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Rob Reiner And Soledad O'Brien Aim To Reveal JFK's Real Killers

John Deignan

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You know Pat I would have to agree. At least about this.


Robin, thanks so much for that.


I would still withhold judgment until the end. Just to be fair. One can always recover.



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This is from a 1990 letter from Peter Lemkin to Harold Weisberg discussing Plumlee. Does anyone know the identity of the "T.B." referred to as being in Dallas on 11/22/63?


This person had occasion to meet LHO before Dallas events.

Known to him also were the major middle level and some high level

conspirators. He was in Dallas on 11/22/63 and was there to be a

part of a 'black op' as he had elsewhere on so many occasions. He

has related to me some of the persons and locations and assignments

related to the events leading up to and the execution and escape of

the crime. These are not the ravings of a madman! He has and has

related significant NEW information. There is more he has not yet

told me as he insists that the project be assured of completion

before he will take the risk of bringing down the full weight of

cover-up on his head a la Ferrie et.al. This person was, I do

believe, the person Ferrie was waiting for in Houston. I still

can not go into details on this as the information leads back to

this person and this one person only. (As does the info that he

was Ferrie's contact !!!!!.... so this is between you and I only!)


His overall knowledge of the events of 11/22/63 are less

than mine. What he knows is what he knows. When he hears how they

fit into the events as generally accepted by researchers there is

the delight of a child and the look of awakening fear. He is beginning

to accept that his worst fears - that that team he saw was the 'hit'

team and not the 'abort team , as he was told - are coming apparent.


This person has described the movements of several of the

persons operative in Dallas that day. He knows how and when and

where they entered, left and hid within the city. Some he knew

by name and some he just knows the faces of. Fletcher Prouty has

commented in a letter to me that one of his 'new' claims is likely.

Now, my job is to prove what can be proved of all this .... without

being too noticed (at least at first) by the keepers of the secrets.

One of his claims is that T.B. was in Dallas that day. I asked how

he could be sure. For a long time he was evasive, but insisted he

knew. Finally, he told me that when he was just a teenager he worked

in a company in which his direct supervisor was T.B. and that he

had seen him in the course of his movements in Dallas that day. He

knows the locations of the safehouses. He knows where the assassins

were supposed to go and when and why.


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Seems like as good a guess as any. Though on reflection, Barnes was Assistant Deputy Director of Plans '60 - '62, chief of the CIA's Domestic Operations Division '62 onwards. Even with the awareness of the CIA using front companies, it feels like it would have been a bit difficult for Barnes to have been a supervisor at one of them during those years. You'd think he would have had more on his plate.

Edited by Anthony Thorne
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2 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Uh, Tracy Barnes? 

My initial thought as well, @Paul Brancato

Dick R. heavily influenced Alan Kent's analysis of the code "T" found in the Pierre Lafitte datebook, having surmised with Kent that the most likely candidate would be Tracy Barnes whose nickname was "Trick."  Albarelli was persuaded by Kent's arguments but decided to include them in essay form with the (internal) caveat we would continue to consider the possibility "T" may have been a more obscure operator, even perhaps a collective similar to QJ/WIN and WIRogue. Hank's concern was falling into a self-inflicted confirmation bias that because of Barnes' role in PBSuccess and his history with other agency characters referenced in Lafitte's records, we could be distracted and fail to track the more elusive clues left by Lafitte, e.g., OSARN and related, in particular the OUN. The pursuit continues.

Reading between the lines, I agree with @Anthony Thorne. I think it's implausible Barnes would be tied up actively supervising a company that employed teenagers. Do we know the timeline of this claim?

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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1 hour ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

You've now been provided with multiple examples of this in the thread. Do you still deny that Plumlee's oft-changing story is full of nonsense?


Plumlee critics have merely stated that he changed his story a lot. Nobody has shown a before-and-after story, where one of those changes took place.

Rob Reiner said in his presentation that Tosh flew Howard Hunt to Dallas. That's a significant change. But nobody knows where Rob Reiner got that information.

If it is shown that it was Tosh himself who added Hunt to the story, I will be convinced that he's untrustworthy at a minimum and possibly a complete fraud. I said that earlier. So far nobody has responded, so we still don't know.

Larry is surprised and says I am the first person he's seen saying he doesn't want to research something. That's true, because I don't want to become an expert on Tosh Plumlee, as I aid. Later Jim D. noted that sometimes people spend years  (?) researching something only to come to a dead end. That's one reason I don't want to be an expert on the subject. Other reasons are that I have limited time and energy, and am more interested in other topics.

Does anybody know if Tosh is still alive?


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Episode 2 is out. More of the same JFK assassination 101. Talked about the cover up. Allen Dulles and the WC. Also the Church Committee and the HSCA. The HSCA getting derailed by George Joannides. At the end teased next episode with talk about CIA officers in charge of anti Castro Cuban exiles getting in touch with Oswald in New Orleans. As well as Paul Landis talking about the bullet he found. 

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26 minutes ago, John Deignan said:

Episode 2 is out. More of the same JFK assassination 101. Talked about the cover up. Allen Dulles and the WC. Also the Church Committee and the HSCA. The HSCA getting derailed by George Joannides. At the end teased next episode with talk about CIA officers in charge of anti Castro Cuban exiles getting in touch with Oswald in New Orleans. As well as Paul Landis talking about the bullet he found. 

Morley has interviewed Reiner about his podcast, which apparently will be 12 episodes, once per week.  I was surprised at Reiner's breadth, and in some cases maybe the depth, of knowledge and analysis.  I've thought of him as another Hollywood dilettante with a lot of time on his hands. He fell for Russiagate after all and used rant about it in an ignorant, even deranged, way.

Not so with JFK.  He thinks there were 4 shooters and believes he can name them, Souetre among them.  He offers lots to ponder.



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On 11/12/2023 at 8:31 PM, Pat Speer said:

I haven't listened to the podcast, but met Tosh in Dealey Plaza once. He was with Sherry Fiester, who had come to believe the fatal shot was fired from the South knoll. Tosh was telling her she was correct, and claimed he was on the south knoll at the time but didn't see who fired the shot or some such thing. 

in any event, my point is that Reiner, should he be pushing parts of Plumlee's story, but ignoring his claims about the South knoll, is guilty as heck of cherry-picking dubious crap to sell a sensational story. Shame. 

In his interview by Morley, Reiner does say he thinks the fatal shot came from the south knoll.  That lines up with the entrance wound in the right forehead and the gaping hole in the right back of the head.  A shot from the grassy knoll does not.

He does treat Plumlee seriously but that conclusion appears to be his own.

Reiner will be appearing at Duquesne U tomorrow so we may be able to clear some things up.

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1 hour ago, Roger Odisio said:

Morley has interviewed Reiner about his podcast, which apparently will be 12 episodes, once per week.  I was surprised at Reiner's breadth, and in some cases maybe the depth, of knowledge and analysis.  I've thought of him as another Hollywood dilettante with a lot of time on his hands. He fell for Russiagate after all and used rant about it in an ignorant, even deranged, way.

Not so with JFK.  He thinks there were 4 shooters and believes he can name them, Souetre among them.  He offers lots to ponder.



I look forward to the evidence Reiner relies on for Souetre's role in the assassination. It is disturbing at best that he failed to follow up with Hank Albarelli while he had the opportunity as referenced in correspondence between Dick Russell and Hank in January 2019.  

As I've stated in a previous comment on this thread, when Hank first began sharing in confidence with Dick the details revealed in the Pierre Lafitte records he had gained access to, he was not aware that Dick and Rob were involved in a related project. As Hank emailed Dick on January 14, 2019, (paraphrasing) what a significant opportunity for collaboration we have before us.

Our concern at the time was not just the possibility that Rob Reiner might inadvertently be privy to Hank's confidential information prior to publication of our forthcoming book, but that without an understanding of the context, sensational details found in Lafitte's records could be misinterpreted  or worse, "lost to the wind" if cherry-picked or cannibalized to suit a bias.  For example, unless one fully grasps the significance of SS Otto Skorzeny and his wife Ilse and Reich banker Hjalmar Schacht's roles, the appearance of Jean Souetre in Dallas will not be fully understood.  Further, if Col. Jack Canon (first identified by Dick in TMWKTM) and Col. Charles Askins, or Souetre allies Lamy and Filiol and Litt are not named in this podcast, the "opportunity" missed back in 2019 and subsequently is all the more devastating to an accurate historical record and the resolution of this cold case murder investigation. 


Edited by Leslie Sharp
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2 hours ago, Micah Mileto said:

The meathead himself from All In The Family has a JFK conspiracy podcast now? Wow.

I am preparing a gentle and kind review...but Reiner is out of his element. And seems to be buddy-buddy with CIA'ers now, by his own statement. 

Oliver Stone was advised in depth by DiEugenio. It shows. 

Reiner seems to have decided to rely on his own instincts and contacts. 

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In the third episode, Reiner says that George Joannides "oversaw the special ops program that recruited Oswald"

This is a terrible use of language to describe what Joannides actually did and saying that it "recruited" Oswald is misleading and inaccurate.

This is after episode 2 where Joannides was accurately described.

What Reiner should have said was "George Joannides oversaw the psychological warfare program that tried to link Oswald to Castro on the day of the assassination"

It is not good that Reiner is mischaracterizing things pertaining to the CIA. For those of us who believe the Agency was involved, Reiner's statements only serve to confuse people who might be otherwise receptive to our position.

How many people are going to go around saying the CIA "recruited" Oswald now, because of Reiner's choice of language here?

Of course Reiner is just reading a script. Hoffman wrote this, so the fault lies with him. 

It is what it is. Bad.

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