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Kennedys denounce Bobby, Jr.

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17 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

Thanks Pat. As a spouse of a physician who battled this crap for two or three years from people whose primary qualifications were as self-proclaimed experts on Youtube and Facebook it was a nightmare beyond belief.  RFK Jr. or anyone else criticizing the efforts to stop the spread of Covid have played this game out of willful ignorance and stupidity and deserve ridicule. 

We had the freezer trucks also and I read the comments of people comparing wearing masks to being marched off to gas chambers and had to wonder just how stupid we've become as a country. She just gave up on the idiots and now one less Oncologist (along with many other medpros) have left their practice because of these fools. I assume they'll be able to cure their cancer by watching YouTube videos. Maybe RFK Jr. can help them out.

I wish you well. 

My son was awarded the Member of the British Empire by the late Queen Elizabeth for his scientific papers and advice to the UK government which helped to save countless lives.  Masks, sheltering the elderly, and other measures pre vaccine c evelopment were crucial.



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18 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

Having spent months in a hospital battling leukemia during 2021, and another week this year battling COVID, I can say without any doubt that the lockdowns and mask-mandates saved hundred of thousands of lives, maybe millions. Numerous doctors and nurses told me horror stories about the pandemic when it was first taking off, before things got locked down. They had trailers full of bodies in parking lots. They had 20% of the nursing staff at home battling COVID on their own, because the hospitals were full up and the doctors were scared they'd get it too if they actually met with anyone with COVID who wasn't on death's door. This fear carries over to today, moreover. My hospital visit this year was a nightmare. My doctor and his staff refused to come into the room. Only one doctor ever visited, and that was for like 5 minutes a day, with him standing ten feet away. I was essentially locked in a room, with no visitors allowed, outside 6-8 visits per day from nurses to give me medication and check my vitals, and a single visit from a personal care assistant to change my bedding. Now that I think of it, even the housekeeping staff was scared as heck. Over the last three days, housekeeping would walk five feet in from the door, and remove the used bedding and trash. But they wouldn't clean the bathroom for me. I figured out why. They didn't want to end up stacked up in a trailer in the parking lot. 

Are these horror stories the purportedly infallible covid “science” with which the authorities tried to frighten and brainwash us and which they vilified us for questioning?

Instead, try to think logically and see if you can refute the post by me linked below. If you succeed in doing so, you’ll be the first. 


Edited by John Cotter
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15 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

Instead, try to think logically and see if you can refute the post by me linked below. If you succeed in doing so, you’ll be the first. 

You mean the post where you got your information from a YouTube video that salves your addiction to confirmation bias? The one with with such hilariously vapid statements like this:


"There were no excess deaths in 2020 compared to previous years."


"The overall death rates in each age category were lower in 2020 and 2021 compared to previous years."


Those? The kind that can be disproven with a 30 second Google search?




Here's an idea:

Be grateful for the fact that you avoided Covid during its initial and Delta waves, and move along already.

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1 hour ago, John Cotter said:

Are these horror stories the purportedly infallible covid “science” with which the authorities tried to frighten and brainwash us and which they vilified us for questioning?

Instead, try to think logically and see if you can refute the post by me linked below. If you succeed in doing so, you’ll be the first. 


NO. These were not idiots repeating what some boogey man told them. I spent MONTHS in the hospital. The highlight of my day was talking to nurses and doctors, learning about their lives, etc. At least 20 of these individuals shared stories about the pandemic, and how traumatic it was, about bodies piling up, about nurses and doctors scared for their lives. . 

It was real. The threat of a mass die-off was real. While some of the restrictions hurt some businesses, and some people were upset that their social life was disrupted, there is NO doubt the .policies and precautions designed to slow the spread worked, and saved hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of lives.

I mean, I hate Trump, and think a quicker response on his part could have saved more lives. But even I think he deserves some credit for acknowledging that the threat was real, and not some left wing hoax, or whatever. 

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My replies to @Pat Speer and @Matt Allison are as follows.

Pat has merely repeated his anecdotal horror stories and has made no attempt to refute the contents of my post.

Matt’s response is essentially a strawman argument. He misrepresents my post as based on a YouTube video, when in fact it is based on official Irish government statistics. Ironically, Matt’s post is based, as he says himself, “on a 30 second Google search”.

Matt makes two false claims. Firstly, he claims that his Google findings refute my statement that "There were no excess deaths in 2020 compared to previous years."

This claim by Matt is false. The WHO statistics he cites relate not to the year 2020 but to the two years 2020 and 2021.

In point 3 of my summary of Ivor Cummins’ analysis, I acknowledge that according to the Irish government statistics there were excess deaths in 2021 and I go on to discuss that.

Secondly, Matt also claims that his Google findings refute my statement that "The overall death rates in each age category were lower in 2020 and 2021 compared to previous years."

This claim is also false. There is nothing in the Eurostat statistics he cites which relates specifically to my statement.

Pat and Matt have validated the contents of my post by their failure to logically rebut it. They have thus effectively acknowledged that there was no covid pandemic as officially claimed – that the whole covid phenomenon was a psyop, a scam.

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2 hours ago, John Cotter said:

My replies to @Pat Speer and @Matt Allison are as follows.

Pat has merely repeated his anecdotal horror stories and has made no attempt to refute the contents of my post.

Matt’s response is essentially a strawman argument. He misrepresents my post as based on a YouTube video, when in fact it is based on official Irish government statistics. Ironically, Matt’s post is based, as he says himself, “on a 30 second Google search”.

Matt makes two false claims. Firstly, he claims that his Google findings refute my statement that "There were no excess deaths in 2020 compared to previous years."

This claim by Matt is false. The WHO statistics he cites relate not to the year 2020 but to the two years 2020 and 2021.

In point 3 of my summary of Ivor Cummins’ analysis, I acknowledge that according to the Irish government statistics there were excess deaths in 2021 and I go on to discuss that.

Secondly, Matt also claims that his Google findings refute my statement that "The overall death rates in each age category were lower in 2020 and 2021 compared to previous years."

This claim is also false. There is nothing in the Eurostat statistics he cites which relates specifically to my statement.

Pat and Matt have validated the contents of my post by their failure to logically rebut it. They have thus effectively acknowledged that there was no covid pandemic as officially claimed – that the whole covid phenomenon was a psyop, a scam.

Yes, John. I  have seen this same kind of magical thinking before. I went to school with a kid who'd "studied" World War II and had concluded the Holocaust was a hoax. He had reams of data and tons of scholars to back this up. The problem was that these scholars studied data and never talked to people. I had attended multiple baseball games with my sister's boyfriend and his dad, a Holocaust survivor. This man had the tattoo on his arm. He had survived because he'd had a job--sorting the clothes of the people "cleansed" in the showers or some such thing. He was the only "scholar" I needed to talk to. 

So, yes, my experience was anecdotal. From numerous sources, none of whom had an agenda. 


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15 hours ago, Ken Davies said:

My son was awarded the Member of the British Empire by the late Queen Elizabeth for his scientific papers and advice to the UK government which helped to save countless lives.  Masks, sheltering the elderly, and other measures pre vaccine c evelopment were crucial.



Seriously. How much does a mask cost and many refused to do that. 

Well done for your son. I have less than zero respect for the people who couldn't even be bothered to take precautions.

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15 hours ago, Ken Davies said:

My son was awarded the Member of the British Empire by the late Queen Elizabeth for his scientific papers and advice to the UK government which helped to save countless lives.  Masks, sheltering the elderly, and other measures pre vaccine c evelopment were crucial.



Impressive, Ken.

Hats off to you and your son.

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4 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

Yes, John. I  have seen this same kind of magical thinking before. I went to school with a kid who'd "studied" World War II and had concluded the Holocaust was a hoax. He had reams of data and tons of scholars to back this up. The problem was that these scholars studied data and never talked to people. I had attended multiple baseball games with my sister's boyfriend and his dad, a Holocaust survivor. This man had the tattoo on his arm. He had survived because he'd had a job--sorting the clothes of the people "cleansed" in the showers or some such thing. He was the only "scholar" I needed to talk to. 

So, yes, my experience was anecdotal. From numerous sources, none of whom had an agenda. 



The fact that you dismiss logical analysis based on official covid statistics as “magical thinking” raises serious questions about your cognitive capacity, if not indeed your sanity.

It certainly makes a mockery of your self-styled status as a leading JFKA “researcher”.

But it’s even worse than that. Being obviously unable to engage with my reasoning in a rational and respectful manner, you smear me by a baseless and nonsensical association with Holocaust deniers.

What utterly despicable behaviour.

But thanks anyway for further validating what I’ve said about the covid scam.

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2 hours ago, John Cotter said:


The fact that you dismiss logical analysis based on official covid statistics as “magical thinking” raises serious questions about your cognitive capacity, if not indeed your sanity.

It certainly makes a mockery of your self-styled status as a leading JFKA “researcher”.

But it’s even worse than that. Being obviously unable to engage with my reasoning in a rational and respectful manner, you smear me by a baseless and nonsensical association with Holocaust deniers.

What utterly despicable behaviour.

But thanks anyway for further validating what I’ve said about the covid scam.

Dude, whatever offense I gave you by comparing your thought process to the thought process of others I've encountered is MINIMAL compared to the ridiculously offensive, stick-in-the-eye nonsense you've been spewing. While you were sitting on a couch searching for data that could help you dismiss the efforts of others to save lives, I was in an actual hospital, talking to nurses and doctors. In all I talked to over a hundred. And not a one of them thought the response to the pandemic was over-wrought or unnecessary. Heck, the hospital I go to still has Covid protocols in place. Masks remain necessary. Only one visitor allowed per patient at a time. If you have a cough, they make you take a Covid test. Etc. And it's not because they are part of a conspiracy, or that they have been hood-winked. It's because they watched rooms fill up, and bodies pile up--real fast. And they are hoping to avoid that again. 

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8 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Impressive, Ken.

Hats off to you and your son.

Queen Elizabeth II, that renowned expert in epidemiology, virology, psychiatry and all round polymath par excellence, surpassing even your good self, William, in such intellectual accomplishments.

What a loss she is to western civilisation and what a pity the British Empire is only a shadow of its former self. The “lesser breeds”, as Kipling called them, weep every day over being deprived of “the white man’s burden”.


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5 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

Dude, whatever offense I gave you by comparing your thought process to the thought process of others I've encountered is MINIMAL compared to the ridiculously offensive, stick-in-the-eye nonsense you've been spewing. While you were sitting on a couch searching for data that could help you dismiss the efforts of others to save lives, I was in an actual hospital, talking to nurses and doctors. In all I talked to over a hundred. And not a one of them thought the response to the pandemic was over-wrought or unnecessary. Heck, the hospital I go to still has Covid protocols in place. Masks remain necessary. Only one visitor allowed per patient at a time. If you have a cough, they make you take a Covid test. Etc. And it's not because they are part of a conspiracy, or that they have been hood-winked. It's because they watched rooms fill up, and bodies pile up--real fast. And they are hoping to avoid that again. 

If you feel offended by your nonsense being exposed, you have no business participating in a debating forum.

The tens of thousands of medical and scientific experts who signed the Great Barrington Declaration, many of whom risked their livelihoods to speak out against the official covid narrative, have far greater credibility than the experts who said what they were paid to say.

You still haven’t logically rebutted what I said about the covid scam. Thanks again for the validation.

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1 hour ago, John Cotter said:

Queen Elizabeth II, that renowned expert in epidemiology, virology, psychiatry and all round polymath par excellence, surpassing even your good self, William, in such intellectual accomplishments.

What a loss she is to western civilisation and what a pity the British Empire is only a shadow of its former self. The “lesser breeds”, as Kipling called them, weep every day over being deprived of “the white man’s burden”.


Geez, John, you seem exceptionally surly and disagreeable this evening.

Did someone piss in your Wheaties this morning?  🤥

Honestly, it's a shame that we tend to have these heated disagreements around here.

Ultimately, we all probably have more in common than that which divides us.

For example, any friend of James Joyce and Jorge Luis Borges is a friend of mine.

(BTW, did you know that Borges was half-English, and studied Anglo-Saxon sagas late in life?)

As for Mr. Davies, I'm extremely impressed that his son has been decorated as a Member of the British Empire, for meritorious service to humanity.

What could be better than that, for any parent?


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