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URGENT BULLETIN 🚨: Armed Gunman Arrested at RFK Jr. Event in Los Angeles

Lori Spencer

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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

Pat, I am all for giving this guy the benefit of the doubt.  

But is it not pretty dumb going to a public event in California with three loaded guns? And two of them in the open?

I mean this is not Texas. 

But still, maybe he can explain that.

Karl: Bobby was asked that question about Trump.  He called it pure conspiracy theory.  He has no intention of doing any such thing.

And everyone here, I mean everyone, should watch the last 5-7 minutes of his speech last night.

It was riveting. 

Oh, I agree. It's hard to find an innocent reason for this guy's behavior. But there's still a lot that we don't know. 


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James DiEugenio wrote: 

And everyone here, I mean everyone, should watch the last 5-7 minutes of his speech last night.It was riveting. 



Very well. Any idea where I can find the speech? The internet is blastert with that armed guy. Nowhere I can find video or transcript of RFK jr speech ... 



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Karl, we played the last 7 minutes of Kennedy’s Los Angeles speech on the show last night. Jim’s right — it’s well worth a listen. 

Our thanks to Jim DiEugenio and Lisa Pease for joining us on Strange Bedfellows. It was indeed a strange 32 hours, and a very strange incident! 🤷‍♀️ 



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@Sandy Larsen: 

Since I love my removed posts, can you send me the removed posts to my INBOX here or is this destruction of content and free speech irreversibel?

I would appreciate if you would give members a prior warning when content destruction is planned , so that they have a chance to save their contents in which the invest time and thought. 


Edited by Karl Kinaski
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I think we will be fortunate if something of this sort does not happen at just about all of RFK Jr's public appearances...

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3 hours ago, Lori Spencer said:

Lisa Pease and I spent the weekend researching the suspect, Adrian Paul Aispuro. 

Here’s what we know so far. 

He’s a weird one! 

Yawn ... he went bankrupt and believes in alien conspiracies? Why are you in such a rush to connect this person with an "assassination attempt" ?

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1 hour ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

Yawn ... he went bankrupt and believes in alien conspiracies? Why are you in such a rush to connect this person with an "assassination attempt" ?

Duh - shows up to a campaign event uninvited and fully armed

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Jonathan is correct,  unless you folks live in an open carry state  you don't know how common its become...I see open carry pistols in the grocery store, restaurants, McDonalds etc.  And at political events where is is very common for MAGA types to show up with hand guns and rifles to assert their rights. Especially at the few events where Democrats are having open meetings.

Not saying that is the case here but seeing weapons in public is quite common, when I was growing up rifles and shotguns were common in hunting seasons but that was just a way of life, this is all political, with statements being made. 

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