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What has been your unique contribution to JFK assassination research?

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20 hours ago, John Cotter said:

You say you're ok with the witnesses, but you also say they are idiots or lying. Perhaps you need to take up thinking as a hobby. 

If you did, you might see that the issue here is the behaviour of the FBI - though there's nothing new about that.



Yes witnesses are usually mostly wrong about almost everything (its natural).

But there is no excuse for having a faulty BS meter.

Re the FBI -- the Hoover FBI -- they were of course in cahoots with the SS & the CIA & the to some extent the local fuzz & the WC -- to cover up the accidental homicide -- & praps to cover up (their & other's) dealings with Oswald or at least (their & other's) knowledge of Oswald.

Most of that might even affect the why-shot in Dealey Plaza -- but has almost zero affect on the important who-how-where-when-shot(s).

Hence i have only a minor interest in all of the (intentional) cover ups (ie conspiracies after the shots).

I have a bit more interest in the non-intentional (incompetent) cover ups affecting the physical evidence.

But, i (having a superior BS meter), solved the whole who-how-where-when-shot in a couple of years -- or in a few months not counting breaks.

Edited by Marjan Rynkiewicz
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About 20 years ago, I posted a joke on a thread about similarities between Lincoln and JFK stating:

A week before the Lincoln assassination, Lincoln slept in Monroe Maryland: while a week before the JFK hit JFK had slept in Marilyn Monroe. 

About 10 years later, someone posted my joke as a fact in a similar thread. 😁

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15 hours ago, John Cotter said:

Your humility is an example to us all.

I stand on the shoulders of clever (jfk saga) guys. Re Oswald, i learnt from........

Holland -- he said the first shot ricocheted off the signal arm (at he said pseudo Z103).

Lattimer -- he explained the jacket bulge (& lapel flip at Z224)(which strangely he said indicated that the slug hit at Z224)(i say Z218-219).

Re Hickey, i learnt from........

Donahue -- he said Hickey shot a hollow point AR15 slug at Z312 (& re smell of gunpowder at street level)

Donahue -- he said bits of lead on back of jfk  head in xrays were from a ricochet.

Donahue -- he made a drawing of the elevation of the AR15 in Hickey's hands in Queen Mary.

The key book was MORTAL ERROR (1992) by Bonar Menninger & Howard Donahue.

I also have JFK THE SMOKING GUN (2013) by Colin McLaren -- but i doubt that McLaren introduced anything that Donahue had not already introduced.

But surprizingly Donahue & McLaren failed to see that Hickey fired more than one shot, he fired at least 4 shots.

It was SSA Floyd Boring that said that an accidental squeeze of the trigger of an AR15 set on AUTO would fire at least 2 or 3 shots. But he made that point to help his argument that it could not have been the AR15. Furthermore, Boring said that he personally inspected the AR15 & it had not been fired.


Edited by Marjan Rynkiewicz
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I'd like to believe I shed some light on Oswald not having traveled to Mexico, not even being in Mexico at the time the CIA places him there... and the FBI covering up that fact for them, as best they could.

And I don't see any of this as horn tooting...  all we did was to find that the Evidence IS the Conspiracy in virtually each and every direction one looks, and bring those facts to light.


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1 hour ago, David Josephs said:

I'd like to believe I shed some light on Oswald not having traveled to Mexico, not even being in Mexico at the time the CIA places him there... and the FBI covering up that fact for them, as best they could.

And I don't see any of this as horn tooting...  all we did was to find that the Evidence IS the Conspiracy in virtually each and every direction one looks, and bring those facts to light.


Did the CIA ever really "place" him in Mexico city though? The best the CIA could do was presume he was there. They had no photos of him there and said the phone tapes of him there had been erased by the time of the JFK assassination.

So after Nov 22nd 1963, all the CIA could ever really do was presume he was there.

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11 hours ago, Gerry Down said:

Did the CIA ever really "place" him in Mexico city though? The best the CIA could do was presume he was there. They had no photos of him there and said the phone tapes of him there had been erased by the time of the JFK assassination.

So after Nov 22nd 1963, all the CIA could ever really do was presume he was there.

  Yes Gerry, they did.  The CIA did not presume, they concluded with evidence they created; and the FBI backed them up for very specific reasons despite knowing he wasn't there. (the PECK reports)

do a search in this forum.  more than enough has already been presented and this thread is not the place.

Add your answer to the thread's question... or start a new thread if you really want to go down that road with me...

You might also check K&K where I go into a lot more detail over 5 or 6 chapters.



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On 4/25/2023 at 7:18 AM, Pete Mellor said:

After answering a request from Canadian researcher (& Forum member) John Kowalski asking for a D.P.U.K. member to assist in his work on Albert Osborne, I located a living member of Osborne's family in Grimsby, England.  Another Forum member, Ron Ecker, had also done much research on Osborne. (Ron has been missing from this Forum over recent years and I miss his humour, which seems lacking at times in posts today!)  In 2020, during Covid restrictions, I presented to JFK Lancer's virtual N.I.D., with kind permission from J.K.  Certainly not unique, but I presented a copy of Osborne's 13th April '64 typed letter to his family refuting his bus travel to M.C. with L.H.O.  Also refuting the nonsense written in books such as 'Appointment in Dallas' & Torbitt's 'Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal', Sprague's 'The Taking of America' & Ramsey's 'Who Shot JFK'.  I also presented evidence from former staff of the 'Cambridge News' who were employed at the paper in '63, who considered the claim of the famous anonymous phone call to "contact the American Embassy in London for some big news" as completely fictitious.  It was John Kowalski who first uncovered the fact of the real John Howard Bowen's death in January of 1962 from injuries sustained in a car accident.  John's work has also been published on K's & K website.


Thank you for your kind comments.

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On 4/25/2023 at 7:18 AM, Pete Mellor said:

I presented to JFK Lancer's virtual N.I.D., with kind permission from J.K.  Certainly not unique, but I presented a copy of Osborne's 13th April '64 typed letter to his family refuting his bus travel to M.C. with L.H.O.

Hi Pete... saw this and just needed to reach out.  Is there any way you can send me a copy of that letter?  I'd love to add it to my overall "he didn't go to Mexico" file and use it in future papers...

The investigation



The report




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Why not? I will add my accomplishments:


1) Corresponded with Parkland Hospital Dr. William Zedlitz in 1998, who confirmed that no one had ever contacted him before. JFK Lancer and Robert Groden later added his comments to their works.

2) Interviewed and corresponded with the vast majority of President Kennedy's White House Secret Service agents who were still living as of 1990-2007 (as well as field office agents and/or other agents who served from FDR-Bush W)- SAIC Gerald Behn, ASAIC Floyd Boring, ATSAIC Art Godfrey, Sam Kinney, Clint Hill, Tim McIntire, John Ready, Gerald Blaine, Rufus Youngblood, Jerry Kivett, Lem Johns, Sam Sulliman, etc. I also interviewed and corresponded with quite a few surviving family members (Roy Kellerman's widow, Bill Greer's son, Stu Stout's family, Thomas Shipman's family, etc.) and White House aides/others of importance (Dave Powers, Florida Congressman Sam Gibbons, Milton Wright, etc.). See my first book SURVIVOR'S GUILT: THE SECRET SERVICE & THE FAILURE TO PROTECT PRESIDENT KENNEDY. A mere sample:

3) I also interviewed and corresponded with quite a few Parkland and Bethesda personnel, including Dr. Malcolm Perry, Dr. Robert McClelland, Dr. Paul Peters, Jerrol Custer (on video twice), Aubrey Rike (on video), etc. See my second book JFK: FROM PARKLAND TO BETHESDA. A mere sample:

4) Discovered in 1997 that one of President Kennedy's main driver agents, Thomas B. Shipman, died of an alleged heart attack at Camp David on 10/14/63! He was looking forward to the Dallas trip, as he has relatives there. I spoke to his surviving family. 

5) I discovered (more like popularized) in 1991 the infamous WFAA/ABC video of Secret Service agent Don Lawton being recalled by Shift Leader Emory Roberts. I showed it at conferences in 1995-1997 plus on both THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY and A COUP IN CAMELOT: 

6) Demonstrated, via interviews with JFK's agents, that President Kennedy did NOT order the agents off his limo: 

7) I discovered that multi-story building rooftops were normally guarded during the FDR-JFK eras, not "just" in Washington, D.C. OR as a response to the assassination! 

8. I discovered that the Secret Service was the only boss the President of the United States truly had, not the other way around (as confirmed by Presidents Truman, LBJ and Clinton, among other sources). In other words: the Secret Service was the boss and the final say when it comes to the president's (JFK's) security. Clint Hill (with Gerald Blaine by his side) admitted as such in 2010- see my first and third books and this video: 

9. Discovered (in 1999) Secret Service agent Floyd Boring's buried 1976 JFK Library oral history and had the Library make it available to everyone.

10. Made available to a worldwide audience (via television/VHS/DVD/Blu Ray/Amazon Prime) the JFK Secret Service's failures: THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY (HISTORY CHANNEL 2003; VHS/DVD; also on NEWSMAX TV 2019-2020), A COUP IN CAMELOT (DVD/BLU RAY/ Texas Theater premiere/ Amazon prime), and the 2021 UK/British/Australian documentary THE ASSASSINATION OF JFK (also shown 2022-2023):

See 12:51 of this video:


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11. Discovered evidence of Meatloaf at Parkland Hospital (video went viral for a moment after Meatloaf's death): 

12. Discovered (more like popularized) in 1991 the rare video of Dr. Robert Shaw: 

13. "Smoked out" the very retired former Secret Service agents Clint Hill and Gerald Blaine and inspired them to write their books! SEE: Gerald Blaine, The Kennedy Detail (kennedysandking.com)

and this video


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15 minutes ago, Vince Palamara said:

Why not? I will add my accomplishments:


1) Corresponded with Parkland Hospital Dr. William Zedlitz in 1998, who confirmed that no one had ever contacted him before. JFK Lancer and Robert Groden later added his comments to their works.

2) Interviewed and corresponded with the vast majority of President Kennedy's White House Secret Service agents who were still living as of 1990-2007 (as well as field office agents and/or other agents who served from FDR-Bush W)- SAIC Gerald Behn, ASAIC Floyd Boring, ATSAIC Art Godfrey, Sam Kinney, Clint Hill, Tim McIntire, John Ready, Gerald Blaine, Rufus Youngblood, Jerry Kivett, Lem Johns, Sam Sulliman, etc. I also interviewed and corresponded with quite a few surviving family members (Roy Kellerman's widow, Bill Greer's son, Stu Stout's family, Thomas Shipman's family, etc.) and White House aides/others of importance (Dave Powers, Florida Congressman Sam Gibbons, Milton Wright, etc.). See my first book SURVIVOR'S GUILT: THE SECRET SERVICE & THE FAILURE TO PROTECT PRESIDENT KENNEDY. A mere sample:

3) I also interviewed and corresponded with quite a few Parkland and Bethesda personnel, including Dr. Malcolm Perry, Dr. Robert McClelland, Dr. Paul Peters, Jerrol Custer (on video twice), Aubrey Rike (on video), etc. See my second book JFK: FROM PARKLAND TO BETHESDA. A mere sample:

4) Discovered in 1997 that one of President Kennedy's main driver agents, Thomas B. Shipman, died of an alleged heart attack at Camp David on 10/14/63! He was looking forward to the Dallas trip, as he has relatives there. I spoke to his surviving family. 

5) I discovered (more like popularized) in 1991 the infamous WFAA/ABC video of Secret Service agent Don Lawton being recalled by Shift Leader Emory Roberts. I showed it at conferences in 1995-1997 plus on both THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY and A COUP IN CAMELOT: 

6) Demonstrated, via interviews with JFK's agents, that President Kennedy did NOT order the agents off his limo: 

7) I discovered that multi-story building rooftops were normally guarded during the FDR-JFK eras, not "just" in Washington, D.C. OR as a response to the assassination! 

8. I discovered that the Secret Service was the only boss the President of the United States truly had, not the other way around (as confirmed by Presidents Truman, LBJ and Clinton, among other sources). In other words: the Secret Service was the boss and the final say when it comes to the president's (JFK's) security. Clint Hill (with Gerald Blaine by his side) admitted as such in 2010- see my first and third books and this video: 

9. Discovered (in 1999) Secret Service agent Floyd Boring's buried 1976 JFK Library oral history and had the Library make it available to everyone.

10. Made available to a worldwide audience (via television/VHS/DVD/Blu Ray/Amazon Prime) the JFK Secret Service's failures: THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY (HISTORY CHANNEL 2003; VHS/DVD; also on NEWSMAX TV 2019-2020), A COUP IN CAMELOT (DVD/BLU RAY/ Texas Theater premiere/ Amazon prime), and the 2021 UK/British/Australian documentary THE ASSASSINATION OF JFK (also shown 2022-2023):

See 12:51 of this video:


That's quite a collection. So many of those interviewees are now gone. 

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Just now, Gerry Down said:

That's quite a collection. So many of those interviewees are now gone. 

Thanks! THAT is why I am so glad I interviewed/corresponded with them AND (in some instances) recorded them, as their comments would be lost to history.

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VP...without question and debate you are truly one of the top JFKA research historical figure icons.

Your hundreds of heretofore unknown JFK secret service security history facts were/are groundbreaking. As well as many other areas of JFKA related research areas such as the Parkland Hospital revelations you cite above.

If there was ever a JFKA truth mission research museum built to house, display and honor it's founding fathers and most influential contributors, I could see your own wing with your bust on an entrance located pedestal. Perhaps wearing a Duquesne University ball cap and a Pittsburg brew loving lapel button?

Saluto mio amico.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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