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Did the Plotters View RFK's Murder of Marilyn Monroe as Justification for Killing JFK?

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1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

If the letter was never sent, what’s the big deal it’s on White House stationary?

Apparently Jim thinks that means Ms.  Lincoln or the auction house lied?   I have no clue.  If he is trying to disqualify the document in that manner, it is rather odd.  I will let him explain to you however.  

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10 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

Lol neither of you will say if it is authentic or not.  


I'm not a forensic document examiner.


10 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

Ok. Will you admit that your post I cited wherein you cited Wikipedia is therefore incorrect as to Meyer?  Are you now admitting he had an affair with her?


There is some good evidence that Kennedy had an affair with Meyer. If it has been been authenticated, then I accept that he had that affair.


10 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

How can you claim you researched the Meyer issue when you knew nothing about this letter?    
You stated:

As I said, I wouldn't trust the word of the mistresses themselves, but for kicks and giggles I checked those four out. Here's what I discovered:


All I said was that "I checked them out." Which I did using Wikipedia. I'm pretty sure that I even said that I used Wikipedia.

Anyway... The original claim was that Kennedy was I serial adulterer. I'm waiting for that case to be made.


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38 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


I'm not a forensic document examiner.



There is some good evidence that Kennedy had an affair with Meyer. If it has been been authenticated, then I accept that he had that affair.



All I said was that "I checked them out." Which I did using Wikipedia. I'm pretty sure that I even said that I used Wikipedia.

Anyway... The original claim was that Kennedy was I serial adulterer. I'm waiting for that case to be made.


I never made that claim.  

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59 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


There is some good evidence that Kennedy had an affair with Meyer. If it has been been authenticated, then I accept that he had that affair.

From The Mary Ferrell Website:
home/ jfk assassination/ events and stories/ confessions/ confession of howard hunt

Confession of Howard Hunt

Legendary CIA spy and convicted Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt.
Legendary CIA spy and convicted Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt.

Before his death in January 2007, CIA master spy and convicted Watergate conspirator Howard Hunt confessed to being peripherally involved in the assassination of President Kennedy, and named several other participants.

In notes and conversations with his son Saint John, and in an audiotape he created in 2004 to be played after his death, Hunt described being invited into the "big event" at a Miami safehouse in 1963. Others named in the plot:

  • Frank Sturgis, an anti-Castro paramilitary closely associated with Hunt. Sturgis was one of the Watergate burglars.
  • David Morales, Chief of Operations at the CIA's JMWAVE station in Miami. Morales himself told a few close associates of his involvement.
  • David Phillips, CIA propaganda specialist and later Chief of Western Hemisphere Division. Phillips was assigned to Mexico City during the mysterious trip of Lee Harvey Oswald, or someone using his name, to that city in the fall of 1963.
  • Antonio Veciana, Cuban exile leader of Alpha 66. Veciana told the HSCA that a "Maurice Bishop," thought by many to be Phillips, pointed out Lee Harvey Oswald to him.
  • William Harvey, a CIA officer who ran the ZR/RIFLE "executive action" program. Harvey fell out of favor with the Kennedys when he sent sabotage teams into Cuba during the 1962 Missile Crisis.
  • Cord Meyer, a high-level CIA officer whose ex-wife Mary Meyer was having an affair with JFK.
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11 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:
From The Mary Ferrell Website:
home/ jfk assassination/ events and stories/ confessions/ confession of howard hunt

Confession of Howard Hunt

Legendary CIA spy and convicted Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt.
Legendary CIA spy and convicted Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt.

Before his death in January 2007, CIA master spy and convicted Watergate conspirator Howard Hunt confessed to being peripherally involved in the assassination of President Kennedy, and named several other participants.

In notes and conversations with his son Saint John, and in an audiotape he created in 2004 to be played after his death, Hunt described being invited into the "big event" at a Miami safehouse in 1963. Others named in the plot:

  • Frank Sturgis, an anti-Castro paramilitary closely associated with Hunt. Sturgis was one of the Watergate burglars.
  • David Morales, Chief of Operations at the CIA's JMWAVE station in Miami. Morales himself told a few close associates of his involvement.
  • David Phillips, CIA propaganda specialist and later Chief of Western Hemisphere Division. Phillips was assigned to Mexico City during the mysterious trip of Lee Harvey Oswald, or someone using his name, to that city in the fall of 1963.
  • Antonio Veciana, Cuban exile leader of Alpha 66. Veciana told the HSCA that a "Maurice Bishop," thought by many to be Phillips, pointed out Lee Harvey Oswald to him.
  • William Harvey, a CIA officer who ran the ZR/RIFLE "executive action" program. Harvey fell out of favor with the Kennedys when he sent sabotage teams into Cuba during the 1962 Missile Crisis.
  • Cord Meyer, a high-level CIA officer whose ex-wife Mary Meyer was having an affair with JFK.


So, Howard Hunt confessed to JFK having an affair with Mary Meyer. Not exactly convincing.

The love letters pointed out by Cory are much more convincing. If somebody can show they've been authenticated, I'll be convinced. At the moment I just believe it is likely.


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On 11/13/2023 at 9:10 AM, Sandy Larsen said:


So, Howard Hunt confessed to JFK having an affair with Mary Meyer. Not exactly convincing.

The love letters pointed out by Cory are much more convincing. If somebody can show they've been authenticated, I'll be convinced. At the moment I just believe it is likely.


You can be sure that Mary Meyer's sister Toni, married to Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee, would have known whether Mary was having trysts with JFK and Bradlee and James Angleton knowing this as well.

If she wasn't, I don't think they would be breaking into her garage or studio to find her red book within hours of her murder.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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  • 3 months later...
On 9/19/2023 at 9:15 PM, James DiEugenio said:

Cory, please:

Anyone who reads the IG Report, which was declassified in 1995, would know that the CIA plots to kill Castro were never approved by any president.  (See pgs. 132-33)

And RFK only found out about them because of Maheu helping Giancana bug McGuire's room in Vegas.  

When the CIA fessed up to why Maheu had done this, they had to tell RFK about the plots.  But CIA lawyer Larry Huston told him they were over.

This was a deliberate lie.  They were continuing, with Harvey and Rosselli and they knew that when they told him the opposite.

I mean this has been out there for 30 years and some people still do not know it?

Why should we believe the CIA on this point? In the history of U.S. presidents ordering/approving/sanctioning/pretending not to know about the murder of all sorts of people around the world, how many times are you going to get a CIA internal report to throw the president under the bus?

They call it "plausible denial," where the president can act like hey I just work here and all those out-of-control underlings under me are killing people left and right all over the world but I know nothing about it and I would never sanction such a thing because I am the President of the United States and presidents would never do anything shady like that. 

My take on that CIA internal report is: it is a hot pile of garbage and the Kennedys, both JFK and RFK, were at some time, sanctioning murder plots against Fidel Castro. And, btw, the JFK could at the same time be trying to negotiate and accomodation with Castro through journalist Jean Daniel.


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On 11/18/2023 at 9:58 PM, Cory Santos said:

Interesting viewpoint by someone actually in academia.  

The book touches on all the biggest stories of JFK’s term, including the Bay of Pigs Invasion, his relations with the Soviet Union, and his shocking assassination at the hands of Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963.

So much for academia.

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On 9/19/2023 at 7:23 PM, Joe Bauer said:


It is very hard to even imagine RFK ordering the murder of another individual.


Well,  Castro   - whom he did want to kill - was a Communist and communists are not individuals.... 

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 I reviewed the book, here it is:


The IG Report is the last word on the plots to kill Castro.

They trace the whole history of them, from their originating point back in 1959-60 to the AMLASH plots.

The very fact that RFK found out about them by accident shows you all you need to know.  If Maheu had not decided to help Giancana spy on his girlfriend in Vegas and if the technician had not screwed up, RFK would not have to have been briefed.  But once Hoover told him about the incident in Vegas, RFK asked:  what are we doing helping Sam Giancana?  The guy I am trying to put in jail?

So that is when the CIA had to tell him about these plots that he knew nothing about.  They then lied to him and said they were over--when in fact they were ongoing with Roselli and Harvey, and the briefers knew it.

Helms really did not like the report.  He kept only one copy and demanded the authors get rid of their notes and all other copies they had. The main reason being is the report admits that they cannot use the cover of presidential approval for the acts since they were deliberately kept from Ike, JFK and LBJ.  And JFK was adamant on this point.  When Smathers, a CIA flunkie, tried to get him to consider the idea, Kennedy actually broke a plate over the table and said he did not want to hear about such things.  He then added, the Agency did things behind his back and he was trying to get control of these actions.

Well, he did not. And we know what happened.

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