did Fauci fail so badly? Fauci wanted lockdowns, he wanted that six foot rule, he recommended masks.  In the face of all that why did the USA end up with such bad results?  Probably the worst of any country. And why did we fail so badly in nursing homes, which should have been a number one target?

This is a valid question.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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