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"The JFK Assassination Chokeholds: That Prove There Was a Conspiracy" by James DiEugenio, Matt Crumpton, Paul Bleau, Andrew Iler, Mark Adamczyk

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1 hour ago, Micah Mileto said:

Excellent video!

Micah, I bailed out on that website several years ago.  I used to invite people to turn their head to the right, glance down at the top of their right shoulder, raise and wave their right arm, observe the shirt fabric INDENT.

With parsimony as my North Star, now I invite people to observe the visible shirt collar behind JFK’s neck in Dealey Plaza photos.  JFK’s jacket collar was in a normal position, counterfeiting the claim the shirt and jacket were severely bunched up as required by the SBT.

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Just did an interview with Richard Syrett today for 45 minutes.

I have two up tomorrow.

Me and Oliver are doing one on Sunday which I will let you know about.

BTW, I did an interview with a guy who hosts a Stephen King podcast. I watched that mini series again for him.

We talked about the book and mini series 11/22/63 for about 90 minutes.  That series seemed even worse this time than the first time.

He is going to post it after he edits it.  Will let you know when its up. It was an interesting interview as he was very open minded about the assassination, even though he is a fan of King.


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It's funny. King praises his wife (and fellow novelist) Tabitha in a lot of his writing - justifiably as she seems like a great wife. King fans will frequently hear from King how great she is. Tabitha, according to a few online articles, does believe there was a conspiracy, even though Stephen King doesn't. So I'm assuming a few fans would have heard from the get go that there was an opposing case to be made, even though Stephen King read Bugliosi's phonebook sized volume and was convinced that it had answered every question.

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On 11/8/2023 at 10:30 PM, Cliff Varnell said:

Excellent video!

Micah, I bailed out on that website several years ago.  I used to invite people to turn their head to the right, glance down at the top of their right shoulder, raise and wave their right arm, observe the shirt fabric INDENT.

With parsimony as my North Star, now I invite people to observe the visible shirt collar behind JFK’s neck in Dealey Plaza photos.  JFK’s jacket collar was in a normal position, counterfeiting the claim the shirt and jacket were severely bunched up as required by the SBT.

Yep - scientific method application.  

The presenter could have focused more on the disproving the single shooter from behind theory by knocking out one of the major assumptions  for it to hold.

Personally, I think this video is a better way to convince LNers than legal arguments.

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16 hours ago, Anthony Thorne said:

It's funny. King praises his wife (and fellow novelist) Tabitha in a lot of his writing - justifiably as she seems like a great wife. King fans will frequently hear from King how great she is. Tabitha, according to a few online articles, does believe there was a conspiracy, even though Stephen King doesn't. So I'm assuming a few fans would have heard from the get go that there was an opposing case to be made, even though Stephen King read Bugliosi's phonebook sized volume and was convinced that it had answered every question.

Yes, that is what he told me also about his wife.

The host actually said it was Gary Mack who somehow influenced King and then he read a list of books, that were just awful.

So I said, how do you not agree with the official story if that is your databank?

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Me and Paul were interviewed by Peter Holley of Texas Monthly today.

He called it a q and a and it will be printed he said on Tuesday.

Very interested how it comes out.  If its clean its a miracle considering the zine.

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On 11/5/2023 at 1:37 PM, James DiEugenio said:

I noticed that Vince.

Its odd since we have not made any media appearances yet to promote it.

We will remedy that on the 25th. 

super excited to talk with Jim about this new book, and much more as part of our JFK60 month on Maverick News. 

See ya then, Jim! 

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On 11/4/2023 at 7:41 PM, James DiEugenio said:

Thanks Vince.


Appreciate it.

Hi, Jim! I received my paperback copy today! It looks OUTSTANDING! You are my favorite author. Thanks also for including me in it on a few pages.

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The web site went live today.


Andrew did a nice job on it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a really nice interview with Paul Bleau about the book.

This podcast, That's Enough Outta You, is really one of the most distinguished ones out there.  The host, Sean Kane, really read the book and asked some appropriate questions and Paul is a quite articulate guest.

He wrote, or significantly helped, on two long chapters: one dealing with all the dissidents against the official story, many involved in the actual inquiries themselves, I think he came up with close to 90 persons.

The other remarkable chapter he worked on was called 60 years of Obstruction of Justice.  That chapter is a combination of a summary of standards of proof in all courts, and how neither the WC nor the HSCA had any standards; plus how each inquiry has been obstructed in some major way.  The last being the ARRB.  To my knowledge, those two subjects have never been gone over, at least not as comprehensively as this.  Nice original work by Paul and Andrew.

And thanks Sean.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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On 11/10/2023 at 12:48 AM, Anthony Thorne said:

It's funny. King praises his wife (and fellow novelist) Tabitha in a lot of his writing - justifiably as she seems like a great wife. King fans will frequently hear from King how great she is. Tabitha, according to a few online articles, does believe there was a conspiracy, even though Stephen King doesn't. So I'm assuming a few fans would have heard from the get go that there was an opposing case to be made, even though Stephen King read Bugliosi's phonebook sized volume and was convinced that it had answered every question.

A cousin gave me King's book, and I skipped all the fiction and went straight to a chapter where he discussed his interest in the case. In that chapter, he acknowledged that his wife was a CT. But he also made out that he'd acquired an extensive knowledge of the case after reading a massive amount of material. Fortunately, he listed his sources. As I recall it was the Warren Report and Bugliosi's book and Posner's book, and a few others. Yes, that's a lot of material. But no, heck no, that wasn't the balanced diet required before one could claim to have truly studied the case. 

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That is correct Pat, it was those sources plus Gary Mack, as I recall.

There is an interview on this subject coming out soon, where I get to go over the King mini series. I watched it for the second time for the interview.

But there was no way i was going to read that doorstop book of his.

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On 11/30/2023 at 1:18 PM, James DiEugenio said:

That is correct Pat, it was those sources plus Gary Mack, as I recall.

There is an interview on this subject coming out soon, where I get to go over the King mini series. I watched it for the second time for the interview.

But there was no way i was going to read that doorstop book of his.

@James DiEugenio is that Steven King centered podcast where you discuss 11/22/63 out?  What is it called?

I read 11/22/63 when it came out. As you can imagine, I disappointed. I also watched the miniseries.

There is a sci-fi fiction book called The Proteus Operation which envisions an alternate timeline where the Nazis and Japan won World War 2, due to intervention from time travelling fascists; they go back and assist the Nazis. In the book, in the alternate timeline, JFK is president in 1975 and he sponsors a top secret program to send [good] people back in time to prevent the fascists from helping the Nazis win WW2. That book was much more entertaining than 11/22/63. JFK plays a small role in it, just as President in an alternative timeline.

This is the book:

As a result of stopping the intervention of these fascists our present timeline where the Axis lost WW2 was created, and JFK was assassinated in '63, creating a paradox. 

The book considers the idea of multiple branching alternative timelines. It was a very fun read.

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This is a good interview that Paul Bleau and I did with a podcaster from Quebec.

Skip the first 15 minutes since its in French.

But the rest of it is quite good I think.  If I  look a bit tired its because I had to wake up at 5 AM that day to do Fox and Friends, and then this one was at 8 AM.


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